TACTICAL FLEET COMBAT IN THE AGEof SAIL BY Mike Tuñez FIRELOCK GAMES TABLE OF CONTENTS CREDITS Introduction 3 Game Design Production Game Components 4 & Concept: Manager: Mike Tuñez Alex Aguila Quick Start Setup 8 Playing the Game 11 Design Layout & Initiative Phase 11 Contributors: Graphic Design: Christopher Tuñez Lilian Figueroa Movement Phase 12 Nate Zettle Attack Phase 19 Liam Taylor Game Mat End Phase 23 Fred Barnard Design: Gabriel Garcia Chris Strekker Additional Rules 24 Terrain Set Creating a Squadron 27 Historical Consultation: Illustration: Starting a Game 28 Benerson Little Joshua Hayes Fleet Battles (Multiplayer) 29 Sculpting: Model Painting: Stacy Jenneman Adam Horton Brian Rundlett Jamie Martinson Editing: Jesus Cuevas Drew Saxton Steven Soler Playtesters: Stephen Foulk Sean Martin Andy Sims Pete Barfield Riley Blair Joseph DeLory Tom Pace Jeff Przybylo Gerardo González Jonathan Dispigno Jean Luc Bernard Bryan Wade Nigel King Scott Crowe Paul Dispigno Mark Stigter Gavin Winspear Jesse Abbott Leif MacNaughton Joel Sanchez Glenn Gonzalez Timothy Korklewski Crochet Emmanuel Ian Mann Joseph Dieguez Matt Nott Nicholas Bogart Nic Evans Omar Zaragoza Steven Murga Eric Hansen Robbie Rauch Stephen Smith Rodriguez Steven Quintavalli Dr. Jeffrey Brown Jacob Stauttener Mike Moyer Daniel R Weber Juan Sebastian Mazo Leon Mason Cris Smith Benjy Feldmen William Mitch Reed John Hunter Alex Hood Scott Presley Mac McClelland Jordan Brutlag Dan Carlson Adrian Gonzalez Dillon Rinehart Paul Carolan Kevin McKay Tyler Carlson Mike Jackson Robert Kurzweil Scott Parkin Lee Hulley Bryan Fischer Peter James Nathan Rigaud Vince Usher Steve Holowienko Bruce Boyd Douglas Johnson Matthew K Green Liam Galloway Darren Kephart Rufus Devane Maurice Kent Lee Upton Kevin John Waite Mark Herman Kai Devane Shane Knerl Nathan Jopling Leigh Brewster Kevin Becker Eric Mitchell David Wolf Rune Hoff Lauridsen Graham Cummings 3 INTRODUCTION CHAP. I. Oak & Iron is a game set in the age of fighting sail. It allows players to recreate battles between small fleets and squadrons of armed sailing ships. The game is designed to be simple and intuitive while also challenging players by providing significant tactical depth and being true to the theme and tactics of the period. 4 OAK & IRON GAME COMPONENTS CHAPTER. 2. SHIP CARD BREAKDOWN a POINTS COST a b l c b SHIP TYPE c SHIP CLASS d d SKILL UPGRADE e FORTITUDE VALUE f e h h f BROADSIDE VALUE g i m g CREW VALUE n h WINDWARD VALUE j i SAILING LARGE VALUE j SPECIAL RULES UPGRADE OPTIONS k (DESCRIPTIONS ON THE BACK) l FATIGUE TRACK k ADDITIONAL CREW o m UPGRADE OPTION n DAMAGE TRACK o STOUT UPGRADE OPTION GAME components 5 INITIATIVE CARD ADMIRAL CARD a a c b b d c d e a NATIONALITY c CARD NAME a POINTS COST d ADMIRAL VALUE b INITIATIVE VALUE d EFFECT b NATIONALITY e SPECIAL RULES c ADMIRAL NAME SHIP TERMINOLOGY SIDE EDGE BOW EDGE ID TOKEN SLOT IN BOW MID-POINT THE STERN MID-POINT WIND’S EYE STERN EDGE SHIP MODEL SIDE MID-POINT 6 OAK & IRON List of COMPONENTS RULEBOOK SHIPS BASES EVENT CARDS INITIATIVE CARDS FACTION CARDS SHIP CARDS CLIPS UPGRADE CARDS ADMIRAL CARDS DICE SCENARIO CARDS Settings Objectives Deployments Conditions GAME components 7 List of COMPONENTS COUNTERS & TOKENS Fortune Full Sails Crippled Reload Captured Ship Objective Minimal Sails Shaken Wake Ship ID Anchored Aground Landing Party RANGE RULER Cannon Shot Musket Shot Pistol Shot Yard Arm SEA MAT MOVEMENT TOOLS WIND ARROW TERRAIN TILES Islands & Fog Banks Rocks & Shoals Land Masses QUICKSTART SETUP CHAP. 3. For your first game of Oak & Iron, e Each takes 2 wake tokens and 4 re- we suggest playing the quickstart Player A Player B load tokens game. The quickstart game is de- a signed to let players become com- f Position ships as shown. Each player’s fortable with basic concepts before Flagship must be Pistol Shot distance using more advanced options, such b b directly downwind of the player’s oth- as faction, upgrade, or event cards. er ship. This game uses only rules found in the Playing a Game section (pg. 11); ignore any reference to additional g Each Squadron must be just out of rules. Read through that section and Cannon Shot of the other Squadron. then set up as follows: h The wind arrow is placed as shown to a Place the sea mat between both play- d indicate that the table edge to each ers. Decide who will be Player A and ship’s stern is the Windward Edge. who will be Player B. c c b Find the following Initiative cards, i Keep the dice, status tokens, and they will make up each respective d movement tools within reach of both player’s hand. Player A: Down!, Care- players. ful Aim, Rolling Broadsides, Effective c Fire, Adjust Position c There is no objective card assigned to this game, continue play until one Player B: Fire as She Bears, Take player is forced to Strike (pg. 23) Courage, Fleet Manuever, Reload, g Favorable Wind e f f c Players will control the following e ships and their corresponding cards. Player A: 1 Sloop, 1 Petite Fregate Player B: 1 Corvette, 1 Fluyt h d Assign an “Untested” Admiral card to the Petite Fregate and Fluyt. These are each player’s Flagship. i OAK & IRON 11 PLAYING THE GAME CHAP. 4. Oak & Iron is played over a series of turns. Each turn will be broken down into four phases: I. THE INITIATIVE PHASE II. THE MOVEMENT PHASE III. THE ATTACK PHASE IV. THE END PHASE THE INITIATIVE PHASE N.T. New terms for this section SQUADRON A Squadron is a group of two SKILL TEST A Skill Test is used when a or more ships, including a Flagship, belong- ship’s crew is attempting to do something ing to a player. complex, like working the ship’s rigging to at- tempt to adjust its current speed. To perform FLAGSHIP Each Squadron must have a a Skill Test roll 5 dice (modified by special Flagship. The Flagship is denoted by having rules and Fatigue), If any or results are an Admiral card assigned to it. rolled, the test is successful. SKILL VALUE A ship’s Skill Value rep- CHALLENGE TEST A Challenge Test is resents its sailing & fighting ability. Default a type of Skill Test where both players make Skill is 0. 1 or 2 skill may be purchased as an the test using their Flagship’s special rules upgrade on each ship. For each point of Skill and Fatigue, then compare results. The play- a ship has, the ship may re-roll 1 dice during er who rolls the most and/or wins the Skill Tests and Attacks. Challenge Test. If there is a tie, the Flagship with the highest skill value is the winner. If both Flagships have the same skill value, continue rolling until there is a winner. 12 OAK & IRON During this phase, players will reveal their admiral value has the initiative. If there is a I.P. initiative cards to determine which player has still a tie, both players perform a Challenge the initiative. Each player will also choose a Test. The winner has the initiative. Once new card for the following turn. Take the fol- initiative has been determined, the cards re- lowing steps to complete the Initiative Phase: main face up to remind both players of the effect granted by their initiative card for that 1. REVEAL INITIATIVE CARD Each turn. Initiative and event effects last until player reveals the initiative card they chose they are discarded or returned to the hand during the previous turn’s Initiative Phase. If (Unless otherwise noted on the card). playing the first turn of the game, each player reveals the initiative card chosen during de- 2. SELECT NEW INITIATIVE CARD ployment. The player who reveals the card Each player now chooses a new initiative card with the highest initiative value has the initia- from their initiative hand and places it face- tive and will go first in each following phase down. The chosen facedown initiative card for this turn. If both players reveal a card of will be revealed and applied at the beginning equal value, an event card is drawn from the of the following turn’s Initiative Phase. event deck and its effects are resolved before 3. RESOLVE INITIATIVE CARD moving on. If resolving the event is not pos- EFFECTS Initiative card effects note when sible for some reason, the event card effect is each effect is to be used. Apply the effects ignored. Once the event has been resolved, that state “Immediately” now, and make note the player whose Squadron has the highest of effects which may be used later in the turn. DURING THE PREVIOUS TURN, MIKE AND LILY CHOSE A CARD FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE HANDS TO BE PLAYED FACEDOWN. EXP. THESE CARDS ARE TURNED OVER AT THE SAME TIME. MIKE’S CARD HAS A 3 INITIATIVE AND LILY’S CARD HAS A 4 INITIATIVE. LILY HAS THE HIGHER INITIATIVE VALUE AND WILL BE THE FIRST TO ACTIVATE A SHIP IN THE PROCEEDING PHASES OF THE TURN. THE MOVEMENT PHASE DESIGNER’S NOTES New terms for this section N.T. 1 In reality, there are 5 different points of sail BOW A ship’s Bow is the front edge of its » WINDWARD A ship is sailing Windward if and each has subtle dif- base. its Bow is closer to the table’s Weather Edge ferences on the speed than its Stern. and handling of the ship. STERN A ship’s Stern is the rear edge of » N THE IND S YE We have simplified these its base.
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