n r a _________7 i -, r ‘ e w jT --1/ ■ ■ , - Jm tip ; piiBWgl M G o o d m o r n i n g S e n io ]^ rs g n o u p Ib a c k ss M i t ic h e U b ill . Today’s forecast: ~ -. ------ Partty cloudy wilh’widik'idelyscflttered’ar: flic WaahiDgton Post*^------------ “ TT'TT--of-the-reform-fTi-factiofT+avc-cndorscdnh the • ■ StillrRothcncflccicdned thc’widcsprcad'dis--------- -------- lernoon-and-cvCTittg-tl5*thundftrstOTinsT~^ —— ZZZZ—ZZZZl-Test:LyoteJialdsJcey.- J*3 nc n ivholc.wh. __________ ^__________ annointmerit in the plarplan's failure tojnsurc- Lighe varioblc winds. HighsHij near 95 dc- MW A SH IN G TO N — The AAmerican m Asso- i I ■ mi' m . ^c'm ost glar;laring cxccption is ihc AARFRP. every American, "I donJon I want you to over- grces. Lows 55 to 65. cialHation o f Retired Persons, thehe majori lobby- ‘ the sclf-st■styled “pro-rcform " bloc.li5.lhat had which uchicvcs/cs its principal objcctivcs; inii interpret whal I said.”d." he told a reporter. P a g e A 2 ~ ' iogog group for senior citiZens,;ns. announced the mostt tol gain from President 'Clinton'sG: Mitchell’s bill;ill; prc,scripiion drug bcnufiifils “ll's nol a pcrlecl bill,)ill. but better than the Wednesday it will supportjhcthe hcalih:carc_.original hihealth care proposol. As-Ss-Mitchcll- for Medicarec nrecipients anti govcmipcticnt sialus-quo," )ill of Senate Majority Lead(ader George J. narrowed?d the scope o f his' b ill,. 1h e to o k paym cnts-for loilo n ^ s r m carc. The powcrl'ijrl'ul lFcw other reform advocatesadv would go as- vlitchcll. D-Maine. endinggji a drought of away ^eje self-interest binding the c<coalition, grass-roots orgairganiZation will solicit siippoiinn-JiiC. The AFL-CIO critcriticiZed the Mjtchell __ ---------—■-------- — majnajbr-brganiZational suppoitin foTthe-mea-I a disparatate group that incfuded theth< AFL- foTWilclieirmm ne>vspaperads,-phonc! callalls' birt as~ dctnm ental‘‘• to'to workers becausc it ' ^ / sUrlUrc. CIO. the; fcbig three autom akers, famiimily doc- to 100.000 activctivists'aod dircct mail to on3ne would impose a lax on insurance premium Rock Creek plansUS . ButE whilc'thc endorsementnt oc f the group, tors and c(consum er orgatjiZations. - - million householrholds. growih and. if noi enoenough Americans arc_ ' By the end of Octobcaber, two Hansen * witvith its 35 million members,s. wasv welcome Althougugh they plan to fight to) ppreserve ' ."It's our stroitrongcst hope to kL-cp reforrirm insujed by 2002. wouicjuld require employers women wont to rcplacc:c tthe Rock Creek ne\lew s fo r supporters o f the: legislation,le it Mitchell’s*s faUback plan for employloyer pay- alive and g ett tcto cohfcrcncc," said AARIRP to pTiy a*>imaller portionion oCiheircmployccs’ ......... Trading Post w ith a. rcstatitaurant and store. lals'ilso underscored the conspicipicuous lack of ments fot■pr workers Insurance —— the so-_ lobbj-ist Johnt^Rothcr. R “The alicrnaiivc: isi insurance tliai^thcy ab;absorl) today in_inosl I; Page Cl supiupport'MitchellTb'in has; received,re from callcd cmjTjploycr m andates — fcwTrr'members "noiliirig ifMitcKtcKcll d o csn 't succc’cd.” ' union cuniracis. M en'held at Jero□ n m e ~ No charges have beciteen filed against P u d d l e l u s h e r four men held in Jerome)m e iri connection 1 G em[ fires with the stabbing deatl;ath of a migrant worker. P a g e C l tlireaiiten Aspiring to be ma; old toowns ________ ' Joel Rogers, the m anI wlw ho Ifist the elec-r I The A ssociated Presss • tion to Rupert M ayorar !B ill W h itto m ._________I ~ I .Y^ants tHiTjob now thatat Whittom is re- I Miliiar>’ helicoptersrs ppounded ceniral Id'a- signing. - P a g e C 3 ho's raging wildfires< wiwith thousands ofgal- Ions of water Wednesdlesday while fire crews reinforced fragile lireiro Ilines and dug in to proicci remote summernor homesI and lodges, ------■Tw'u-historit* m ininging communities north—— of McCall were ihreaieilaiened by ihe fires and End of record cha:lase? residents faced probableable evacuation, Matt Williams hit hiss 4:43rd hom e run in I Over 4.000 firenghkfilters wore commiiled his’l I3th and maybe lalast game of the j lo blaZes across the statstate and a battalion of 1994 baseball season WetVednesday. I 530 soldiers began two days o f training in P a g e C 7 preparation for deployiioying.on Fridjy to the (largest ofthe llres —- tlthe 2y.000-acre Coi*- ral-fire north of tho: roresort community of W hat to watch M cC all........................... Television networks arcar making plans ....... - - I Fire bosses in the PayettePay National Fbrcsi to fill air tim e now schC'rhedulcd for base- I still hoped to more thanhan double the corps of ball. 350 firelighiers they ha'havo on that blaZe, but P a g l i C o / major new fires were:re starting: throughout the West almost as fastfa^ as crews contain those already buming.g- --------- The-Nnlional-lnicragiiragcncy Fire Ccnter-in------- V Boiso said more ihanlan 23.000 firefighters were slill on the linesies (o f 33 m ajor fires in M adness a t Silverer Creek • -nine-states: -Whilc-crcwTcws contained 11 ma- ,, 7110. water boils whcn:n bigl fish go nuts jor fires on I'ucsday.V. t;ight new ones were t. over little bugs at the SilverSi Creek Na- reported by midday WeiWednesday, ture Conservancy near PicPicabo. The Corral Fire nonllorth of McCall, which - P a g e B l ■ ' ■J’. MIKE BALSOUFtrmw T i m ^ m, exploded in timberr drdrier than kiln-dried lum ber to triple in siZeiZe Tuos</ay. slowed its m the sunshine, Anthon:ny Strickland of Twin FFallsj speeds through a Ib ig p u d d le o n h is bl* i^w -im pact horse‘s e p a c k i n g E n jo y in g a b r e a k f ro m t run north tofthe mainain Salmon River, 20 cycle fpllowtns dn aftertem oon thunderstorm thattl produced som e heheavy rain show ers onI V\W ednesday. m iles from where it stastarted. r . A s more people findI theirth' way into the __ I But the fire, now less than six miles from ATiers need to take — back country, horse ownt the river, was still actinCling so erratically that w profile r—- extra steps to keep a low j ' fire bosses callcd in a titeam of weather and P a g e B l fire behavior specialistsists to forecast not only • ' lates A v^ailabiliity of ‘eerank’ its future movementt butbi the prospects for » House sla the olhcr three majorr blaZesbli in the region, "For a team to be calledcal out like this for I long-range planning is only( done under the H rad complaintsS crime bi3ill Inccreasinglg arounnd area^ most severe circumstarstances," fire behavior — I analyst Dob Mutch said,:aid. “The last time was Twin Falls' ci^ govc}vcmment should 'la-V/ ByJuliohIM. McKinnon for Y ellow stone in 1988988.“ listen to its critics, today':ly 's editorial says. votetodiJ u t y Tim cs-NJew e s w riter Land managers dostlosed to public access ^hat it is, aboul 1.000 square mimiles of backcountry T h e A ssociated Pie$8 T W INi IFALLS - Local law enfoiforcementl', « , north of McCall to theLhe iriver bccausc of llic .agents ha>lavc noticed on increased availabili-'au W fiait t it’s called fire danger. WASHINGTON — CoiCounting on tyof'crairank," a stim ulant that g ives'CS users a Forest officials were:rc irecommending rcsi- m om entum , the ClintOn admidministration longera• and more physically andi mentallyn Methamphiphctaminc is a inanufac- dents ofthe old miniiining communities of Back to classes and its allies planned to10 ;send their damaginglg - high than cocaine, tured ccntral;ral nervous system stiniu- Burgdorf and Sec«shesh t_q cvacuate. The S33.2 billion crime bill to the House xhc strCircete not flooded withim n e th a m - lant. w orst-casc scenarioI wow as i f all the fires in _ The 1994-95 school^ yyear is fast ap- fl(K>r today even though the^hey remained phrtnniin :rank. but The mostst ccommon street name forr the complex joined togethertogt near Burgdorf. 1 liuw 10 gui.yum ----------- votes,short o f assuriiunng Its pas- there hass beenI an increase in its avavailability the drug, wl 'I- ■ a i>opulur l iuts|jiiiigs. ■ kids'rcady;- sage. , . - in the pastist year; said Merrill Kelley,By.'spcclal form, is “eracrank.” Other street namess Fire bosses said theihe CorralTiro merged _____lige E1-a_^ _ — "ItMl-bc a squeaker, but)ut we’ll Y^n -agent inr'chargc c fdrTdoho^Burcau-'ilu' o f N a r - ' includc “ metmeth." “ciystal mcih’ andi ■ with the 2.200-acro• WWarm Spririgs'blaZe. it,” Rep. Bill Richardson oflof New Mcx- cotics Dis''istrict Four. "crystal." “Speed"“S; is a generic termn C rew s laid 5.000 feel;i olof hose along the riv- ico, the Democrots' deputyIty w hip, said a one-<:-eighth ounce of crank, cccallcd an used for allII aiamphetamines, \vhich also0 cr to w et down the How■loward Ranch and oth* Wednesday. ‘'W c’rc.withinlin five votes “eight ^ba a ll.'^h as a street v alu e o:ofS250. .comc in pill11 ftform .____________________ cr stnicturcs.in tim fire\*ire's potential path.............. .. and w e'v e got m om entum ." — Nearer McCall, crcws•cws^on the 17.000-acrc K V, -u.
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