1094 Biographical Directory ciation of America, 1987-1998; is a resident of Arlington, 3, 1993-January 3, 1999); was not a candidate for reelection Va. in 1998 to the One Hundred Sixth Congress. FURCOLO, John Foster, a Representative from Massa- FUSTER, Jaime B., a Resident Commissioner from Puer- chusetts; born in New Haven, Conn., July 29, 1911; grad- to Rico; born January 12, 1941, in Guayama, Puerto Rico; uated from New Haven High School, New Haven, Conn.; attended parochial schools; B.A., Notre Dame University, graduated from Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1933; 1962; J.D., University of Puerto Rico Law School, 1965; LL.B., Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1936; lawyer, LL.M., Columbia University Law School, 1966; Law and Hu- private practice; United States Navy; elected as a Democrat manities Fellow, Harvard University, 1973-1974; professor to the Eighty-first and Eighty-second Congresses (January of law, 1966-1979, and dean of law, 1974-1978, University 3, 1949-September 30, 1952); Massachusetts state treasurer, of Puerto Rico; United States Deputy Assistant Attorney 1952-1954; unsuccessful candidate for election to the United General, 1980-1981; president, Catholic University of Puerto States Senate in 1954; governor of Massachusetts, January Rico, 1981-1984; elected as a Democrat to the United States 3, 1957-January 5, 1961; assistant district attorney, Mid- House of Representatives in 1984 for a four-year term; re- dlesex County, Mass., 1967; chairman, United States Attor- elected in 1988 and served from January 3, 1985, until ney General’s Advisory Committee on Narcotics, 1969; ad- his resignation March 4, 1992; associate justice, Supreme ministrative law judge, United States Occupational Safety Court of Puerto Rico; is a resident of Candado, San Juan, and Health Review Commission, 1975-1989; died on July P.R. 5, 1995, in Cambridge, Mass.; interment in Holyhood Ceme- tery, Brookline, Mass. FYAN, Robert Washington, a Representative from Mis- souri; born in Bedford Springs, Bedford County, Pa., March FURLONG, Robert Grant, a Representative from Penn- 11, 1835; attended the common schools; studied law; was sylvania; born in Roscoe, Washington County, Pa., January admitted to the bar in 1858 and commenced practice in 4, 1886; attended the public schools at Roscoe, Pa.; was Marshfield, Webster County, Mo.; county attorney in 1859; graduated from State Teachers College, California, Pa., in entered the Union Army in June 1861, serving with Colonel 1904 and from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., Hampton’s regiment, Webster County Home Guards, the in 1909; taught school at Roscoe, Pa., in 1904 and 1905; Twenty-fourth Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and practiced medicine in Donora, Pa., 1910-1968; during the the Forty-sixth Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry; cir- First World War served as a first lieutenant with the Two cuit attorney in 1865 and 1866; circuit judge of the four- Hundred and Eightieth Ambulance Company, Twentieth Di- teenth judicial circuit of Missouri from April 1866 to Janu- vision; burgess of Donora, Pa., 1922-1926 and in 1941 and ary 1883; member of the State constitutional convention in 1942; postmaster of Donora, Pa., 1933-1938; elected as a 1875; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-eighth Congress Democrat to the Seventy-eighth Congress (January 3, 1943- (March 4, 1883-March 3, 1885); elected to the Fifty-second January 3, 1945); unsuccessful candidate for renomination and Fifty-third Congresses (March 4, 1891-March 3, 1895); in 1944 to the Seventy-ninth Congress; resumed the practice resumed the practice of law; died in Marshfield, Mo., July of medicine; elected sheriff of Washington County, Pa., in 28, 1896; interment in Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, Mo. 1945, 1949, 1953, 1957, and again in 1961 for a four-year term; retired and resided in Donora, Pa., where he died March 19, 1973; interment in Monongahela Cemetery, G Monongahela, Pa. GABALDON, Isauro, a Resident Commissioner from the FURLOW, Allen John, a Representative from Min- Philippine Islands; born in San Isidoro, Nueva Ecija, Phil- nesota; born in Rochester, Olmsted County, Minn., Novem- ippine Islands, December 8, 1875; attended the public ber 9, 1890; attended the public schools; was graduated from schools in Tebar, Spain, and the Colleges Quintanar del Rochester High School in 1910; during the First World War Rey and Villa Nueva de la Jara, Cuenca, Spain; studied served overseas as a pilot in the aviation branch of the law in the Universidad Central, Madrid, Spain, and was Army; promoted to first lieutenant; was graduated from the graduated from the Universidad Santo Tomas, Manila, Phil- law department of George Washington University, Wash- ippine Islands, in 1900; practiced law from 1903 to 1906; ington, D.C., in 1920; was admitted to the bar in 1920 Governor of the Province of Nueva Ecija in 1906 and 1912- and commenced practice in Rochester, Minn.; member of 1916; member of the Philippine house of representatives the Minnesota State senate 1923-1925; elected as a Repub- 1907-1911; served in the Philippine senate 1916-1919; elect- lican to the Sixty-ninth and Seventieth Congresses (March ed as a Nationalist a Resident Commissioner to the United 4, 1925-March 3, 1929); unsuccessful candidate for renomi- States in 1920; reelected in 1923 and 1925, and served from nation in 1928; employed in the legal department of the March 4, 1920, until his resignation effective July 16, 1928, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Washington, D.C., in 1929 and having been nominated for election to the Philippine house 1930; in 1933 was appointed by the United States Attorney of representatives; had also been elected in 1925 as a mem- General as a special assistant in cases assigned under the ber of the Philippine house of representatives, but did not petroleum code; was in the legal department of the Veterans qualify, preferring to continue as Commissioner; died in Ma- Administration, Washington, D.C., 1934-1937; returned to nila, Philippine Islands, December 21, 1942; interment in Rochester, Minn., and practiced law until his death, January North Cemetery in Manila. 29, 1954; interment in Oakwood Cemetery. GADSDEN, Christopher, a Delegate from South Caro- FURSE, Elizabeth, a Representative from Oregon; born lina; born in Charleston, S.C., February 16, 1723; attended in Nairobi, Kenya, October 13, 1936; B.A., Evergreen State schools in England; employed in a commercial house in College, 1974; director, Oregon Legal Services restoration Philadelphia, Pa., 1742-1745; delegate to the Stamp Act Con- program for Native American tribes, 1980-1986; co-founded gress that met in New York in 1765; Member of the First the Oregon Peace Institute in 1985; co-owner and co-oper- Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pa., 1774-1776; ator of a vineyard; elected as a Democrat to the One Hun- served as an officer in the Continental Army 1776-1783, dred Third and to the two succeeding Congresses (January and participated in the defense of Charleston in 1780; en- Biographies 1095 tered the service as colonel and subsequently attained the of Mexico; while in captivity was elected as a Whig to the rank of brigadier general; was a framer of the State constitu- Thirtieth Congress (March 4, 1847-March 3, 1849); unsuc- tion in 1778; Lieutenant Governor 1778-1780; elected Gov- cessful candidate for reelection; appointed Governor of Or- ernor of South Carolina in 1781, but declined; died in egon Territory in 1850 and served until the expiration of Charleston, S.C., September 15, 1805; interment in St. Phil- his term in 1853; resumed agricultural pursuits; died near ip’s Churchyard. Salem, Marion County, Oreg., December 9, 1857; interment Bibliography: Godbold, E. Stanly, Jr., and Robert H. Woody. Chris- in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Salem, Oreg. topher Gadsden and the American Revolution. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1982. GAINES, John Wesley, a Representative from Ten- nessee; born in Wrencoe, near Nashville, Davidson County, GAGE, Joshua, a Representative from Massachusetts; Tenn., August 24, 1860; attended private and public schools, born in Harwich, Mass., on August 7, 1763; completed pre- in which he also taught; studied law at home; studied medi- paratory studies; in 1795 moved to Augusta, Maine (until cine, and was graduated from the University of Nashville 1820 a district of Massachusetts); was a master mariner, and from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., in 1882; and subsequently became engaged in mercantile pursuits; never practiced medicine, but the day after graduation re- member of the Massachusetts house of representatives in sumed the study of law; was admitted to the bar in 1884 1805 and 1807; served in the State senate in 1813 and and commenced practice in Nashville in 1885; elected as 1815; treasurer of Kennebec County, Maine, 1810-1831; a Democrat to the Fifty-fifth and to the five succeeding elected as a Republican to the Fifteenth Congress (March Congresses (March 4, 1897-March 3, 1909); unsuccessful for 4, 1817-March 3, 1819); member of the Maine executive reelection in 1908 to the Sixty-first Congress; practiced law council in 1822 and 1823; died in Augusta, Maine, January in Nashville, Tenn., where he died July 4, 1926; interment 24, 1831; interment in Augusta, Maine. in Mount Olivet Cemetery. GAHN, Harry Conrad, a Representative from Ohio; born GAINES, Joseph Holt, a Representative from West Vir- in Elmore, Ottawa County, Ohio, April 26, 1880; attended ginia; born in Washington, D.C., September 3, 1864; moved the public
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