r . Ho .a rd U. Chapin ~- r . ijistoricAl _So~iety ,68 Waterm·a11 St , Pr-ovid-ence , R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE 1cmi~1 I era ___ Entered • • Second.Can Maner, Nov. 7, 1929, at the Pon Of- PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, .},;933 5 Cents the Copy' Vol. IV. No.15 6.e at Providence, R. I., Under the Act of March 3, 1879. GOLDIE MYERSON TO GIVE RESEARCH UNIT Hundreds to Attend. ADDRESS MONDAY BEFORE HONORS GREAT • • WOMEN'S PIONEER GROUP JEwisHscHoLAR Induction of Jewish American Academy to Noted Palestine Labor GOLDIE MYERSON Leader Now Aiding ~f Groups In U. S. Pu:::~~:~~~: war Vets, Auxiliary Mark 800th Birthday Former School Teacher Harry A. Hoffman to be New York, Jan. ~(JTA)-Plans Goldie Myerson, Palestinian woman for the celebration of the 800th an­ _ Installed as Head of leader and representative of the His­ niversary of the birth of Maimonides tadruth, the Palestine Jewish Fed­ with the publication of the collected R. I. Post eration of Labor, will be the pnnc1- writings of the great Jewish mediaeval pal speaker at the annual, h.1~cheon philosopher, were announced at . the Event Set for Sunday - ·' and meeting of the Womens Pioneer annual meeting of the American Club, Monday, at one o'clock ,at Zinn's Academy of J ewish Research held at Several hundred persons will wit­ Banquet Hall. the Jewish Theological Seminary last ness the joint installation ceremonies Miss Myerson comes as the repre­ of the Rhode Island Post, No. 23, sentative of the Palestine Jewish w~~- Alexander- Marx, president of J ewish ~War Veterans of the United Workers' Federation and in particu­ the academy, expressed the belief that States, and the Auxiliary, which takes lar its women's division, the Maozath the first two volumes of the collected place Sunday evening at the Swed­ Hapoaloth, and will devote her visit writings as edited by scholars of the ish Hall on Chestnut street, at eight locally to aid in the work of the Pio­ American Academy for Jewish Re­ o'clock. neer Women's organization, which is search would be ready for publica­ Senator Paul J . Robin, National affiliated with the Women's Pioneer tion in 1935. the Maimonides anni­ groups in Palestine. Chief of Staff, will seat the newly versary. The editing of the complete elected Commander, Harry A. Hoff­ Taught School in Chicago series of writings, Dr. Marx said, man who has also I been the State During her visit here last year, -~iss would require fifteen- or twenty Com1mander, Veterans of Foreign Myerson pictured the Palestinian years. Wars. Mrs. Ethel J. Cohen, National woman as "the living type of the Volumes Published · President of the Auxiliaries, will in­ new womanhood who cannot content Palestine · Jewish Woman Labor Two volumes, sponsored by the stall the President of the local unit, herself merely with ti;te role of _wo ­ Leader to Speak Here Monday academy, the third volume of the Mrs. Nettie Cohen. Dr. Samuel L man in the present form of society, Proceedings of the Academy and the Kennison is in complete charge of ' · but who must strive and find the first volume of Kossowsky's Concord­ arrangements. means of becoming a co-factor in the Lehman Assumes ance to the ToS<>fta, published in Local Groups Amongst Largest work and life of an Eretz Israel re­ J erusalem, have made their appear- in Country born." An American, well educated, 's Post ance, it was announced. highly cultured woman, and a former G OVern Or Dr. H. G. Ene)ow of Temple New Jewish War Veterans' Head to 'The local post, which numbers 125 •chool teacher in Chicng_o, Miss Myer­ . Emanu-El, described the discovery_b y: _ be. Seated Sunday members, together with about 110 son left for Palestine, where for 12 Sister's Death ~ Casts Shadow him of an old Jewish classic. The -------------- women in the Auxiliary, i3 one of the years, she has played a prominent most active and largest in the United Over N. Y. Inaugural work titled '"l'.11e .~•fi_drash of 32 Rules It than part in the building of a Jewish Na­ • of Interpretation, IS frequently re- States. was founded more tional Homeland. Ceremomes £erred to by many of the Rabbis of Einstein Slated five years ago by a group of veterans On her recent arrival in America, New York, Jan. 6-(JTA)-Herbert the middle ages. Modern scholars, which includes Dr. Samuel I. Kenni­ Miss Myerson made the following H. Lehman.was sworn in as the first however, had regarat'd the volume as To Arrive Today son, Major Charles M. Hoffman, Abram Halpert, Samuel Lazarus, statement: 0 Palestine today knows Jewish Governor of, the State of New a whole as !os( Dr. Enelow described no economic depression such as that York in two ceremonies, the first of his finding of the lost Mldrash by his Will be Told of Successful Rela­ C,.,orge Silverman, Joseph Field and accidental attraction to a passage in Abe Harrison. The past commanders experienced by other countries. To which took place Saturday evening tivity Test on Landing that have led the organization are the contrary, the sole problem now in New York. in the presence of a an old Yemenite manuscript at the at Pasadena Jewish Theological Seminary. Major Hoffman, Dr. Kennison, Abram before the Pioneers, is- how to make small group of friends and relatives Halpert, Senator Paul J . Robin and possible an influx of new workers and the second Monday, a public CoUege Heads Speak Pasadena, J an. ~(JTA)-Dr. Al­ who are waiting and eager to settle ceremony attended by 2000 persons. bert Einstein is scheduled to arrive Reuben Lipson. ' ,.,_ Others who preS<>nted papers at the The program will include the com­ there. • The depression in Palestine is The oath of offit.."e as the Chief Ex­ meeting of the acedemy were Dr. in Pasadena to continue his research felt only to the extent that funds from ecutive of New Y'ork State was ad­ at the California Institute of Tech­ plete drill by the Auxiliary, the pres­ Solomon Gandz of the Yeshiva1 whose other countries fall off on account of ministered to Governor Lehman on nology today. On his arrival, a piece entation of colors, the military sa­ subject was the origin and develop­ )ute and the soundi~ of Tap&. _J . it, for then, not only national en- Saturday evening in his New York ment of the Hebrew Arabic numerals of goods news to be received by him cleavers must be curtailed, but even home by his brother, Judge Irving is that an experiment carried on at er in chief, accompamed his staff, will in connection _ with the history of in chief, accompanied by his staff, _will r rivate enterprise is curbed, due to Lehman of the New York State Court Semitic and Greek numerals, Joshua the institute has certified part of his the fact that in Palestine, private en- of Appeals. A shadow was cast over relativity theory to within one point. attend as will many post commanders Starr of Columbia University, on from other cities. Invitations have terpriS<> follows the national. Not- the ceremony by th~ sudden death "The Legal Status of the J ews in the In his theory Dr. Einstein predicted withstanding, the past few years have of the Governor's sister, Mrs.. Clara that a high speed electron would re­ been sent to the Governor, Mayor and witnessed a · tremendous progress in L . Limburg on Friday. [Continued on Page 4] veal a 14 per cent curvature. in re­ various political and· military officials the land and more and more colonies Owing to Mrs. Limburg's death all porting on the problem presented by of the city and state. are becoming self-supportillg. social events in connection with the the changing of mass velocity. It was Officers to be Installed Behabilitation in Palestine Progresses inaugural were cancelled. Colonel Samuel Hilton Levy of disclosed today that Dr. Carl A. An­ Other post officers who will be in­ "By far, the greatest achievements Lehman was in Albany conferring derson, the young physicist, who re­ stalled by Senator Robin are: Max have been made in the rehabilitation with President-elect Roosevelt when Newport Elected to cently succeeded in photographing the A. Cohen, senior vice commander; of men and women who for cen- informed of his sister's passing. He blasting of atomic nuclei by cosmic Barney Taber, junior vice command­ turies have been removed from the left at once for New York. School Committee rays, has reported that one of his er; E. S. Bored, adjutant; Aaron Co­ soil. Non-Productiv~ individu:tls have Monday's inaugural ceremonies Samuel Hilton Levy, son of Judge photographs shows a 13 per rent. hen. quartermaster; Abe Swerling, become pioneers of the highest char- were held according to schedule at and Mrs. Max Levy, of Newport, was curve made by an electronic particle chaplain; Irving Glanu, officer of the acter, draining swamps and trans- noon and were the simplest in the unanimously elected for a two-year which travelled with a velocity about forming barren and malaria-infested l,listory of the state. The oi,th of of- term on the Newport School Commit­ equal to light. [Continued on Page 4) wastes into fruitful lands. They have fice was administered by Secretary of tee at a meeting of the Board of become efficient farmers, able to re- State Edward J . F1ynn with Presi- Aldermen, Thursday evening. build a country and to serves as dent-elect Roosevelt, the retiring Mr.
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