DECISION NO. - ....., CABINET MINUTE BRISBANE, 0V I sf 19 et"'/ Department of Environment, Conservation and Tourism National Estate Grants Programme 1987/1988 )krTf. do ~oples Received at 4 · J'o p.m. Copies Made CIRCULATION DETAILS GOVERNOR Decision ..Fi le 1 21 - ' . I I MR. I 2 AHERN 22 I J C ,, c... / rr r ' ....0 ' o'I ,---~ ___ -~ ,,_., ro .. 3 MR. 23 - I .. 1ht • • .&..IL GUNN ~~ \I ~ ~c, ;. - • ;.., q-'~ a r .~.:",, .=;wl 4 MR. GIBBS 24 /Y /-) ,... c...., ~ .. t ....h '"' ~1~ ...... ..--r • - '1 (}• ft;:: ' 5 MR. GLASSON ~ 25 AV-/ ·~b mis.sion c: 7 ~ . :~' ,T - MR. AUSTIN - / of 6 26 ~ c I : MR. LESTER ~-~~,,· :,~~-:-~~ 7 27 ~~ ~'''kn L'-Sinn · · _n...... _ • _.r • · • ___.... -' ~ - ~' t•iK • T t;N 1'I .l 8 28 9 MR. HARPER 29 MR. MUNTZ . 10 I 30 I 1 1 MR. MCKECHN: E 31 12 MR. KATTER - 32 13 MR. NEAL 33 MR. CLAUSON 14 34 MR. BORBIDGI 15 35 16 MR. RANDELL 36 17 MR. COOPER 37 18 MRS. HARVEY 38 MR. LITTLEP1 OUD 19 39 Master File 20 40 inches 3 7 cm • 1 2 7 Kodak Color Control Patches O Kodak, 2007 TM: Kodak Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red White 3/Cotor ·Black ; , ' ·' Copy No. 20 C 0 N F I D E N T I A L C A B I N E T M I N U T E Brisbane, 30th May, 1988 Decision No. 54391 TITLE: Department of Environment, Submission No. 49045 Conservation and Tourism - National Estate Grants Programme 1987/1938. CABINET decided:- That the contents of the Submission be noted. CIRCULATION: Department of Environment, Conservation and Tourism and copy to Minister. Department of Forestry. National Parks and Wildlife service. Premier's Department and copy to Premier and Treasurer. Treasury Department and copy to Minister. Department of Community Services and Ethnic Affairs and copy to Minister. All other Ministers for perusal a~d return. Certified 7~~{ Se-c!etary to Cabinet. (') s· 3 0 ..:::r OJ "' c ... CD ~ Q. r,) GI () ~ ~ () ::J 0 .p. 0- G> ()' ca SECURITY CLASS I FICATION "C" CD Q :l :J r+ Submission No. a ..... - c.> Copy No. ..........2 .1 cf -0 = QJ Q) FOR CABINET i Fr ::r DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION AND TOURISM ('1) CD NATIONAL ESTATE GRANTS PROGRAMME 1987/88 (I) l l. Since 1973/74, the Commonwealth Government has provided to the States annually a relatively small sum of money under the National Estate Grants Programme for allocation to eligible projects. My Department requires all organisations interested in receiving an allocation of funds under the Programme to submit details of their proposed projects by 30th June each year. The projects are then assessed and recommendations forwarded to the Commonwealth Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories. 2. Queensland's allocation for new projects for 1987/88 is .... O> $385,333 and approval has been given for funding in 1988/89 "' and 1989/90 of $100,000 and $31,667 respectively as forward com.mi tments. 3. Applications totalling $2.7 million were received this year in three categories, namely State Government, National Trust and Other Organisations. In assessing applications, priority has been determined according to the building's architectural merit or historical significance; the degree of self-help displayed by the organisation; the population of the area concerned; the availability of other funds and the practicalities of the proposed project. 4. In accordance with established policy, each of the three categories mentioned will receive approximately one third of the allocation. Similarly, my officers have endeavoured to achieve a balanced geographical distribution between European, Aboriginal and natural environment projects. 5. Queensland's recommendations were forwarded to Senator Richardson, the responsible Commonwealth Minister, on 16th November, 1987, but it was only on 13th May, 1988, that a Commonwealth Officer visited Brisbane to d iscuss the State's recommendations. As a result of this meeting, agreement was reached in relation to the projects listed on the attached Schedule. Senator Ri chardson's agreement to the 1987/ 88 Programme is expected on 30th May, 1988, following wh ich he and I will issue a joint Press Statement to announce the app r oved projects. SUBMITTED FOR THE INFORMATION OF CABINET GEOFF MUNTZ MINISTER FOR ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATI ON AND TOURISM Department of Environment, Conservation and Tourism, BRISBANE 26th May, 1988 inches 3 cm 1 7 9 ' Kodak Color Control Patches 0 Kodak, 2007 TM: Kodak Blue J Cyan Green Yellow Red White 3/Color Black 1987/88 NATIONAL ESTATE GRANTS PROGRAMME Project Applicant Project Local New Commitments Number Authority 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 State Government 1. Dept. of Community New Project: Ca 11 i ope 7,200 Services, Analysis of Stone Material from Keppel Island Excavations Shire P.O. Box 133, Stone Analysis of artifacts from the Island. North Quay. 4002 2 . Survey of the Desert Uplands Various 12 ,976 Survey of the Desert Uplands in regard to site types, range and distribution of sites. 3. Overview survey of Mitchell Grass Downs various 12,976 Survey of the Mitchell Grass Downs in regard to site types, range and distribution of sites. 4. Radio-carbon Dating and Archaeological Sites Various 7,000 Research process of dating excavated sites in Queensland. 5. Dept. of Forestry, Continuing Project: G.P.O. Box 944, Preservation and Restoration of Old Sawmill Kil coy 40,395 16,333 10,555 Brisbane. 4001 Additional bracing of gantry shed, repdiring of existing Shi re braces, preservation of stumps, replacing of roof iron, painting of timber and roof. 6. De pt. of Health, Continuing Project: G.P.O. Box 48, Restoration of former Springsure Hospital Building Bauhinia 5,000 5,000 Brisbane. 4001 Restoration of the floors by restumping, brickwork, Shire painting and electrical rewiring. inches 1 3 cm 1 2 3 7 8 9 13 14 Kodak Color Control Patches O Kodak, 2007 TM: Kodak Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta White 3/Color Black Project Applicant Project Local New Commitments Number Authority 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 $ $ $ 7. Queensland Museum, Australian Fossill Vertebrates Various 15,500 P.O. Box 300, Research report on the evaluation of sites and their Sth. Brisbane 4101 contents and the collation and publishing. 8. Non-volant rainforest mammals of the Wet Tropics Various 8,950 Undertake biogeographical analysis of mammals by using existing observational and museum locality records and analyse by means of the latest version of the BIOCLIM programme. 9. Survey of Sites in North West Queensland various 9 ,867 Survey intends to record Aboriginal Archaeological Sites in detail in the Mt. Isa/Cloncurry Area and collate with records held by Museum for a better site documentation . 10. National Parks Survey of the Kowari in South-West Queensland various 8,580 & Wildlife Service, Survey by live-trapping of this rare marsupial found in P.O. Box 190, desert regions of Central Australia. Previous research has North Quay. 4002 been done in 1985 and this will complete the earlier work . TOTAL (State Government) 128,444 21,333 10,555 inches 1 3 cm 6 2 7 8 9 15 Kodak Color Control Patches o Kodak, 2QfJ7 TM:~ Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red White 3/Color Slack Proj ec t Appli cant Project Lo ca l New Commitme nts Nu mber Aut hority 1986/87 19 87/ 88 1988 / 89 $ $ $ 11. National Trust of Qld, Hou Wang Maiu Temple, Atherton Atherton G.P.O. Box 1494, Restoration of kitchen building, water & electrical Shire 7,500 2,500 Brisbane. Qld. 4001 services. 12. Walston House, Wacol, Brisbane Br isbane 10,000 5,000 Conservation of stonework in the cellar and repainting City of kitchen, restoration of verandah. 13. Claremont, Ipswich Ipswich 15,532 Restoration of verandah, reconstruction of stone steps, City chimney, cedar and glass front door, fanlights and sidelights, contouring and drainage. 14. Geraghty's Store, Maryborough Maryborou gh 4,000 2,800 Restoration of floors, walls and interior. City 15. Old Government House, Brisbane Bri s bane 35,555 14,445 Restoration of wa11s and ceilings in three rooms on ground City floor; treatment of rising damp in a room on first floor. 16. Bellevue Homestead, Coominya Esk Shire 15,000 5,000 Restoration by painting and papering of four rooms and repairing of window frames. 17. Venus Gold Battery, Charters Towers Charters 26,41 2 3,588 Replacement of some building posts, r epair to furnace and Towers reconstruction of office. City 6 cm ' 1 2 7 8 9 14 '1s ha h1 l1e l~e·., Kodak Color Control Patches O Kodak, 2007 TM: Kodak Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red White 3/Color Black Project Applicant Project Local New Commitments Number Authority 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 $ $ $ 18 . Royal Bu ll 's Head In n - Too woomba Toowoomba 14,445 10 , 555 Restoration of kitchen area incl uding f l ooring and City restoration of outbuildings . TOTAL - Nat ional Trust 128 , 444 33 , 333 10 , 555 inches 3 cm 1 7 8 14 hs he I11 I1a I1s I 1 1~;,~-i;,"~'~ Kodak Color Control Patches c Kodak. 2007 TM: Kodak . / Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red "'8Qenta White 3/Color Slacl( Project Applicant Project Lo ca 1 New Commitments Number Authority 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 $ $ $ Others Local Authorities 19. Gympi e City Cncl, Restoration of Old Gympie Post Office Gympie City 20,000 8,500 P.O. Box 195, Restoration of the interior of the Building by reconstruction Gym pi e . Q. 4 5 7 0 of brick walls, floor, drainage and joinery work, painting, restoration of kitchen and toilets. 20. Maryborough City Wharf Street Heritage Precinct Study Maryborough 20,000 Council, To undertake a feasibility study/strategy plan for the Wharf City P.O.
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