DESIGN PRINCIplES AND GUIDELINES 7. ConnECTivITY Ensure the street and route network is 7.2 Improve transport links to the North 7.4 Provide a permeable and human-scaled • Promote pedestrian thoroughfares well connected and provides convenient and South of Docklands. network of engaging streets and routes. across large development sites to enhance links to surrounding areas. pedestrian permeability and connectivity. Access Docklands: A Plan for the Docklands • Ensure built form allows for solar access • Provide contrast and celebrate the Transport Network (Places Victoria, City of at key times of the day and throughout the 7.1 Improve pedestrian connections varied scales Docklands has to offer. Melbourne with UrbanTrans, 2012) includes year, and ensure adverse wind effects are within Docklands and from Docklands Celebrate the large structures in the precinct recommendations to improve transport minimised in the public realm. to surrounding areas. such as the Bolte Bridge or the Southern links and should be referenced. Some key • Ensure public-private interfaces and Star Observation Wheel. Provide contrast to • Investigate potential operable recommendations in the Access Docklands ground-level facades are designed to provide this experience through increasing smaller footbridges over the Victoria Harbour entry Plan include: interest and high levels of amenity to the structures and spaces of human scale. and Yarra River to improve connections public realm. between Yarra’s Edge, Victoria Harbour and • improve peak hour public transport Successful examples of streets with positive NewQuay West. service between Southern Cross Station • Ensure buildings with large floor plates and/ and Victoria Harbour or single ownerships provide treatments to interfaces are townhouses at Quay Park, and both • Improve the quality and integration of the building edges that enable fine-grained Merchant Street and Rakaia Way integrate a fine • open Flagstaff Station on weekends Docklands Drive and Dudley Street and street frontages and a diversity of uses within grain of adjoining land uses, canopies and street investigate upgrading the Dudley • introduce an integrated Yarra ferry service the public realm. trees. The narrower pedestrian streets in Harbour Street underpass. Town also offer a human-scale experience. • improve peak hour public transport • Reduce the severance created by rail service between Flagstaff Station and infrastructure and connect Docklands to Docklands North North Melbourne North and West Melbourne. • potential lightrail connection between Train Station To Errol Street, North Melbourne • Bridge over Wurundjeri Way and improve To Dynon Road Footscray and central Melbourne Dudley Street - connections to the city centre. • lightrail connection between Fishermans Link to Queen Victoria Market • Provide a pedestrian connection between & Flagstaff Gardens Bend and Collins Street to central city Moonee Ponds Creek Future E-Gate the stadium concourse and Lonsdale Street Trail which bridges over the rail infrastructure. • potential water shuttle service between Site Yarra River and Victoria Harbour. Latrobe Street • Create continuous, safe and attractive - City to walking and cycling routes that link to Harbour link public transport, public spaces, community Lonsdale facilities and neighbouring areas. 7.3 Improve pedestrian connections where Street • Provide pedestrian links through large sites there are significant level changes. Melbourne to increase permeability of the urban fabric Port Bourke and provide choice for pedestrians. The following level changes could be Street improved in terms of shelter, wayfinding and universal accessibility: Collins Street • Bourke Street/Spencer Street stairs • Collins Street to Village Street and Aurora Flinders Street Lane (in future). Lorimer Street Northbank Promenade Key future Seafarers Bridge connections Existing connection Potential new connection To South Melbourne Committed connections Ingles Street Level changes To Port Melbourne/Albert Park Fig 4.07 Enhance connections to neighbouring areas . DOCKLANDS PUBLIC REALM PLAN 04. Public streets & routes 099 DESIGN CHEcklIST The diagram opposite illustrates the Identity design principles in a primary street. Bluestone paving and City of Melbourne street furniture palette reinforces the central city character. Amenity Canopies along building frontages improve pedestrian amenity. Interfaces Fine-grain and active frontages at ground level encourage street life. Diversity of use Adequate space for uses such as outdoor dining contribute to the diversity of use of the street. Community Street stalls provide for community activity contributing to the life and character of the street. Connectivity Public transport links connect Docklands to the central city. Sustainability Conditions for cyclists to encourage and support this mode of transport. DOCKLANDS PUBLIC REALM PLAN 04. Public streets & routes 101 REPRESENTATIVE STREET SECTION - LOCAL CENTRES + CONNECTORS DESIGN CHEcklIST Docklands public street design - reference documents This page summarises useful reference documents that apply to the documents listed and described below. City of Melbourne Outdoor Cafe Guide Melbourne Docklands Wind Mitigation (City of Melbourne, 2008) Guidelines (VicUrban, 2008) This guide gives advice on the design of These guidelines give advice on outdoor cafes in the City of Melbourne. how to ameliorate unpleasant wind conditions in the public realm. Docklands Retail Statement (VicUrban, City of Melbourne, Melbourne Docklands, State Government, 2008) Urban Forest Strategy (City of Melbourne, 2012) This statement explores the current challenges and opportunities for This strategy provides a strategic developing a viable and vibrant retail framework for the evolution and sector in the Docklands. longevity of tree planting in the City of Melbourne. City of Melbourne Road Encroachment Operational Guidelines Urban Forest Diversity Guidelines (City of Melbourne, 2003) (City of Melbourne, 2011) These guidelines explain the process These guidelines are a subsidiary Council uses to permit and regulate document to the Urban Forest Strategy encroachments and projections into4 and provide advice on tree planting and the road space. species selection in the City of Melbourne. Melbourne Docklands Tree Strategy (VicUrban, 2008) Access Docklands A Plan for the Docklands Transport Network This document provides a strategic (Places Victoria, City of Melbourne overview to tree planting in Docklands. with UrbanTrans, 2012) 6 Includes comprehensive baseline Docklands Design and Construction data and a range of important future Standards for Public Infrastructure strategic directions2 and actions for 3 Works (City of Melbourne, 2012) streets and routes. These standards apply to the design and 1 construction of all civil and public realm works within the Docklands area that will eventually become the assets of, or be vested in, the City of Melbourne. 5 DOCKLANDS PUBLIC REALM PLAN 04. Public streets & routes 103 1 FOOTPATHS • Pedestrian paths designed to provide a high level of accessibility and to support onstreet activities such as outdoor cafes. • Weather protection over footpaths in local centres. • Street furniture to optimise accessibility for all pedestrians and cyclists, including seats, bicycle hoops and high quality pedestrian lighting. 2 BIKE LANES • Where possible, bicycle lanes separated from vehicular traf c. 3 CARS • Car lanes set at minimum widths according to a 40km/h speed limit. • Onstreet car parking provided on at least one side of the street in local streets and both sides of the street in local centres. 4 TREES • Large canopy street trees to provide shade and cooling, mitigate wind exposure and offer habitat. • Trees planted in pits designed for optimal growing conditions and WSUD. 5 CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE • Upgraded drainage systems (e.g. pipe network, pits, gross pollutant traps and pumps). • Street furniture (e.g. street lights and parking meters) converted to alternative power sources such as locally-generated solar power. • Existing overhead powerlines to be relocated underground. 6 PUBLIC TRANSPORT • Public transport routes designed for optimum service provision, including dedicated tram / bus lanes and fully accessible tram / bus stops. DESIGN CHEcklIST Typical street standard A sample of a typical illustrated street standard from Docklands Design and Construction Standards for Public Infrastructure Works (City of Melbourne, 2012). Fig 4.08 Typical illustrated street standard. Fig 4.08 Typical illustrated street standard (detail). DOCKLANDS PUBLIC REALM PLAN 04. Public streets & routes 105 05 KEY ProJEctS & InfrastructurE KEY public REalM PROJECTS includE BOTH NEW STREETS AND spacES AND UPGRADING THE EXisTinG public REalM. ImpLEMENTinG THESE prOJECTS WilL RELY ON PRIVATE or PUBLIC INVESTMENT AND OFTEN A COMBINATion OF BOTH. DOCKLANDS PUBLIC REALM PLAN 05. Key projects & infrastructure 107 KEY PROJECTS AND ImpLEMENTATION Public SPACES Public STREETS AND CONNECTions Description Proposed Proposed Description Proposed Proposed timing responsibility timing responsibility Moonee Ponds Upgrade existing creekfront including a new cycle 2012 – 2020 public Yarra’s Edge A new local park 2015 - 2020 private Creek path, increased planting and improved interface with West Park neighbouring buildings Docklands Drive Upgrade existing and new areas of street to improve 2012 - 2020 public/private Western Park A new park with a range of active recreation facilities 2015 – 2020 public
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