Katterfeld: Report of the CPA to ECCI [December 1921] 1 Report of the Communist Party of America to the Executive Committee of the Communist International. [December 1921] by L.E. Katterfeld A document in the Comintern Archive, f. 515, op. 1, d. 39, ll. 237-247. Although the Communist movement of America less. It is necessary to build a machinery that can make is now in the third year of its organized existence it has the fullest use of all legal possibilities. In response to as yet hardly gained a foothold among the working this need, the Central Executive Committee has be- masses. This is due largely to the circumstances under gun the formation of a legal political organization which it originated and developed. In America the under the name of “X” [Workers Party of America],† Communist Parties came into being mainly as a reflex which will centralize the public activities of the party. of the Russian Revolution and reaction to the oppor- The publicly announced purpose of “X” [WPA] tunism of the Socialist Party — a party that had never is: “to propagate the idea of the abolition of capitalism taken root among the workers. On account of the tra- through the establishment of a workers’ Soviet Repub- ditional policy of isolation of the militant elements lic; to participate with the workers in every phase of from the trade unions and the sectarian spirit and po- the class war and help them in all their struggles; to litical inexperience of the Left Wing, the movement defend class war prisoners; to combat all reactionary pursued a policy which resulted in segregating itself tendencies in the unions.” All working class organiza- from the masses. This tendency was further empha- tions and individuals that endorse this purpose, and sized by the assaults of the government. The “Red” that agree to conform to the decisions of the Execu- raids of January 1920 resulted in the complete breakup tive Committee in carrying out this purpose are in- of the open organizations and in the formation of the vited to join. underground parties. As long as the two Communist The organization structure of “X” [WPA] is ar- Parties were in the field it seemed impossible to progress ranged so as to assure its absolute control by the un- beyond “the first and simplest task.” Now at last there derground party organization at all times. Of course exists in the United States one solid Communist this fact cannot be published in any printed documents, nucleus and the work of “connecting it with the work- but the workers are allowed tacitly to understand that ing masses” is being undertaken with serious determi- this is an open expression of the Communist Party, nation. although we cannot say so because of the criminal law. A constitution, drawn up by the Central Executive Legal Party. Committee, was drawn up for “X” [WPA] for public circulation and the real set of governing rules adopted The Central Executive Committee of the Com- by the Central Executive Committee and communi- munist Party of America realizes that the party cannot cated to the membership by word of mouth through perform this task without developing the proper form the Party organizers. and methods of organization. With the apparatus of The published constitution of “X” [WPA] pro- the illegal machinery alone, this task would be hope- vides that its national Executive Board shall be elected †- This is an unusual use of the underground shorthand “X,” which generally was used as a name for the Trade Union Educational League. The context of the document makes it clear that Katterfeld is referring to the forthcoming Workers Party of America. 1 2 Katterfeld: Report of the CPA to ECCI [December 1921] at the National Convention of that organization. As a launching of “X” [WPA] as a new political party, na- matter of fact no convention of “X” [WPA] can be tional in scope, in time for entering the congressional called unless the Central Executive Committee of the campaign of 1922. Just before the “X” [WPA] con- underground party orders it and the Executive of “X” vention a secret convention of the underground party [WPA] is in reality appointed by the underground is to be held to work out the plans and instruct the Party Executive Committee. All of the national com- regular party delegates elected to the “X” [WPA] con- mittee members of the “X” [WPA] must be members vention. This will assure that the work of “X” [WPA] of the underground party and a majority of them must will be in harmony with the decisions of the party and be members of the underground Central Executive the Communist International. Committee. In each city a similar arrangement assures Before any members were enrolled in “X” that the local committees of “X” [WPA] will be under [WPA], the Central Executive prepared the Party mem- absolute control of the corresponding Party Commit- bership for this new departure with articles in the un- tees. Organizations can be admitted nationally to the derground press, with special circulars on the neces- “X” [WPA] only after approval by the Central Execu- sity of expanding and centralizing the public work, tive Committee of the underground party and no and with organizers sent to every district to explain branches or individual members can be admitted to the plans in detail and assure that the carrying out of the local organizations of “X” [WPA] without the con- these plans would not interfere with the performance sent of the underground party membership. These safe- of the regular work of the underground Party units. guards assure that “X” [WPA] will always remain an A great majority of the Communist Party mem- instrument of the party for the legal public work, not a bership welcome the establishment of “X” [WPA]. competitor of the underground Party in its efforts to They have learned from experience the limitations of lead the proletarian masses. an underground organization. They approve of the de- Under direction of special committees appointed cisions of the Central Executive Committee and the for this purpose by our regular Party Executive, the mandate of the Comintern, and are cooperating splen- work of enrolling our underground party membership didly in the work. But there has also appeared some in open local branches of “X” [WPA] is now proceed- opposition within the Party to these plans of the Ex- ing in all the party districts. Functioning committees ecutive. of “X” [WPA] for the carrying on of various legal ac- tivities have already been established in nearly all in- The Situation. dustrial centers. The work of enrolling in these locals of “X” [WPA] the branches of a number of legal Lan- To understand the situation it is necessary to guage Federations has also begun. The Finnish Fed- recall that but a few months ago the Communist move- eration, for instance, which broke away from the So- ment of America consisted of two parties which united cialist Party a year ago, has since joined the “X” [WPA] into one only under threat of discipline from the In- in body. This organization has 9,000 dues-paying ternational. When we came together in the final con- members, of whom over 1,000 are also members of vention that attained unity [Woodstock, NY: May 15- our underground organization. As soon as the work of 28, 1921] we were faced with the same difficulty that bringing our underground party membership into the had always been the stumbling block. It was early evi- “X” [WPA] is completed, a campaign will be made to dent that there existed no real difference of principle assimilate the various Left Wing and Communist ele- between the two parties. This was admitted on both ments that have left the Socialist Party during the last sides, and a program was adopted with universal satis- three years. faction. Then the real trouble came — the old trouble The Central Executive Committee has decided — the difficulty of the “Foreign Language Federa- to call a National Convention of “X” [WPA] to be tions,” which consisted in reality of the difficulty of held within four months. All organizations that ac- making the foreign federation leaders accept the full cept the general statement of purpose are invited to centralized control of the Party. send delegates. This convention will mark the public Foreign language organizations had come into Katterfeld: Report of the CPA to ECCI [December 1921] 3 existence naturally in the United States. They fill a real sented the most difficult problem there. A form of for- need in any American working class movement. About eign language organization was finally adopted which, one-sixth of the entire population of the United States while providing for all the propaganda needs of the are foreign born and in some of the basic industries in various nationalities, at the same time knitted the lan- certain sections, the percentage is over half. In the large guage branches together inseparably with the regular cities there exist solid blocks of hundreds of thousands English-speaking organization. The Federations lost of foreign born, who speak almost no English at all. all power to discipline and tax the membership. “Au- No revolutionary movement in the United States can tonomy” was discarded, and ONE CENTRALIZED afford to ignore these facts. STRUCTURE was adopted for the entire Party, with Practically every nationality in the United States full power resting in the hands of the Central Execu- has its own social, cultural, and nationalistic organiza- tive Committee. Under the circumstances each side tions. It was but natural that workers of revolutionary [CPA and UCP] was too suspicious of the other to tendencies should also flock together with other work- grant to the other a majority on the [Central] Execu- ers speaking the same language.
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