Bnr+ervroR-aLCzumwoLoGy IntexnatianaX GREGG O. MCCRARY JAMES McNAMARA 5U PERVISoRY SPEcIAL AGENT SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT F,B.I. (RETIRED) F.B.l. (RETtRED) 4I2'I PLANK RoAD, NUMBER 5I4 325 GARRISoNVILLE RoAD FREDERICKSBURG, VI RGI N IA 22407 SUITE I 06, NUMBER I48 STAFFoRD, VIRGINIA 22554 TELEPHoNE 544-972-2435 FAX 540.972-9329 TELEPHoNE 540-2AA-8a25 E-MAt L GREGGMccRARy@cMAt L.coM October15,2Ol3 E-MAI L JJ McNAMARAT5@GMAt L.coM Ms. Katie Dewitt Orrick Law Firm 400 Capitol Mall Suite3000 Sacramento,CA 95814-4497 Re: State of California v. Kevin Cooper Assignment I wasasked to conducta crimeanalysis/reconstruction regarding the June4-5,1983 crimethat involvedthe murdersof PeggyRyen, Franklin "Doug" Ryen,their 10-year-old daughter,Jessica, and I 1-year-oldChristopher Hughes and the attemptedmurder of Josh Ryen,the 8-year-oldson of Peggyand Doug Ryen. Backgtqqqd and Expqr ie4qg I have beenprofessionally involved in violent crime investigationsfor over 40 years including 25 yearsas an FBI Agent. In that capacityI investigatedviolent crimesas a field agentfor approximately77 yearcand then was promotedand transferredto the FBI Academy in Quantico,Virginia as a SupervisorySpecial Agent whereI worked in the National Centerfor the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC). ThereI was assignedto the operationalwing of the BehavioralScience Unit where my primary responsibilitywas to provide expertisein investigativetechniques and crime sceneanalysis in violent crime investigationsboth to FBI field agentsas well as to any legitimatelaw enforcement agencyaround the world that requestedFBI assistance.In additionto providing operationalsupport, my otherresponsibilities included conducting research into violent crimes and offenders and providing training to law enforcementagencies nationally and internationally. I have trained and worked caseswith New York City Police Department, The New York StatePolice, The TexasRangers, The BostonPolice Department,The King County Police in Seattle,The Florida Departmentof Law Enforcement,the California Attomey General'soffice, GeorgiaBureau of Investigationand The MassachusettsState Police, among others. Included among the intemationalagencies with whom I have worked casesand/or provided training are; The CuerpoNacional De Policia in Spain,The Policia Judiciarein Portugal,The HungarianNational Polioe, BudapestHomicide, The FrenchNational Police, ScotlandYard, The Dutch National Police,Oslo Police Homicide, The SeguridadPublica in CostaRica, The Belize Police Department,The Royal BahamasPolice Force,The MetropolitanToronto Police,The Ontario Provincial Police, The Royal CanadianMounted Police, The Austrian Federal Police, the Carabinieri in Italy and serial murder task forces in Australia, Canadaand Austria. My formal educationincludes a Bachelor'sdegree from IthacaCollege and a Master of Arts in Psychological Servicesfrom Marymount University. I currently teach graduatelevel course in forensic psychology and criminal justice at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. Victimology Everymeaningful analysis of a violentcrime begins with victimology,i.e. the studyof the victim(s). The purposeof victimologyis to determinewhat, if anything,elevated their potentialfor becomingthe victims of violence. The goal is to accuratelyplace the individualsalong a risk-of-violencecontinuum from low to moderateto high,and this is accomplishedby examiningthe lifestyleand situational variables of the victims.Based on the reviewof materialprovided in this case,it is my opinionthat these victims were at an overalllow risk for becomingthe victimsof a violentcrime. Known risk factorssuch asinvolvement in criminalactivity, severely strained personal relationships, financial problemsand drug usewere noticeably absent. There are no known incidents, confrontations,disputes or lingeringanimosities involving any of the victimsthat precededthis crime. Immediatelyprior to their murder,the family attendeda neighborhoodbarbeque where the atmospherewas reportedlycongenial and neighborly. Further,they were in the safetyof their home when attacked.The one situational variablethat arguablymight haveelevated their potentialfor being attackedinside their home was the fact that they left their residenceunlocked. However,it is my understandingthat this wasthe norm,not only for the Ryens,but in the Chino Hills area in general.Therefore, it shouldnot be consideredan unusualrisk-enhancins factor. Brief Overview of The Crime Scene The victimswere last known to be alivethe eveningof June4,1983 whenthey left a neighbor'sbarbeque party around 9:30 PM. Their bodieswere found the nextday in the Ryen residenceat 2943 English Road,Chino, California. ChristopherHughes' father discoveredthe murderswhen he cameto the housethe next day. The murder scenewas limitedto the masterbedroom area. DouglasRyen's nude body waslocated in a kneeling position on the floor with his headresting on top of his right arm on the edgeof the bed. His body was bloodcovered and the sheetsshowed significant bloodstaining. Peggy Ryen'snude, blood-covered body was supineon the bedroomfloor. Her armswere outstretchedperpendicular to her body. Her right leg was straightand her left leg was bent with her hip flexed so that her left foot was closeto her right knee.Christopher Hughes'body was alsoon the bedroomfloor to the left of Ms. Ryen'sbody. His body wasface down andwas clothedin bluejogging pantsand a whiteT-shirt. JessicaRyen's body was in the doorway a few feet from her mother'shead. Both of her legs were bent and shewas dressedin appropriatenightclothes. A white blood-spatteredtelephone was on the bedroomfloor next to the bed with the receiveroff the hook. There was blood spatteron the walls of the bedroom. JoshRyen, the surviving victim, was alsofound in the bedroomnear the bodiesof his parentsand ChristopherHughes. While the primary murderscene was the masterbedroom, there were blood swipes along the walls outside of the bedroom. Overview of Autopsy Findings PeggyRyen, a caucasianfemare who was41-years-of age, 5,g,' in heightand weighing 140pounds at the time of her death,sustained approximately 33 chop,stabbing and incisional wounds,multiple skull fracturesand had aspirated blood. Sharpincised woundswere inflictedto herface, chest, foot, abdomen,right thumb,left fingers,left forearm,base of her skull and her neck. Multiple choppingwounds were inflicted to her face,damaging her teeth,and shesustained multiple skull fractures. There were multiple stabwounds to her lungsas well as stabwounds to herliver, spleen,stomach and thoracic spinalcord. No vaginal traumawas noted. Toxicology revealedminor levels of ethanol in her bloodand urine. A yellow ring wason the ring finger of her left hand. Dr' Irving Root, who conductedthe autopsy,also observed ".... extensivesmeared blood aboutthe body, with a patternof both drain and smearing." He also notedthat, ..There are a number of loosehairs aboutthe subject'sbody, including somevery long brown hair,both on the left thigh and,in particular,about the axillaryareas and arms. These hairs are longer that the subject'sown headhair." He also observedsmall splattersof dry blood on the soles of her feet, but that therewere no broadareas of blood smearingon her feet' Dr. Root opinedthat, "There is no evidenceto suggestthat the subjecthad walked sustaining smearingof blood pools on the solesof the feet." He further opinedthat, ,.It appearedas if she had beenin bed when the attackinitially occurred."Dr. Root listed the cause of her deathto be,"Multiple 'chop" staband incisional wounds, minutes.,,r FranklinDouglas Ryen, aka Doug Ryen,a Caucasianmale who was4l_years_of_age, 6'2" in heightweighing 176 pounds at the time of his death,sustained 37 chop,stabbing and blunt injuries. Theseincluded a stabwound to the left neck transectingthe left common carotid artery,multiple stabwounds of the chestresulting in bilateralpulmonary incisions, cardiacstab incisions among others. Dr. Root notedthat Mr. Ryen sustained skull fractures, multiple "chop" incisionsof the face and a fracturedrieht ulna. ' AutopsyProtocol No. 4-602-83;Irving Root,M.D., SanBernardino, cA' June6, l9g3 4 Dr. Root alsoreported "....extensive dry bloodsmeared about the body,much about the face and chest,anterior, abdomen, anterior, thighs, and arms;in someareas in a diffuse smearpattern, in other areasin a drain pattern. There is a slight smudgedblood pattern on the soleof the left foot, essentiallynone on the right foot." The toxicology report reflected.24gof ethanolin the blood andO.23ginthe urinewith the note"Beginning decomposition- JR." Dr. Root listedthe causeof deathto be "Multiple 'chop,' staband blunt injuries,minutes."t Like Mrs. Ryen,Mr. Ryen'sbody wasfound with a gold ring on his hand. Dr. Root alsodetermined that Mr. Ryenhad a vasectomy,but couldnot pin point a time period. JessicaRyen, a Caucasianfemale, who was 10 years-of-age,4'9"in height,weighing 80 poundsat the time of her death,sustained 46 chop,stabbing and blunt traumainjuries. Dr. Root noted,"...extensive generalized blood smearing about the face,about the thighs, the hands,more prominently on the right thanon the left....Thereare no injuriesabout the externalgenitalia. There are no crustsand no injuries aboutthe vagina. The hymen is perforatebut remainsintact. There are no injuries aboutthe anus." Dr. Root notes that,"...wound #7 consistsof a groupof injurieson the anteriorchest right andleft. Theseall appearto be very similar in nature,superficial, grouped from the right anterior axillary line to the left anterioraxillary
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