C^fe) World Health Organization ^^^^ Organisation mondiale de la Santé :ORTY-NINTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY A49/VR QUARANTE-NEUVIEMQUARANTE-NEUVIEME ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE DE LA SANTE 20 May 19199Í 6 20 mai 19199S 6 PROVISIONAL VERBATIM RECORD OF THE FIRST PLENARY MEETING Monday, 20 May 1996,at 10:00 Palais des Nations, Geneva Acting President: Dato Dr Haji Johar NOORDIN (Brunei Darussalam) COMPTE RENDU IN EXTENSO PROVISOIRE DE LA PREMIERE SEANCE PLENIERE Lundi, 20 mai 1996’ à 10h00 Palais des Nations, Genève Président par intérim : Dato Dr Haji Johar NOORDIN (Brunei Darussalam) CONTENTS Page 1. Opening of the session 3 2. Address by the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva 3 3. Address by the representative of the Conseil d'Etat of the Republic and Canton of Geneva 5 4. Address by the Acting President 6 5. Appointment of the Committee on Credentials 7 6. Election of the Committee on Nominations 8 SOMMAIRE Page 1. Ouverture de la session 3 2. Allocution du Directeur général de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève 3 3. Allocution du représentant du Conseil d'Etat de la République et Canton de Genève 5 4. Allocution du Président par intérim 6 5. Constitution de la Commission de Vérification des Pouvoirs 7 6. Election de la Commission des Désignations 8 A49/VR/1 Note: In this provisional verbatim record speeches delivered in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish are reproduced in the language used by the speaker; speeches delivered in other languages are given in the English or French interpretation. This record is regarded as provisional because the texts of speeches have not yet been approved by the speakers. Corrections for inclusion in the final version should be handed in to the Conference Officer or sent to the Records Service (Room 4113,WHO headquarters), in writing, before the end of the session. Alternatively, they may be forwarded to Chief, Office of Publications, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, before 8 July 1996. Note : Le présent compte rendu in extenso provisoire reproduit dans la langue utilisée par l,orateur les discours prononcés en anglais, arabe, chinois, espagnol, français ou russe, et dans leur interprétation anglaise ou française les discours prononcés dans d'autres langues. Ce compte rendu est considéré comme un document provisoire, le texte des interventions n'ayant pas encore été approuvé par les auteurs de celles-ci. Les rectifications à inclure dans la version définitive doivent, jusqu'à la fin de la session, soit être remises par écrit à l'Administrateur du service des Conférences, soit être envoyées au service des Comptes rendus (bureau 4113, Siège de l'OMS). Elles peuvent aussi être adressées au Chef du Bureau des Publications, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, 1211 Genève 27, cela avant le 8 juillet 1996. Примечание: В настоящем предварительном стенографическом отчете о заседании выступления на английском, арабском, испанском, китайском, русском или французском языках воспроизводятся на языке оратора; выступления на других языках воспроизводятся в переводе на английский или французский языки. Настоящий протокол является предварительным, так как тексты выступлений еще не были одобрены докладчиками. Поправки для включения в окончательный вариант протокола должны быть представлены в письменном виде сотруднику по обслуживанию конференций или направлены в Отдел документации (комната 4113, штаб-квартира ВОЗ) до окончании сессии. Они могут быть также вручены до 8 июля 1996 г. заведующему редакционно-издательскими службами, Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 1211 Женева 27, Швейцария. Nota: En la presente acta taquigráfica provisional, los discursos pronunciados en árabe, chino, español, francés, inglés o ruso se reproducen en el idioma utilizado por el orador. De los pronunciados en otros idiomas se reproduce la interpretación al francés o al inglés. La presente acta tiene carácter provisional porque los textos de los discursos no han sido aún aprobados por los oradores. Las correcciones que hayan de incluirse en la versión definitiva deberán entregarse, por escrito, al Oficial de Conferencias o enviarse al Servicio de Actas (despacho 4113, sede de la OMS) antes de que termine la reunión. A partir de ese momento, pueden enviarse al Jefe de la Oficina de Publicaciones, Organización Mundial de la Salud, 1211 Ginebra 27, Suiza, antes del 8 de julio de 1996. jí V^Jjí jÎ 4 jí yt)b oUKJl J^- cJjJl у^Л lJuh ^ KJi uí _ jí ÁjjJ^ó^b J¡ CJLJJJ^ól jjL-Jj .l2ríÍJb>xij! ÔJLJI JJU JL^I*; 一 I^ bïy lJLe> Г�� í 丨)^b^Jl 4_¡UT j\ je- JJj^jl J丨 ^'l^Jl ^ I^JUjI ¿l^jl i-^waJl 4-Jiuu coljj-iiJl (^J í_r_¡3J Jl J^j oí Lá¡Í J .SjjJÜI aj.L^J Jj .、气气 4 一^¡/jf-八 J^í ¿iii) cYV ou^r 、Y、、 说明: 凡是阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文或西班牙文的发言,将以发言人所用 的语种在本临时逐字记录中刊印;其他语种的发言,将以其英文或法文的译文刊印。 本记录属临时性质,因为发言稿的文本未经发言人审阅。需要列入最后文本的 修改,应在本届会议结束以前书面提交会务官员或送记录办公室(世界卫生组织总 部4113室),或者在19%年7月8日以前寄给瑞士 1211日内瓦27,世界卫生组织出版 办公室负责人。 A49/VR/1 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION OUVERTURE DE LA SESSION The ACTING PRESIDENT: The Assembly is called to order. Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, as President of the Forty-eighth World Health Assembly I have the honour to open the Forty-ninth World Health Assembly. I now have much pleasure in welcoming on behalf of the Assembly and the World Health Organization Mr Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva; Mr Guy-Olivier Segond, Councillor of State, Chief of the Department of Social Action and Health of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, representing the Geneva authorities; Mr Walter Gyger, permanent representative of Switzerland to the international organizations at Geneva and permanent observer to the United Nations; Mr Pierre Muller, Administrative Councillor for the City of Geneva; Mr Peter Schatzer, Director, External Relations, International Organization for Migration; Mr Carlos Fortin, Deputy to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD; Mr Eric Roethlisberger, Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross; Mr Steve Davey, Deputy Director, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; the representatives of the United Nations specialized agencies, and the representatives of the various United Nations bodies; and the delegates of Member States. I also welcome the observers of non-Member States, the observer from Palestine and the observer from the International Committee of the Red Cross; and the representatives of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations in official relations with WHO. I also welcome among us the representatives of the Executive Board. 2. ADDRESS BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA ALLOCUTION DU DIRECTEUR GENERAL DE L'OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES A GENEVE The ACTING PRESIDENT: I now have much pleasure in giving the floor to Mr Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, and representing the Secretary-General. Mr PETROVSKY (Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva): Mr President, Mr Director-General of the World Health Organization, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to begin by expressing my pleasure in addressing this distinguished Assembly of the World Health Organization, and to convey to you the good wishes of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, for the success of your work. It is evident that the present international agenda, characterized by the growing interdependence of the world economy, is fluid and uncertain. The concepts of the past have lost much of their relevance. Past methods of operation provide little guidance as we search for a new stable and equitable international order. Today cooperative international action is more than ever needed to address a widening set of problems related in particular to the increasing impact of globalization and to the fragmentation which is provoking an upsurge in confrontation and conflict. In his recent address to the Ninth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Midrand, South Africa, the Secretary-General of the United Nations stated, "Globalization brings progress. It should be encouraged but dangers remain. The global economy can be hard on those unable to benefit from its opportunities. Traditional ties of community and solidarity can be undermined. Whole countries and regions can become marginalized. So the gap between rich and poor grows ever wider". A49/VR/1 I quote the Secretary-General's remarks because of their relevance to this World Health Assembly and to its themes - "fighting disease, fostering development". Reflecting on this issue, it is worth noting the enormous efforts of the international community in promoting a new and comprehensive vision of development. At the Rio conference in 1992,and especially the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, great advances were made toward the recognition that economic growth is necessary but not sufficient for overall and sustainable development. In this context, United Nations conferences and summits have become an essential mechanism for bringing together all the relevant State and non-State actors to focus on issues of global importance and to generate agreements and specific commitments that provide a comprehensive framework for further international development cooperation. The United Nations Conference on Human Settlement, Habitat II will be held in Istanbul in June this year. More than 150 countries as well as local authorities, private sector companies, nongovernmental organizations, groups of women and youth are actively engaged in preparatory
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