5-12 BOR Docket Sheet

5-12 BOR Docket Sheet

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Friday, May 11, 2012 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 600 McNamara Alumni Center, Boardroom Board Members Linda Cohen, Chair David Larson, Vice Chair Clyde Allen Richard Beeson Laura Brod Thomas Devine John Frobenius Venora Hung Dean Johnson David McMillan Maureen Ramirez Patricia Simmons AGENDA 1. Introductions & Recognitions - L. Cohen/E. Kaler (pp. 3-4) A. Dean, Carlson School of Management B. Student Representatives to the Board of Regents 2. Approval of Minutes - Action - L. Cohen 3. Report of the President - E. Kaler 4. Report of the Chair - L. Cohen 5. Receive and File Reports (pp. 5-6) A. Annual Review of President’s Delegations 6. Consent Report - Review/Action - L. Cohen (pp. 7-24) A. Report of the Namings Committee B. Gifts 7. Report of the Student Representatives to the Board of Regents - A. Omari (pp. 25-35) 8. Resolutions Related to: Ambulatory Care Center & New Integrated Care Structure - Review/Action - E. Kaler/A. Friedman/R. Pfutzenreuter/B. Daniels (pp. 36-37) 9. President’s Recommended FY 2013 Annual Capital Improvement Budget - Review - E. Kaler/ K. O’Brien/R. Pfutzenreuter (pp. 38-59) 10. President’s Recommended FY 2013 Annual Operating Budget - Review - E. Kaler/R. Pfutzenreuter (pp. 60-137) 11. Report of the Audit Committee - R. Beeson 12. Report of the Educational Planning & Policy Committee - M. Ramirez 13. Report of the Facilities Committee - D. Johnson 14. Report of the Faculty, Staff & Student Affairs Committee - P. Simmons 15. Report of the Finance & Operations Committee - J. Frobenius 16. Report of the Litigation Review Committee - V. Hung 17. Old Business 18. New Business 19. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Board of Regents May 11, 2012 Agenda Item: Introduction of Dean of the Carlson School of Management review review/action action discussion Presenters: President Eric W. Kaler Purpose: policy background/context oversight strategic positioning To introduce Srilata Zaheer as Dean of the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Background Information: Srilata Zaheer’s appointment as Dean, Carlson School of Management, was approved by the Board of Regents on March 9, 2012. Zaheer had served as the interim dean of the school since June 20, 2011. Zaheer joined the University in 1991 as an assistant professor after earning her PhD at the Sloan School of Management at MIT. At the Carlson School, her roles have included serving as the PhD coordinator in the department of Strategic Management and Organization (SMO), department chair, and associate dean of faculty and research where she was responsible for faculty in seven academic departments and the school's research infrastructure. Prior to academia, Zaheer worked for multinationals such as Tata Consultancy Services and Sandoz (India) Ltd. She also reported on politics and business from India and Nigeria for Business International. These experiences provided the foundation for her research in international business as well as leading the Carlson School’s engagement with the corporate community. Zaheer earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the Women’s Christian College, Madras University and was awarded her MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad. 3 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Board of Regents May 11, 2012 Agenda Item: Recognition of the Student Representatives to the Board of Regents review review/action action discussion Presenters: Regent Linda Cohen Purpose: policy background/context oversight strategic positioning To publicly recognize the contributions of the Student Representatives to the Board of Regents Outline of Key Points/Policy Issues: 2011-2012 Student Representatives to the Board of Regents Molly Tomfohrde James Rook Duluth Morris Madeleine Hammerlund Kathryn Holmquist Rochester Crookston Tyler Dirks Kristen Kranzler Twin Cities (MSA) Twin Cities (MSA) Abdul Omari Chantal Wilson Twin Cities (GAPSA) Twin Cities (MSA) Background Information: The Certificate of Appreciation may be awarded to any person for contributions or services at the collegiate or all-University level. 4 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Board of Regents May 11, 2012 Agenda Item: Receive and File Reports review review/action action discussion Presenters: Regent Linda Cohen Purpose: policy background/context oversight strategic positioning Background Information: The following items are included for receipt and filing: A) Annual Review of the President’s Delegations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• >)+0"$&?01)&.$)-0%)+,&'"$&@1#%)801&@''#0$-&#+%&.$";"-,& • ?01)&.$)-0%)+,&#+%&A40)'&B+'"$8#,0"+&C''01)$& • ?01)&.$)-0%)+,&'"$&D78#+&()-"7$1)-& • A40)'&"'&>,#''E&C''01)&"'&,4)&.$)-0%)+,& • F)67,2&A40)'&"'&>,#''&'"$&A"887+01#,0"+-E&C''01)&"'&,4)&.$)-0%)+,& GF)/)*#,0"+-&6$);0"7-/2&4)/%&<2&,4)&?01)&.$)-0%)+,&'"$&H+0;)$-0,2&()/#,0"+-I& 6 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Board of Regents May 11, 2012 Agenda Item: Consent Report review review/action action discussion Presenters: Regent Linda Cohen Purpose: policy background/context oversight strategic positioning To seek Board of Regents approval of items in the Consent Report, as required in Board of Regents Policy: Reservation and Delegation of Authority. Outline of Key Points/Policy Issues: Items for consideration: I. Report of the University Naming Committee The President recommends approval of the University Naming Committee recommendation forwarded to the Board of Regents in a letter dated May 2, 2012. II. Gifts The President recommends approval of the Summary Report of Gifts to the University of Minnesota through March 31, 2012 (attached). President’s Recommendation for Action: The President recommends approval of the Consent Report. 7 2JJHKF3+L>+H=J+MLB6N+L>+6J3JFHO 3K>HO+HL+MJFJ>KH+H=J+/FKPJ6OKHQ+L>+2KFFJOLHB O/22B6Q+6JRL6HS 2AI+%!$%+67;7:5T+27754:; >7DC?ACI Q7AC<50<NA57 !"#!$#$$ !"#!$#$! %!$% %!$$ !%#%&#$% !%#%'#$$ /+01+2+3415+6787494:; &''''''''''''''''!"#$$% &''''''''''''''$()#)$( &'''''''$#%*+#((% &'''''''''$#)+$#$,! .<=+>0?:@A540: '''''''''''''''''(%#%$!' ''''''''''''''''''),#$", '''''''''''')($#"++' ''''''''''$#%$,#"!!' 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