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OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION, 1927. Expiration of term WETMORE,ALEXANDER, President ................... November, 1927 FLEMING,GRINNELL, JAMESJOSEPHH. f Vice-Presidents ................ " 1927 PALMER,T. S., Secretary........................... " 1927 McATEE, W. L., Treasurer......................... " 1927 ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. BENT, ARTHURC ................................. November, 1927 DEANE, RUTHYEN................................. " 1927 FORBUSH,EDWARD H .............................. " 1927 OBERHOLSER,HARRY C ............................ " 1927 OSGOOD,WILFRED H .............................. " 1927 RICHMOND,CHARLES W ............................ " 1927 ROBERTS,THOMAS S ............................... " 1927 BATCHELDER,CHARLES F........................... CHAPMAN,FRANK M............................... FISHER,ALBERT K................................ Ez-Presidents MERRIAM,C. I-IART............................... NELSON,EDWARD W ............................... DWIGHT,RIDGWAY,JONATHAN ROBERT................................ ............................... STONE,WITMER .................................. EDITORIAL STAFF OF •THE AUK.' STONE,WITMER, Editor ............................ November, 1927 COMMITTEES. Committeeon Arrangementsfor the Meeting of 1927. WETMORE,ALEXANDER, Chairman HENDERSON,W. C. PALMER,T.S., LINCOLN,F. C. MCATEE,W.L. SHOEMAKER,C. R. Committeeon Biographyand Bibliography. PALMER,T. S., Chairman DEANE, RUTHVEN ALLEN, GLOVERM. RICHMOND,CHARLES W. Committee on Bird Protection. FLEMING,J. H., Chairman BE•,rr,A. C. ALLEN, A.A., RICHMOND,CHARLES W. Committeeon Classificationand Nomenclatureof North American Birds. STONE,WITMER, Chairman OBERHOLSER,H. C. DWIGHT, JONATHAN PALMER,T. S. GRINNELL, JOSEPH RICHMOND,C. W. MILLER, W. D.W. WETMORE,ALEXANDER Committee on Publications. STONE,WITMER, Chairman PALMER,T. S. WETMORE,ALEXANDER McATEE, W. L. xii Fellows. FELLOWS, MEMBERS, AND ASSOCIATES OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION APRIL, 1927.• FELLOWS. *Life Fellow. Date of Election A•.•.•n, DR. ARTHURA., McGraw Hall, Cornell Univ., Ittmca, N.Y. (1909) 19222 • Dates in parentheses indicate dates of joining the Union. A•.•.•n, DR. GLoWR M., Museum Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. (1896)1921 AnTHonY,A. W., Nat. Hist. Mus., Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif. (lSS5)1S95 BAnas, OWrl•A•, Museum Comp. Zoology,Cambridge, Mass.. (1884)1901 BX•CH•.•)•R, CH•.•s F., Peterborough,N. H ............... Founder B•s•, C. Wi•.•.ix•, New York Zool. Park, New York, N.Y... (1897)1912 *B•n% AR•HUl•C•.•v•Lxn•), 140 High St., Taunton, Mass.... (1889)1909 B•Ra•o•), DR. W. H., 1159 Race St., Denver, Cole......... (1889)1921 BisHor, DR. Louis B., 450 Bradford St., Pasadena,Calif ..... (1885)1901 BRoozs,ALLx• C., OkanaganLanding, B.C., Can.......... (1902)1921 BRown, NATHXnC•I•OR•), 218 Middle St., Portland, M•ine .... Founder CHA•)•OU•, DR. A•Hu• P., 1615 Grant St., Denver, Colo... (1883)1889 CHx?•n,J•s P., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y .... (1906)1921 CHxr•An, DR. FRxnz M., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. (1SSS)•SSS D•xn•, Ru•Hv•n, 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill ............... 1883 Dw•oH•, DR. Jon•Hxn, 43 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y ..... (1883)1886 F•sH•R, DR. ALbeRTK., BiologicalSurvey, Washington,D.C... Founder F•o, JA•s H., 267 RusholmeRoad, Toronto 4, Ont., Can.(1893)1916 Fol•usH, E•)wxR• H., 9 Church St., Westborough,Mass ..... (1887)1912 FurRows,Lou•s A., 201 Wyckoff Ave., Ithaca, N. Y ......... (1891)1912 GR•nn•, DR. G•oRo• Bm•), 238 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y ..... 1883 GRinnelL, DR. Jos•H, Mus. Vert. Zool.,Univ. Calif., Berkeley,Calif. (1894) 1901 GR•sco•, Lu•)•ow, 55 Park Ave., New York, N. Y ......... (1908)1925 Jon•s, LYrics, 352 West CollegeSt., Oberlin, Ohio.......... (1888)1905 Loo•s, L•v•r M., Calif. Acad.Sci., San Francisco,Calif.. (1883)1892 • Members of the Union, and subscribers to ' The Auk' are requested to notify She Treasurer, Mr. W. L. McAtee, 200 Cedar St., Cherrydale, Va., immediately in the case of any change of address. Honora• Fellows. xiii *MAILLIARD,JOSErH, 1815 Vallejo St., San Francisco,Calif .... (1895)1914 McATEE, WALDOLEE, BiologicalSurvey, Washington,D.C... (1903)1914 *McGRE(•OR,RICHARD C., Bureau of Science,Manila, P. I ..... (1889)1907 MERRIAM,DR. C. HART,1919 16th St., N. W., Washington,D.C.. Founder MILLER,W. DEWi•r, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y... 1896(1914) MURrHY, DR. ROSERTC., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. (1905) 1920 NEI-rRLIN%H., Naples, Tamiami Trail, Lee Co., Fla ............... 1883 NELSON,DR. E. W., BiologicalSurvey, Washington, D. C ......... 1883 *OBERHOLSER,DR. HARRYC., Biol. Survey,Washington, D. C.. (1888)1902 Os(•ooD,DR. WILFREDH., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago,Ill.. (1893)1905 *PALMER,DR. T. S., 1939 Biltmore St., N. W., Washington, D.C. (1888)1901 *PHILLIrS, DR. JOHNC., Wenham, Mass................... (1904)1925 RICHMOND,DR. C. W., U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington,D. C ..... (1888)1897 Rm(•wAY, ROBERT,Route 7, Olney, Ill ....................... Founder RILEY, JOSErHH., U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington,D. C ....... (1897)1919 ROBERTS,DR. THOMASS., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis,Minn... 1883 SAUNDERS,WILLIAM E., 240 Central Ave., London, Ont., Can..... 1883 SHUFELDT,DR. R. W., East Falls Church, Va ................. Founder *STONE,DR. WITMER,Acad. Nat. Sciences,Philadelphia, Pa... (1885)1892 SWARTH,HARRY S., 2800 Prince St., Berkeley, Ca]if ........ (1900)1916 TAVERNER,PERCY A., National Museum,Ottawa, Ont., Can.. (1902)1917 TODD,W. E. CLYDE,Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa ...... (1890)1916 TOWNSEND,DR. CHARLESW., Ipswich, Mass............... (1901)1923 WETMORE,DR. ALEXANDER,r. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. (1908)1919 WIDMANN,O•ro, 5105 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo ............... 1884 RETIRED FELLOWS. FroHER,PROF. W. K., HopkinsMarine Sta., PacificGrove, Calif. (1899)1920 HENSHAW, HENRY W., C/O P. B. Cromelin, Albee Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C ..................................... (1883)1918 LAWRENCE,NEWBOLD T., 45 E. 29th St., New York, N. Y ..... (1883)1913 LucAs, DR. FREDERICA., Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. (1888)1921 ' STEJNEGER,DR. LEONHARD,U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C. (1883) 1911 HONORARY FELLOWS. BAEER,E. C. STUART,6 Harold Road, Upper Norwood, London, S. E. 19, England .................................... (1918)1920 BUTURLIN,S. A., c/o Prof. S. I. Ognev, Zool. Mus., 1st University, Moscow, U.S.S.R ................................. (1907)1916 xiv CorrespondingFellows. CAMPBELL,ARCHIBALD JAMES, "Bulgaroo," WellingtonRoad, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia .......................... (1902)1921 CLARKE,DR. WILLIAM.EAGLE, 8 GrosvenorSt., Edinburgh, Scot- land ........................................... (1889)1921 DaBBENE,DR. ROBERTO,Museo Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1916)1918 EVANS,DR. ARTHURH., 9 Harvey Road, Cambridge,England.. (1899)1917 GADOW,DR. HANS FRIEDRICH,Cleramendi, Great Shelford,near Cambridge,England ............................. (1884)1916 HAAGNER,ALWIN K•RL, Zoological Gardens, Box 754, Pretoria, Transvaal,South Africa .......................... (1916)1918 HALL, ROBERT,TaBmartian Museum, Hobart, Tasmania ...... (1916)1923 HaRTERT,DR. ERNESTJ. 0., ZoologicalMuseum, Tring, Herts, England ....................................... (1891)1902 HELLMAYR,DR. CARLE., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago,Ill... (1903)1911 IHERING, DR. HERMANNVON, Hammerstr. 30, Biidingen, 0bet Hessen,Germany ................................ (1902)1911 JOURDAIN,REV. FRANCISCHARLES ROBERT, WaveHey Lodge, Bitch- ingham, Norfolk, England........................ (1918)1921 KURODA,DR. NAGAMICHI,Fukuyoshi Cho, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan (1918) 1921 LSNNBERG,DR. A. J. EINAR, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum,Vet- enskapsakademien,Stockholm, Sweden............ (1916)1918 LowE, DR. PERCYR., Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Cromwell Road, London, S. W. 7, England........................ (1916)1920 MENEGAUX,Dr. HENRI AUGUSTE,Museum d'Histoire Naturelie, 55 Rue de Buffon, Paris, France.................. (1916)1918 PYCRAFT,WILLIAM PLANE, British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Crom- well Road, London, S. W. 7, England.............. (1902)1911 REICHENOW,DR. ANTON,Wrangelstr., 16, Hamburg 11, Germany (1884) 1801 ROTHSCHILD,LORD LIONEL WALTER, Zoological Museum, Tring, Herts, England.................................. (1898)1913 SCLATER,WM. LUTLEY,10 SloaneCourt, Chelsea,London, S. W. 3, England........................................ (1906)1917 SUSHKIN,DR. PETERP., Zool. Mus., Acad. Sci., Leningrad,U.S.S.R. (1903)1918 VAN 0ORT,DR. E. D., Mus. Nat. Hist., Leyden,Holland ...... (1913)1919 CORRESPONDING FELLOWS. ABBOTT,DR. WILLIAM L., North East, Md ..................... 1916 ALEXANDER,WILFRED B., 15 Edridge Road, Croydon, England... 1921 ALFARO,DON ANASTASlO,San Jos•, Costa Rica .................. 1888 ARRIBALZAGA,ENRIqUE LYNCH, Resistencia,Chaco, Argentina.... 1918 ARRIGONI,DEGLI 0DDI, COUNTETTORE, Univ. of Padua, Padua, Italy. 1900 CorrespondingFellows. xv ASHBY,EDWIN, Wittunga, Blackwood, Adelaide, South Australia .... 1918 BA•LEY, HARRY B., Box 112, Newport News, Va., ...... (Founder) 1926 BANNERMAN,DAWD ARm?AGE,60 Addison Road, London, W. 14, England.............................................. 1916 BA?E, Miss DORO?HEAM. A., British Museum Nat. Hist., Crom- well Road, London, S. W. 7, England.................. 1920 BA?ES,GEo. LA?I•aER,Bitye, via Ebolowa, French Cameroon, W. Africa ................................................ 1919 BAX?ER,Miss EVELYNVIDA, The Grove,Kirkton of Largo,Fifeshire, Scotland ............................................. 1919 BEAUFOR?,DR. L.

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