I'. $ SUGAR ? WEATHER X Cane: 4.G25 lb., $90.50 X y Ther. mln., 70. y Bar. 8 n. in., 30.08. X Beots: 148. 11 d. cwt., $ T Wind, 12m., 13 N.E. .. $103.80 per ton. X HAWAIIANAnyone Has a Few Friends Can Can Haiti, 24h., 8 a. m., trace. 4 Who and HustleSTARa Bit Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. Get a Prize in The Star's $3,000 Contest. SEC0ND edition. VOL. XIX. TWELVE PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1912. TWELVE PAGES. NO. 0164. I: 1 T 1 e--R a PRESS WILL 90 taniiar oaker TATEMENT CONTINUE THE ON TKAGEDY ives . CIVIL WAR The Inquest on tho body of Tim run over the Porto Mean, to have left JS Sit Qts (Associated Press Cables to the Star.) OtanI Nanday, the Porto Mean negro him lying In the roadway, then to A NANKING, January 2. Sun Yat Sen was inaugurated President of tho found dead In IUver street early yes- have driven his car to a luau in the Chinese republic today with simple ceremonies. The city Is celebrating. terday morning, will be held this hopes of thereby establishing an 2.-- PEKIN, January Tho Empress has given Yuan Shih Kal $2,000,000 evening, commencing 7:30 o'clock. alibi, and lastly to have driven back at "Human Nature in Hawaii: How the well as personal conversations. Some tugucse aud Spanish 4.E57S to continue the war. Tho northern troops are anxious to fight. L. Bolln, chauffeur of car No. S01, where tho dead man lay and reported Few Want the Many to Work for of his remarks aro tho following: Hawaiian natives . 1,1GB is still held in custody at the police his "discovery" to mounted Patrolman 'Them Perpetually, and at Low To show how very snmll a part the Porto Means 1,953 station. Wright. Wages,' is the title of Ray Stannard American plays In the actual planta- Others, Including Filipinos, South morning Those who were In Bolin's car " More Bomb Indictments This ho made a statement at Baker's article of his Hawaiian series, tion labor of the Islands, one need Sea Islanders, negroes, etc. 81S .. to Chief of Detectives McDuffle which tho time are: Supervisor Harry Mur-- j which appears in the American Mugn- - only refer to tho figures of employ- Americans G04 Inquest to- rrty, Bob MUSCATINE, January 2. Emmett Flood, organizer will bo Introduced at the J. Walter Doyle, White, and'zlne for January. ment In 1909. Out of 41.G78 plantation of tho American night. a naval officer one. cruis- Federation of Labor, has been arrested charged from of the It Is Illustrated with views of Jap- workers In that year, only C04 were Total 41,678 with conspiracy to throw acid bombs button factories. O. C. Work-er- s' There is reason to believe that ers in port. anese cutting cane, an Americanized Amcrlcnns and they wore practically As I have already shown, practically at Wilson, agent of the Button i Union has also been indicted Bolin practically confesses to having Continued on Page Bight.) Chinese family (Win, Yap Kwai all in special or skilled positions. On everything In Hawaii depends upon and arrested. Fong's) niuTa group of pupils in Mid-i-aclf- the other hand, the numb.er of Japan- the sugar, Industry all tne wealth, tho Institute ("Mixing tho Races"), ese employes was 27,989 about two-third- s fine homes, the beautiful buildings, the JOYFUL AND PATHETIC SCENES together with portraits of Editor Soga, of the whole. The following list smooth automobile roads, tho extra- Demands NageFs Release James A. Rath, F. W. Damon and u will give nn idea of the working force ordinary charitable and benevolent in- 'Japanese-Hawaiia- n type. of tho plantations: stitutions. And the sugar Industry d WASHINGTON, January 2. The Government has demanded the re- ' --Mr. RELEASE OF MM Baker quotes from local papers 'Oriental workers Including Jap-Tro- ponds largely upon the labor of these lease of Nagel and has ordered the gunboat Vicksburg to Ecuador, where A! Mr. Rath's social census report,' ancBe, Chinese .nnd Koreans. .32,542 foreign peoples, mostly Japanese, upon the situation is critical. and the school commission's report, as European peasants, mostly Por- - (Contlnupd on iiaco nve.l Down at the territorial immigration been admitted inside the enclosure Tveitmoe Arraigned station this morning there were some t meet him. RECORD SIZE EXCURSION MOR E HOMES! D reunions of long separated relatives. Ur- - !Uld Mrs- - Alonzo Sanches Garcla LOS ANGELES, January 2. Olaf Tveitmoe and his companions wero came to Hawaii five years ago, and made the water appear in the arraigned today. The pleading in tho dynamite cases has been postponed that thjy ,mve try,ng aU bcen tlm PARTY until January 12. j LOTS OPENED eyes of oven hardened newspapermen t0 get thelr SOIli Domingo, to como to VISITS THE VOLCANO and immigration officials. The first Hawaii. The lad made several of Spanish immigrants , tempts, but could not manage the trip were released and sent on their way till the Willesden left Gibraltar, AT ADVENT OF NEW YEAR Governor Frcar announced this Springing New Ticket to tho other islands. One hundred aud I ' The old people have haunted tho morning that there would soon be ad- sixty-thre- locall-- e men, women and children, waterfront since the Immigrant ship vertised lots of land In various LANSING, Mich., January 2. The Governor has stated that, in hla were taken out of tho depot and ship- arrived in port and, for the past few ties, for homesteadlng purposes. On opinion Taft and Ia Follette should withdraw in favor of Roosevelt and 4 ped on the Mauna Kea to Maul and days, they have stood almost night With a. mighty heave of his subter- - From evory standpoint tho excur 0anu fhere arc boach lots nnd.Bomo Beverldgo. anU n tUero Hawaii. and day outside the immigration sranean fiery body, and a resounding' sion was a big- - succes The two best tarmB lalld8' l""'8" most yet, tin,. rrUla mnrnln.r oi nlnn nV.lni.lr . flfO (lift fatllOUK UlOCKH nt TWClltV- - The pathetic and nt the Inter-Islan- i welcome Old steamers of the d company. samo joyful a Ae oM Ml? w 7on usuaL! Nln& Mlle, 0n Mnui thero wlll be time, scene was when T - haas the , swirling maelstrom of Sugar Trial Postponed youth of seventeen, who arrived in tho and Dr. Clark allowed them to como J'"'.- the flagship Maunt Kea and tho new lots thrown open In the near future. V Willesden one month ago, was releas- In and sit down pending the release mtc" Java that writhes incessantly steamer Kllauea, carried the crowd. The Governor approved of the rules 1,1 NEW YORK, January 2. Tho trial of the officers of Su- ed and allowed to rush to the arms of their son. When tho big door that "o center oi liniemaumau, the lava Both were filled to the limit of their and regulations regarding tho scale the American I pit pleasure-seekin- g gar Company for violating the Shernin law has been postponed until of his mother and father, who had f Continued on Pago Eight.) of Kllauea volcano, roared himself capacity with a and other blights that aro attacking March 4. upward and hurled his dazing head crawd, who made light of tho ncces- - the bananas. The rabies question was .1 toward the heavens, just as the hands Bar' crowding nnd -- accepted every- - also considered by the Governor, EYE of tho clock pointed to twelve and thing, oven what little seasickness Some minor alterations aro to bo 'FRISCO'! CHRISTMAS the Old Year made way for tho Now.' there was, as a Joke. Fortunately the .made to them before they are finally Australians Retain Cup It was Kllauea's greeting to 1912. and weather was flno. both going up and approved. three and a quarter hundred Honolulu coming back, nnd there wero few It Is not expected that word regard-- i CHRISTCHURCH, N. Z., January 2. The American tennis challengers HAT 0" I HPl I T residents and tourists sat upon the cases of mal do mer. In fact, the lug tho governorship will come wero dofeated in the singles and doubles In tho Davis cup contest. IVlagniriCent. Oinglllg 111 1 nc llcl rOUIl"! brink of the crater and watched tho weather could not possibly have been through Jor a day or so. magnificent spectacle. better, both at sea and at tho volcano. tain Square A Hundred Thousand Tho three hundred and twenty-fiv- e Tho sun shone all day long and tho Persian Patriots Hanged or thereabouts were thujje who went air was JuBt cool enough to ,lrtj cont- THREE AIRMEN People Present ort the Inter-Islan- d excursion to the fortablo for thoso who had gone prop-volcan- together with passengers who erly equipped, though It was a bit TABRIZ, January 2. Sixteen PersInnB havo been hanged "here as tho of on Russian troops. went up on tho Matson steamer Wil- - chilly In tho gray dawn when tlio early result their attack By ERNEST N. SMITH. It was an open air Christmas Eve ,,elmma ana somo residents of the Big risers got up to catch tho first train T (Special Correspondence of Tho Star.) festival In which nearly 100.0OD voices !Islahd who wanted to watch the Old down to Hilo. Tho moonlight nights SAN FRANCISCO, December 27. united in a mighty Christmas chorus,, Year out and the Now Year uosIdo added to tho pleasure or the trip.
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