World of Mining – Surface & Underground 58 (2006) No. 6 Lignite Mining Integrated lignite management at RWE Power AG, Germany Integriertes Braunkohlemanagement der RWE Power AG, Deutschland WERNER KOENIGS, THOMAS KÖRBER, Germany 1 Rhenish lignite mining area 1 Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier The Lower Rhine Basin, with an original content of around 55 bil- Die niederrheinische Bucht birgt mit ursprünglich rund 55 Mil- lion tons, is the largest single lignite deposit in the world (Figure 1). liarden Tonnen Inhalt die größte zusammenhängende Braun- Here, lignite evolved in several thick seams from former peat kohlelagerstätte der Welt (Abbildung 1). Die Braunkohle ist hier bogs some 18 to 6 million years ago. During and after peat bog in mehreren mächtigen Flözen mit einem Alter von rund 18 bis formation, rivers from the hinterland as well as various thrusts of 6 Millionen Jahren aus ehemaligen Torfmooren entstanden. the North Sea deposited fluviatile and marine sediments, so that Während und nach der Torfmoorbildung lagerten sowohl Flüsse the intercalations and the overburden above the coal consist aus dem Hinterland als auch verschiedene Vorstöße der Nordsee of alternating sandy, silty and clayey sediments (Figure 2). This fluviatile und marine Sedimente ab, so dass die Zwischenmittel explains why the seams in the Rhenish lignite area, deposited at und der Abraum über der Kohle aus wechselnden sandigen, depths of more than 500 metres, are characterized, in evolution- schluffigen und tonigen Sedimenten besteht (Abbildung 2). Die im ary terms, by extreme variations in quality parameters, which play Abbau befindlichen, bis zu einer Teufe von mehr als 500 Metern an important role for their use in power generation and in further abgesunkenen Flöze des Rheinischen Braunkohlereviers weisen processing to make higher-grade dry fuels. daher entstehungsgeschichtlich höchst unterschiedliche Qualitäts- At this deposit, RWE Power AG operates three efficient opencast parameter auf, die für ihre Verwendung in der Stromerzeugung mines whose design and planning ensure average annual output of und Weiterverarbeitung zu höherwertigen Trockenbrennstoffen 100 mill t of lignite in the long term (Figure 3). The Inden opencast eine wichtige Rolle spielen. mine, which embraces the west of the mining area, has an annual Auf dieser Lagerstätte werden drei leistungsstarke Tagebaue der output of approx. 20 to 25 mill t of steam coal in an unvarying RWE Power AG betrieben, deren Auslegung eine langfristige quality, all of which is supplied to the Weisweiler power plant, durchschnittliche Jahresproduktion von 100 Millionen Tonnen which has an installed capacity of 2100 MW. This mine has no Braunkohle gewährleistet (Abbildung 3). Der im Westen des Re- logistic linkup to the other lignite operations in the mining area, viers umgehende Tagebau Inden produziert jährlich rund 20 bis so that, being a stand-alone operation, it is not available for coal- 25 Mio. t Kraftwerkskohle gleichbleibender Qualität und versorgt quality management across the overall mining area. Together, the other two opencast mines Hambach und Garzweiler each supply Maximum extension some 35 to 40 mill t/a of lignite to the base-load power plants of the original North Sea during Frimmersdorf, Neurath, Niederaussem and Gowerk, which have main seam a joint installed capacity of about 8000 MW, and to the factory formation locations Fortuna-Nord, Frechen-Wachtberg and Ville/Berrenrath, which have a total annual output of more than 4 mill t of dry lig- nite products. The average coal requirements of the consumer Garzweiler mine plants located relatively close to the two opencast mines, totalling 220,000 t/d, are delivered from the two mines mainly using the company’s own heavy-duty railway system. For economic rea- sons, such extensive mass handling requires – wherever possible Hambach – disruption-free and continuous operation of the transport and Inden mine conveyor facilities. Accordingly, the relatively small coal bunkers, mine with 600,000 to 800,000 t nominal capacity, located at the exits of the opencast mines, are there less to meet storage needs than Dipl.-Ing. WERNER KOENIGS, Tagebau Garzweiler, Erfstr. 111, 41517 Grevenbroich, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 2181-237-43000, Fax +49 (0) 2181-237-42828 e-mail: [email protected] Fig. 1: Lignite reserves of the Lower Rhenish Basin Dipl.-Ing. THOMAS KÖRBER, Abb. 1: Braunkohlelagerstätte Niederrheinische Bucht RWE Power Hauptverwaltung Köln, PBT-T Stüttgenweg 2, 50935 Köln, Germany th Tel +49 (0) 221-480-23546, Fax +49 (0) 221-480-1427 Paper presented on the occasion of 15 International Symposium e-mail: [email protected] on Mine Planning and Mining Machinery (MPES 2006), September 20 to 22, 2006, in Turino, Italy. 345 World of Mining – Surface & Underground 58 (2006) No. 6 Mineral Raw Materials Iron oxide-apatite deposits of the Bafq district, Central Iran: an overview from geology to mining FARHAD MOHAMMAD TORAB, Iran; BERND LEHMANN, Germany The Bafq metal province in Central Iran hosts important Kiruna- method. There is a distinctive alteration zoning in the ore sys- type iron oxide-apatite deposits with a total resource of around tems from sodium alteration (albite) at deeper levels to potassic 1.5 Gt iron ore (> 20 % Fe). The apatite content of the deposits (K-feldspar) and then sericitic and actinolite alteration at higher lev- varies between a relatively low-P magnetite ore (Choghart mine; els which can be used as an exploration tool along with geophysi- 216 Mt @ 60 % Fe, 0.92 % P2O5, 0.08 % S) to magnetite-apa- cal prospecting for new blind orebodies. Recent reinterpretation tite ore (Chador-Malu mine; 400 Mt @ 55 % Fe, 2.15 % P2O5, of the geotectonic setting of the magnetite-apatite deposits as of 0.19 % S) to apatite-(magnetite) ore (Esfordi mine; 17 Mt @ Andean-type, provides new exploration potential for the more than 14 % P2O5, 17.2 % Fe). All deposits are mined by the open-pit 1000 km long Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone in Central Iran. Magnetit-Apatit-Lagerstätten im Bafq-Distrikt, Zentral-Iran – Ein kurzer geologisch-bergbaulicher Überblick Im Bafq-Distrikt in Zentral-Iran treten wichtige Magnetit-Apatit- reicht von Natrium-Metasomatose (Albit) in tieferen Teilen zu Ka- Lagerstätten vom Kiruna-Typ auf (Gesamt-Ressource von rund lium- (Kalifeldspat) und zu Serizit-Aktinolith-Alteration in höheren 1,5 Gt Eisenerz mit > 20 % Fe). Der Apatit-Gehalt in den einzelnen Teilen der Systeme, wodurch die geophysikalischen Methoden Lagerstätten variiert von Magnetit-Erz mit geringem Phosphor- bei der Exploration von verdeckten Lagerstätten ergänzt werden Gehalt (Choghart: 216 Mt @ 60 % Fe, 0.92 % P2O5, 0.08 % S), können. Die Neu-Interpretation der geotektonischen Situation der zu Magnetit-Apatit-Erz (Chador-Malu: 400 Mt @ 55 % Fe, 2.15 % Magnetit-Apatit-Lagerstätten as von andinem Typ erweitert das P2O5, 0.19 % S) bis Apatit-(Magnetit)-Erz (Esfordi: 17 Mt @ 14 % Explorationspotential auf die gesamte mehr als 1000 km lange P2O5, 17.2 % Fe). Alle Lagerstätten werden im Tagebau abgebaut. Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone in Zentral-Iran. Die ausgeprägte Zonierung der hydrothermalen Alterationshöfe 1 Introduction The international iron ore market has recently attracted much at- tention due to strong demand from the steel industries in China and other emerging economies. Mining capacities are extended worldwide, and the Central Iranian Bafq iron ore district is no exception. We here present a review of the geology of this geo- logically relatively little understood ore district and some economic perspectives. The geological reserve of iron ore in Iran is only about 2500 Mt but the bulk ore is of relatively high grade (Table 1). Most of these reserves are located in the Bafq area in central Iran (Figure 1) which was extensively explored during the 1960s and 70s in an Iranian- Russian cooperation project when 34 aeromagnetic anomalies were delineated, of which currently four deposits are mined. The iron ore deposits of the Bafq district have a variable but characteristic apatite content, similar to the iron ore deposits of the Kiruna district in northern Sweden, which is why such ores FARHAD MOHAMMAD TORAB (M.Sc.) Department of Mining Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran Present address: Institute of Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 5323-72-2878, Fax +49 (0) 5323-72-2511 e-mail: [email protected] Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. BERND LEHMANN, Institute of Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 5323-72-2878, Fax +49 (0) 5323-72-2776 Fig. 1: Structural map of Central Iran and surrounding Mesozoic-Ceno- e-mail: [email protected] zoic foldbelts (Modified from [3]). The Bafq mining district covers the area between Bafq and Saghand which is detailed in Figure 2. 355 World of Mining – Surface & Underground 58 (2006) No. 6 Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2006 in Aachen PETER VOSSEN, Germany From 25th to 27th September 2006, the 8th symposium on con- tinuous surface mining “International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining” (ISCSM) took place in Aachen. On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, the Chair of the Institute of Surface Mining and Drilling (Institut für Bergbaukunde III) at the RWTH Aachen − Professor Christian Niemann-Delius − hosted the event, which takes place on a two- to three-year cycle, for the second time after 1995. It was also supported by the Institute of Mining and Special Underground Engineering of the Technical University of Freiberg and the DEBRIV (Federal Lignite Association). After the traditional get-together on the evening of 24th September, presentations were being held in three parallel forums in the Kármán Auditorium (Figure 1) covering the areas of 1. Lignite mining in leading mining countries, 2. Equipment, 3. Drilling engineering, water management, rock mechanics, Fig. 2: Session 1: Lignite mining in selected countries to discuss and to exchange experiences (Figure 2). The conference was complemented by an exhibition of operators and manufac- turers in the lobby of the Karmán Auditorium.
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