More parking puMs! New system adds to our perennial problem be re-examined and adjustments and from the college. However, maximum of thrrty people. If a bus by Linda Erskine must be made," said Hcwiveld. many students find these arrange- is full students have to wait Despite college administra- Shortage of parking spaces |ias ments inadequate. another 15 minutes for the next tion's efforts to alleviate the col- caused administration to make "Students can be waiting up to available' oilC. lege parking crisis, Humber .sty- temporary parking arrangements 45 minutes to catch the shuttle HtH)iveld said larger bu.ses from dents are still experiencing diffi- in areas near the. college. West- buses to the college," said Nina P.MXX. with the capacity to culties. wood Arena and Wotxibine Race Dibben, a second-year Package hold nwre people are not available Director of Outside Services Track are .set aside for overflow and Graphic Design student to the college. He al.so said the John Hboi veld said in spite of their parking areas and shuttle buses are The buses, leased from Pene- efforts, in the parking and around available to transport students to tang Midland Coach Lines hold a See Permit, page 2 college still has many wrinkles that need ironing out. .A few problems students have had to contend with are the peW Assault is being investigated parking kiosks, limited availabil- ity of the shuttle buses and stoicn—r- -the victim refused medical assist- We're not tOO per cent certain ab- by Carol Mojfatt permits. ance. She described her alleged out the events' and there are some "We are experiencing difficul- An alleged sexual assault on attacker as a 5'8" male, approx- .discrepancies." ty with the accuracy of the new number's North Campus is still imately 25 years old, with dark Jeynes said he felt Humber parking security," Hpoiveld said under investigation by police and curly hair, wearing a black shirt security staff reacted positively of the new electronic kiosks, Humtjer security. It is not yet con- and jeans. and imtnediately to the incident which were installed to deter peo- firmed if the incident actually took Gary Jeynes, superintendant of and "if anyone needs to be put on ple without permits from parking place. inside services emphasized that notice (about any problems), we'll " illegally. On Friday, Sept. 7 a 19-year- intercourse did not occur in the do it Hooiveld ^aid the .system works old student reported to police she incident. "We and the police are He advised students to take through radib transmitters located waaon her way to the main build- investigating an alleged sexual steps to protect themselves from in the valid permtts. These trans- ing from her residence building assault. Absolutely no rape took assault or harassmeni anywhepe mitters emit frequencies which are shortly after 8 p.m. when she place," he said. by practicing the buddy system received by the parking informa- heard someone behind her. Detective Sargeant James and trying to travel in well-lit tion booth for validity. The victim told police she Daniels of 23 Division said the areas. "It's good information for However, many students with tumed, saw a man and began to invesfigation is continuing but anyone, maleorferhale," he said. valid parking permits are being re- run but was overtaken and pulled "from the information provided, to lots. into bushes sexual fused access the nearby where there are some things that have See Task force, page 10 "This is a problem which must assault was attempted. Police said come up which are inconsistent. Quote of the week "There will come a day when there wilt be mme cars than paring spaces, Thei$^*U have to find home other meains of solving the pirpbhm.** HarryBiinwiMls MVtcliNror Plqnkal PN4tT<t »\ IINUA STAl'Mt «* Silt. 1972 Towing th0 lln^— Pollce began towing illcgally parked cars nroni rcaklenU prompted the crackdown. See letters to the Editor. on Ihe ttretta acroia firom North Campus Inst week. Complaints 1 " Page 2 Thursday, September 13, 1990 Coven NEWS Permit problems plague parkers keep track of 3,000 cars . for permit visibility is not as to Continued from page 1 need great, there is still a need to do soi Although the parking problem The 1990/91 parking permit still is still a major one there are no cost of hiring from a larger coach states that it must be kept on th6 plans to find additional parking. line is uxv ex pensive. rear view mirror. "We have physically^run out of Tania Stallmach, a tipst-year "The number of incidents is space," said HcH)iveld. "And the Graphics student complained of a higher than last year." said cost of a standing parlcing struc- parking attendant refusing her ac- ture is very expensive." n^ Hooiveld. "but it is stillve^ hard cess to the daily parking lot. "They said the lot was full and for me to take my car to the race ^irack, but when I walked through New VP to arrive soon there were empty spaces." The overflow lots and shuttle president for SSF Peterborough buses are available until mid- hy Dorothy R. Kosinski while a part-time replacement was November, with limited future Humber College's new Vice sought. He also .served on the availability at Woodbine Race President of Admini^itration was Board of Governors. Track. Hooiveld said the spaces at announced at the recent Presi- Rork grew up in the Peterbor- Westwood Arena will hot. be dent's Breakfast. Rod Rork re- ough area and spent most of his available because their "hockey places John Saso who has adult life there. program starts then. accepted the position as president Students with valid permits of Niagara College. have also experienced difficull'ies. Rork will assume his duties in Parkfrig^^ pefmits have been stolen October, after completing his term around the college comrtiunity. at SirSanford Fleming College " forcing victims to pay an extra $80 (SSF) in Peterborough. ' for a replacement permit. "Humber, in my view, is a very "They tcH)k the permit out of dynamic and innovattve college,," my car." said Harinder Abrol, a Rork said. "I chose this job pri- first-year Civil Engineering stu- marily because of this." li " xient . I had to pay an extra $80. Rork said it is too early to make Hooiveld said the parking con- plans to change anything yet and tract states that€ven if the permit will spend the first few months 'is lost or stolen students have to listening -and getting to know as pay the full parking fee. many as the staff as possible. One member of the Students' Rork has been employed by Associatioa Council said she SSF Peterborough for the past 2 thought the purpose of the parking years in an administrative role. attendants and the new kiosks was His last position was as Exeeutive to allow students toiceep the per- Director of Finance and Educa- mit out of view. tional Resources. Hooiveld said although the Rork recently was an interim ' Coven Thursday, September 13, 1990 Page 3 OSAP service fee planned for '91 (OASFAA) to the Secretary of ing student Pauline McFarlane. by de la Vega Tamara State. Gerry Weiner, requesting "It doesn't make any sense that Students applying for OSAP the fees be rescinded. they are asking you to pay to get next year may be hit with a three The letter, written by the OAS- (financial) help." per cent service charge. FAA chairperson Cathie Haywood is concerned the three The plan to implement an admi- Haywood, has suggested that per cent charge will result "in stu- nistrative fee was announced last "many student loans go into de- dents from the lowest income December by the Treasury Presi- fault because of misinformation or backgrounds paying prop- dent Robert de Cotret. The plan is ignorance on behalf of the stu- ortionately more for the defaults to be used to reduce the high per- dent." of the many." centage of students who do not Haywood has also suggested Students aware of the plan are fepay their loans. improved methods of communica- concerned about the affect the de- At a recent conference in tion aimed at enlightening the stu- faults will have on the OSAP Waterloo, the controversial fee dent about the importance of loan program as a whole. "I'd rather plan, effective Aug II, 1991 , was pay-backs could prevent many of pay it (the three percent fee), than unanimously opposed by financial these defaults. let it (the defaults) affect the jiid administrators from 49 col- "Our association has ideas in OSAP program itself," said Kim leges and universities throughout which to promote responsible' bor- Van Pelt a Human Resource stu- Ontario. rowing and we are willing to work dent. Humber College's Financial with lenders, student associations Haywood said students are too Aid Administrator Pat Scrase, has and federal officials at eradicating passive. "If they feel Ihey are supported a letter sent out on be- this situation," said Haywood. being treated unjustly they should half of the Ontario Association of The three per cent fee will be voice their concerns. There are Financial Aid Administrators based on the amount of the loan means and they should use them. ' provided and will be automatical- She does agree something ly deducted when the loan is should be done to reduce student ' iqsued. ^ loan defaults, "but not from the Humber For example, a student entitled awards of the students who need to a $1000 loan would automati- the funding the most." cally get a three per cent deduction Although Haywood believes housing by receiving $970.
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