PI*VENTABLE CANCER. THE GOOD HEALTH ADJUSTABLE BODICE 11 Gives the necessary sup- port without harmful pressure. ¶Delightful freedom of movements. Gives solid comfort, satisfaction, pleasure. To Be Immune from Chill For descriptive circular write— following violent perspiration Good Health Supplies, Use 'Sank' Stanborough Pork, Watford. Underwear. Seaside Dome Conducted on Food Reform principles. This perfectly healthful underwear is Delightful location, near the chines, pleasure gardens, woven to the natural shape of the body, and town. Highest recommendations. and is of finest colonial wool, soft to the Accommodations exceptional, including facilities for skin, pervious and porous. It allows the the electric light bath, Russian and shower noxious vapours to escape, yet conserves baths, and skilled massage. the natural heat of the body. Charges—moderate. Descriptive pamphlets and patterns sent FREE on Write for terms, mentioning "Good Health." application to Mrs. liutteman-Hume, Loughtonhurst, G.H., THE MANAGER, 117-421 Judd Street, King's Cross, W.C. West Cliff Gardens, Bournemouth. WELCH' S Matfic'VElC- INVALID PORT or Concentrated Grape Juice is the very cream of the most luscious grapes grown. A SPLENDID TONIC AND A VALUABLE RESTORATIVE. NOTHING ADDED. NOTHING LOST. IT IS NATURE'S MEDICINE—invaluable for invalids and all cases where nutriment is required; a blood-builder and appetizer. Those suffering from anaemia and wasting diseases are especially advised to try it. Every pint of Welch's Invalid Port represents the juice of upwards of 51b. of the finest grapes, and is guaranteed to be free from alcohol, sugar, water, colour, or flavouring matter. Used and highly recommended by the Caterham Sanitarium. sent post free on receipt SAMPLE PINT BOTTLE of 2/6 addressed to . Dr. WELCH, 61 Farringdon Road, London, E.C. In answering advertisements kindly mention "Good Health." CONTENTS. EDITORIAL CHAT: THOUGHTS FROM AN OLD BonR. 240, 241 The Increase of Cancer, A Preventable Disease, Tea, Coffee, and Cancer, Sir James Sawyer, Can- cer and the Lower Animals, Cancer and Health, CAMPING OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Wits A Book for Phi, kers, 242, 243 227-229 THE BOTTLING OF FRUIT. 244, 245 SANITARIUM METHODS OR NATURAL REME- DIES.—Illustrated. " BRINGING THE BAR INTO THE HOME " A True Nature lure, Scientific Methods, Rest Our +Vho Should Visit the Sanitarium, Chronic 245 Disorders, A College of Health. " MAN AND HIS FOOD," 246 • 230-235 CLEAN LIVING AND CHARACTER.—An Ad- PAGE FOR WOMEN—The Value of Rest. 248 dress to.a Bore' Brigade. 235-237 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. 250, 252, 254 A HOLIDAY ON THE CONTINENT.—UIUS. 238, 239 PUBLISHERS' NOTES. ' 256 Mr. Cross's book, which contains twenty-seven chapters, makes very interesting reading, and it LITERARY NOTICES throws great light upon the possibilities of the. simple diet. He has reproduced numerous dietetic charts issued by the U. S. Department of Agricul- Living on 3d. per Day. ture, which illustrate in a simple and practical way " How TO LIVE ON 3d. PER DAY," is the title the value of common foods, aid enable one at a. of a new book by Mr. F. J. Cross, the author of mere glance to see the composition of a pork chop,. "Character and Empire Building," and other dried beef, white bread, milk, macaroni, to mention, works. Mr. Cross was impressed by the statement only a few articles. There seems little doubt but of Mr. Philip Snowden, M.P., that in the city of that the fruitarian rarely experiences the feeling Bradford many of the working-class families were of tiredness and weariness, at any rate to the same obliged to subsist on the small allowance of 1}d. degree as the meat eater, and we believe he always per day per head for food. After making a careful possesses a better degree of physical endurance. study of food values so as to be able to get a good This is a book which no one who is interested in balance he cut down his allowance to 3d. per day, diet should fail to read. It is published by R. J and lived thus for one week, managing to have a James, 10-12 Ivy Lane, London, E.C., and the small surplus at the end. The following is a com- price is 6d. net or 1/- in cloth, the postage amount plete list of his allowance for the week :— ing to 2d. s. d. 2 loaves of white bread at 1 loaf of "Standard" bread,... 1 lb. oatmeal, ... DR. ROBERT BELL, F.R.F.P.S., has recently 1 lb. haricot beans, ... organized a society for the prevention and relief of 2. cancer, and we have been favoured with a copy of 2. his booklet, " The Prevention and Relief of 2 ozs. dripping, .. Cancer," which is No. 1. of the Cancer Crusade 5 ozs. margarine at 5d. prr It., • .• Series. Dr Bell holds that " cancer is not a. lb. potatoes, ... .• ..• hereditary disease." He believes that "it is, in I •.. ••• ••• every instance, an acquired disease, and is the Sundries, pepper and salt, say, .• • • • • direct result of a faulty mode of life." Therefore he concludes that cancer "is a self-imposed dis- Total, 1 8. ease " ; and he proceeds to tell us the means which. he regards as essential to both the prevention and Summed up in a few words the following para- the cure of this dread disease. The price of the graphs give the results of his experiment on what booklet is 3d., post free 3d., and it can be most people would describe as prison or workhouse obtained from the secretary, 15 Ranelagh Road,. diet :— Belgravia, London, S.W. "What surprised me on this and subsequent days was the freedom from oppression and the buoyancy of the imagination ; the machine ran freely, it was not clogged in any way. "I was able to understand what I had learned -EVERY MOTHER-, from other men who have tried simple living, viz. : who would do the beat for her child, both before and after birth, should send a post card to In tanttna Supply, 6 Catherine . the new joy 'of living they have experienced as a Court, Trinity Square, EX., fur FREE 13-01i. " The Baby result of light and suitable diet ; and to compre- in Health and Sickness," which gives thoroughly sound advice on r all that concerns the little one, including diet suggesticns for chit- hend a Franciscan Father who told me that his dren aged 2 to 6, and also special Instructions for 140 days of Pasting during the year were, he con- The Cure of Summer Diarrhwa. sidered, beneficial even to his physical health." ••••••••••••••••••/.•••• In answering advertisements kindly mention "Good Health." I TRAN E TOS TAN BOROUGHPAR K SANI A• IU Good Health AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE Devoted to Hygiene and the Principles of Healthful Living. Published for the proprietors by elimpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, dt Co., Ltd., 28 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. ENTERED AT STATIONER'S HALL. VOL. 10. AUGUST, 1912. NO. 8. Editorial Chat. The Increase HAPPILY we can claim the preparation of the soil,' the constitu- of Cancer. that many of the infectious tion, for cancer." disorders such as smallpox, typhoid fever, " The two chief operative factors in the and even tuberculosis, are on the wane at causation of cancer," according to Mr. the present time. It is true that we have Russell, " are long-continued irritation and only recently made a start as regards con- irritability : that irritation of a harmful sumption, but still we can truthfully sa'y kind may be produced by a variety of sub- that "The Great White Plague of the stances and influences, by toxic and irri- North " is steadily even though slowly tating food and drink of various sorts, as diminishing. But there are other diseases, well as by the ascertained irritants of the and among them the terrible cancer, which skin which are known to produce cancer, steadily year by year are multiplying in such as by the kangri worn in India, by our midst. The marked increase in the soot, coal-tar, paraffin, etc., on the hands, spread of cancer is not confined to the and by irritants in the mouth, such as a United Kingdom, but is equally marked on sharp tooth, chewed betel composition, the Continent and in the United States. tobacco, hot cigar-ends, etc., and by X-rays, The total deaths per million from cancer emanations from radium, and intense con- in the following countries in 1903 and centrated heat." 1905 were :- The author goes on to tell us that the 1903 1905 " irritability seems to be caused by many United States 686 721 of the conditions of civilization, sometimes German Empire 774 809 by overwork or worry (the poisoning Hungary 391 402 effect of which through the digestive tract Netherlands 990 1012 Spain 442 468 has been established), as well as by the chronic disturbance of digestion, and by Dr. D. J. Bryant, of New York, tells us many articles of food and drink of a kind that cancer of the stomach alone caused which increases toxicity, nervousness, or the death of ninety persons per million in acute sensibility, such as tea, coffee, exces- 1850 and 335 in 1890, or an increase of sive meats and sweets, etc." nearly 400 per cent in forty years. St 41 41 41 Diet and A GOOD deal of attention is A Preventable THERE seems good Cancer. given in this book to the rela- Disease. reason to believe that tion of diet to the prevalence of cancer, and cancer is a preventable disease, and we Mr. Russell concludes that " wherever welcome to our table a new book by the much animal flesh or other rich proteid Hon.
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