HOratOUTU CO HISTORICAL ASS'N T S ZST| cmn #'ST?»“freehold l , n. j FREEHOLD R J A<? 1 . Charge Hydrant System Neglect From Sewer Survey Councilman Griswold . Borough Engineer Saytf Blasts Doubiier On Member National Editorial Asiociation • New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth^ County Press Association He Feels Co-«ffcration I ' Faulty Outlets Found Of Council CoiQmittee | In Department Drill 79th YEAR — 43rd WEEK. MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 Single Copy Six Cents Is Lacking' ‘ , Neglect of duty in keeping the j Borough Engineer Karl Housed ftro hydrant system properly equip* What’s The Answer? School Registration withdrew from tho Ravine Dr. ped with working outlets ,was!j - - Fire Chief Urges Martin & Brown sewer project Tuesday, submitting charged, against the water and • Matawan Borough Council b«« Thuriday. May 8, annual regia* his resiunation ns enyincer-in-churgo sewer /department by Councilman ! to decide when it a Judg* not a iration for chlldten enteilng of druwiug plans und supfirylstna Herbert M. Griswold, flre committee j Judge. Thlt hat nothing to do Check-Up On H omes Concern Is Sold > Matawan public achooU In 8ep. tho projcct to tho borough. counciL chairman, ot the meeting of the. wilb evaluating good whiskey; lember will be held at the Tho resignation wus uccoptcd on Mutawan Borough Council Tuesday. hocaet or women's look*. It Advises Residents Get Matawan Fuel Business Malawan Elementary School,, recommendation, of Coimcilmuu Mayor John W. Applegate ques­ concerns purely the legal aland* according to Principal Eurl B. George C. Doubiier, chuirmun of tioned if Councilman Griswold was! ing of the recordthip ln the Set For May 10 Clean . Changes Hands May 1; Garrison. On that date all chil­ tho water and sewer coinmittoo, not taking too grave a view of borough. Up Week By. Observing Lovett, Strobe! And dren will be given a physical and seconded-by Councilman Her­ Ihe matter in that Councilman The terra of Recorder Leroy and dental examination by ihe bert _M. Griswold, a critic of tho George C. Doublicr, chairman of Bergen expired Apr. 27 on a Simple Precautions Powelson New Owners •chool physlclen. borouuh engineer'd proccduro in tho ”* the water and sewer committee, had five-year appqjnimenl by former Parent* planning to enter matter. ■ .' Fire Chief Wallace Laursen hos The Matawan fuel business of prom ised lo ex pedite rep airs to the. Miyor Edward W. Currie In 1943. ihelr children In September are issued-a plea to nil citizens of Mat* M artin & Brown1, in existence U In his letter of retiiKnation, Mr, one hydrant found out of orjier M ayor Jo h n W- A pplegate q u e s­ asked lo be present at ft a.m. It nwan to co-opcrutc In Spring Clean* yearn Under that name, after May Houser declared ho wan withdraw­ at Church and Orchard Sis., by tioned a new five-year ieim wai Up to safeguard thc community 1 will be under thc owncruhlp of their aurnamea are ln Ihe A to ing in the ftvlinK he did not hiWo firemen al a drill Sunday. Mr. due, pointing to a New Jersey I* btecket*. Those whose sur» against flre, accidents, disease, and Joseph L. Lovett. Theodoro C». tho “confidence and co-operation of' Griswold , retorted he resented thc .law which specifies boroughs name* are In the M lo 2 gioup to improve its appcarancc. Strobel, both of Keyport, and Georgu the wutcr and M'wer committees” ' mayor's calling it a “picayune” u n d er 15.000 p o pulation shall ihould be preient.at i p.m- Clean-Up Week in Matawan will Powelson, Mutawan; who will con­ No ehnrgo in helm; made for tho matter, inasmuch us Councilman appoint recorders lor three be held t h j w eek of M ay 10. • , tinue to operate thc business at the Parent! should present blrth« work done by Mr. Heuser on tho ■ Doublicr admitted it would take years. For thc home check-up, the chief present location, 17 Main St., under diphtheria immunisation and project to tho date of his rositpui* 125 days to g?t thc parts needed for Councilman George C. DoubUer suggests that householders: • the nam e M artin and B row n Inc, imallpox vaccination certificates. tion. In ictiiunlhti, Mr. Houser ex- repairs. ’ ’ found the law evidently applied No child will be reglatered who pressied the convtctlou he wus put­ Get rid of all rubbish and papers ln 10*27 (Jyviw Brown and David Mr. Griswold further blasted Ih;.* by the former mayor and coun- wlITnQt be fiva yeara ot age by ting Ihe horouuh to no hnrdHhlp an in thc attic, closets, basements, yard Martin purchased the coal yard of water and sewer department f°r -cil which authorises the govern­ or during September. .. there stiH 'remains six mouths nf and garage, Jic them into bundles the lute W. A. Clone uml used the Having dene nothing ubout install' ing body lo appoint for five the period ullowed by a federal for, salvage. facilities for both the unloading of ing hydrants on Fierro Ave. and years. The iaiue of which law works iiucnry for druwinu pluns for Check For Hasards coal and us u base for thotr con­ Middlesex Rd. when promising the Is truly '{he law awaits further the project u n d er u 94000 grunt from Check stoves, furnaces and heat­ tracting business. Tito firm was thu fire department a year ago it would study. Special Air Mail Wushlnjtlon for thu'purpose. Mr, ers. Have all repair work dono first in this urcu to construct n be doho immediately. Mr. Doublicr But If you paid a line to ihe Heuner observed a borouuh oJTiciul. now. See that floors under stoves roud at Fort Monmouth. The firm callcd on Borough Engineer Kafl recorder in ihe paii.two years, It had stated .HO days would bo enough arc protected by metal; bricks, or fulfilled many road construction, Heuser for tin explanation for the w on't do a n y fejood to try to Cachets Announced cement. Insulate all burnable mate* fen* making up a set of such plumi, flr£ committee chairman’s informa­ get It back. graveling and dump trucking con­ rial subject to heat radiated from tracts, in this section. six months should bo umplo tion. Mr-. Heuser said the hydrant stoves, furnaces, and pipes, Empty Postmaster Explains indeed. .. work had been bypassed becausc After extensive renovutlons nnd hot ashes Into metal containers. Conncihnu'n DoubUer guvo uh- tlie public works department won erection of un office building, Regulations Covering Clean chimney and check for Mn;niHae..thn plans would bo drawn- short ’handed, that it had been Mason Burial M urtin Ac - B row n, lu 1037, oponod a Celebration Issues ---- cracks, loose bricks and. mortar, and everything put In readiness for ■ necessary to keep employees en­ new coul yurd und fuel oil deput. Place metal screens in front of fire­ Okayed For M*y 16 goinu hhead wllh tho project, re- gaged in the more important project l u 1042 they purchased th e Mut* place. Place portable heaters so giirtllesjijHnf ^ Whether thu . bnroUKiV. of seeing that a threatened break­ This Morning uwtin coul business operated by they can't bo knocked over. As a pm t of thu 'sitith iinnivevsui-y Would or/-would not suu its way down in thc water supply for the Washington, D. C;—8ecr«Ury of the 1>eaaurr John W. Snyder tells Be* August Muehlhirusen Jr. nnd, com­ . Chief Launen advises house­ curlty Loan conference that patrtotfo service of clUsens In overjr com* f Air Mail Cefebrution, which I" te clear tn finance workv In the rela­ fit*vine Dr. section did not occur Services For Veteran bined the twu.. holders to distribute enough ash inanity will enablo attainment ol loca| sales bonds goals. lie held throuuhmit the country May tively ueur fututu. „ Repairing leaks to keep up pres­ Mr. Brown iuid Mr. Murtin will Keyport Police Officer trays tn convenient places for 1A’21, P ostm aster C harles J . J!iisu> . sure was callcd a first need in water continuo their longing business Consult Other Engineers smokers. See that, matches are out nmn unnouncud tlmt* tho Post Offico supply work, for all purposes, in­ Tuesday, Wednesday which tho former directs, nnd their Tho sewer committee ehuirntan of reach: of young children and Dopurtmcnt has uulhorUcd for use cluding flre fighting, by the en­ Routt) 34 farm which Mr. Murtin informed Ihu council ho hud asked At Residence placed in cafe containers. Lt. Harold Martin Parties Rename nn May l>Vonly-«Mipecial cachet nn gineer. , . will munugo. The coal and fuel two oilier engineers lo consult with Check gas’connections on port­ phllntulic covers nmlled from the The waler department - came in Funeral services were held Tues­ business now is under the mnnu«o- Ihe council on takinu ovor the plan* able heatem, 6hQt;off valves should New York. City und Philadelphia for another complication when a day and Wednesday nights at his Makes Safe Landing Woolley And Price inent of Mrs. Murtin, who la, u sister niim project, Ono is Cluudo W. be located on pipe before rubber Air Mull Fields und thu Washing­ protest was reported from F. S. Sedond St. residence for Capt! of Mr. Brown. ton, D, C. Nutloniil Airport Station Birdauli, boiim uh ouginuer of Bol« tubing. , in n r r th e <Hhei J , C. U oinlngton, u Wertz, a resident of Oak St., thut George Mason, veternry'Keyport Under thu now ownership, Mr. <m thul day.
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