Issue 07 / July 2018 the source Emergency Management Department sit stat and intel County disaster EMD pulls down Coachella Valley ordinance update Workplace Wellness Award Is your desk secured and ergonomi- promote employee health and wellness We’ve been working diligently the cally correct? Do you report trip and in the Coachella Valley. According to last several months with County fall hazards when you see them, or HARC, winners of the Workplace Well- Counsel and the Executive Office even better, fix them yourself? ness Awards represent some of the to update the existing County Or- best places to work in the region. We dinance 533.5. Time for a break? Get outside and couldn’t agree more. join one of our many walking groups. This local ordinance is the govern- ing document of the emergency EMD’s safe and healthy culture led management structure for the to special recognition from Health County, it also ensures the conti- Assessment and Research for Com- nuity of government during sig- munities (HARC). EMD is the proud nificant incidents. Continuity of winner of the Coachella Valley Work- government is acheived when the place Wellness Award in the Safety programs directly related to the and Environment category. County of Riverside’s constitution- “We were very thankful to receive al, democratic form of government this award on behalf of EMD, which survive following a catastrophic in- recognized our success in workplace cident. wellness,” said EMD Health Education Some of the key changes I’ve been Assistant II Carol Gonzalez. working on for Ordinance 533.5, EMD places a high value on motivat- include elevating the Disaster ing safe and healthy behavior among Council to a policy level member- personnel. Between Gonzalez and ship. This also sets the Operational Safety Officer Martin Baxter, EMD is Area Planning Committee as the kept up to speed on the latest health technical advisory group to the Di- competitions and safety training in- saster Council. formation. Gonzalez loves to chat In addition, we’ve recently rein- about optimal nutrition and Baxter vigorated the Inter-Department plays a mean game of air hockey. Emergency Management Com- “Winning the award motivates me to mittee (IDEMC) among coun- live up to the spirit of the award and ty departments and agencies. further improve our programs this year,” said Baxter. Carol Gonzalez (left) shows off the Desert Sun CONTINUED ON PG. 2 Organizations were selected based newspaper ad naming EMD as the Workplace on exemplary work to protect and Wellness Award winner. Martin Baxter [safely] balances the award on Carol’s head. Page 2 EMD adds four new team members to BRUCE, CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 the roster Spring was in the air. Flowers were plans to care for his dog, Bosco, while blooming and four new personnel listening to some good tunes. After all, The IDEMC was formed in 2014 sprouted in the EMD family. his dog and music are two items he’s aimed at achieving the goals and sure to have ready when the big one objectives born from the former In REMSA, Lizette Cisneros is the Emergency Management Task- division’s newest Office Assistant hits. force. II. Lizette recently moved to East- Also new to Preparedness is Melissa Moving forward, IDEMC will fo- vale from Carson and comes to us Hooper who is the division’s new Office cus on plan development and from RUHS - Behavior Health. Liz- Assistant III. Melissa has lived in River- implementation, including the ette adds to the office football ri- side for most of her life and has been Emergency Operations Plan, valries by supporting the Green Bay in the Army for 12 years. Her daughter Continuity of Operations (COOP) Packers. She and her husband enjoy Isabel will start preschool in the fall, Plan, and county department travel and delicious food. In a disas- while Melissa transfers to Cal Poly Po- COOP Annexes. In addition, em- ter, Lizette will look after her Terrier, ployee mobilization and employ- mona to continue her education. Me- Lucas, armed with her flashlight and ee training are also key areas of lissa enjoys American muscle cars and focus at the IDEMC. The collabo- batteries. drag races. She says two of the most rative work of the IDEMC will be The Preparedness Division added important things in her emergency kit aligned to support these efforts, two new members. Jose Garcia is are her daughter’s favorite book, Lla- EMD’s Strategic Plan and our de- ma Llama, Red Pajama, and a first aid partment work plan. the department’s first Emergency Management Educator and comes kit. Thanks to the work of the stra- from Washington D.C. where he Rounding out the list of new additions tegic planning team, led by Bri- was a lieutenant for a university is Erik Ramirez with the Operations Di- an MacGavin, EMD’s first 2018- police department. Jose grew up in 2021 Strategic Plan is complete. vision. Erik will keep the department’s Southern California before attend- You can read it online at www. operations well supplied as our new ing Fresno State and working in law RivCoEMD.org, under the About Support Services Technician. Com- enforcement with the Fresno Coun- Us section. ing from the oil and gas industry, Erik ty Sheriff’s Department. Jose has a worked on offshore supply boats in the Master’s degree in emergency and Gulf of Mexico. Married with two boys, disaster management from George- Regards, Erik says two key elements in his emer- town University and is fluent in gency kit are a generator and a supply American Sign Language (and occa- Bruce of medicine. sionally Spanish). In a disaster, Jose EDITOR’S NOTE: The Source is produced by EMD personnel. Submit story ideas to EMDPIO@ rivco.org. Brooke Federico Editor,Writer Shane Reichardt Writer,Photographer Mary Valterria Writer Carol Gonzalez Writer Teri LeBouthillier EMD’s newest employees (from left): Lizette Cisneros, Melissa Hooper, Jose Garcia and Erik IT Writer Ramirez pose for a picture between the two Riverwalk Towers. Page 3 World Series champ motivates EMD to set sights high, make plans to get there Mr. Marlin himself paid EMD a visit in his goals – relentless work ethic and May. Retired Major League Baseball inherently knowing there’s always (MLB) player and extreme adventur- room for improvement. “I look at life er, Jeff Conine, took time out of his like a huge window,” said Conine. “I family visit to Southern California to make the most of the opportunities share his approach to personal moti- I have.” vation and mental resiliency. From left: Michelle Kelly (EMD), Frank Kams (San Some of the opportunities that Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department), Jenni- Conine is a two time MLB World Se- Conine has taken advantaged of fer Smith (EMD), Tamica Foots-Rachal (CA State ries Champ, both with the Miami include competing in the Ford Iron- Council on Developmental Disabilities), Dennis Marlins. For 25 years, he and his wife man Championship in 2008 and Day (EMD) and Mark Bassett (EMD) receive Cindy Conine have helped to accom- the World Marathon Challenge this Autism Hero Awards at the Autism Society’s Hero modate families of children receiving year. The challenge consisted of sev- Walk on April 22. treatment at the Joe DiMaggio Chil- en marathons in seven continents dren’s Hospital in Hollywood, FL. To- over seven days. Autism Heroes gether, the Conines run the nonprof- Team EMD partnered with the Autism it, which has housed many families How does a single human being across the country. achieve so much success? “Set a Society’s Hero Walk on April 22 to fa- goal, have a plan to get there, and cilitate the Inland Empire’s largest-ever, Conine also has close ties to Renee don’t let anything deter you,” said disaster preparedness expo specifically Poselski, EMD’s Contracts Analyst. Conine. for the autism community. “He’s my little brother,” Poselski clari- Conine further explained that re- fied. The pair’s father was even in the More than 2,000 attendees listened as audience for the discussion. fusing to be deterred allows him to quickly bounce back after obstacles emergency management professionals “Seeing the dynamic between Jeff, that would defeat many others. spoke about lifesaving disaster pre- Renee, and their father was really When he was training for the Iron- paredness tips for disabilities, access powerful,” said Office Assistant Ver- man, Conine was hit by a car and and functional needs (DAFN) communi- na Liles. “It was nice to see the gen- broke his shoulder and collarbone. ty members. One hundred families also erations coming together and giving He lost valuable weeks of training, received hands-on fire extinguisher back to the community.” but was able to make up the time training throughout the day. missed by increasing the intensity Conine addressed how he’s achieved of his training and adjust- During the event, EMD team members ing his food plan. Jennifer Smith and Dennis Day were recognized as Autism Heroes for their Conine also shared his fa- vorite memory from play- leadership in the areas of disaster and ing in the majors. Late in emergency preparedness for the DAFN one of his all-star game community. appearances, Joe DiMag- gio stayed past his sched- “It was an honor to be recognized by uled departure time to such an important organization,” said watch Conine bat. Conine Smith, who develops plans and collab- hit a solo home run for the orates with the DAFN community. The win and was later named event resulted in renewed dialogue be- Most Valuable Player in tween emergency management, first the game.
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