*089 o» Man sentenced in murder of Issei—p.3 C& PacificNort(brol Publl«jt1onot the JapaneseCitizen Ameflcanatlzens League (75C Postpaki U3.) Newwtond 2Sc #2688/Vom6, No. 17 ISSN: 0030-8579 701 East 3rd Street, Suite 201, Los Angeles. CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday. November 20,1992 Back to the drawing Hearing scheduled REORGANIZATION board: Fox pays it in Yamashita case will change 'Fuji' A public hearing was scheduled Nov. 19 before a naval administrative board in Ar­ LOS ANGELES-Tmi." the cartoon lington, Va., to hear new evidence of alleged character on the “Super l^ve Show,” will ’Let's be widespread, long-term racial discrimination be revised after nuirjerous complaints that within the U.S. Marine Corps. the character was racially stereotypical, According to William Kaneko, JACL vice accordingtoa Nov. 10Lott Arx^elcK THmes nfiajor president for public affairs and Honolulu 8t^. Chapter president, and Steve Okino, chapter TrieTVme# article said thatit was criti­ member, the hearing was scheduled in light cism by Kenyon S. Chan, chairman of of the case of Bruce 'Yamashita, who charged Asian American studies at Cal State players,' that^racial bias led to his "disenrollment" Northridge and member of the Fox from U^MC Officer Candidate School'two Childrens Network advisory board,thot See YAMASHiTA/page 3 led to the chanTOS. Originally DIC Enterprises, the com­ says pany that produces “Super Dave,** said HELPING HAND—NCWNPDC donates that there wouldn't be any changes in the money to Yamashita case—page 3 character. Kimura In a Nov. 4 letter to Dennis Hayashi, JACL na- —^^-------------- JACL needs recognition, clout before MAKING A POINT—JACL National to°r"“'Hobbv appropriate President Lillian Kimura addresses West London, ex- ctioice is to ensure government agencies and L.A.. APAN and SCAN Chapters ecutive pro- that the audience organizations, president forward before members of the West p“r Da'®“- realize that tells Southern L.A., SCAN, and APAN Chapters at a Ld.-Inron- this very popular, Nov. 15 tri-chapter installation dinner. California chapters Asked to speak about the future of sidering likable, positive and JACL, Kimura explained the rationale By GWEN MURANAKA d““ * tt important character behind the controversial restructuring Assistant editor length), we is indeed Asian.* plan. “It subout how we(in JACDcanbs Los .ANGELES—Change. LHIinn players. We want to be at the table when ullimotely —RobbV LondOh concluded * KnAira, JACL national president, spoke the presi dent signs major legislation and and continue about reorganization and moving JACL get one of those pens he gives out. At this time, none ofus arethere,“said Kimura. tobelievethat theappropriatechoiceis to ensure that the audience does realize According to Kimura, stren^ening the internal structure ofJACL is key to that this very popular, likable, positive All aboard fulfilling the organjzal^gn's plan for ac- andlmpbrtantcharacterisinde^Asinn.*' ThsfoOomig^hors were'fnSiai^ BRUCE YAMASHITA Hayashi said the apparent chang^f ,tiorn. "\^ have to get ournouse in order* Nov. 15 (Photos oh page 4): ■ to become players. That's/Why I'm ^op- Harassment began early heart is a 'good sign. “It's really good. They're being responsive to people's cen- centrating on infrastructure," said West LA., JACL. chapter Kimura. cents. I hope when they modify the char­ Pfes'ident~-\lohnny Gushiken Recounting the Praising the work of PSWs reorgani­ acter they take the comments (made by 1 St VicePresident. Peograms—Toy zation review committee, called <the Sm CARTOON/page 8 Kanegai “PhoenixTeam," Kimura noted that^the discrimination^.. 2ndind Vice IPresidertt. Membersh«>- reorganization plan is currently being KiyoTeramaye FVom the first day he was enn^led in reviewed by districts and chapter^The the Marine Corps' nine-week 0f5*«r Asian American 3rd Vice President. Seniors— president asked JACL members to con­ Marge Morikawa [tCandidates School in Quantico, W., in sider change, real change that will bring Recording Secretary—Ayako rl989, Bruce Yamashita says he was attacked in S.F. the organization to the forefront. The Tagashira subjected to racial harassment. An AsianAmerican collegestudentwas reorganization structure proposal is In his lawsuit against the U.S. Ma­ Corresponding Secretary—Nancy about how we can become a more effec­ beaten Oct. 27 by five African American rine Corps, Yamashita describes re­ • Takeda tive organization. I'm often asked, "Why marks directed at him by OCSofficers, teenagers as he was riding a Muni bus in Treasurer—Ron Kumalaka San FVanciscoin what the victim is call­ change?' The question to ask is why including; "We don't want your kind ing a racially motivated incident, accord­ not?" around here. You go back to your own" SCAN. JACL chapter ing to an Asion Weak report. "We have been operating the same countryfand "You know, during W'orld Cp^residertts—Linda Hara/Galen way for many years. Weshould see ifwe Anthony Kung, 18-years-old, said that War II. ye whipped your Japanese Murakawa can do it better," said Kimura. ass." as he was being beaten he heord his as­ Vice-Presidents—Reiko Sakata/ sailants say, “Get that Chi.naman“ and Beyond restructuring, Kimura re­ Yamashita was "disenrolled" two George Igi “Chink.“ Kung was treated for facial cuts vealed other ploits end programs for the days before he was to graduate from Secretary—Jackie Honda coming biennium including; OCS for "unsatisfactory leadership." and bruises at San Francisco General Treasurer—Nan T^ta Hospital. • The continuation of the Legacy In talkingofhisexperiencesotOCS, Another Asian American on the bus, Fund campaign—Kimura pledged re- Yamashita said, "It tainted the way I APAN, JACL chapter 19-year-old Rodexis Mandapat, suffered 'newed commitment to its successful was viewed and evaluated by(the staff President—Danny Goto completion. cuts and bruises on his arms and face. No and fellow candidates and thereby pre­ Vice Pre&rdent/President Elect— # A greater emphasis on the ao- vented fairjudgment ofmy leadership ^minal charges have been filed a^nst Craig Minami the subject, but the law firm of Wong. licitation of outside funding to fi­ ability . Despite all that has hap­ Secreiary—Claine Kc^rma nance JACL prop-ams.''" pened, I still want to be an offi^r ofthe Jiang and Wong is considering filing a Treasurer—Shari Uyeda civil suit against the suspects and possi­ See KIMURA^page 6 Marines." bly the bus company. G Illinois Nikkei found Kamimoto drowned near home is CCDC Clinton names Doris Matsui to transition team Jeffrey Tanaka, 34, a University of Illi- regional Doris Maisui, wife of U.S. Her areas of jurisdiction will noisprofessor,^wasfound drownedin pond Rep. Robert Matsui, was be determined in the near fu­ director near his home just outside Champaign, ' named to President-elect Bill ture, according to a spokes­ JACL i^ses nU accordin£ito a Nov. 11 story in 5ie KAMIMOTO Clinton's transition team Nov. man for Rep. Matsui. She at­ Matsui, Clinton tended a scheduled meeting Chicago THbune. / 12. JAcl.^prai«e8 EYesi. Tanaka, an ed^rtenal p^holofp' pFp- Elisa Kamimoto, mc^ recently Matsui, who played an ac­ of the transition board Nov. dent-elect Bill Clinton 17 in Little Rock, Ark. ^ fessor who ha^!>Wn repoi^.missii^ collections manager and curator tive role in the Clinton presi­ for his appointment of since Nov. 3, had apparently drove off a with' the Fresno Metropolitan dential campaign, will serve ' In the presidential cam- DorisMatsui tohistran­ on thetransitionbairdh«uied ''paign, Matsuihelpedorganize darl^ country road and into the pond, Museum, succeeds Sachi Kuwa-. sition board. police theorized. moto as Central California, up by Warren Christopher. See MATSUl/pege 6 “... 'Hie appointment He was reportedly on his way to an JACL regional director effective of Doris Matsui is a dra­ election night party at a home about 100 Nov. 23, it was announced by matic first step ^ Presi­ yards from the pond. Two days later, CCDC Gov. Ken Yokota.' PROFILE: OoHs O. Matsui dent-elect Clinton to* friends became concerned when he did A CSU, Fresno, graduate with fulfull a committmentto not show up fora speakingengagement at a specialty in art history, BACKGROUND: Raised in Cafifor- make. Asian Pacific niafarm community, Dinuba. Married the University of Virginia in Char­ Kamimoto's community involve­ Americans visible in his lottesville. ment, besides being a Fresno !o,Rep. R^rt T. Matsui: son Brian, administration,” said Police officials at first suspected foul JACL board member, a 1991 20. attends Stanford University. Dennis Hayashi, JACL play when they found Tanaka's plane Washington I^.C., Leadership See BACKGROUND/page 6 SeeJACUpageG ticket to Virgi ni a i n his Cham pai^ apart• Conference alumno, and 1992 ment.but have since dismissed the suspi- See KAMiMOTO/page 3 2—Padfl^Citizen, Friday, November 20,1992 =-1.:<?!?6>C T3 .CV i-3 No. 2.688 Calendar CA 90066, as soon es possible. Infor- San Jose _ . matiori: Karl Oike. 310/ 837-7662; or Join the group Friday, Dec. 11—Yu-Ai Kai's Christ­ Junelcfunose, 816/ 288-7169. Philadelphia mas party. Yu-Ai Kai office. 565 N. Fifth Thur*.. Dec 3-Sun., D*o.8-Nobukq to- “PacC^ Ongolng-Natona]AichivM.MidAllan. Sl . San Jose. 7 p.m Cookie exchange, Miyamoto premieres *A (kain ofiCand.* be Region's "The Internment of Japa­ entertammenl and surprises. RSVP by Ki^ways Performance Space. 1651 GcA o« the news and features from across the country nese Americans. Photographs by Dec. 10 Information; 408/294-2505. 18th Sl. Santa Monica. 8;30p.m. Tck- DorMhea Lange.* Lobby WiHiam Penn e*« «->o Tirkflis I A ?ia/wava.*>R7 \t you wish to subscribe or have moved Post OHice Annex. 9th and Market Los Angeles Area Through Sun., Dec 6—The View from Saturday, Nov.
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