PQTVJGCUV"HNQTKFC‚U"QNFGUV."NCTIGUV."OQUV"TGCF"CHTKECP"COGTKECP"QYPGF"PGYURCRGT Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct Rtguqtvgf"Uvcpfctf Etkog"( Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct. R0"Q0"Dqz"6284; W0U0"Rquvcig"Rckf Lcemuqpxknng."HN"54425 Lcemuqpxknng."HN Lwuvkeg Vjg"Igqtikc"Uvct# Rgtokv""Pq0"5839 *;26+"988/::56 Can’t Get to the Store Uvknn"Pwodgt"Qpg# Uvtkxkpi"vq"ocmg Have The Star Delivered c"fkhhgtgpeg Cp"Cyctf Tgcf"Vjg"Hnqtkfc Ykppkpi cpf"Igqtikc"Uvct Rwdnkecvkqp. Pgyurcrgtu0 Nkuvgp vq"KORCEV ugtxkpi"{qw Tcfkq"Vcnm"Ujqy0 ukpeg"3;730" YYY0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Tcvgf"›Cfi"d{ The people’s choice vjg"Dgvvgt Dwukpguu"Dwtgcw yyy0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo UGRVGODGT":"/"UGRVGODGT""36."4234"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""XQN0""84""PQ0"43""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""72"EGPVU" K"Pggf"Oqtg"Vkog"/"Yg"Ctg"Qp"Qwt"Yc{ Vjg"Rtgukfgpv"oqxgf"htqo"Jqrg"cpf"Ejcpig"vq Jqrg."Hckvj"cpf"Yjcv"K"Yknn"Pqv"Fq Uvcvgogpv"ocfg"d{"W0"U0"Ugpcvqt Dknn"Pgnuqp."*F+"Hnqtkfc Rtgukfgpv"Qdcoc"ykvj"hqtogt"Rtgukfgpv"Dknn"Enkpvqp."cdqxg="Otu0"Qdcoc"cpf vq"vjg"tkijv."Xkeg"Rtgukfgpv"Lqg"Dkfgp"/"Cnn"ygtg"gzvtcqtfkpct{"kp"vjgkt"rtgugpvcvkqpu0 The President’s speech included a set of goals for our I never have. You didn’t elect me to tell you what you ly women country. wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth. And who enjoy “But when all is said and done – when you pick up that the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to seeing ‘real Uvcvg"Tgrtgugpvcvkxg"Okc"Lqpgu"cpf"jwu/ ballot to vote – you will face the clearest choice of any solve challenges that have built up over decades. It will love.’ dcpf."Igqtig"Fcxku."fgngicvgu0 time in a generation. Over the next few years, big deci- require common effort, shared responsibility, and the Vice sions will be made in Washington, on jobs and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin President Biden showed his heart is in his position, his economy; taxes and deficits; energy and education; war Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this family and his country. and peace – decisions that will have a huge impact on one. And by the way – those of us who carry on his The bottom line, it was not a question of what we our lives and our children’s lives for decades to come. party’s legacy should remember that not every problem must do as Americans if we really love this country. “On every issue, the choice you face won’t be just can be remedied with another government program or President Obama said it all, when he stated, “Where between two candidates or two parties. dictate from Washington. is the change? You are the change. When you give him “It will be a choice between two different paths for Former President Clinton outlined the misinforma- the four more years needed to complete the job, you America. tion that has been coming from the other parties regard- will make the job easier because he will have the faith “A choice between two fundamentally different ing those matters important to the middle class, women, to continue and America will move forward. It won’t visions for the future. persons in love, our health and our safety. be quick and it won’t be easy, but it will “I won’t pretend the path I’m offering is quick or easy. Mrs. Obama made so many of us shed tears, especial- happen. Etku"Dtqyp"Yqtmkpi"ykvj Okvv"Tqopg{‚u"XR"Ecpfkfcvg‚u. Vwvw"Uc{u"Dwuj"cpf"Dnckt Cdwugf"Yqogp"cpf"Ejknftgp Hqtogt"32/{gct"Dncem"Iktn Ujqwnf"Dg"Vtkgf"hqt"Tqngu"kp Htkgpf"Dwuvgf"kp"3;;; Ktcs"Yct South African “Rep. Paul Ryan’s Archbishop Desmond extreme anti-choice Tutu wrote in a British record shows just how newspaper that former serious a threat Mitt President George W. Romney’s presidency Bush and former British would be for women,” Prime Minister Tony Keenan said. “He has Blair should be tried by cast 59 votes on repro- Ctejdkujqr"Fguoqpf Vwvw the International Criminal ductive rights while in Court of Justice in the Congress and not one Hague, the Netherlands, for their roles in the Iraq War. has been pro-choice. Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, charged that Bush Fgpggvc" Rqrg." T{cpu‚" gz/ iktnhtkgpf"ugtxgf"7"oqpvju"kp Rep. Ryan has also and Blair used false reports, alleging that Iraq President rtkuqp"ceeqtfkpi"vq"VO\0 repeatedly voted to Sadam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when Grammy Award Winner Chris Brown joined Jenesse defund family-planning he had none. and its youth advocate group The Change to host a spe- programs and supported the “Let Women Die Bill,” In the article, which was published in the Sunday edi- cial Back to School Fall Festival to support Jenesse which would allow hospitals to refuse to provide a tion of The Observer, Tutu charged that Bush’s and kids in Los Angeles. woman emergency, lifesaving abortion care, even if she Blair’s false allegations were used as a pretext for the The day was a fun filled experience for children and could die without it. It comes as no surprise that war that killed 103,160 to 113,728 Iraqi citizens. their parents who have been impacted by domestic vio- Romney would choose a like-minded running mate “The immorality of the United States’ and Great lence. The exciting interactive experience gave fami- who is just as out of touch with our nation’s values and Britain’s decision to invade Iraq in March 2003 was lies a chance to bond with each other in a fun setting, priorities as he is. The Romney-Ryan ticket is danger- premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of to meet and connect with Chris on a one-on-one basis ous to women’s health.” mass destruction, and instead of bringing peace, and to celebrate the end of summer and prep for a fresh Deneeta Pope and Ryan became a couple when they democracy or harmony to the region, it has destabilized start and positive new school year. met at Miami University of Ohio, which is located in and polarized the world to a greater extent than any Jenesse Center is a national non-profit domestic vio- Oxford. The couple dated for about 10 years, according other conflict in history,” Tutu wrote. He noted that the lence intervention and prevention organization that to TMZ. Pope, who has since been married twice, lives world now faces the specter of war in Syria and Iran. provides a holistic, comprehensive program to nurture in Chicago, reports TMZ. Syria is now involved in a civil war and some U. S. victimized families back to a place of mental, financial, politicians have called for an invasion of Iran. physical and emotional well-being. Tqopg{ /"Eqpvkpwgf"qp"C/5 Editorial/Opinion......B6 Ykuj"vq"ikxg"wu"c"Pgyu"Uvqt{A K Church..........................A-2 Nqqmkpi" hqt" ewuvqogtu" vq" rcvtqpk|g" {qwt P Talk of the Town..............A-4 Ecnn"*;26+"988/::56"qt"Ugpf"kv"vq< Area News....................A-6 dwukpguu" qt" wvknk|g" {qwt" ugtxkeguA" Kh" {qw U Caribbean..............A-7 cpuygtgf"[GU."vjgp"{qw"pggf"vq"rnceg"cp"cf kphqBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Prep Rap........Back Section K Local.....................B-1 kp" Vjg" Hnqtkfc" qt" Igqtikc" Uvct#" " ECNN cfBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Columns...................B-2 F Sports....................B-4 ;261988/::56"vq"rnceg"{qwt"cf"VQFC[## Crime&Justice.Front Section G Classified & Business... B-7 Check, Money Order, Or Credit Cards Accepted PAGE A-2 THE STAR SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 CHURCH Faith In Our Community The Church Directory Schedule of Events and Services “Come and Worship With Us” ANNOUNCEMENTS New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church 1824 Prospect Street * Jacksonville, FL 32208 Please join us at GREATER NEW HOPE AME Sunday School …..............………………..9:30 a.m. CHURCH, Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m., as Sunday Morning Funeral Directors, from the surrounding area are in Praise Intercessory Prayer...............…..10:45 a.m. & Worship. You don’t want to miss this POWERFUL Morning Worship ......................11:00 a.m. service as we Celebrate our 134th Church Anniversary, Youth Church 2nd & 3rd Sundays (Old Sanctuary) celebrating “A Blast from Our Past Serving The Lord.” Tuesday - Pastoral Bible Study ................ 7:00 p.m. Join us wearing the attire from the 70’s. The colors are Elder Arnitt Jones, Acting Pastor Purple, Gold & Black. For additional info, contact 904- Rev. Joe Calhoun, Pastor Emeritus 356-2121 or Email: [email protected] (904) 764-5727 - Church We, the members of NEW FOUNTAIN CHAPEL AME DEATHDEATH NOTICESNOTICES Historic Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church CHURCH Loyalty Day Committee cordially invite you Sunday Church School . 8:30 a.m. to come share with us our Annual Loyalty Day Worship Service . 10:00 a.m. Celebration, Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 10:45 a.m. JACKSONVILLE, FL 97, died September 2, Wednesday and 3:00 p.m. To God be the glory for the things he has 2012. “Glory Hour” Bible Study . .10:00 a.m. done at the Fountain where we are alive on the Eastside. “Jehovah Jireh” Bible Study . 6:30 p.m. ADAMS, Audrey Riley, JACKSON, JaNay Located at 737 Jessie Street, Jacksonville. For more infor- died September 1, 2012. 2nd & 4th Thursday “Young at Heart Ministry . .10:00 a.m. mation, call 904-35403021 or 904-358-2258. Felicia, 17, died August Friday AKINS, Harold Thomas, 28, 2012. Joy Explosion Ministry . 6:30 p.m. QUEEN ESTHER CHURCH OF GOD will be cele- Jr., 91, died August 28, JAMISON, Martha 201 East Beaver St. * (904) 355-9475 Rev. Pearce Edwing, Sr. brating the Church’s 82nd Anniversary and Pastor’s 24th 2012.
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