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In January, Dr. Harper Sibley, delegate speakers have been the Rev. to the San Francisco UNO Conference • Contents Rudolph Woyke of Water­ e On Friday morning, Mar ch 22, Mrs. spoke on "The United Nations Organi­ Cleveland, Ohio April 15, 1946 town, Dr. John Leypoldt and F. W. Bartel of St. Joseph, Michigan, zation." Judge Van Voorhis of the Cover P ic ture ..... .. ... Acme P h oto Wha t's. Hap pening . 2 · Volume 24 Dr. Thorwald W. Bender of the wife of the general evan gelist, the New York Supreme Court was the Number 8 Milwaukee. The Rev. and guest speaker in February, followed Edltorlal- Rev. F . W. Bartel, passed away after "The Curtain I s About to Mrs. Peter Pfeiffer and their on March 9 by Dr. Albert D. Kaiser, Go Up!" .. .. .. ......... 3 family are now living in the a brief illness. The memorial service Rochester Health Officer, and on "The S ecret of Succe ssful Living " was held at the First Baptist Church by R ev. P e t e r P f e ltrer . 4 new p arson age. April 6 by Mr. Herbert P . Lansdale, "Give Us This Day . " The Curtain Is About to Go Upl of St. Joseph, Mich., on March 26 with Jr., general secretary of the Rochester by Miss E s the r Kaiser ... ...•• 6 e The Rev. H . G . Dymmel, the local pastor, the Rev. C. H. Broe­ "Reu er Ca n N ow B e Sent to HE CURTAIN is about to go up on one of the most impor­ Y. M. C. A. On May 4 the speaker Ge rmany" home mission secretary, spent ker, in charge and wi th the Reverends will be Dr. Earl L . Koos, chairman of by Dr. W !llla m Kuhn . 6 tant weeks in our denominational history. From April 27 Sunday, March 24, at the Bap­ E. Gutsche of Benton Harbor, Mich., the department of sociology of ·the "An o ther Missio na ry Goes to Africa" , 8 tist Church of Lorraine, Kan­ "To Give or Not to Give" to May 3 a series of committee and board meetings will Ill and Paul Wengel of Adrian, Mich., University of Rochester. Mr. Earl Abel by Miss Laura E. R e ddig . 9 T sas speaking at both services be held in Forest Park, Illinois which will affect every North also taking part. The entire service is the president of the Germania So­ " W e Spend Our Years" of the church. From March 27 to Chapte r Eight .. ... .. .. 10 had been arranged several days ago ciety. "Easter at the Children's Home" American Baptist for days and years to come. Decisions will April 14 he was in Oregon and Cali­ by Rev. A . F. Runtz .. •. ••... lS be made and policies formulated which will gladden the heart fornia, visiting most of our churches by Mrs. BC!l'tel for this occasion. She e On Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 27, Childre n's Page was 52 years of age at the time of h er Edited by Miss Esther Schultz , .14 of every missionary-minded Christian in our churches but which - in both states and speaking in the in­ the women of the Baptist Ladies' Aid R eports from the Field . .. .. ...... 16 terest of the denominational enterprise. homegoing. Mr. Bartel was conduct­ of Wishek, No. Dak., held their annual Obi tua rles ........... ..•...• • ••. .• • . 18 will also require greater efforts in giving for expanding mission During the P assion Week and closing ing meetings in Wilmington, Del., "Do You Know Tha t?" ....... .. .. 18 fields on the part of all of our churches. birthday party at the church. The Semina ry E ndowme nt Fund ......... 20 on Easter Sunday, Mr. Dymmel will when word reached him of his wifes guests at the party included the Ladies' The General Council will convene on Monday and Tuesday, be in Oklahoma with engagements at critical illness. Aid societies and their pastors from April 29 and 30. A proposed plan for denominational reorgan­ the Shattuck, Okeene and Immanuel Comin.r• Baptist Churches of the state. the Lutheran, Congregational, Evan­ ization will be considered by the council. The members will gelical and Reformed Churches. There GENERAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM have to wrestle with the problems of greater financial demands The Ge ne ral Conference prog ram will e The Rev. George W. Zinz of the FRONT COVER PICTURE were also several guests present from be announced In the next Issu e In prepa­ upon the budget by some of our denominational societies. The Forest Baptist Church near Winburne, The front cover plctnre 8bow• a L~nton, including Rev. H. J. Wilcke of ration for the memorable conference ses­ General Missionary Committee is to meet from May 1 to 3. group of wome n In Nucrnberg, sions to be h e ld In Tac oma, Washington Pa., has many responsibilities besiaes Ge rmany, whos e home" ore In the Lmt~n, No. _Dak. The members of the tr.om August 19 to 25, 1946. The firs t of They will face the critical needs and important Macedonian his church. At the annual meeting of air rnld eellnrs nnd 8ubwny• be­ ~a pbst Society gave a very interest­ a s eries of Illustrated articles about the calls which are depicted in the largest Cameroons mission bud­ neath the ground 9lnce their own picturesque bea uty of Tacoma and the the Center and Clearfield County Min­ home11 were de11troyed during' the u;ig pro~am which included a memo­ Calvary and First Churc h'!s ot the city get which we have ever had to consider and the opening of isterial Association, Mr. Zinz was re­ wnr. During the tiny they work In r1.al service .and the lighting of two will also appear at that time. new doors of opportunity on the Spanish-American field in thll'J temporary He wing ce nter with birthday candles for two former mem­ elected treasurer for the fourth con­ lt8 pitiful 11urroundlngs, hoping to MASTERPIECES IN GOD'S SERVICE Colorado and the Indian field in Alberta, Canada. They will secutive year . He is vice-president of provide the neceHt1 nry clothes for ~~rs ;'h? had died in the past year. The remarkable story ot Mr. Albert J. be looking to God for guidance in the nomination of names their fnmllles •. Note the rulnt1 of uliana Sukut was also presented L a ng of the F a ith Ba ptis t Church of Min­ the board of education of the Cooper huHtllngH In the bnckg·rouucl. Pnge " :s. n eapolis, Minn., who r a ises 15,000 gladi­ for the position of general missionary secretary. They will township district. He has served on 6 ond 7 of thlt1 Issue of " The Bnp­ with a corsage of fiowers as a token olas each year and then consecrates tl8t Herold" conthme the story of ~~m the Aid to the oldest member. them for specia l service for Christ has have to bear many heavy loads of responsibility during those this board of education for six years. Germnny'H crltlcnl need" for re­ been prep a red by Mrs. E s the r Adam of days. He has also been a member of the lle f and the s tirring JUncctlonlnn . e afternoon was brought to a close Mi nneapolis for a gra nd, Inspiring "Bap­ mission board of th e Clearfield B aptist · cnlh1 thot come to us for he lp. with the serving of a delicious lunch. tist H e rald" articl e. Prior to tl~ese sessions, there will be meetings of the Invest­ Association for the past three years. • Mr. Harold Lippert of Tripp, So. A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS ment Committee, Finance Committee, the Committee on the ~ak., director of the 5000 Club of the A full page will be r es erved for poems Reorganization of the Denomination and the Pension Fund e Lenten services were held on suc­ e On Friday evening, April 12, a re­ a nd brief prose tributes to the loving Committee. The executive committee of the National Young cessive Thursday evenings from Mar ch d outh Dakota Young People's and Sun- minis try of Chris tian m o thers In behalf cognition service for Mr. H . P. Donner a. Y SMchool Workers' Union and the of the ir children and the Kingdo m of God. People's and Sunday School Workers' Union is scheduled to 7 to 18 at the State P ark Baptist Church R E very r eade r will find these m essa ges was held by the Publication Board and evt · .
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