University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-23-1905 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 12-23-1905 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 12-23-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2390 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Co1te vrt PAGES FIRSTS 16 TODAY mwm I SECTION VOLUME 19 ALHUQUEHQUE, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY EVENING, DKCKMHEK i3. 1905. NUMBER :ti21 HOW KINGS, RULERS, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S WANTS AGED TWENTY DOLLIVER BILL TRIED ROBBERY IS PRESIDENT'S POTENTATES, POWERS, Son of Rich Man Attempt Understood to Present OBSERVE CHRISTMAS Assault For Rob- Roosevelt View of Rate bery Purpose. Regulation! Great Republic's President and Family Will Make Many Presents but Receive Vastly More-W- ill vm ONVt wmfm pk7wo jmoua Mllf H' J NEGROES ATTACK WHITE MAN ELKINS'S LITTLE JOKER mp be Merrier Than Any Predecessor. &'"'M f0 Titme- .- '':Mm0'4f5.i Walsh Gas Company Goes In. Question is Whether Court or ENGLAND'S KING Will FOLLOW CUSTOMS OF OLD to the Hands of a Commission Shall Receiver. Have Control. Germany's Imperial Family Will Make Many Presents but NAVAL CADET YEAR CUT SHORT MUCH THINKING FOR HOLIDAYS Have Strictly Family Dinner-Child- ren of Italy's Royal Household Will Enjoy Xmas Tree. New York, Dec. 23. John H. Washington, D. C, Dec. 23. The former assemblyman and Dolllver bill is the nearest thing to democratic leader In borough of the an administration bill thai has yet Washington, D. C, lec. 23. sive, and the distribution of presents Kings, was assaulted In his oftlce to- day by William Selms, non of a made Its appearance. It is not being Christmas la always a happy time in will be unusually liberal. The pro-th- e family of President Roosevelt, as viding-o- f presents Is not a small mat-- it banker and wealthy real estate dealer. billed as the "Roosevelt bill," for cer- ' Bonnlngton is In the hospital with is In every happy family where ter at the British court. The king tain reasons. But any one who is in pres-moan- s severe scalp wounds, will recover. there are many children and tne and the queen not only give but terested in rate legislation will do - is for comfortable subsistence ents to the members of their iinme- -- " V'W'-y'i- ; Selms under arrest, and arcordlng a ('vM O'Jn 'tow 4 ? -- v I well to keep au eye on Dolllver are not lacking. This year the en- diate family and their numerous rela f"xis r to the police, has confessed Pa at he the gagement of Miss Alice Roosevelt to tives scattered all over the continent. was bent on robbery. Selma Is 20 bill. Congressman Nicholas Longworth, but also to all the members of the years old. After the holidays there will be a coining just before the holidays, has royal household, officials and em the NEGROES ATTEMPT TO Hepburn bill in the house of repre- added another note of joy to the fes- - ployes of the various palaces and sentatives. It will look so much like harmony of Christmas happiness. country beats and to hundreds of LYNCH A WHITE MAN. tive Valdosta, (la., Dec. 23. A report the Dollivar bill that an expert will For weeks the preparations for other persons. In some way connected be unable to tell tlrr-- apart. on U19 royal reached here thin mornlug from Ew-ln- Christmas have been going at the with establishment. Fargo The Dolllver bill is different front White House, and although there will There are alone about three hund between and St. George, a new colony town, a ne- the Foraker, the' Elklns and all the having out- - persons connected with that crowd of railway-backe- be no tree, the children red the San groes d bills in this import- grown tree period, it is safe to dringham establishment and every tried to mob a white man, who the was the manager of a large turpen- ant particular: It gives a genuine sav there will be no happier family one 01 tnem win be remeraDerea. power commts- - - cottager, tine still at that place, last night. He to an administration in the land than that of the presi- Each laborer and other no-roo- - I'lmlcadiMl biraself and opened fire on sion to correct rates. It leaves dent, when the great moment of dls- workman at Sandringham receives for lawsuit Jugglery by wbicn trlbutlne the gifts of love arrives, pis six pounds of beer for the Christ them, killing five men anil two women - and wounding several others. the commission's orders may be set Both the president and Mrs. Roose- mas dinner and other good things, aside and its hands tied. family, and The celebration In royal family velt are devoted to their the A WALSH COMPANY GOES How does it avoid the pitfalls? By never happier than at Chrismas time, will not be until Monday. After tne giving whoe rate correcting pow- presents niorn- - INTO RECEIVER'S HANDS. the when they can fairly overwhelm distribution of in the 23. er to Interstate com- gifts. lng king queen as well as all Akron, O., Dec. The Akron Oas the commerce thelr dear children with Mrs. the and company, pro- mission, and providing for no appeal thoroughly the of bouse paity one of John R. Walsh's Roosevelt is a sensible other nembers the perties, went into the htnds of a re- to the courts except that which the and conservative women and makes a will attend Christmas service In St. in- presents Mary Magdalene ser- - ceiver this afternoon, the petition be- constitution of the United States careful selection of the she church. After ing filed by Demppey A sures, which no act of congress Is game vice be and Saunders, of and bestows. There handsome lunch will served after CZAR SHOWS BRIEF FLASH OF SPIRIT Clevelund, on a claim for 15,703 for can take away. riece of her own handiwork for each lunch the ropal stables and kennels Is capital- The are protected always girls, be afternoon the coal furnished. The plant railroads of the children, particularly the will visited. In the ized at $400,000. by the constitutional safeguard that and in kindness of her heart Mrs. members or tne lamiiy win devote the - private property may not be taken Roosevelt never falls to remember themselves to the time honored Jias- HIS MINISTERS PRESSING NEED FOR without process em- - bowling. Christmas jdin- - AND ROUNDLY ABUSES due of law and Just every one of the servants and time of The MORE NAVY OFFICERS. compensation. commission ployes of the household with some tier will be eaten in the handsome1 If the dining Sandringham and the T Washington, Dec 23. The navy abuses Us power as to confiscate the appropriate and handsome gift, which hall at department has decided upon Febru- property of a railway invarubly stamp her boarsneaa with tne appie ana tne or to make a bears the of ary 12 as confla-catin- g individaallty, peacock wilt adorn festive board As He Will Declare the Whole Empire in State the day of graduation for rate which has the effect of the They Had Lost Their Heads class 1906 acad- property, thei) railway Is presi- - the time honored custom. the of at the naval the There no doubt that the after emy. The reason for the graduation may always get an injunction and family members of. hlsj Ter-rorizati- on dent's and the of Seige-F-ear Spreading That Revolutionists Will Resume of cadeta in advance has been the have the order stopped. household will be taken care of this EMPEROR'S DINNER TO BE pressing long ENTIRELY A FAMILY AFFAIR, need of officers and if this But so as the commission's Christmas, and Judging from the condition still prevails, it may require rate is not a confiscation of private presents that have Eu-be- en large number of Berlin, Dec. 23. Probably on Muscow in Throes of Civil War. the graduation of the next class in property the proposed act wouM pouring Into the White House ropean court is giving Christmas February, ISiw.. from the fact that the leave the commission free to exercise 1 for weeks and 'presents on o extended a scale as Its rate making power. unchecked by library of the White House is almost the court of Emepror William. Every-bulgi- ng any court. with the gifts stored therein, one gives presents to everyone else VLADIVOSTOK BY AN EYE WITNESS MRS. H. B. KEMNG DltD Yuletide GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF RIOT AT The whole fight has come down to this will be the merriest ttnd tne taB ot selecting the most EARLY THIS AFTERNOON the question ever ksown at the White House. Both appropriate gifts Is not an easy one. whether the commis- president and Mrs. Roosevelt yor emperor, as sion or the court shall have tbe real the weeks the as well explo- power over y have sent out a large number of empress and their grown up New York, Dec. 23. A Herald dis- guns which are unhesitatingly used Moscow was demolished by an LOVABLE YOUNG ALBUQUERQUE rates. Any scheme the sion of bombs.
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