> PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Oct. 2, 1974 Hospital to' Offer ' f . Management Course iianrfjpatpr iupntnn Upralh ABOUT TOWN MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 3 An eight-session program on developing strategies for im­ Manchester Grange will meet The committee planning the Manchester^A City of Village Charm twenty-four pages - two sections price, fifteen ctNTS "Advanced Principles of Super- plementation, managing by tonight at 8 at Grange Hall. 30th reunion of the Manchester vision—The Art of objectives, organization, First and Second degrees will High School Class of 1944 will Management" will be offered motivation, performance stan­ be conferred. meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the at Manchester Memorial dards, decision making, and home of Norm Bjarkman, 28 Hospital beginning Oct. 9 by the problem solving. Franklin St. Classmates who F'airfield University Bureau of The course leader will be plan to attend and have not yet Business and Public Ad­ David J. Brady, assistant direc­ Army and Navy Club made reservations or secured Steele Would Bar Income Tax ministration. tor of employe development / Auxiliary will meet tonight at tickets should. contact Emma — The program, designed for with Hartford Hospital, where 7:30 at the clubhouse. After the DeSimone, 1097 Main St. The hospital management and he is responsible for super­ meeting, there will be a jewelry Reunion is Oct. 12 at The supervisory personnel, staff visory training. A member of demonstration. Colony. nurses and those with previous the American Society of / experience in health care Training and Development, he By Amendment To Constitution supervision, as well as in­ has lectured extensively on dividuals who have completed a management at various HARTFORD (UPI) - Republican recommending putting technical experts hike, which ranges from 36 to 77 per cent, •T he monthly premium for an in­ previous basic course entitled colleges and universities. An Exciting Party Ideal gubernatorial contender Robert H. Steele Principles of Supervision," For further information or to on the state Public Utilities Commission next week. dividual on a group plan would increase 50 said today he would even support a con­ to enable the agency to do a better job of The rate hikes, he said, would affect per cent from $4.20 to $6.25. will meet Wednesdays from 7 to enroll, contact the Bureau of stitutional amendment prohibiting an in­ Customer Pick-Up Buffets, and controlling power rates. 900,000 subscribers in Connecticut over a • The premium for a husband and wife 9 p.m. from Oct. 9 to Nov. 27. Business and public Ad­ come tax in Connecticut. The seminar will focus on the Home Delivered Buffets “We have a solid program to try to get three-year period. on a group plan would jump from $10.70 to ministration, Fairfield Univer­ Steele made the comment in response to functions of management, plan­ Meets with Economic Board down utility bills and at the same time “The issue is simply whether we are all $15.30, an increase of 42 per cent. sity, Fairfield, Conn. 06430, or in Ready-to-SerVe Containers a newsman’s question on whether he assure the utilities the financial strength going to sit back and permit a huge 36 to 77 • The premium for a family on a group ning and establishing goals. call 255-5411, ext. 537. For further information, call would veto an income tax. His Democratic President Gerald Ford met Tuesday for the first time with at last week’s summit meeting. With Ford are: Arthur they need,” Steele said. per cent increase to take place in medical plan would increase 36 per cent from his new Economic Policy Board that he has set up to Burns, center, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; opponent, Ella T. Grasso, likewise has He said Mrs, Grasso, who has proposed costs at a time when we are struggling in $13.40 to $18.25. vowed to veto an income tax. oversee all national and international economic decision­ GARDEN GROVE CATERERS, Inc. abolishing the PUC, has been getting poor every other area to halt inflation,” he said. • For an individual on direct payment, and Roy Ash, director of the Office of Management and 649-5313 or 649-5314 The Republican contender said Connec­ advice on the question of utility bills. While appreciating the effort doctors the premium would rise 77 per cent from PINEHURST.. •today as always...famous for making. The meeting came out of a suggestion presented Budget. (UPI photo) ticut Medical Service has filed a for a $47.1 Steele said that he has said repeatedly in make and the value of their services, $18.10 quarterly to $32.10. better meats...fresher by far Perdue Fresh Chickens million rate increase which he termed the past he would veto an income tax bill Steele said, they must be willing to apply • A husband and wife on direct payment and Parts. “excessive and inflationary.” This week...Shop and Save at Pinehurst...starting but commented that he would even sup­ some “first aid to our economy.” would have to pay 57 per cent more “If inflation is the nation’s number one port a constitutional amendment barring with 3 “Right now we need their assistance for quarterly, or an increase from $39.85 to P&W Motion . ^ - ailment, then I think it is essential we ask one. $62.50. the medical profession to join us in trying Steele said he has asked state Insurance our economic health as well as for our JOLLY GREEN GIANT SALE medical health,” he said. • The premium for a family on direct Denied to treat it,” he said. Commissioner Thomas White for permis­ payment would jump 36 per cent quarterly If Mrs. Grasso’s solution to public out­ A breakdown of the rate hike, Steele HARTFORD (UPI) - A sion to testify at a hearing on the rate from $43.35 to $71.10. rage over attaching added fuel costs said, shows: federal judge has refused to dis­ directly to consumers bills is to abolish miss a complaint of discrimina­ ■ A f l the fuel adjustment clause, he said, con­ tion on the basis of race against 3 sumers would end up paying even more for A Pratt and Whitney Aircraft of iiocy] electricity. East Hartford. S in gle By incorporating the fuel adjustment Teachers Consider Taking N U.S. District Court Judge T. clausgjpto the rate structure of utility ^ CGn 2 5 c ) Emmet Clarie made the ruling Ranchers and dairymen had their stock trailers backed into a eight-foot ^j»(Ifpmiyr5tne4K.Sa^id, large users would Tuesday in the case of Samuel deep pit near Stephenville where they were going to slaughter 1,000 calves get a better br^k than the small 0. Henley, an employe of and then bury them to protest against the low prices cattlemen are get­ homeowner. Green Giant 12 Oz. Can P&WA who claimed he was dis­ ting for beef at the market. The cattlemen agre^ to postpone the calf kill Job Action over Contract It would cost the average consumer Nibl^. criminated against because he N Ib la t C om this week only— save a full more,” he said. for two weeks. (UPI photo) Officials of the Manchester Education recommendations in a special meeting was black. spokesman for Mrs. Grasso said she Glaeser said. The final decision on the ac­ Green Giant Peas P&WA had asked for a dis­ Association (MEA), which represents the next Tuesday. uld not propose abolishing the fuel tion will be made by the MEA Represen­ 1 7 Oz. Can missal or summary judgment town’s 550 public school teachers, are con­ adjustment clause when she holds a news Glaeser declined to say what form the tative Council Monday, he said. Reports Green Giant Cut GOLDEN on the basis of a claim the com­ templating job action unless the Board of conference later today. job action would take, but other sources that the MEA is planning job action came Beans 16 Oz. Can plaint had not been filed by the Education approves an arbitration award Under her proposal, the fuel adjustment indicated the teachers may be considering in the wake of a Monday night decision by U.S. Equal Employment Oppor­ Ranchers Dissuaded for the disputed MEA-school board labor a boycott of Parent-Teacher Association PINEHURST is selling a lot of fresh Blue Fish and clause would be maintained as a separate tunities Commission within the 25% agreement. meetings and pre-school staff meetings. item but monitored more closely on a (See Page Twelve) Sword Fish with shipments arriving Tuesday through proper 180 day limit. I r on this magnificent group! Thursday. We will have FRESH BLOCK ISLAND SWORD monthly basis by the governor and the Arthur Glaeser, first vice president of Job action could also mean a strike. Heniey filed the complaint in the MEA, said today Manchester teaphers FISH...Fresh Oysters and Fillets of Flounder and Sole. Shown; A full 7-piece grouping; Includes — From Killing Calves agency she will propose to replace the Members of the MEA’s executive board October, 1970, and the federal PUC. will be prepared to take action if the have scheduled a Frday afternoon meeting The short season for Block Island genuine BLUE FISH is group brought it before the Hutch, Buffet, table and 4 chairs. here and we offer boneless fillets of genuine Steele, a congressman, said he is school board doesn’t adopt the arbitration to make suggestions for job action. court last April 11. ‘ Reg. $1,007.00 THIS WEEK $ 7 5 8 .
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