Iowa NationalIowa National Iowa Guard Guard / February / April 2016 2016 Warrior Ready | April 2016 | 1 4 April 2016 Th e Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Timothy Orr Public Aff airs Offi cer Col. Greg Hapgood Supply by the numbers Editor/Designer Master Sgt. Duff McFadden Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden State Photographer Staff Sgt. Chad D. Nelson Th e Warrior Ready is an offi cial publication authorized under the provisions of AR 360-1. It is Features 6 published electronically by the Iowa National Guard State Public Aff airs Offi ce on a monthly basis. News and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those Maj. Gen. Walker tours Iowa facility of the Adjutant General of Iowa, Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden the National Guard, or the Department of Defense. Follow the Iowa National Guard on Social Media 8 www.facebook.com/IowaNationalGuard or at @IowaNatGuard on Twitter Reaction to an active shooter Address all submissions to: Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden Th e Iowa National Guard Warrior Ready Magazine State Public Aff airs Offi ce 7105 NW 70th Ave. Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824 10 » STC catches First Army eye or contact us at: by Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden http://www.iowanationalguard.com/contact_us.htm From wheeled and tracked vehicle repair Comm: (515) 252-4582 to ammunition handling, the Sustainment Training Center located at Camp Dodge has become nationally-recognized as a unique, one-stop shop for all U.S. Army sustainment training needs 12 » SAPR Refresher Training by Staff Sgt. Matthew Doyle Th e Iowa Air National Guard recently OnOn thet Cover hosted Sexual Assault Prevention and Are youy ready for the Lean Response (SAPR) Refresher Training at in '16'16 challenge? 1st Sgt. Camp Dodge in Johnston, Iowa, allowing RobertRobe Vogel, fi rst sergeant Advocates to attain refresher training. forfor CompanyC A, 334th BSB workswor a kettlebell during a recentrec workout at the Camp 13 » Be Lean in '16 DodgeDo Wellness Center. by Lydia Erp Th e Lean in ’16 Campaign Th e Iowa National Guard took on a new isis geared to improve the look this year. It’s fi erce, it’s strong, it’s overallo health and wellness “Lean in ’16." Th is campaign is geared to of all Iowa National improve the overall health and wellness of Guard Soldiers. (Iowa all Iowa National Guard Soldiers. NationalNationa Guard photo by Master Sgt.Sgt Duff Du E. McFadden) 2 | Warrior Ready | April 2016 Through the ranks Command Sgt. Maj. Rachel Fails, State Command Sergean Major Soldier '2020' Truths and myths What is Soldier '2020' and what will it mean to all of us as Soldiers? aybe you’ve never heard of physical and physiological demands Soldier ‘2020. I have to be required for Soldiers on specifi c task A deliberate and methodical plan has Mhonest, I really didn’t know performance. This validation will been developed to match the right much about it until a month ago when dramatically change how we think Soldier to the right job that best fi ts Maj. Gen. Tim Orr and I attended the about being a Soldier and how we think their physical ability. U.S. Forces Command (FORSCOM) about physical readiness. According to Gen. Robert W. Cone, – U.S. Army Training and Doctrine TRADOC commanding general, when Command (TRADOC) Senior Leader What started as a process to carefully Soldier 2020 was initiated, “Using a Summit at Fort Bragg, N.C. research, identify, and detail physical requirements also identifi ed the fact that standards-based approach, Soldier 2020 As far as I could see, It wasn’t a a lot of Soldiers experience training- aims to remove barriers, thereby giving widely-discussed process prior to that related injuries because they’re not every Soldier the opportunity to serve summit, but it’s quickly exploded into physically prepared for the job they in any position, where he or she is a new way of doing business for the signed up to do – this includes both capable of performing to the standard.” future. I think this is a topic that’ll be male and female Soldiers in a variety of So, what does it mean to us? First, of great interest to all of our leaders and MOSs/Army Occupation Codes (AOC). it’ll assist in overcoming the primary Soldiers. The plain truth is there’s a physical obstacle to integration – the culture and So, I will now answer your fi rst component to being a Soldier in the tradition of conventionally all-male question. Soldier 2020 is the initiative Total Army, where we have 10 percent organizations and the belief that female the U.S. Army has been working since of our force that’s non-deployable; Soldiers aren’t able to do the same 2013, opening combat roles to women. 80 percent of those identifi ed as non- things as our male Soldiers. While it’s A major portion of the plan was to deployable are due to physical or true not all females can do the same re-evaluate existing physical standards medical issues. things as male Soldiers, it’s also true where they existed, establish them some females can, and just want the where they didn’t, and validate gender- This initiative will also debunk one chance to compete equally. neutral standards for all Army jobs. of the primary myths regarding integrating women into combat The second impact is implementation Prior to this initiative, there were no roles – that standards are going to be defi nitive physical standards established lowered. Army leadership is staunchly to serve as an 11B (Infantryman), a committed to establishing clear, updated 19D (Cavalry Scout), or in many other standards, measured against combat Soldier '2020' Military Occupational Specialties requirements that will better match (MOS). TRADOC conducted extensive today's Soldiers – both men and women continued on page 15 testing and research to determine the – with the demands of specifi c MOSs. Warrior Ready | April 2016 | 3 Supply by the Numbers: N Story and photos While recognition is always nice, their by Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden biggest impact is in servicing Soldiers through the day-to-day operations of a rmy supply and logistics is fl uid, functioning, logistics system. not for the faint of heart. Once Asupply or logistics personnel Need examples? receive, inventory, store, and issue JFHQ received 93,000 items from the supplies and equipment, they also have Defense Reutilization Management to maintain an automated supply system Offi ce, worth approximately $840,000. that accounts for all those items. Those items were then re-issued to units They also ensure millions of dollars of throughout the state, making a huge supply fl ows freely, smoothly, and most impact on spending, while putting the importantly, accurately, throughout their equipment to good use. They’ve scored organization. 100 percent on their Physical Security Inspections over the last two years, However, when it comes to supply and as well as on their Command Supply logistics, Joint Forces Headquarters Discipline Program. (JFHQ) Soldiers can readily depend on Sgt. 1st Class Harold G. Tackett, 51, According to Tackett, if there’s any Senior Supply Sergeant, of Runnells, one key to running a successful Iowa and Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Aguirre, supply operation, it would have to be organization. 33, Supply Sergeant, of Altoona. Sgt. 1st Class Harold G. Tackett, Senior Supp These two Soldiers manage the day- “To be successful, you have to be well ters, prepares to issue ammunition during th to-day logistical support for the Iowa organized. You have to be on top of all Profi ciency (Das Abzeichen für Leistungen im National Guard’s JFHQ, United States your suspense and you have to answer Dodge, in Johnston. Property and Fiscal Offi ce (USPFO), all your service calls. Your semi-annual Warehouse 12, Employer Support key inventory must be done, as well as for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), your clothing validation. Education Offi ce, Identifi cation Card “You have to be really, really, organized Section, the U.S. Army Operation in supply,” he added. “If you’re not Support Airlift Command (OSACOM) organized, you’ll have nothing but and 671st Troop Command. chaos. You simply have to pay attention Within JFHQ alone, they service nearly to detail on a daily basis.” 300 Soldiers, 54 percent of whom are Tackett’s been involved with supply offi cers. All told, this Camp Dodge duo throughout his entire military career, is ultimately responsible for more than beginning with his fi rst Active Duty $21 million worth of equipment and Army assignment in Okinawa, Japan. supplies. After leaving the U.S. Army in 1992, he Recently, they were presented the joined the Iowa Army National Guard regional Chief of Staff, Army, Supply the very next day. A native Ohioan, his Excellence Award (SEA), which wife’s family lived near Mason City. recognizes supply excellence at the A 22-year Iowa National Guard organizational level. member, as well as serving in the “It’s validation that we’re good at what Active Duty Army for 11 years, Tackett we do,” Tackett said. “We’ve won the has seen or done just about everything regional competition, after going up when it comes to supply. It's business as usual for Sgt. 1st Class D against seven other states. Now we go “We’re simply doing our job and geant from Altoona, Iowa, as he checks in on to the national level.” adhering to the standards set forth by tory checklist. 4 | Warrior Ready | April 2016 Not for the faint of heart Army and National Guard regulations.
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