One dead in shooting By Lynn Bradshaw, arrested by police. Mike Johnston and Moses, a star rugby player, Spencer McCormack grew up in North York and Chronicle Staff lived in Ajax. He played centre for both the Ontario Rugby A police Investigation con- Union's undcr-18 and undcr- tinues Into the shooting death 21 teams, and was a member of a 21-year-old former of the team that won the Durham College student at the national championship in campus pub April 3 that also Winnipeg last year. The col- left two others wounded, lege will hold a memorial for including one of the suspects. Moses Thursday. Durham Regional police The incident began about ' had charged six people with 1:30 a.m. when police say sev- . attempted murder and aggra- eral people arrived at the pub ; vatcd assault after a group of in a limousine. The men suspects was captured trying entered E.P. Taylor's and to escape in an SUV limousine shortly after retrieved some- following the shooting at E.P. tiling from tlic back scat of the Taylor's during tlie annual limousine. They returned to Athletic Banquet pub. the entrance of tlie pub where Those charges have since the shooting began. been withdrawn or downgrad- "1 heard three shots," said a ed and one of the suspects was first-year Graphics student released following a bail hear- attending the pub. "Someone ing April 7 in Oshawa. was on the floor dragging him- Eugene Moses, known to his self with his arms. His legs friends as Dwaync, died April weren't working." "6 in St. Michael's Hospital Two witnesses also said they three days after he was shot in saw someone being pulled the chest at the pub. A 23- into a room. -^ year-old Durham College stu- A second-year student who dent working at the pub as a had been walking to the wash- , security guard was shot In the room said she heard shots and legs.. He is recovering in hospi- people yelling for everyone to Photo by Jason Thompson tal. A third person was released get down. E.P. TAYLOR'S TAPED OFF: The Student Centre was closed off after a shooting from a Toronto hospital and See Police Page 2 took place following the Athletic Banquet. Top athletes Stu dent ele ctio n of the year re sults reve ale d tion becoming full-time and paying $22,500 By Andrea Tooze and the vice president receiving $6,600 for Chronicle Staff____ their work. However, despite enthusiastic candidates and a new. SA system, there was little interest in just 2 1/2 weeks of campaigning the this year's SA election. new Student Association president and In addition to three of the five available posi- Aftervice-president for Durham College were tions being acclaimed, the SA had to reopen elected. nominations an extra week and few students Thomas Coughlan beat out Brad Archbell for even bothered to vote. the position as SA president, taking 73.5 per When nominations for the election original- cent of the votes cast. ly closed March 12, only Coughlan was run- For the position of vice-president of Durham ning for president. College, Charlene Rashford won over Laura In order to gain some competition nomina- Kenzie, receiving 70 per cent of the votes. tions were reopened for an extra week, leaving Three other positions available on next the second candidate, Brad Archbell, only a year's Student Association were won by accla- week and a half to gather voter support. mation after only one nomination came in for When it came to voting, only 807 of the each position. total 7,343 eligible students voted. The new VP of Communications is Jackie UOIT had the highest percentage of voter Brown, VP of UOIT is Fraser McArthur and VP turnout with 28 per cent of eligible voters tak- of Trent is Conor Gilhooly. ing part. From Trent, four per cent of eligible The SA has reorganized for 2004-05, to students voted and nine per cent of eligible reflect the needs of all three institutions on the Durham students voted. Oshawa campus. The change came after a Coughlan, who handed out 1,400 condoms forum in January revealed that many students' and 200 glowsticks in hopes of encouraging concerns were campus-related, not institution- students to vote, was surprised by the low voter related. turnout. "Everybody is excited to be as one," said He believes tliat poor awareness of the elec- Pholo by Al Fournler Coughlan, who is looking forward to getting tion, as well as it being pushed back because of IT'S A TIE: Two females and one male won for started April 23 at midnight, when he moves strike concerns in March, are to blame for the top athletes of the year. (from left) Laura DIxon, into the SA office. lack of student interest. Mike Bond and Erin Smith were recognized for Rashford agreed, saying it is important to Both Coughlan and Rashford said that pro- their outstanding achievements. recognize that Durham, Trent and UOIT all moting school spirit and Increasing awareness See page 40 share one campus. of the SA and its activities are at the top of their Other changes include the president's posi- list of priorities for the fall. Police continue investi gation Continued from page 1 shooting. said Gary Polonsky, president the circumstances," Pitcher College Athletic Director, who She said they went into the Following the bail hearing of Durham College and UOIT. said. "You can't pliin for this was present at the pub during washroom. Toronto residents Dennis In an e-mail to faculty and kind of tiling." the incident, commended stu- "1 poked my head out a few Jackson, 27, and Anthony staff, Polonsky said last week Metal detectors were used at dents and staff who liave been times to sec what was going Thomas Edwards, 22, were that a list of ideas is "being the pub entrance, but some supportive since the incident. on," slie said. "Then someone charged with attempting to compiled to bolster selected witnesses reported the.shoot- One staff member responded told us to get out of the pub." obstruct justice. Dwayne services and keep our tradi- ing took place just outside the with on-the-spot medical After the shooting, several Cumbcrbatch, 23, of Ajax was tionally safe and respectful put) entrance. attention to victims' injuries. suspects were seen leaving the charged with breach of condi- campus exactly that - safe and The pub remained closed for In the days following the campus in a limousine. Police tional sentence. Milton respectful." tlie week while the investiga- shooting, C. J. Brown and say the limousine was spotted Jackson of Toronto faces one 1'olonsky also thanked secu- tion continued. Associates provided coun- heading west on Highway 401. charge of breach of probation. rity, E.P. Taylor's staff, stu- The consensu:; is tliat tills selling for staff and students.,. Durham Regional police offi- Matthew Okoko, 23, of dents, student leaders and the was an isolated incident on an "It is important for us to cers assisted by Toronto police Toronto was released without Durham Regional police for otherwise peaceful campus. have trained counsellors avail- stopped the limousine as It charge. A 17-year-old, who their efforts throughout the "It was an outside matter able," said Margaret Greenley, exited at Kennedy Road in cannot be Identified under the weekend following the shoot- that happened to'take place at vice-president of student ser- Toronto. Police described It as Youth Criminal Justice Act, ing- our school pub," said thomas vices. "After this- traumatic a high-risk takedown. was charged with breach of Gary Pitcher, manager of Coughlan, recently elected event, people have been direct- Seven people were arrested. probation not connected to student rights' and responsibil- president of the Student ly affected. We are working on That's wlien police discovered the shooting. None of those ities, is serving as the liaison Administration. "It could have general healing." She said one of the suspects had a gun- charged are enrolled at between the campus and happened anywhere." counselling will continue to be shot wound. He was taken to a Durham College or UOIT. The Durham Regional police. He Pitcher agreed. "We cannot provided. Toronto hospital. limo driver was not charged. said the pub had sufficient stop people committing crimes Police arc asking anyone Police charged six people "The case is still under security on hand, but he will here at the college." with Information to contact Initially with attempted mur- investigation," said Police Sgt. be reviewing current policies At the bail hearing on Detective Chuck Nash or der and aggravated assault. Paul Mallk. "Other charges are to see if security needs to be Wednesday, Malik said, "This Detective James Stcwart-Haass Five of those arrested still being laid." . improved. incident was a random act of of Durham police at 905-579- face charges, but only two "We are co-operating fully "Security at the bar did the violence." 1520 ext. 7800 or Crime- ; wereAb-norm-al charged In relation to the with the police investigation," best they could considering Ken Babcock, Du''ham Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. showcases DC talent By Andrea Tooze College, York University and Chronicle Staff Sheridan College, that hold Hard work, long hours and exhibits each spring. dedication paid off as Durham "The nice thing about College's Graphic Design stu- Durham is the teachers put a dents and teachers celebrated lot of effort into it," said the success of the third annual Hodson, who noted that design exhibit.
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