CATHOLIC COUMER DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. N.Y. THURSDAY JUNE 27,2002 PAGE 9 Pope's health spurs speculation on successor Thanks to television, the whole worid dinals who might fit die bilL Mario Ce, pa­ of cardinals who will exert significant in­ can see for itself the progressive, alarming triarch of Venice, is already approaching fluence not only in directing votes toward deterioration of Pope John Paul U's 77. Carlo Martini is about to retire as Arch­ particular candidates, but also in prevent­ health. He can no longer walk under his bishop of Milan at age 75, but he is re­ ing die election of odiers, such as Cardinal own power; his words are barely audible ported to have die onset of Parkinson's. Biffi, deemed dieologicaHy or psycholog­ or intelligible; and his face continues to essays in Camillo Ruini, vicar general of Rome, is ically unfit for die job. show the devastating effects of the Parkin­ 71. Achille Silvestrini, 78, die former pre­ Cardinals Aloisio Lorscheider of Brazil son's disease that has racked his body and theology fect of die Congregation for die Oriental and Franz Konig of Austria were two of general well-being for the past few years. Churches, would have been a logical con­ the most prominent grand electors at die There is widespread speculation now sensus choice had John Paul ITs pontifi­ second 1978 conclave diat gave us John about die most likely successor. More than cate aided two or duree years ago. Ange- Paul II, and die late Cardinal Giovanni 120 cardinals under die age of 80 are cur­ lo Sodano at 74 is die Secretary of State. Benelli was die key factor in die election rently eligible to vote in a conclave, but if die Chair of Peter warm widiout unduly Giacomo Biffi, also 74, is Archbishop of of John Paul I, who died after only 33 days &e Holy Fadier continues to confound die distuTbingdiesurroundingfurniture. This Bologna. He would be Opus Dei's ideal in office. predictions of the pope-watchers for a few would give die cardinals and odier church candidate, but would be blocked because Contrary to popular wisdom, die least more years, and if he does not create any leaders time to assess John Paul U's pon­ of his extreme views. likely outcome of die election is that die new cardinals in die meantime, diat num­ tificate in a more measured fashion and There are diree mentionable candidates next pope will be a photocopy of die pre­ ber will have dwindled below die. statutory decide upon die course die church should still in dieir late 60s: Giovanni Battista Re, sent pope because John Paul II has named limit of 120 by me time of the election. take mils aftermath-at die conclave fol­ 68, prefect of the Congregation for Bish­ more than 90 percent of die electors. After so long and dominant a pontifi­ lowing diis one. ops; Severino Poletto, 69, Archbishop of Humanly speaking, die papacy has sur­ cate as diis one has been, it is most likely A transitional pontificate usually lasts Turin; and Dionigi Tettamanzi, 68, Arch­ vived as an institution over the course-of diat die next conclave will want die church no more dian four to six years, which bishop of Genoa and formerly a professor so many centuries because it proceeds to take a breather, to allow die ecclesiasti­ means diat die one elected must be al­ of moral dieology. dirough history in a pendular rather dian cal dust to settle, so to speak, before pro­ ready in his 70s, preferably his mid-70s. The best qualified is Cardinal Martini a linear fashion. Otherwise, it would have ceeding to elect die real successor of John The cardinals are not likely to make a of Milan, but die chances of his election become steadily and increasingly reac­ Paul II — someone, in odier words, who bold move in choosing, let us say, a black are slim to nil given his outspoken, pro­ tionary and dien off die rails entirely. might be young and vigorous enough to African or a French Jewish convert, when gressive views. Nevertheless, he enjoys That has not happened, nor is it likely to exercise the office in good health for at what is called for is a safe choice with a widespread respect within the hierarchy happen this time around. least 15 years or so. short term. The best guess is diat die new for his pastoral vision and spirituality. He • • • This seems to be die moment for an­ pope will also be, once again, an Italian. will surely be one of the grand electors in Father McBrien is a professor of theology at other transitional pope, someone to keep There are only a handful of Italian car­ the conclave, that is, one of a tiny handful the University of Noire Dame. Correction MAKE Our June 20 story "Courier wins ROSARIES awards at press convention" incor- Call for our catalog rectiy stated that Karen M. Franz, and special the Courier's general manager/edi­ introductory offer tor, had served as president of the Catholic Press Association of the LEWIS 1ft COMPANY United States and Canada from May, P.O. Box 268-K Troy, NY 12181 20Ol,.to May, 2002- Franz actually 800.342-2400 led the association for two years, be­ www.r osaryparts. com ginning in May, 2000. EDUCATION Jmenai r?W fa. 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