Quarterly journal of the Socialist Party of Canada FULCRUM 25c wah e lever long enough and a Mown Prong enol, t. t rne p°c,r (stay ? PRODUCCM& ( PROFITS in rtrNCN L ABfiAOop roc VIVA *" k tepMATg A CAPlTAUS/'l l rnr c/r# f Stay rich hmm** pponrs, IN AHY LAHC,l*G> NO CHANGE IN QUEBEC Via la Ibis (**»•: I (MdUk Politic* Tf* IWom T«art»| Socialist Mu Socialist God . tatt Palitlea | OwttiMit» or Sodiiitm ftaria*) fir*____ - PtftOUi WA 10 Jh;t socialist kixwiedg*' aevavet the working clem will pre-enpl the need for external use of tbe aned SOAPBOX forces fresing them to hang like tbe «ord at •smdsrS Ham on ths «tond Dmeocles, hopefully unusnd, for any capitalist^) who might be foolhardy enough to atleapt viotaew to thwart the will of a socialist majority. h Force for democracy 7 is ironic that in the previous issue of RU3UI< I apologise for not renewing ny subscription to Leninist group criticized the* Stxrlallst Party for HajOUf when It was due, scam two months ago. 1 being too soft on this point, but tbe lenlniat> hereby renew. But I do have a question or two. are motivated by minority conscious actum to The Object arid Declaration of Principles of the implant capital ism in place of fuedallan or ■ Socialist Party of Canada seem to be at odds, 'll** immature capitalism Object states that the aim is cannon ownership The writer himself concedes a variety of inter- and "democratic control of the means and instru­ re 1 at ions of hostility. Socialist hostility u ments of producing .. .wealth.. .’* In the Declara­ all other political parties arises from the fat tion of Principles, Section 6 speaks of the armed that they all support capitalism. So it is the forces, the conquest of which the workers must necessary to enphasize this hostility. It seat work towards that they the armed forces, "may be there must be continual opposition to thorn and y. converted from an instrument of oppression into consideration of any such nonsense as "teaporvy the agent of emancipation and overthrow of pluto­ aid,” "oonraon front" or "lesser evil" with tbwa. cratic privileges,*' and in Section 8 it says the Furthermore, there is an abundance of evidence, party seeking to do these things ' must be deter­ even amongst the ones who like to taka ca the mined to wage war against all other political socialist label, that this hostility la quite parties.. mutual. 1 fall to see how you car. honestly speak of demo­ Regarding tbe last point the capitalist class cracy and force in the same breath. Believers in have a tremendous propaganda pow&r to distort the dwaocracy do not speak in terms of overthrowing meaning of any term. Witness what they have done through the use of armed forces and 'waging war" with the wards "socialism" and "canonist". tat at people opposed to their way of thinking. Sec­ for many, if not most, the term *wa^ war' tion 7 says the party seeking to emancipate the conveys a different inpression than the Social 1st worhers must be "hostile” to all other parties. intent. Other Socialist writings do elaborate co In a democracy all parties are hostile to each this but, as our critic indicates, an initial re­ ckher except where you have coalitions, so I see pulsion may prevent a contact from deeper study no barm in hostility, but coupled with the use of Newcomers to the Socialist case are urged to the armed forces to 'overthrow- and wage war treat the Object and Declaration of Principle# n agaiAst political opponents, the word ''hostile*' an interrelated whole and not take wurda out d doses't fall within the aooeptsd meaning of the context and attach isolated meanlnga to thee word democratic.* The essence of the kt stamen t is concioua majority I believe that by the use of the words force, working class political action for establishing a cswrthrcw, hostile and war, socialists are delay­ classless desDcracy. Oir Object and teclanfti* ing The establishment of a system of society of Principles can mean nothing but nen-victaf based the ccmsos ownership and democratic struggle as its methods. Also, soma years eg) * oactrol of toe kwm and instruments of producing tacit agreement was reacted not to < -haoga Ik and dustrJbuting wealth.. .”. wording of tbe statements except by majority da* cision of all tbe Ccwpanian Parties of Socialise Ted Iiloow, TbaapecD, Manitoba It is good that our reader should questlot cur terminology because we do not encourage the Wild ■PUT belief <k«andf?d by other political parties. Bat ws do encourage is a ooncious understaadlag of Principle So. 6 quite clearly expresses the oeed socialist principles and if you agree with OS’ for tbs oonqtwmt of. not the arred forces', but irtasa, even though you doubt our terednolcgy, yea the yyiimat of much toe anmd forces is but a mould still consider Joining tbe party aaft pert • mils is slaply facing the reality that gov­ appreciate anatoers with an active concern for tb» ernment functions is the interests of the capita­ aowamnt. list interests. bxt external ijr against 'xrpeting capitalists and latenuuiy against the wortaie. Clearly. ia toe advanced aiti ifc tttia state pow?r INFORMATION CENTERS has beam andt an—<< db le to parlismmd . Sw Pjru «f < jw<j F/Ki Sim tddutr 4w C<W^4* Pjfk Bmk 4?*o w«. \ <P .’II. p«wm am-‘ It is the wnrial 1st latest ion. by electing a Vto WWW. SI V»\ »\> 11« *bk> Quahrc ■eUcwity to par 11sawst. to tuts this ancblaery ano—d and was it to relieve the capitalist cIms fete mUm Pjnt ef f'un^du UIm F«r<) wf Cmwb of their oaamndtig of the arena of FH. fcn fl.t r.O Nm lull. Its. V It is xcbttSwl that che material dwe/jpect of Vaonwws. MIC Jill sc. vae» *4 w Ito 1___ . , ......... .......... .. ■ rnOBI . .. •• .. ________Pmb J ft a*e Society? wtcluto i* Ugien eriiAlw "rx» Item lbs eomusu test of say bywwm ernse* to eager*- fclto: I read your nwvmpspwrs ... and Id like tad fr>» ltd mtisrstimMur*. Dm hem deuuwtoto UJ educate apeelf further by ashing frtr. ♦ hr mganwtiUBttum. Sv it *«u>4 to Mpnseitto «a*u», Utopian and sciBmnc. v*uru ii.io for Serialise to most in fcam/s o* (Ida* *ubtt tbs "oammsst rouesih' dsfieUMm* with tom WI-IAIIX'H AM) CAPITAL. Marx 1.00 last it td ferns of stmts cxptiaitee sttixur o» op. UUK iwa AM) HOOT, Marx .9 Marx was *et ly «xmmcnsd with buss itomsry sad it is hxs early philosophical eritbw that «*• to OMOJIST MANIFKTO, Marx have attracted Ftoim Marx a mfwegmet tolvtag £To5 into the <*-«xsrf<e of *wpttaiipm» mesa) tog the caune of thr misery, «*d M« fetariailM -'fcmsap- lb) 1 also recommend that you read "TTO. .SANF SOC­ tics of History exposing *b» tsywwmrswm of ww IETY' by Erich Frosmi, in which the author rracbta pi tai ism dr» nor »«« tc, have Brit Bnxm sbular anncluelone to your vio except h» is a lot wry much. touch is probably «hy Irate ws UWle out* critical of the "contradict lues" and falla­ ounce med with, or ignored Men's aetattaft to the cies iftharsnt in Marx’s writings, w.g. referriag problems of tbs world’s worker* Ate bars the to page 253 where he xt ates that Marx was "disap­ amospt "sorters*’ is stressed, cot HM.*' Wilt pointed and discourse-4. t**nelng the failure of Socialist society mil aim/ snahle the forest bis rwvolutlcrsry hopes" and the "failure to pay capitalist class to Uw libs boa* betagi., ths tough attention to the pcxs^rs of ideas In their pTwemt useful clam, art tog political If in fa­ theory at hietorical materialism.” vor of Its material iotsiwsth fcr > amm aocir: y His view is similar to your own on many points. ibers all busaas will ba fws bn It * fall Uws. (1) Ths democratic approach. (2) The non-exls- ftevuommopd car'•rial on this subject in Cuapsahm teooe of socialism in the Soviet Union and China, Party j/x»mala are. "Frcms'« 3sw- ftsofoy" ' M^- outside of the very narrowest economic deflai- TBBN SOTLtt^ST, hi/Sg), "Marx's Uutxmptun at ticss that we have been taught in school but also Socialimn, mid Mhmw do to (fe Pros Allsnatifh?‘! u»«br to attack the strict eoxxjnic point of view (90CIAU9T STAMOAB). IAm: ./?3 mm3 fw. Z74 t*w|rc of sany Marxists to the neglect of the spiritual tlwly}; "Mxhnm <m Slkss." mvi 'Sectalism mid and social MAN. (Read especially his opinion of Maiigics in AwtfalU,' (SOCXAUST nSBCKMT thia an page 228). Pless Rf^ply! fey/Juns, mxJ 2uly/Ang,pB (wspsctiimiy.) MARK CRAWPCBD. Williams Lake ■U: to art not aware of major fallacies or ccntradic- tkns in Marx's writings. But be sessm to have Intolerance baas over-optimistic about the speed of the wer- hnw la absorbing Social ist/Ccmam 1st ideas. If Intolersnaa is « dbanm oftss laid cn SpsUiimts imereti t" means basic or major, then the ®C It is said Socialists azs not pmpawd to ?lsd wild oppose Frame cm this point. Marx ’a general sscuses for myoos or aaythJtag. If our detrac­ malywle of cap it all two is regarded at» being tors mpisi that w are intolerant at madsty, they axw correct, but thsy wswally sms sure. They jps i factual today; the system being still with us, ftmdmmntally unchanged and materially and bis- co to Htv that thia i.ntolermx* of wocitty mat) - •xrlcaJly over-ripe for the change to xxrncn fasts itself la awry perscsuU sctlca.
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