PBKAO>HBK MFKF>QROBP LATEST NEWS! Welcome to the Pendraken 2011 catalogue! 2010 saw us release a whole host of new products, so have a Plick to Page 2 to see if you missed anything! In March of last year, we also launched our own Forum, which has proved extremely popular, and is one of the easiest ways to keep up with the latest Pendraken news. You can make a request, start a discussion, post some photo’s of your Pigures, anything you want! All of our members also receive a handy monthly newsletter, with all the latest news and info! We are now VAT registered, which means there has been a slight increase in our prices. However, it also means that our customers outside of the EU will no longer be paying VAT on our products. If you’re unsure of anything, please get in touch. HLT TL OOABO There are several ways to order: 1. Online - Go to www.pendraken.co.uk, choose what you want and head to the checkout. The website will automatically take you to PayPal. 2. By telephone - Ring us on 01642 460638. 3. By mail - Send your order to:- Pendraken, 1 Easby Grove, Eston, Middlesbrough, TS6 9DL. HLT TL P>V Again, we accept several payment methods:- 1. PayPal - The easiest way to pay online. 2. Card - We accept all major credit/debit cards. 3. Cheque - Please make payable to ‘Pendraken’. 4. Postal order - Please make payable to ‘Pendraken’. PLPQ>DB Postage is additional on all orders, please add the following rates to your order:- UK/BFPO - 5% of the order value (minimum of 50p). EU - 10% of the order value (min £1.00). All non-EU - 25% of the order value (min £1.00). Show Pickup - If you are attending a show and would like to pick your order up there, please let us know what you would like at least 7 days prior to the show and we will bring it along. See the back cover for a list of shows we will be attending. TBOJP All of our Ligures are cast to order. We expect to process your order within 21 days from the date we receive it, but if we fail to do this please let us know. Payment with order is re- quired. Postage is extra on all items, see above for postage rates. | 1 L>QBPQ RBIB>PBP Here’s a quick look at what we’ve recently added to our lists, and what we’ve got in the pipe- line. Don’t forget to check our Forum, www.pendrakenforum.co.uk for news and pictures of the latest masters to arrive here at Pendraken HQ. L>QBPQ RBIB>PBP • Last year saw the addition of a WWII PaciLic theatre range, with US Marines, Japanese, and some armour. (see page 39). • The Dungeon Packs were released and proved hugely popular. We also added the Dun- geon Booster pack (page 50). • The Spanish Civil War range grew at a rapid pace, with over 100 codes now available (see pages 30-31) • We’ve started stocking all manner of basing and scenery items, from laser cut bases, to trees, grasses and scatters. (see page 55) • The Lirst new range for 2011 was our eagerly anticipated Napoleonic line, starting with the French for 1809, which will be followed soon by the Austrians. CLJFKD PLLK • The Schleswig-Holstein range will be ready for release in early 2011. • As always we’ve got some more WWII vehicles in the pipeline. • The League of Augsburg range will be available in the Lirst half of 2011. • We will be extending the new Napoleonic range with more French and then the Austri- ans. Don’t forget to check our website/Forum for the latest releases, and if there’s something in particular you’d like to see in our ranges, log on to our Forum and let us know. 2 | www.pendraken.co.uk CLKQBKQP AK@FBKQP Page 4-6 D>OH ADBP Page 7 MBAFBS>I Page 8-11 RBK>FPP>K@B Page 12- 13 18QE CBKQROV Page 14-18 N>MLIBLKF@P Page 19- 20 AJBOF@>K CFSFI W>O Page 21 19QE CBKQROV Page 22-24 CLILKF>I Page 25-26 WLOIA W>O I Page 27-29 SM>KFPE CFSFI W>O Page 30- 31 WLOIA W>O II Page 32-42 IKAL CEFK> Page 43 VFBQK>J Page 44 F>KQ>PV Page 45-52 S@F-FF Page 53 RBPFK S@BKF@P Page 54 B>PFKD >KA S@BKBOV M>QBOF>IP Page 55 Tel: 01642 460638 | 3 AK@FBKQP All packs contain 30 foot or 15 cavalry and are priced at £3.50 unless otherwise shown IJMBOF>I RLJ>KP D>@F>KP AR1 Legionaries, HTW/sword AD1 Mounted General (1) £0.35 AR2 Auxiliaries, spear/sword AD2 EHC Lance Sarmation AR3 Auxiliary bowmen AD3 HC Lance AR4 Command AD4 LC Javelin AR5 Roman Cavalry with spear AD5 Foot command AR6 Mounted General (1) £0.35 AD6 Javelinmen AR7 Ballista and crew (3) AD7 Foot 2HCW AR8 Onager and crew (1) AD8 Bastarnian foot 2HCW AR9 Marian Legionaries (civil war) AD9 Archer AR10 Eastern Legionaries AR11 Spanish slinger symmachiarii GOBBHP AR12 German javelinmen symmachiarii GRE1 Hoplite with spear AR13 Praetorian guard GRE2 Peltast with javelin GRE3 Cretan archer RLJ>K RBMR?IF@ GRE4 Heavy cavalry, spear ARP1 Hastatii, HTW/sword* GRE5 Light cavalry, spear ARP2 Princepts spear* GRE6 Spartan hoplites ARP3 Triarii spear* GRE7 Foot command ARP4 Veliti GRE8 Thessalian light cavalry ARP5 Roman Cavalry GRE9 Light hoplite with spear ARP6 Marine HTW GRE10 Javelinmen ARP7 Light archer GRE11 Macedonian Pikemen ARP8 Italian allies, spear, shield GRE12 Slingers * - includes command IKAF>KP L>Q RLJ>KP AI1 Elephant with general and entourage (1) ARL1 Unarmoured, standing, spear AI2 Elephant with crew (2) ARL2 Armoured, standing, spear AI3 4 horse chariot and crew (2) ARL3 Heavy cavalry, spear, shield AI4 2 horse chariot and crew (3) ARL4 Archers AI5 Light cavalry, spear, shield ARL5 Slingers AI6 Medium cavalry, spear, shield ARL6 Unarmoured, attacking, mixed weapons AI7 Foot ofLicers (20) £2.40 ARL7 Armoured, attacking, mixed weapons AI8 General and entourage (4) £0.65 ARL8 Unarmoured command AI9 Archers ARL9 Armoured command AI10 Light javelinmen, shield ARL10 Militia AI11 Forest tribesmen, bow/javelin ARL11 Dead markers ARL12 Unarmoured cavalry, spear, shield C>OQE>DB ARL13 Armoured cavalry, spear, shield ACA1 Javelinmen, spear, shield ARL14 Unarmoured cavalry command (12) ACA2 Light archer ARL15 Armoured cavalry command (12) ACA3 Citizen spearmen, shield ARL16 Early Anglo-Saxon type militia ACA4 Foot command ARL17 Generals on foot (10) £1.20 ACA5 Heavy cavalry, spear, shield ARL18 Arthurian personalities (5) £0.65 ACA6 Numidian cavalry ARL19 Horse archers ACA7 Elephants and crew (2) ARL20 Cataphracts with kontos ARL21 Clibinarii with kontos ARL22 Clibinarii with bow 4 | www.pendraken.co.uk AK@FBKQP All packs contain 30 foot or 15 cavalry and are priced at £3.50 unless otherwise shown S>PP>KFA PBOPF>KP G>RIP AP1 Foot command AG1 Warband AP2 Spearmen AG2 Fanatics AP3 Javelinmen AG3 Command AP4 Slingers AG4 Bowmen AP5 Bowmen AG5 Slinger AP6 Cataphracts, 1/2 armoured horse AG6 Cavalry AP7 Light cavalry AG7 Chariot, crew and 2 horses (3) AG8 Heavy infantry warband A@E>BJBKFA PBOPF>KP PER1 Foot Command AK@FBKQ SM>KFPE PER2 Javelinmen ASP1 Foot command PER3 Archers ASP2 Scutarii, HTW, sword PER4 Immortals ASP3 Caetratus, javelin, shield PER5 Scythe Chariot and 4 horses (2) ASP4 Lusitanian heavy foot, spear, shield PER6 Darius and 2 standard bearers £0.65 ASP5 Medium cavalry, spear, shield MFP@ AEQ1a Roman trireme with 20 crew from ARP6/7 £11.00 AEQ1b Carthage trireme with 20 crew from ACA1/2 £11.00 AK@FBKQP AOJV P>@HP - £22.00 A@E>BJBKFA PBOPF>K - 1 x PER3, 4, 2 x PER5, 1/2 x PER1, 2 1/2 x PER2 AK@FBKQ IKAF>K - 1 x AI1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 2 x AI9 AK@FBKQ SM>KFPE - 1 x ASP1, 3, 4, 5 and 3 x ASP2 C>OQE>DB - 1 x ACA5, 6, 7, 2/4 and 3 x ACA3 D>@F>K - 1 x AD3, 4, 8, 5/9 and 3 x AD6 E>PQBOK RLJ>K - 1 x AR4, 5, 11, 12 and 3 x AR10 G>IIF@ - 1 x AG2/3, 4/5, 6, 7 and 3 x AG1 GOBBH - 1 x GRE2, 3, 4, 5 and 3 x GRE1 L>QB RLJ>K - 1 x ARL9, 12, 13 and 2 x ARL1, 2 M>OF>K RLJ>K - 1 x AR3, 4, 5, 12 and 3 x AR9 RLJ>K 1PQ/2KA C. - 1 x AR2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 3 x AR1 RBMR?IF@>K RLJ>K - 1 x ARP3, 4, 5, 7 and 3 x ARP1 Tel: 01642 460638 | 5 1000MQ AK@FBKQP AOJV P>@HP Please note: foot quantities may include separate command AK@FBKQ BOFQFPE GOBBH £40.00 £47.00 8 units of GRE1 Hoplites (240), 1 units of GRE6 8 units of AG1/8 Warriors (192), 4 units of AG4/5 Spartan Hoplites (30), 1 unit of GRE3 Cretan arch- Skirmishers (96), 4 units of AG7 Chariots (12), ers (24), 1 unit of GRE2 Peltast javelin (24), 1 unit 2 units of AG6 Light cavalry (18), 1 General and 1 of GRE4 Noble cavalry (12), 2 units of GRE8 leader Thessalian light cavalry (18), 1 General and 1 lead- er AK@FBKQ IKAF>K £47.00 IJMBOF>I E>PQBOK RLJ>K £37.00 2 x units of AI10 Infantry (60), 5 x units of AI9 5 units of AR10 Eastern Legionaries (150), 3 units Archers (120), 2 x units of AI11 Skirmishers (48), of AR2 Auxiliary infantry (72), 1 unit of AR5 Auxil- 2 x units of AI6 Medium cavalry (24), 2 x units of iary heavy cavalry (12), 1 unit of AR3 Auxiliary AI3 4 horse Chariots (6), 1 x unit of AI2 Elephants archers (24), 1 unit of AR7 Bolt throwers (3), (3), 1 x AI1 General (elephant) and 1 leader 2 units of AR12 Skirmishers (48), 1 General and (chariot) legate AK@FBKQ SM>KFPE IJMBOF>I WBPQBOK RLJ>K £37.00 £52.00 1 unit of AR13 Praetorian guard (30), 4 units of 2 unit of ASP4 Heavy foot (60), 9 units of ASP2 AR1 Legionaries (120), 3 units of AR2 Auxiliary Scutarii (270), 4 units of ASP3/AR11 Skirmishers infantry (72), 1 unit of AR5 Auxiliary heavy cavalry (96), 4 units of ASP5 Cavalry (36) (12), 1 unit of AR3 Auxiliary archers (24), 1 unit of AR7 Bolt throwers (3), 2 units of AR12 Skirmishers C>OQE>DB £39.00 (48), 1 General and legate 5 units of ACA3 African infantry (150), 1 unit of AG1 Gallic warband (24), 2 units of ACA1 Skirmish- L>QB RLJ>K £33.00 ers (48), 2 units of ACA5 Heavy cavalry (24), 2 units of ARL1 Unarmoured spear (60), 2 units of 3 units of ACA6 Numidian light cavalry (27), 1 unit ARL2 Armoured spear (60),
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