ADRCADRC AAsiansian DDisasterisaster RReductioneduction CCenterenter (ADRC)(ADRC) MALAYSIA COUNTRY REPORT MUHAMMAD KHALIL BIN AB AZIZ MALAYSIAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OutlineOutline ofof PresentationPresentation IntroductionIntroduction NaturalNatural DisasterDisaster ofof MalaysiaMalaysia RoleRole ofof MalaysianMalaysian MeteorologicalMeteorological DepartmentDepartment (MMD)(MMD) inin DisasterDisaster ManagementManagement RoleRole ofof NationalNational SecuritySecurity CouncilCouncil (NSC)(NSC) asas leadingleading agencyagency inin DisasterDisaster ManagementManagement RoleRole ofof NonNon GovernmentGovernment OrganizationOrganization ProgressProgress andand situationssituations ofof HFAHFA ConclusionConclusion IntroductionIntroduction toto MalaysiaMalaysia Estimate Population = 27 m Land Area = 328,550 sq km Malaysia Coast Line = 4,675 km State: 13 State + 3 Federal Territories District:114 Districts CLIMATECLIMATE OFOF MALAYSIAMALAYSIA 0 UniformUniform temperaturetemperature (max.(max. 33330C,C, min.min. 23230C)C) HighHigh humidityhumidity (70(70 –– 9090 %)%) HeavyHeavy rainfallrainfall amountamount ((>> 20002000 mm)mm) WindsWinds areare generallygenerally lightlight 22 monsoonmonsoon’’ss seasonseason (2(2 InterInter--monsoonmonsoon periodperiod inin between)between) MonsoonMonsoon inin MalaysiaMalaysia i)i) NortheastNortheast MonsoonMonsoon (Nov(Nov –– Mar)Mar) ii)ii) SouthwestSouthwest MonsoonMonsoon (May(May –– Sept)Sept) iii)iii) 22 InterInter--MonsoonMonsoon (April(April && Oct)Oct) i)i) NortheastNortheast MonsoonMonsoon NovemberNovember –– MarchMarch SteadySteady easterlyeasterly andand northeasterlynortheasterly (10(10--2020 knots)knots) ColdCold surgessurges fromfrom SiberiaSiberia ((>> 3030 knots)knots) MonsoonMonsoon weatherweather systemssystems whichwhich developdevelop inin conjunctionconjunction withwith coldcold airair outbreaksoutbreaks fromfrom SiberiaSiberia produceproduce rainsrains thatthat lastlast forfor daysdays andand oftenoften causecause severesevere floodsfloods overover easteast coastcoast peninsulapeninsula andand SarawakSarawak ii)ii) SouthwestSouthwest MonsoonMonsoon MayMay –– SeptemberSeptember WindsWinds areare southwesterlysouthwesterly andand lightlight ((<< 1515 knots)knots) StableStable atmosphericatmospheric conditioncondition inin thethe EquatorialEquatorial regionregion DrierDrier seasonseason exceptexcept forfor StateState ofof SabahSabah SabahSabah isis wetterwetter duedue toto thethe tailtail effecteffect ofof typhoonstyphoons iii)iii) InterInter –– MonsoonMonsoon AprilApril andand OctoberOctober WindsWinds areare lightlight andand variablesvariables ClearClear skysky inin thethe morningmorning favorsfavors thunderstormsthunderstorms activitiesactivities inin thethe afternoonafternoon WestWest coastcoast ofof PeninsulaPeninsula getsgets thethe maximummaximum meanmean ofof monthlymonthly rainfallrainfall duringduring thisthis seasonseason NaturalNatural DisasterDisaster inin MalaysiaMalaysia WindWind StormsStorms e.g.e.g. Typhoons,Typhoons, TropicalTropical Storms,Storms, Thunderstorms,Thunderstorms, SquallSquall lineslines HeavyHeavy Rain,Rain, FloodsFloods && LandslidesLandslides TsunamisTsunamis DroughtsDroughts Forest/GrasslandForest/Grassland Fires,Fires, Haze(localHaze(local && transtrans boundary)boundary) Recent major disasters for past few years Year Disaster Killed Injured Total Damage affected (USD) 2009(Jan) Flood 8470 2008 Flood 10210 2008 Landslide 11 15 1422 2007 Flood 33 158000 225m 2006 Flood 19 138000 343m 2005 Flood 17 100000 66m 2005 Mud flood 3 2793 SevereSevere WeatherWeather && SeasonsSeasons Flood: Flash Flood: Northeast Monsoon Inter-Monsoon (Nov – Mar) (April & October) Haze: Southwest Monsoon (Jun – Sep) NE Monsoon Flood in Kelantan, Malaysia (Dec 2004) FlashFlash FloodFlood andand LandslidesLandslides duedue toto SevereSevere Thunderstorms/HeavyThunderstorms/Heavy RainRain Forest Fire & Haze Impacts of 1997/1998 El Nino TsunamiTsunami -- 2626 DecemberDecember 20042004 Damages caused by storm Vamei RoleRole ofof MMDMMD MonitoringMonitoring andand ForecastingForecasting WarningWarning SystemsSystems CriteriaCriteria ofof WarningWarning WarningWarning DisseminationDissemination MonitoringMonitoring andand ForecastingForecasting SevereSevere WeatherWeather The effective monitoring and prediction of the occurrences of severe weather depends on: An efficient and advanced observational station network Adequately-trained and highly-skilled technicians and meteorologists Access to state of the art numerical weather and wave prediction models Improved forecasting techniques High speed communication facility for data transfer WarningsWarnings -- aa processprocess tthathat beginsbegins withwith thethe productionproduction ofof informationinformation aboutabout weatherweather andand climateclimate andand endsends withwith effectiveeffective lossloss minimisingminimising actionsactions EarlyEarly warningwarning systemssystems provideprovide communitiescommunities withwith thethe informationinformation neededneeded toto activateactivate disasterdisaster plansplans inin timetime toto protectprotect lifelife andand minimizeminimize economiceconomic losseslosses. Warnings must be produced Warning message must be transmitted & received Information must be understood Information must be confirmed Message must be believed Risk must be personalised Decision to take appropriate defensive and preparatory actions Resources and capacity for preparatory action OBSERVATIONAL STATION NETWORK PULAU LANGKAWI CHUPING KOTA BHARU ALOR KUDAT SETAR KOTA KINABALU KUALA BUTTERWORTH KUALA KRAI TRENGGANU SANDAKAN BAYAN PRAI LEPAS LABUAN L. MERBAU IPOH SITIAWAN CAMERON BATU EMBUN HIGHLAND MIRI TAWAU TEMERLOH BINTULU MUADZAM KUANTAN SUBANG SHAH P. JAYA SIBU KLIA MERSING KUCHING (Doppler) B. PAHAT MALACCA SRI AMAN KLUANG SENAI Omar AIR POLLUTION LEGEND PRINCIPAL METEOROLOGICAL UPPER AIR STATION STATION (38) (22) STATION (8) RADAR STATION (10) SATELLITE STATION FORECAST (6) OFFICE (8) WEATHER MONITORING, FORECASTING AND WARNING SYSTEM GOES-9 Weather Satellite Aircraft Observation Radar Surface Marine Upper Air Receiving Antenna Storm Warning Station Observation Observation Satellite imagery Data Collection Data dissemination Computer Processing Facility and Forecasting Model Weather Forecast Warning Receive and Action Public Agencies Massa Media Public Printing & Electronic COMPUTERISED TELECOMMUNICATION Bangkok (GTS) NETWORK PULAU LANGKAWI CHUPING KOTA BHARU ALOR ForecastObservational Offices Station KUDAT SETAR KUALA KRAI KOTA KINABALU SANDAKAN BUTTERWORTH KUALA BAYAN TRENGGANU LEPAS LABUAN L. MERBAU INTERNETINTERNET IPOH Dial-up Line SITIAWAN Dedicatedto HQPJ Line CAMERON BATU EMBUN TAWAU HIGHLAND MIRI TEMERLOH KUANTAN BINTULU MUADZAM HQ-KLIA SHAH SUBANG PETALING JAYA (GTS/AFTN) SIBU KLIA MERSING KUCHING B. PAHAT HQ-DCA MALACCA SRI AMAN (AFTN) KLUANG SENAI Singapore (GTS) Oma r LEGEND TELECOMMUNICATION CENTRE PRINCIPAL METEOROLOGICAL STATION FORECAST OFFICE UPPER AIR STATION Dissemination of Severe Weather and Rough Seas Warning to the relevant agencies, mass media and the public • Facsimile • Telephone • Web page (http://www.met.gov.my) • Mass Media • SMS(BKN, MMD, JPS, Polis, MOSTI & SUK) DISSEMINATION OF SEVERE WEATHER AND ROUGH SEAS WARNING IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA NATIONAL LEVEL STATE LEVEL BHG. HIDRO 1 2 PUSAT KAWALAN 3 RADIO JABATAN PEJABAT PUSAT KAWALAN OPERASI BENCANA MALAYSIA PENGAIRAN & SETIAUSAHA MALAYSIA (BILIK GERAKAN BKN) (CAWANGAN SALIRAN NEGERI NEGERI) 11 PERSATUAN BULAN SABIT JABATAN LAUT CENTRAL 4 FORECAST FORECASTING OFFICES OFFICE 10 AND STATIONS VISUAL SIGNAL SYARIKAT HQPJ WARNING SYSTEM CARIGALI LOCATIONS 5 JABATAN LAUT JABATAN 9 PENGAIRAN & TLDM LUMUT SALIRAN (CAWANGAN NEGERI) LOCAL POLICE 8 6 MASS MEDIA LEGEND JABATAN 7 (RADIO, TV & LOCAL JABATAN HEAVY RAIN WARNING PERIKANAN PRESS) ORANG ASLI BERNAMA STRONG WINDS COASTAL RADIO STATION AND ROUGH SEAS Heavy rain and strong winds advisory Sent to 1, 2, 3 and 4 only. Strong Winds and Rough Seas Visual Signal System SULU SEA PENINSULAR MALAYSIA CELEBES SEA Red Flag System (4 Locations) Notice Board System (8 Locations) HotspotsHotspots The DC - indicative values of the moisture content of a deep layer of compact organic matter, such as peat soil, to indicate the potential for fire to smoulder and cause smoke and haze. It can also be used as an indicator of difficulty in extinguishing deep burning peat fires as well as an early warning indicator of serious haze events. ENSO Monitoring MALAYSIAN NATIONAL TSUNAMI EARLY WARNING SYSTEM GeophysicsGeophysics andand TsunamiTsunami divisiondivision ANIMATION OF THE TSUNAMI EVENT IN S.E. ASIA ON 26TH DEC 2004 System Overview Data & Information Collection Component VIDEO WALL MINI-STUDIO Weather Info Dissemination Component Radar Coastal Satellite Camera Surface Network SMS Upper Air Critical Disaster Management Agencies Info Stakeholders & Media National Seismic Stations Processing Component rmat PUBLIC ALERTS Critical Asian & ASEAN Public Customized Phone [TM]] Seismic Stations Integration io Public SMS alerts SEISMIC & Analysis Decision Making n & CTBTO Stations Fault-tolerant Intelligent Warn Multi-Processor Decision Making FAX USGS LOCAL AREANETWORK High End Server Sub-System in g D NADDI Deep i National Buoy Network ssem Ocean WEB PAGE Buoy Regional i Tsunami Prediction n Buoy Networks a t MMS i on DB Model National Tidal Gauge Public Network Tidal High Performance Cluster Announcement System Gauge Loudspeakers, Sirens Regional Tidal
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