INDEX getting around, 405 Archaeological Museum Academic trips, 64–65 for kids, 414, 416 (Arkeoloji Müzesi) Accommodations, 9–10, 72–73 layout of, 404–405 Bursa, 187 Acropolis, Pergamum, 231 nightlife, 415–417 Çanakkale, 200 Active vacations, 65–69 orientation, 402–403 Çeşme, 237 Aegean Yachting, 68 restaurants, 408–410 Fethiye, 309 Ağaçaltı Kilisesi (Ihlara), 388 shopping, 414–415 Istanbul, 136–137 The Agora (Izmir), 224 traveling to, 399, 402–404 Izmir, 224 Agora (Pergamum), 232 visitor information, 404 Pergamum, 232 Agora Temple (Pergamum), Ankara Citadel (Hisar or The Archaeological Site of 232 Ankara Kalesi), 410–411 Ephesus (Efes), 249–253 Ağzıkarahan (Cappadocia), Ankara International Film Architecture, 35 385 Days, 47 Arch of Domitian (Hierapolis), Ahmet III Fountain (Istanbul), Antalya, 342–363 267 138–139 accommodations, 354–358 Area codes, 429 Ahmet III Library (Istanbul), coastal cities of antiquity, Argeus, 68 143 349–350 Argeus Tourism & Travel, 67 Air travel, 52–55 excursions from, 361–363 Arı Burnu Monument & Akbank Jazz Festival, 50 festivals, 359 Cemetery, 206 Akyarlar, 277 history of, 348 Aristotle, 215 Alaçatı Bay, 234, 238 nightlife, 360 Art, 34–36 Alaçatı`Surf Paradise Club, 238 outdoor activities, 352–354 Artemesion (Temple of Arte- Alaçatı town, 234, 235 restaurants, 359–360 mis; Ephesus), 255–256 Alaeddin Mosque (Konya), 397 traveling to, 344–345 Artemis, colossal statues of Alay Han (Cappadocia), 385 visitor information, 345 (Ephesus), 249, 250 Alexander Sarcophagus Antalya Beach Park, 351 Arykanda, 333 (Istanbul), 136 Antalya Museum (Antalya Asansör (Izmir), 224–225 Alexander the Great, 19, 131 Müzesi), 348 Askeri Müzesi (Military Alexander Troas, 211 Antalya Sand Sculpture Museum; Çanakkale), 200 Al Jamal (Istanbul), 180 Exhibition, 49 Asklepion (Pergamum), Alman Çeşmesi (Fountain of Antiphellos, 331, 332 232–233 Wilhelm II; Istanbul), 136 Antiques, Istanbul, 168 Aslanhane Camii (Lion’s Den Altar of Hestia Boulaia Antique Theatre of Halicarnas- Mosque; Ankara), 413 (Ephesus), 250 sus (Bodrum), 274 Aslanlıkapı (Lion’s Gate; Altar of Zeus (Pergamum), 232 Anzac Day, 48 Hattuşaş), 419 Altınkum Beach, 238 Apartment of the Valide Aspendos, 349–350 American Express,COPYRIGHTED 429 Sultan (Istanbul), 144 MATERIALAspendos Opera and Ballet Istanbul, 96 Aperlai, 333 Festival, 48 American Research Institute in Aphrodisias, 268–269 Assos, 213–215 Turkey (Istanbul), 164 Apollonia, 333 Assumption of the Virgin Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Apollon Smyntheon at Chryse Mary, 49 (Museum of Anatolian (Gülpınar), 214 Atatürk, 30–31 Civilizations; Ankara), Arasta Bazaar (Istanbul), 165 anniversary of death of, 50 411–412, 414 The Arcadian Way (Ephesus), Atatürk and War of Indepen- Andriake, 333, 341 253 dence Museum (Ankara), Ankara, 48, 399–420 411 accommodations, 406–408 Atatürk Cultural Center festivals, 416 (Istanbul), 180 116_593660-bindex.indd6_593660-bindex.indd 433433 66/17/10/17/10 111:141:14 PPMM 434 Atatürk Farm and Zoo (Atatürk orientation, 272 Cappadocia, 49, 50, 364–398 Orman Çiftliği; Ankara), 414 restaurants, 282–284 choosing a base, 371–381 Atatürk Mausoleum sights and attractions, festivals, 367 (Anıtkabir; Ankara), 411 274–277 getting around, 369 ATMs (automated-teller travel agents, 273–274 outdoor activities, 369–370 machines), 58 traveling to, 270 traveling to, 367–369 Augustus Tapınağı (Temple of visitor information, 272 Cappadocia and environs, Augustus and Rome; Bodtur, 68 sights and attractions, Ankara), 414 Books, recommended, 43–44 381–394 Avanos, 386–387 Botanica Thermal Spa Çarıklı Kilise (Church with San- Ayasofya (Istanbul), 127–132 (Çeşme), 69, 239 dals; Cappadocia), 383 Ayayorgı Beach, 238–239, 243 Bozcaada, 49, 211–213 Carpets and rugs, 175 Ayazma Cove, 213 Bozdoğan Kemeri (Valens Istanbul, 167, 169–171 Aydınlık Beach, 262 Aqueduct; Istanbul), 150 Car rentals, 55 Ayvalı, 375–376 The British Council (Istanbul), Çarşı Sokağı, 308 163–164 Car travel, 53, 55 Babadağ, 308 Buckle Church (Tokalı Kilise; The Cave of the Seven Babakale, 214 Cappadocia), 383 Sleepers (Ephesus), 254 Babüssaade (Gate of Felicity; Bugday, 69 Çayağzı Beach, 341 Istanbul), 140 Bugs, 60 Celaleddin-i Rumi, tomb of Babylon Alaçatı (Çeşme), 244 Burgazada, 197 (Konya), 398 Baghdad Kiosk (Istanbul), 142 Burnt Hill & Monument Cellphones, 71 Bargaining, 167 (Gallipoli), 206 Çemberlitaş Hamamı Baths of Scholastikia Bursa, 184–194 (Istanbul), 151 (Ephesus), 252 accommodations, 192–193 Cengelhan (Ankara), 411 Beaches attractions, 186–191 Ceramic Museum (Konya), 398 Antalya area, 350–351 getting around, 186 Çeşme, 234 best, 7–9 restaurants, 193–194 Çeşme Archaeological Fethiye area, 311–313 traveling to, 185–186 Museum, 237 Kalkan area, 323–324 visitor information, 186 Çeşme Peninsula, 234–244 Kaş area, 334–335 Bursa Museum of Turkish and Chimaera, 361 Bedesten (Bursa), 188 Islamic Arts, 187–188 Christie, Agatha, 108 Belceğiz Beach, 312 Business hours, 429 Chunuk Bair Memorials Belediye Halk Plaj, 277 Bus travel, 56–57 (Gallipoli), 207 Bergama, 230–234 Butterfly Valley, 313 Church of Aya Sofya (Nicaea), Beyazıt Mosque (Beyazıt Büyükada, 165, 196 194–195 Camii), 152 Büyükkale (Great Fortress; Church of St. George (Kırk Beylerbeyi Palace (Istanbul), Hattuşaş), 418 Damaltı Kilisesi), 390 158 Büyük Tapinak (Hattuşaş), 418 Church of Santa Barbara Beyman (Istanbul), 172 Byzantine Church (Xanthos), (Cappadocia), 382 Beymen Home (Istanbul), 175 325 Church of Theotokos Pamma- BeyoğLamu (Istanbul), accom- karistos (Istanbul), 145 modations, 105–111 Cabotage Day, 49 Church of the Saints Sergius Big Island (Büyükada), 196 Café del Mare (Bodrum), 285 and Bacchus (Istanbul), Biletix, 47 Café Merhaba (Kaş), 338 148–149 Bitez Bay, 277 Caferağa Medresesi (Istanbul), Church of the Serpents (Yılanlı Black Island, 237 65, 171–172 Kilisesi), 389 Blue Cave (Mavi Mağara), 324 Cağaloğlu Hamamı (Istanbul), Church of the Virgin Mary Blue Lagoon, 237, 312 151 (Bozcaada), 213 Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet The Cage (Istanbul), 144–145 Church of the Virgin Mary Camii; Istanbul), 132–133 Calendar of events, 46–51 (Meryem Kilisesi; Ephesus), Blue Voyage (Mavi Yolculuk), Çaliş Beach, 311 254 66–68 Camel Wrestling Festival Church with Sandals (Çarıklı Boat travel and cruises, 66–68 (Selçuk), 47, 247 Kilise; Cappadocia), 383 Bodrum, 49–50, 269–286 Çanakkale, 47, 48, 198–202 Church with the Apple (Elmalı accommodations, 278–281 Canoeing, Xanthos River, 326 Kilise; Cappadocia), 382 consulates, 273 Cape Helles Landings Çimenlik Castle (Çanakkale), festivals, 285 (Gallipoli), 206 200 getting around, 272 Çinili Köşk (Istanbul), 137 nightlife, 284–286 Çırağan Palace, 158–159 116_593660-bindex.indd6_593660-bindex.indd 434434 66/17/10/17/10 111:141:14 PPMM Çiralı, 361 Diamond Beach (Pırlanta 435 Cleopatra’s (Sedir) Island, 293 Beach), 238 Families with children, Clock Tower (Saat Kulesi) Didyma, 260 61–62 Antalya, 349 Dietary red flags, 60 Ankara, 414, 416 Izmir, 225 Dilek National Park, 262 Istanbul, 164–165 Coffee, 39–41 Disabilities, travelers with, 61 Father Christmas Museum Cold Water Bay, 310 Dodo Beach, 277 (Noel Baba Müzesi; Demre), The Column of Julian (Julianus Dolmabahçe Palace (Istanbul), 341 Sütunu; Ankara), 412 159–160 Fatih Festivities, 48 Commercial Agora (Ephesus), Dolphinarium-Aqualand- Fatih Mosque and Complex 253 Aquapark complex (Istanbul), 155 Consulates, 429–430 (Antalya), 351 Festival of St. Nicholas, 51 Contemporary Istanbul Art Donkey Island, 237 Festival of Victory, 47 Festival, 51 Dormitory of the Pages of the Fethiye, 305–321 Çorlulu Alipaşa Medrese Imperial Treasury (Istanbul), accommodations, 315–319 (Istanbul), 181–182 142 getting around, 308–309 Coronation Square (Istanbul), Drinking laws, 429 nightlife, 320–321 131 orientation, 306, 308 restaurants, 319–320 Courtney’s Post (Gallipoli), 208 astern Orthodox Easter E sights and attractions, Court of the Janissaries Sunday, 47 309–313 (Istanbul), 139 Eating and drinking, 38–41 sports and outdoor Courtyard of the Favorites Ecumenical Patriarchate of activities, 313–315 (Istanbul), 145 Constantinople (Istanbul), tourist information, 306 Covered Bazaar (Bursa), 188 145–146 traveling to, 306 Credit cards, 58 Edirne (Sarayiçi) and in vil- Fethiye Archaeological Credo Tours, 68, 70 lages around the country, 49 Museum, 309 Crisler Library at Ephesos Efes (Archaeological Site of Fethiye Camii (Istanbul), 145 (Ephesus), 249 Ephesus), 249–253 Fethiye Surf Center, 311 Crowned Prince Mosque Com- Efes Pilsen Blues Festival, Fez Travel, 70 plex (Istanbul), 156 50–51 Films, 44 Çuhacılar Hanı (Istanbul), 134 Eğritaş Kilisesi (Church with Food and cuisine, 38–41 CulturaLinks USA, 69 the Crooked Stone), Food and wine trips, 69 Cumhuriyet Bayramı (Republic 388–389 Food stores and markets, Day), 50 Egyptian Spice Bazaar Istanbul, 173 Cumhuriyet Müzesi (Museum (Istanbul), 165 Fountain of Wilhelm II (Alman of the Republic; Ankara), Egyptian Spice Market Çeşmesi; Istanbul), 136 413 (Istanbul), 157–158 Fruit Room (Istanbul), 144 Curettes Way (Ephesus), 251 Electricity, 429 Customs regulations, 51–52 Eller Art Gallery (Istanbul), 177 Cyprus, 14 Embassies and consulates, Galata Bridge (Istanbul), 429–430 182 Dalyan, 235, 299–305 Emergencies, 430 Galata neighborhood The Dalyan Delta, 299–305 Entry requirements, 51–52 (Istanbul), 146–148 Dalyan River, 300 Ephesus, 49, 244–256 Galata Tower (Istanbul), 148 Dandalo, Henrico, tomb of sights and attractions, restaurants around, 123–124 (Istanbul), 131 248–256 Galeri Kayseri (Istanbul), Dario Morena Sokak (Izmir), Ephesus Festival of Culture 168–169 224–225 and Art (Selçuk
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