IHE ~ PENNSYLVANI A. 5ouRCE OF ARLINGT"ON C.OUNI'{, crrv Of FAU.S CHuRtl\, PoTO MAC R1vER GoRGE WASHINGfott, of l).C . WATERS.UPPLY / WEST VIRGIN IA M ARYLAND, VIRG JNIA AND WAsr11NGTON DC. 1"11 e. V11.1.AGE. A MAP SY HARY BELCHER. FDR. NATUR.£ WisER.YMCY OF J TIE. PC'l'oMAC,Mt> / ©THE NAfUR.E CoNSEl?YANC.Y, 2()0ll. ~ / T HE. POTOMAC R.IVER l="ROM !=A1RFA1'. STONE., 'vi. VA., To T>iE. CHESAPEAKE. f!>llY THE PoToMAC GoRGE. 1s >. "FALL ZONE" WHE.R£ THE RoCK.Y PlE.DMONr MEETS THE SANDIER DEPOSIT5 Of ~E 1'TLAATIC CMST"AL PL/\IN. \JORl<ING ToGlm!ER, 'Wr:. CAN PR.o~CT THE. DIVERS ITY CF LI FE. ON EARTH AND Wit ISLAND AND1llE. Biu..Y GoAr T1V111- ENR.101 THE QuAUTY OF l.Ji:-E, Now AND Fo~ fuil.JRE GE.NE:RAllONS. Bea.r Islo:nd. is co-own.ed. by the. Not.10110.\ Po.rl<. Servic.e 01\.<fTne No.ture Cor\serVQY\Cy. l,\e.re. the Bill~ Goa.t Tro..i\ (Sed:iOYI. }\) i5 Ye.ry rU!J9ed. · MARYLAND be pre.po.red! Sections B rutd C. b_!I Cavde.roc.I\ o..-e. e.o.sil~r. LEGEND ---------TR.AI L ROAD Rou GH \JATER. I M ILE N POTOMAC GORGE (ON$ERVMION AAfA - Roci<.. CuMBIN~ 1<J~f A'f MAT\\EJI.. GoR.Gf; ·r ~ PLE.A$E. C.UM~ SAFE.LY ANO WITH C.ARE fOR. 11{( CLtfFS S•,1NG W1LPFLOWEP..S IN sarrrs ~~ H ...ruR.E. ~ESEJWE ... NO TURKEY RUN PAR.I<. LEAVE iNO TRACE \.JA$H INGTON , D.C. More than two million people visit the Potomac Gorge parklands each year, raising the risk of our "loving the parks t o death." How can you help protect wildlife and natural areas when you visit? PLAN AHEAD, KNOW BEFORE YOU GO SHARE OUR TRAILS KE !O:P OUR l?.R.l<S CLE.AN: PACI'.. 11 IN ~ PACK. rT O UT No matter what your passion - hiking, Be safe and courteous to others. Where biking, climbing, paddling, or fishing - practice it bicyclists are allowed, control your speed, pass Y\RG\N \A with care for the Potomac Gorge's sensitive with care, yield to slower-moving visitors, and resources. Knowing the parks' site-specific sound a warning when approaching others. When regulations will help protect the places you visit. stopping or resting, move to the right. STICK TO TRAILS MANAGE YOUR DOG AND DOG WASTE Gu>c1GEroWN, FouNDED lN 17Sl, Staying on marked trails is a simple way to Controlling your dog keeps people, wildlife, WA.S 1' HNDQ, PORT UNTIL ~E. EWO.,Y 1800s protect the Gorge's natural areas. Walking off and other dogs safe. Keep your dog on leash and CllESA.PEAKE. »ID OHIO CAW.L NAilONAL trail causes erosion, tramples plants, and under your command. Bring a plastic bag to f\ISTORI CM. PARK, C,EORGE.1'bwN increases the chance that invasive weeds will remove your pet's waste. Learn and respect where Vl51TORS CE~ ~ Cl\NlilL Sol\T replace native vegetation. Avoid areas that are dogs are pr ohibited. R11>ES "'"'0 L KS l·'t closed for revegetation or signed as sensitive. PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT N~TWE l>.MERI CANS LIV£D A AND FISHED IN ~E GOii.GE. LEAVE IT AS YOU FIND IT Pick up all trash - yours and others - and ~ FoR THOUSAN - The Potomac Gorge is home to precious and carry it home with you. Litter is unsightly, OF YEARS '' BE.FoRE. irreplaceable natural and cultural resources, and dangerous, and attracts scavengers that can E.UROPE El(f>LORE~....,..,,..k we all have a responsibility to help preserve the harm wildlife. Even biodegradable materials such AAAIV£t:S area's integrity. Climbing on hist oric structures, as apple cores can take years to break down. IN l<DO~ - -.- picking flowers, or leaving trash or dog waste spoils everyone's experience. For more information on Leave No Trace, call 800-332-4100 • or visit the websit e: www.LNT.org. RoSSLYN ( METlt,O STATION) The heart of the Potomac Gorge is also known as Mather Gorge, named This riverside prairie at Great Falls, Virginia, results from periodic river flooding, after Stephen T. Mather, first director of the National Park Service. a natural disturbance that creates and sustains rare habitats. Flowering dogwood, a native forest understory species in our Specially adapted to withstand river The Potomac Gorge is home to Clinging precariously to the cliff's edge, Brightly colored in its immature form, a reptile known as the region, is being decimated by an introduced fungal disease. flooding and scouring, rare plants like myriad bird species, from mig­ Virginia pine is a characteristic species of five-lined skink is a regular sight in the Potomac Gorge. riverbank goldenrod take root and ratory songbirds to our national the rare bedrock terrace woodland of Great survive in rock crevices. emblem, the bald eagle. Falls and Bear Island. WHAT IS THE POTOMAC GORGE? BE SAFE AND Over thousands of years, natural forces at dangerous rapids known as Great Falls - the of the longest, steepest fall zones on FOLLOW THE PARK RULES work in the Potomac Gorge have created a water level drops 60 feet in a half-mile stretch. the Atlanti c slope. Despite its location in deep, narrow valley. Here, rainwater the Washington, D.C. metro region, the • It is unlawful to enter the Potomac Rive r While a fall zone is characteristic of many gathered from an approximately 11 ,500- Potomac Gorge has one of the and C&O Canal from National Park lands U.S. east coast rivers, the Potomac has one square mile area upstream is funneled continent's most intact fall zones, for wading, swimming, or bathing. The river through a constricted passageway, where unaffected by major dams and largely is extremely dangerous at all water levels, plants have adapted the ability to survive in unspoiled by riverfront development. especially near dams, falls, and rapids. the face of intense flood scouring. River currents are strong and unpredictable. Large rainstorms and melting snows A crossroads for plants and animals, this upriver regularly produce powerful •Stay on marked trails. Bicycles and area also supports a many different flooding in the Gorge. At times , horses are allowed only on designated habitats, including scoured bedrock river floodwaters rise high enough to wash trails. Check with each park for specific terraces, mature upland woods, rich over the Gorge's 50- foot cliffs, but even rules before you vi sit. floodplain forests, streams, and wetlands. lesser floods can scour the river's • Pet owners must keep dogs on leash in It is this diversity of life that makes the ancient bedrock terraces, filling side all park areas and must remove their pets ' Gorge a nationally significant conservation channels and inland ravin es . Moreover, waste. Dogs are prohibited on Olmsted area. floods was h away years or decades of Island, Bear Island, and the Billy Goat Trail plant growth, rearrange soils and plants, The Potomac Gorge is located in the "fall Section A. and deposit new sediments and seeds zone," where the river passes from the l ~ in their place. • Damaging, disturbing, collecting , or hard , erosion-resistant bedrock of the removing natural, cultural, archaeological, Piedmont to the softer, sandy deposits of ~ The Potomac Gorge is a dynamic, and paleontological resources is prohibited. the Atlantic Coastal Plain_Over this 15- mile C\il highly disturbed environment, yet this corridor, the river drops from an elevation The unique geology, geography, and hydrology of the disturbance is a natural process and • Keep off archaeologica and historic re­ of 140 feet to 10 feet above sea level. At its Potomac Gorge produce its array of rare species and critical to the extraordinary natural sources unless explicitly permitted by parks. steepest point - the fast-flowing, diversity of the Gorge. natural communities. • Keep wildlife wild; don't feed the an imals. • Poisonous snakes and other wildlife live WHO OWNS AND CARES FOR THE POTOMAC GORGE? in the park. Watch where you put your hands and feet, particularly in rocky areas. We're all responsible for the Gorge. Much of Public parkland in the Gorge includes the public infrastructure runs through the Gorge the Potomac Gorge's 15-mile shoreline is National Park Service's Chesapeake & Ohio - including water, sewer, gas, and power • Hunting and trapping in park areas are public parkland, where park managers Canal National Historical Park and George lines - providing critical services to the D.C. prohibited; fishing is subject to state or D.C. protect natural and cultural resources and Washington Memorial Parkway, which metro region population. While much of the licensing regulations. provide recreational opportunities for current administers Turkey Run Park, Great Falls Gorge's immediate riverfront property is • Camping and campfires are permitted and future generations to enjoy. The river Park, and Glen Echo Park . In Virginia, the "protected" by being publicly owned and not only in designated areas. itself belongs to the State of Maryland, Fairfax County Park Authority ove rsees vulnerable to private development, it still extending back to colonial times. However, Riverbend Park and Scotts Run Nature faces a number of threats. • Alcohol, firearms, and metal detectors are responsibility for long-term stewardship of the Preserve, and there are several county prohibited in park areas. Gorge belongs to all who visit or live around stream valley parks on both sides of the river. this important natural area. Two private nonprofit conservation groups are active in the Gorge. The Nature Conservancy co- owns Bear Island, home of the popular Billy Goat Trail, with the National SELECTED Park Service.
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