![A Sighting of Plastingia Naga (De Nicéville, [1884]) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OPEN ACCESS Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn fhe Journaf of Threafened Taxa are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Inferna - fonaf Lfcense unfess ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threafened Taxa The fnfernafonaf journaf of conservafon and faxonomy www.fhreafenedfaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) A P A Gaurab Nandf Das, Arajush Payra & Bffupan Boruah 26 Sepfember 2016 | Vof. 8 | No. 11 | Pp. 9382–9383 10.11609/ jof. 1985.8.11.9382-9383 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Abouf JoTT.asp For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Submfssfon Gufdeffnes.asp For Poffcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/JoTT Poffcy agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf.asp For reprfnfs confacf [email protected] ffsher osf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journaf of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 Sepfember 2016 | 8(11): 9382–9383 Pfasfngfa naga (de Nfcévfffe, A P [1884]) (Hesperffdae) fs a wfdefy dfsfrfbufed buferfy fhaf occurs A ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) from Assam (norfheasfern Indfa) ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) easf fo Myanmar, Mafaysfa, Gaurab Nandf Das 1 Ara sh ara 2 & Bffupan Boruah 3 Thaffand, Laos, Indonesfa, Borneo A SS and Phfffppfnes (Evans 1932; 1 Bokakhaf Town, Gofaghaf, Assam 785612, Indfa 2 Ramnagar, Purba Medfnfpur, Wesf Bengaf 721441, Indfa 1949 & hfp://yufaka.ff-n.jp/ 3 Durgapur, Kazfranga, Assam 785609, Indfa hes/92120001.hfmf). Thfs specfes 1 [email protected] (correspondfng aufhor), fs “rare” fn norfheasfern Indfa 2 [email protected] , 3 [email protected] (Evans 1932) buf ff fs moderafefy common fn fhe Mafayan regfon. As per Buferffes of Sfngapore, ff fs a moderafefy common buferfy fn Sfngapore whfch has been frequenffy sfghfed near fhe farvaf hosf pfanf morphofogfcaffy sfmffar fo fhe mafe. The wfng span of Ffshfaff Pafm Caryofa mffs . fhe specfes fs 33–38 mm (Evans 1932). Pfasfngfa naga was frsf descrfbed by de Nfcévfffe Panbarf Reserve Foresf ffes befween Kazfranga (1884) as Hesperfa naga from Sfbsaghar (upper Assam), Nafonaf Park and fhe foofhfffs of Wesf Karbf Hfffs fn when one femafe specfmen of fhfs specfes was coffecfed, cenfraf Assam. The reserve fs bounded by Nafonaf whfch fs preserved fn fhe Indfan Museum, Cafcufa. Hfghway 37 on fhe norfh, a human seffemenf on fhe Lafer, ff was afso coffecfed by Moore & Swfnhoe from easf, and a fea garden and Karbf foof hfffs on fhe soufh- fhe Khasf and Jafnfa Hfffs, Meghafaya (Swfnhoe 1912– wesf. The afffude of fhe area varfes from 80–360 m. 1913). The buferffes of fhfs area were weff sfudfed by Gogof On 10 Ocf 2014, af around 10:00hr, a sofffary (2013, 2015). fndfvfduaf of Pfasfngfa naga was sfghfed fn Panbarf In 2013, Gogof reporfed 137 specfes of fhe Reserve Foresf, cenfraf Assam (Ffg. 1). The fndfvfduaf Hesperffdae buferfy from Panbarf Reserve Foresf was sffng on a feaf fn fhe shadows af a hefghf of abouf and recorded fhree specfes of Lancers; Safanoemfa 1.5m from fhe ground. The habffaf predomfnanffy fuscfcornfs , Pyroneura margherffa margherffa , comprfsed evergreen frees and shrubs. The aufhors Pyroneura nfasana burmana buf dfd nof reporf any phofographed fhe specfes (Image 1 a,b) afer whfch ff Pfasfngfa naga (Gogof 2013). fook wfng and dfd nof refurn. Regufar vfsffs fo fhe same There are onfy a few recenf records of Pfasfngfa naga sffe yfefded no furfher sfghfngs of Pfasfngfa naga . from mafnfand Indfa. In recenf fmes ff has been sfghfed Pfasfngfa naga has a bfackfsh-brown ground cofour from fhe Sfju Wffdfffe Sancfuary, Soufh Garo Hfffs, on 22 wffh dfsfncf pafe whffe spofs on fhe undersfde. Ifs May 2015 (Karmakar 2016). Karmakar reared Pfasfngfa upper sfde fs marked wffh obscure yeffow spofs, and naga from ffs farvaf sfage. Thfs specfes has afso been a smaff spof fn ceff may be presenf. The femafe fs sfghfed from fhe Baraff Range fn Sepfember 2015 DOI : hfp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jof.1985.8.11.9382 -9383 | ZooBank: urn:fsfd:zoobank.org:pub:172C10E9-03D8-406A-AA82-4419B777B5A5 Edffor: Sanjay Sondhf, Tffff Trusf, Dehradun, Indfa. Dafe of ffcafon 26 Sepfember 2016 (onffne & prfnf) Manuscrfpf defaffs: Ms # 1985 | Recefved 01 Aprff 2016 | Ffnaf recefved 17 May 2016 | Ffnaffy accepfed 02 Sepfember 2016 ffafon Das, G.N., A. Payra & B. Boruah (2016). A sfghfng of Pfasfngfa naga (de Nfcévfffe, [1884]) (Lepfdopfera: Hesperffdae: Hesperffnae) from cenfraf Assam, Indfa. Journaf of Threafened Taxa 8(11): 9382 –9383 ; hfp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jof.1985.8.11.9382 -9383 Copyrfghf: © Das ef af. 2016. Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of fhfs arfcfe fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Fundfng : None. on fcf of nferesf : The aufhors decfare no compefng fnferesfs. Acknowfedgemenfs: We woufd fo ffke fhank fo Mr. Isaac kehfmkar for hfs hefp LOGOsfn fhe preparfng fhe manuscrfpf and afso ffke fo fhank fo Monsoon Jyof Gogof for hfs consfanf supporf. 9382 Sfghfng of Pfasfngfa naga fn cenfraf Assam Das ef af. © Gaurab Nandf Das Ara sh ara a b Image 1 (a & b). Undersfde of Pfasfngfa naga af an arf eser e oresf cenfraf Assam. fg re . ocafon of an arf eser e oresf cenfraf Assam. (Monsoon Jyof Gogof pers. comm. 2015). Thfs record ans .. The Idenffcafon of Indfan Buferffes - 2nd Edffon . Bombay Nafuraf Hfsfory Socfefy, Mumbaf, Indfa, 464pp+32pfs. from Panbarf shows fhe fmporfance of fhese habffafs ans .. A Cafafogue of fhe Hesperffdae of Europe, Asfa for rare specfes fn fhe fasf remafnfng foresf pafches of and Ausfraffa fn fhe Brffsh Museum (Nafuraf Hfsfory). Trusfees of fhe Brffsh Museum, London, 502pp. cenfraf Assam and fhe need fo conserve fhese habffafs. ogof .. Nofes on some skfpper buferffes (Lepfdopfera: Furfher, fong ferm monfforfng fs necessary fo reveaf Hesperffdae) from Panbarf Foresf and ffs adjofnfng areas, Kazfranga- fhe ecofogy and dfsfrfbufon of such buferfy specfes fn Karbf Angfong, upper Assam, Indfa. Journaf of Threafened Taxa 5(13): 4759–4768; hfp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/JoTT.o3340.4759-68 norfheasfern Indfa. ogof .. Observafons on fycaenfd buferffes from Panbarf Reserve Foresf and adjofnfng areas, Kazfranga, Assam, norfheasfern References Indfa. Journaf of Threafened Taxa 7(15): 8259–8271; hfp://dx.dof. org/10.11609/jof.2467.7.15.8259-8171 Anonymous (2014) . Pfasfngfa naga de Nfc èvfffe, 1884. Buferffes arma ar . Pfasfngfa naga de Nfcévfffe, 1883 - Sffver-spofed of Sfngapore. hfp://buferfycfrcfe.bfogspof.fn/2013/07/ Lancer. In: Kunfe, K., P. Roy, S. Kafesh & U. Kodandaramafah (eds.). fffehfsforyofchequeredfancer.hfmf. (Accessed on Ocfober 2014). Buferffes of Indfa, v. 2.23 . Indfan Foundafon for Buferffes. hfp:// de Nfcévfffe (1884). On new and ffffe known Rhopafocera from fhe www.ffoundbuferffes.org/sp/2950/Pfasfngfa-naga. Indfan Regfon. Journaf of Asfafc Socfefy, Bengaf 52 Pf.II (2/4): 65– S fnhoe . Lepfdopfera Indfca. Parf X. Rhopafocera- 91, pf. 1, 9–10. Hesperffdae. Loveff, Reeve & Co. Lfd., London, 364pp+757–835pfs. Threafened Taxa Journaf of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 Sepfember 2016 | 8(11): 9382–9383 9383 OPEN ACCESS All articles published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa are registered under Cre- ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise mentioned. JoTT allows unrestricted use of articles in any medium, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. ISSN 0974-7907 (Online); ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) September 2016 | Vol. 8 | No. 11 | Pages: 9289–9396 Date of Publication: 26 September 2016 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jott.2016.8.11.9289-9396 www.threatenedtaxa.org Review Notes Distribution records and extended range of the Sri Lanka Frogmouth New distribution record of the Bhutan TakinBudorcas taxicolor Batrachostomus moniliger (Aves: Caprimulgiformes: Podargidae) in whitei Hodgson, 1850 (Cetartiodactyla: Bovidae) in Bhutan the Western Ghats: a review from 1862 to 2015 -- Tashi Dhendup, Tshering Tempa, Tsethup Tshering & Nawang -- Anil Mahabal, Sanjay Thakur & Rajgopal Patil, Pp. 9289–9305 Norbu, Pp. 9365–9366 Recent records and distribution of the Indian Brown Mongoose Short Communications Herpestes fuscus Gray, 1837 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Herpestidae) from the southern Western Ghats, India Small carnivores of Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, southern Western -- R. Sreehari, Sandeep Das, M. Gnanakumar, K.P. Rajkumar, Ghats, India K.A. Sreejith, Navaneeth Kishor, Dhaneesh Bhaskar, P.S. Easa & -- R. Sreehari & P.O. Nameer, Pp. 9306–9315 P.O. Nameer, Pp. 9367–9370 First record of the Diadem Leaf-Nosed Bat Hipposideros diadema First record of Dobson’s Long-tongued Fruit Bat Eonycteris spelaea (E. Geoffroy, 1813) (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from the Andaman (Dobson, 1871) (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Kerala, Islands, India with the possible occurrence of a hitherto unreported India subspecies -- P.O. Nameer, R. Ashmi, Sachin K. Aravind & R. Sreehari, Pp. 9371– -- Bhargavi Srinivasulu, Aditya Srinivasulu, Chelmala Srinivasulu, 9374 Tauseef Hamid Dar, Asad Gopi & Gareth Jones, Pp. 9316–9321 Road kills of the endemic snake Perrotet’s Shieldtail Plectrurus New distribution records of Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei perrotetii, Dumeril, 1851 (Reptilia: Squamata: Uropeltidae) in (Testudines: Chelidae) from southeastern Brazil, including Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India observations
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