EBOOK Détente n ADDED VALUE QR Codes n ALA ELECTIONS Candidates MARCH/ApRIL 2012 THE MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 2012 Library NEWDesign Showcase &NOW PLUS n Library Tech Shops n Tools of Change n The Coolness Factor For 30 years, Recorded Books has delivered on our promise to provide top-quality audiobooks on cassette and CD. Today, that promise is evolving as the digital revolution takes root. Committed to libraries and their patrons Offering the largest selection of digital audiobooks—over 20,000 titles and growing! LEARN MORE AT PLA BOOTH #200 www.recordedbooks.com | 1-877-828-2833 [email protected] CONTENTS A m E r i c an L i b r A r i E s | m arch/April 2012 | V o L u m E 43 #3/4 | i s s N 0002-9769 coVer story Departments 28 new & now 3 Americanlibrariesmagazine.org 2012 Library information technology Design showcase 26 Internet librarian BY GreG lanDGraf A Hazy shade of (mid)winter BY JosePh Janes 27 In Practice Click Here to Engage BY MereDith farkas PeoPle 54 Currents Professional DeVeloPment Features 56 Youth matters It’s Always Time for cE-TV BY linDa Braun 36 Directions to library 57 OutsiDe/in wayfinDing Create a Library “Tech shop” Directional and informational signs guide BY DaviD lee kinG anD Michael Porter patrons into and around the library 58 Librarian’s library BY DonalD a. BarclaY anD eric D. scott The Librarian’s History of the Library BY karen Muller the once anD future library 59 Rousing reaDs 39 An architect’s perspective on designing Science for the Nonscientist BY Bill ott for changing constituencies 60 Solutions anD serVices BY charles G. Mueller New Products and a case study oPinion anD commentary 44 women in the white city 2 From the eDitor Lessons from the Woman’s building Library Of Design, Danes, and Daffodils at the chicago World’s Fair BY laurie D. BorMan BY susan e. searinG 4 PresiDent’s message Hot issues Drive ALA BY MollY raPhael 48 miDwinter: a conVERSATION 5 ExecutiVe Director’s message of 10,000 Key strategies Discussed BY keith Michael fiels Hot topics in Dallas 6 Comment enableD Letters and comments canDiDates STATEMENTS 24 Public PercePtion 52 2012–2013 ALA presidential candidates How the World sees us BarBara striPlinG anD Gina MillsaP 25 On my minD Returning the Love BY sarah PrieliPP Updates and Trends 64 Will’s worlD The coolness Factor BY Will ManleY 8 ALA Jobs 12 PersPectiVes 63 Career leaDs from Joblist 23 Newsmaker: Jamal Joseph Your #1 source for Job openings Academy of American Poets | insert • All-Tag | 22 • Demco | 42 • Dominican university | 16 • Drexel E-Learning, inc. advertisers | page | COVEr 3 • Geico | 20 • innovative interfaces | COVEr 4 • meyer, scherer, rockcastle | 42 • midWest Tape | 62 • recorded books • | COVEr 2 • san Jose state university | 15 • SBRA | 43 •the Power of the sea | 21 • American Library Association • booklist | 63 • JobLIST | 40 • Public information office | 43 • FROM THE EDITOR | Masthead Of Design, Danes, and Daffodils THE mAGAZiNE oF THE AmERICAN LIBRArY ASSOCIATION by Laurie D. Borman 50 E. Huron st., chicago, iL 60611 hat is your favorite library space? Perhaps a school americanlibrariesmagazine.org email [email protected] library reading nook, or the august reading room from toll free 800-545-2433 plus extension your university days, or maybe the balcony stacks in your local 312-944-6780 • fax 312-440-0901 W online career classified ads: JobLIST.ala.org hometown? The architectural design—and of course, a facility’s re- sources—draw you to these places and encourage you to stay awhile. Editor and Publisher Laurie D. borman • [email protected] • x4213 That’s why American Libraries features new and now library designs senior Editor Beverly Goldberg • [email protected] • x4217 in our 2012 Library Design Showcase—to give you ideas to consider for senior Editor, american libraries Direct George m. Eberhart • [email protected] • x4212 your facility. (Be sure to go online to see even more gorgeous renova- Associate Editor tions and new buildings in our Facilities Showcase Digital Supple- Pamela A. Goodes • [email protected] • x4218 Associate Editor, AL Focus ment.) The showcase began in 1988, when AL featured library furniture Greg Landgraf • [email protected] • x4216 Associate Editor that could accommodate the emerging need for computers and wired Sanhita sinharoy • [email protected] • x4219 equipment. The following year the show- Ad Traffic coordinator The design—and of course Katie bane • [email protected] • x5105 case grew to include interior design, from design and production the resources—draw you to California to Pennsylvania. Many of the de- Production Director benjamin segedin Production Editors Jennifer brinson these places. signs still look fresh and inviting. carlos orellana Some of the new spaces shown in this is- publishing department Associate Executive Director Donald chatham sue expand reading spots in the library, while others open up cramped marketing Director mary mackay quarters. The designs make me think about a few library spaces I’ve rights, Permissions, reprints Mary Jo bolduc • x5416 enjoyed and why they are meaningful. columnists Linda W. braun, meredith Farkas, Joseph Janes, David Lee The Royal Danish Library on the Slotsholmen in Copenhagen merg- King, Will manley, Karen muller, bill ott, michael Porter es the traditional 1906 building with Schmidt, Hammer, and Lassen’s membership development 1999 black marble and glass Black Diamond. Last summer, I went up director ron Jankowski • [email protected] the escalators in the Black Diamond, drawn to the lush ceiling painting advisory committee by Per Kirkeby. Crossing the glass-walled walkway under Kirkeby’s chair Andrew K. Pace, brian coutts, Luren Dickinson, fresco into the old building’s wood-paneled traditional space, I thought Guy Lamolinara, sarah rosenblum, Paul signorelli, Whitney Winn; interns sian brannon, Kathryn oberg the library blended historic and modern in a uniquely Danish way. Editorial policy: ALA Policy manual, section 10.2 Sandusky, Ohio, expanded its 1901 Carnegie Library by connecting it advertising representative with the adjacent Erie County Jail (both are on the National Register of Doug Lewis Historic Places) and reopened in 2004. The design created an archi- [email protected] • 770-333-1281 Acceptance of advertising does not constitute endorse- tecturally elegant combination of Greek Revival and Classical Revival. ment. ALA reserves the right to refuse advertising. My visits to the library were back before the merger, when a peaceful summer afternoon in the cool, air-conditioned room slipped by like indexed 1996–2010 index at americanlibrariesmagazine.org. 2012 Available full text from ProQuest, EBSCO Publishing, the pages of my book. A search for Wi-Fi led me to the Jasper (Alberta) Municipal Library. H. W. Wilson, LexisNexis, and information Access. It was built in the 1920s as a detachment office for the Royal Canadian subscribe Libraries and other institutions: $45/year, 6 issues, Mounted Police, and as a library it was quaint but tight. Plans are under u.s., canada, and mexico; foreign: $60. subscription march/april price for individuals included in ALA membership dues. | way for an expansion to open next year. It will include more space for 800-545-2433 x5108, email [email protected], or visit Wi-Fi users, among other improvements. The new footprint still leaves www.ala.org. claim missing issues: ALA member and ­Customer service. Allow six weeks. single issues $7.50, green space for the elk that sometimes graze on the library lawn. with 40% discount for five or more; contact charisse Clerestory windows pour light into the reading room of the Jerwood Perkins, 800-545-2433 x4286. Centre, built in 2004 in England’s Lake District and noteworthy for its published american libraries (issN 0002-9769) is published 6 times collection of rare first editions. It is adjacent to William Wordsworth’s yearly with occasional supplements by the American Dove Cottage, where the poet began his greatest work. But his collec- Library Association (ALA). Printed in u.s.A. Periodicals postage paid at chicago, illinois, and additional mailing tion of books and the view of daffodils from his library at Rydal Mount, offices. PosTmAsTEr: Personal members: send address changes to american libraries, c/o membership records, his home from 1813 to 1850, stand out as the perfect proportions for a ALA, 50 E. Huron st., chicago, iL 60611. ©2012 Ameri- z can Library Association. materials in this journal may be americanlibrariesmagazine.org collection, connecting poet, poems, and place. reproduced for noncommercial educational purposes. 2 magazine.org new s | feat u r E s | c o L u m N s | b L o G s | A L D i r E c T | AL F o c u s <<< Video in Zmags The Zmags format allows you to read full issues of American Libraries online in an enhanced design that enables you to flip pages and view the same layout as the print magazine. It also blends aspects of digital content by offering live links in both editorial and advertising content. New this month: Videos are now embedded into AL’s Zmags, such as the 20-minute Newsmaker interview with Midwinter speaker and author Jamal Joseph. americanlibrariesmagazine .org/archives. <<< From petition to movement The petition urging that every child in America have access to an effective <<< school library program reached the The Showcase continues If you’re reading the Library Design 25,000-signature threshold for a Showcase only in print, you’re missing out. Online, you’ll find more White House response. We’ve got than 100 of the most exciting new buildings and renovations, divided suggestions for how to keep that into 12 sections that highlight navigation and wayfinding techniques, momentum going to create real outstanding school libraries, libraries supporting collaboration, small change.
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