_________ ME I. No. 125. NELSON, B. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, J 906. FIFTY CENTS A MONTH lhat flro from lhe right of way at anv morning to Whlteflsh lake, to join a came more apparent. When the two they needn't be directly encouraged by iimi' reached a point farther ihan 2110 parly there 111 searching for lhe body cars struck the bottom of the water­ Ihe management of the opera house. feet from Its place or beginning, of Mayor Snyder of Dayton, Ohio, who way they slood almost on end, and The sale of souvenir programmes by UIJESSING JURY Mr. itndwiU's address win probably v.as drowned several days ago. The PLUNGE TO DEATH first man to descend reported that members of the company during the JUDGEXLEMENT hs' concluded tomorrow. search with grappling hunks and dy­ the victims were packed In the lower performances ls rather an unhappy ex­ namite is still being continued, Up­ ends of the submerged cars BO tightly pedient. HOW STRIKERS WERE ARMED. wards of 50 dynamite shots were ex- that it was difficult to move them. ploded today, but with no effect, so Tin* bodies of men, women and chil­ BUILD AT GREENWOOD. Witnesses Testify to Seeing. Prepara­ fnr. In raising (he body. The hal nf dren, many of Ihem badly cut and leeches of Counsel in the drowned man was fnund floating Triple Car Trolley Train bruised, bore evidences of the terrible Moved Up to Vacancy in tions for Bloody Resistance. wiih ihe sweatband missing. Two div­ sufferings of the victims. Nelson Firm Will Establish Branch In ing outfits went nut this morning. One by one the bodies were carried ;,j Lumber Cases Knits were being constructed ami to­ the Boundary. Buckingham, Que., Oct 29.—Direct Goes Through Bridge to a walling train and laid side by side, Supreme Court morrow the bottom of the hike In the later to be borne to this city and plac­ evidence leading up to anil hearing on vicinity nf th,. drowning will ho seach- ed In the old Empire theatre, which Information has just been received the movements of a vehicle from which ed'. Tin. council or Dayton have of- was used as a teni|M»rary morgue. thai the Nelson Iron works, of Nelson, the strikers are alleged tu have re- fered $20110 reward fur Ihe finding of Thousands of persons quickly gathered contemplate starting a branch lu W TAKE THREE DAYS oelved weapons on the day of the riot the body. at the scene of the disaster and a score either Greenwood or Anaconda. Some was one of the features of the testi­ HEARTRENDING SCENES of boats soon surrounded the spot time ago representatives of Uie firm SKETCH OF HIS CAREER CLOSING IN ON UTES. where the cars disappeared, but they mony at Saturday's sitting of the In­ were unable to render any assistance visited Greenwood and looked over tbe quest on the bodies of Helauger antl ground, lt is understood they ap­ United States Military Approach From and could only await the arrival of the |V. Bodwell, K.C., Claims Method Thorlault. divers. proached the R. C. Copper company Author of Work on Constitution of One witness swore that In Masson, Five Points. Bodies Imprisoned in Submerged Cars At the morgue the scenes were pa and the Dominion Copper company to of Clearing Essential to Econo­ three miles from Buckingham, at 10 Show Signs of Horrible Agony thetic. Persons who had friends on ascertain to what extent they could Canada Row a Text Book in o'clock on Monday morning, he saw Omahai, Neb., Oct. IB.—The depart­ the train crowded about the entrance look for support. mic Railway Construction. Charette and another man sluing In and were with difficulty restrained Law and High Schools. a vehicle whicli contained some eight ure took place from Fort Robinson, Till Relieved by Death. from forcing their way into the build­ At the present time both the copper or len rifles. About 115 minutes pre­ Neb., yesterday of four troops of cav­ ing. One of the most heart-rend­ companies are obliged to send their viously to this he had «:'en the men alry, which lu all makes Hi troops ol ing instances was furnished by Freder­ repairs to Nelaon and other cities, causing much Inconvenience and loss driving from Buckingham in the direo- cavalry, or a total of 7ti5 officers and ick Renckert, who lost his entire fam­ *, i-s'ii.iwii niai »r the Are dam- Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 29.—By the of time. The mines, also, and all oth­ W. H. P. Clements, of Gran tIForks, t on nf Hasson. A second witness tcs- men now enronte to round up the band ily, a wife and two children. Benckert ,:, . Is now Iii i ; final stage, '•'•• llni'd lo be; ,.- 'is the meeting the strik­ wrecking of u three-coach electric was not Informed In Philadelphia of er industries using machinery, find It has been appolnteil to tbe position on |ll,!ss,]i. K. ('., counsel for Stewart ers held on tsie morning of the riot of renegade lite Indians supposed tu the accident until too late to catch a necessary to send their work out of train on the West Jersey & Seashore the city. It is not known to what ex­ the supreme bench made vacant by ,., began tils address tu tins jury anil hearing talk among the members be ln camp on Powder river fn Wyo- train, and he hurried here In an auto­ the promotion of Mr. Justice Dufr to about taking anus wllh them. Later mlng. railroad yesterday afternoon, at least mobile. When he saw the dead bod­ tent the Nelson Iron works have laid iiiissiilng. The atlili'i-sses will he saw some arms being placed In a 50 persons perished and tlu? list may ies of his wife and two little boys ly­ their plans, but some steps have been the supreme court of Canada. |,::i,i. end mi Wednesday mid a list vehicle In a yard directly behind the Colonel .lacnb Anus gues with the ing side by side on the floor, he col­ taken toward the selection of a suit­ Hon. Mr. Justice Clement, though detachment which left Fun Robinson, reach the appalling total of 75 when able site and the plans for the building •.-nulls, win then bo submitted 10 ball, A third swore that after the par­ all Is known. While crossing over a lapsed and had to be carried from the perhaps not well known throughout ley between the strike leaders ami the and as senior officer will be I lire building. Renckert had Intended to are expected to arrive In a few days. the province, his residence not being command or the expedition. No move drawbridge spanning the waterway —Houndary Creek Times. police he saw two or three men come accompany his family yesterday, hut of long duration, has a high standing lie Ihreo Bfljlent points if tlm will probably be made against the known as the "Thoroughfaire," which was unable to get away. at the bar and is a legal author ot in' i,;ss already been disposed nf • •nt from the ranks of the strikers, Ute's until the fnrces are Joined. lake rifles from lhe vehicle anil dis­ "It is hoped by the display of a separates Allantic Clly from ihe main­ Walter Scott, the dead motorman, Will Pay Up. high repute, says the Rossland Miner. court's ruling that the railway tribute them among thus.' In the rear. land, tbe train left the track and lost his life through his anxiety to Berlin, Oct. 29.—Some of the Ger­ Young in years and having received f(,r strong force to overawe Ihe Indians IJ nre responsible the oonse. and prevent u fight," said Major plunged into the water. The passen­ spend a part of the day with his wile man fire insurance companies which the highest legal training, he will add Noyea, military commander nr the de- here. It was his custom to run only strength to tlie supreme bench of tbe ol tbe acts uf their agent, Keyser Wins Roosevelt. gers in the first two coaches, wi^h as far as MUlville, but yesterday he have not paid the losses sustained province. He was for many years a Iffs, ihs- sub-contractor. Paris, Oct 29.—The Roosevelt prize pnrinieiii uf the Missouri. "They are. few exceptions, were drowned. Up to however, well aimed and very sullen, swapped runs with another motorman as a result of the San Francisco earth­ partner in Toronto's leading legal firm, s<* nus remaining points are; (I) for the three-mile run was won yester­ and it Is hard to say what will hap­ mldnlghl last night 25 bodies had been and his terrible death was the result. quake have now determined to do so. Messrs. McCarthy, Osier, Hoskln, Plum the tires complained of originate day by Keyser, a l-'rench athlete, at pen. There are about 350 Indians in recovered and it is believed that at General Manager W. W. Atterbury, & Creelman. The head of tbe firm the party. Including women uud chil­ least 25, and possibly more, bodies are of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, was Hon. Dalton McCarthy, one of the I lalffe's portion ot the right of the Racing club of France. which company owns the line on which dren, bin I don't think there nre over still in the submerged coaches. greatest lawyers that Canada ever .•ml wa« their escape From It duo 150 righting nii'ii among them." the accident occurred, is here, but has NORTHERN MINING NEWS produced and one of Its ablest and -ligsnce? (-1 If su, to whal The disaster is the worst that has declined to make any statement with most Independent parliamentarians.
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