INTERVIEW VIEW Interview INTER Transforming Georgia An Interview with His Excellency Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia EDITORS’ NOTE Irakli Garibashvili gradu- ated from the Tbilisi State University (TSU) with a degree in International Relations in 2004 and obtained a master’s degree in International Relations in 2005. He also stud- ied at the Sorbonne University in Paris. He be- came Prime Minister of Georgia in November of 2013 after serving as Minister of Internal Affairs. He is the Chairman and a founding member of the Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia political party. From 2007 to 2012, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of JSC Cartu Bank, and from 2009 to 2012, he was Director of the Georgian Dream music label. In 2006, he was the personal represen- tative of the Honorary Consul of San Marino to Georgia and from 2005 to 2012, he was the Head of the Board of Administrators and General Director of Cartu International Charity Fund. How critical is your focus on transforming Georgia to a democratic Western modern H.E. Irakli Garibashvili (right) being interviewed by LEADERS President David Schner state and what are the key initiatives in that regard? Our people desire real development and The court system is now absolutely indepen- I grew up during the dark days of the Soviet democracy, so this is the time for a real trans- dent from government interference. Democracy Union and I remember that diffi cult period well. formation of our country to a European state. will not come if we don’t establish a truly inde- I went to Europe to continue my political Are the people ready for this type of pendent judiciary. We cannot attract investors if science studies in Paris because I had always change and how are you measuring the im- we don’t have a truly independent court system. been interested in politics. I always had a feel- pact of it? We have enacted the Human Rights Action ing that there was something I could do to make The people want change. They were ready Plan and have also adopted a ground-breaking things better. It’s a great privilege to serve one’s to change the previous government democrati- Anti-Discrimination Law. We also made police country and to do good things for one’s people cally, and we are now a mature democracy and reforms, because the police force had been ex- and one’s nation. a different Georgia from what we were even tremely politicized in previous years. When I was studying in Paris, I became two years ago. We’ve made great economic reforms to more in touch with European democratic values. I’m not saying that we have reached the help small and medium-size enterprises. We’re We now have a unique chance to trans- desired level of democracy. We need to still investing heavily in agriculture because it will form our country into a real European state. work very hard 24/7 to achieve our goals, but be a key driving force for our economy. Over the past 20 years, the country has gone we are on the right trajectory. This is the most One of our biggest achievements to date is through a diffi cult transformation period. We important thing – we know where we’re going the signing of the Association Agreement with experienced civil war and a war with Russia and we know what we want to achieve. the European Union, which will provide many in 2008. The country is still recovering from a Would you touch on some of the re- opportunities for the Georgian people. number of human rights violation cases over the forms Georgia has instituted over the past Are there strong opportunities available past 10 years. few years? today for foreign investment and does the out- Over the past two years, we have taken Over the past two years, we have made side world understand what Georgia offers? decisive steps to break the vicious cycle of gov- some important changes to strengthen demo- Georgia has a unique strategic location and I ernment corruption, impunity, and an economy cratic institutions. We want to establish a real want to restore the historical role that this corridor that only benefi ted a few. We have created a democracy and we’re not just talking – we’re previously played. We’re talking about developing true democracy with a system of governance proving it by taking action. the new Silk Road, a concept in which the Chinese that is more open and accountable, and upholds We changed the constitution to ensure President has openly expressed interest. Georgia the rule of law. proper checks and balances between the legis- can play an important role in connecting Europe We have established a social compact that lative and executive bodies. The President is no and Asia. Georgia’s role in facilitating trade be- rewards work and enterprise while offering longer the chief executive and the parliament is tween these regions is extremely important and support for those in need. now a true legislative body. will become even more so in the years to come. VOLUME 38, NUMBER 1 POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2015 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. LEADERS 11 Untitled-3 2 11/18/2014 11:38:02 AM As far as business opportunities, the agricul- I see tremendous potential for future economic, I was privileged when I went into politics to tural sector is one of the fastest growing and most political, and security collaboration between our serve as the Internal Affairs Minister. interesting sectors in Georgia due to our land’s two countries. I bring a unique perspective to this job. I ample opportunities. Are you optimistic that we can address know what the private sector needs from the gov- Hydropower is another area of opportunity. the global challenges stemming from your ernment. I know the language of business and I Georgia is using only 18 or 20 percent of its hy- region of the world? also know what students and younger generations dropower resources. As a nation, we have 26,000 It depends upon the leaders in the region. If need. While I was studying at the Sorbonne, I rivers, so there is a huge opportunity to produce we are all peace-lovers, and motivated to fi nd a worked as a waiter and dishwasher at a restaurant. clean energy not only for our own consumption solution and reduce tensions, we will. While running the country, it’s crucial to be but also to export clean energy to Turkey over the In this process, consolidated support and ef- honest and absolutely dedicated to the job. You high-voltage transmission lines we are currently forts are key. If there is no consolidated reaction, have to forget your own interests. You should re- building. This will enable us to export our electric- there will be no success, so that’s very important. member one thing: You should serve your country ity and clean energy to Turkey and, via Turkey, But I’m optimistic and I know Georgia as if you are serving your own family and treat to Europe. will play an important role in addressing global your people with that same level of regard. Tourism is also one of the fastest-growing challenges. It’s also important to be a good listener. I sectors because Georgia offers a mountain-zone Is it important for you to build the aware- take advice from many people, including many climate, as well as subtropical and continental ness of the critical role Georgia can play? international leaders. areas. There are beautiful mountains, ski resorts which are growing fast, and a demand for three- to fi ve-star hotels. In terms of manufacturing and transport, we have expressed an interest in building a deep-sea port, which will enable us to receive large vessels. This is important in the restoration of Silk Road, because the Chinese routes will come through Georgia and will pass through this corridor. We need a deep sea port so these vessels can be loaded here and go on to Romania and Europe. This will only take 17 days, which makes it the quickest route between China and Europe. We have just started working closely with the Chinese government on these matters, but this port will shorten routes, save money and time, and bring more energy and interest to the corridor. I also want to mention the importance of peace and stability in our region. We completely changed our approach towards our neighbors, including Russia. We chose to adopt pragmatic, rational, and constructive policies towards them. We did this because we want to de-escalate the tension and to prevent another new confl ict. This is very important for attracting investors from other countries. We must persuade them that we are a reliable, predicable government with H.E. and Mrs. Irakli Garibashvili with U.S. President and Mrs. Barak Obama steady leaders who want peace and stability. In Georgia, if there is no peace, there won’t be peace Absolutely. I’m personally engaged in this ef- I wouldn’t be successful if I didn’t have a in the Caucasus region, which will create serious fort, and I want to persuade all European leaders good team. I work with the team to coordinate problems for the world. that Georgia is a unique place where there are a our efforts, to think about the future, and to so- Recently, I was in Azerbaijan to see the fi rst lot of opportunities. lidify our vision of where we really want to take segment of the Shah Deniz Phase 2 pipeline proj- I was recently in the UAE and we started the country.
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