E874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 29, 2014 Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- While my colleagues and I draft education anniversary of the Republic Day, and to distin- tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: reform legislations, we cannot be on the guish the many achievements of Azerbaijan Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Chair, I thank ground in every community: staffing after- along with the remarkably valuable partnership the gentleman from New York, Mr. CROWLEY, school programs, coordinating back-to-school between the United States and Azerbaijan. for his bringing attention to an important pro- supply drives or organizing domestic violence f gram that deserves the support of this body. seminars. Our success as a nation is, in no The importance of Science Technology Engi- small part, due to the leadership and passion CONGRATULATING THE HONOREES neering and Math (or STEM) education has of citizens who are helping people lead OF THE ELLSWORTH CHAMBER been recognized by this administration and healthier and more purposeful lives—those OF COMMERCE’S ANNUAL members of Congress from both sides of the who focus on student achievement to foster AWARDS DINNER aisle. Investment in these fields will prepare innovation and creativity. The Alpha Xi Omega our students for good paying jobs and Chapter has improved the social stature of HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD strengthen our economy by ensuring that our Dallas’ youth by cultivating and encouraging OF MAINE workforce stays competitive in a globalized high scholastic and ethical standards. Be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world. Entrepreneurs with specialties in these cause of their work, the next generation of fields are creating exciting new start-ups and leaders is energized to innovate and move the Thursday, May 29, 2014 jobs while more established companies are country forward. Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to being encouraged to reshore jobs in this coun- Mr. Speaker, I have been a Member of this recognize the honorees of the Ellsworth try when our workers are better trained. In organization for more than 40 years, and I can Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Awards Din- short the value of STEM education is univer- say with great pride that the City of Dallas is ner. The Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce sally understood. a better place because of the dedicated and serves the people and business communities Madam Chair, the gentleman’s colloquy al- selfless service of the distinguished women of of the region, working hard to strengthen eco- lows us the opportunity to demonstrate con- The Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of the Alpha nomic opportunity throughout the area and the gressional intent to support STEM education, Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Their un- state. particularly in our Nation’s Hispanic Serving paralleled and unprecedented community in- Each year, the Ellsworth Chamber of Com- Institutions. HSIs serve an important popu- volvement will impact the Dallas community merce recognizes local businesses, business lation and educate students of all back- for years to come. They epitomize the power leaders, and individuals who promote and ad- grounds. The program directed the National of an engaged citizenry and reflect our na- vance a vital and healthy business environ- Science Foundation to help create additional tion’s great tradition of service. I ask my col- ment. These individuals and businesses are capacity for STEM education in these institu- leagues to join me in recognizing their service committed to strengthening opportunity, pros- tions of higher learning. The National Science today in the U.S. House of Representatives. perity, and community service in Maine. Foundation directs investment in American in- f The 2014 award winners are: Merrill Enter- novation and is uniquely equipped to focus ef- RECOGNITION OF THE 96TH ANNI- prises, Top Drawer Award; Eleanor Jones, Cit- forts on bringing more students into these im- izen of the Year; Friends and Family, Cus- portant fields. VERSARY OF REPUBLIC DAY IN AZERBAIJAN tomer Service Award; Shinbashi, Revitalization This amendment supports a worthy program Award; and Z Photography, Chamber New that returns a value to our students and the Business of the Year. economy that is well beyond the investment. HON. HENRY CUELLAR These recipients are among the best that f OF TEXAS Maine has to offer. Through their leadership IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING THE 85TH ANNIVER- and their incredible commitment to their com- SARY OF ALPHA XI OMEGA Thursday, May 29, 2014 munities and to the region, Maine is a better CHAPTER OF ALPHA KAPPA Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in place in which to live and do business. ALPHA SORORITY, INC., DALLAS, recognition of the 96th anniversary of Republic Mr. Speaker, please join me again in con- TEXAS Day in Azerbaijan on May 28. Azerbaijan is a gratulating the Ellsworth Chamber of Com- secular, modern, Muslim country, which prac- merce and the award recipients on their out- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON tices broad religious tolerance. Established in standing service and achievements. OF TEXAS May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Re- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public was the first republic in any majority- Muslim country. In 1920 Russia occupied CONFERENCE REPORT WATER RE- Thursday, May 29, 2014 Azerbaijan and several Azeris lost their lives SOURCES REFORM AND DEVEL- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. fighting for their independence. After years of OPMENT ACT (H.R. 3080) Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the 85th living under Soviet rule, Azerbaijan reclaimed Anniversary of the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of its independence in 1991 following the col- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incor- lapse of the Soviet Union. OF MINNESOTA porated—the first Greek letter sorority for Afri- Over the last twenty-three years, the Repub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can-American women. The Alpha Xi Omega lic of Azerbaijan has strengthened its sov- Thursday, May 29, 2014 Chapter was established in Dallas, Texas on ereignty and independence, and has devel- June 6, 1929. Since its inception, its members oped into one of the fastest growing econo- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, had I been have provided outstanding community service mies in the region. Azerbaijan is also a present, I would have voted in support of the throughout the City of Dallas. They have dis- staunch ally and strategic partner of the Water Resources Reform and Development played a constant commitment to serving United States in the decisively important Cas- Act (H.R. 3080) Conference Report. Unfortu- those in need through varied volunteer activi- pian region. As a valuable international ally, nately, I attended the funeral for a family ties—from tutoring children, raising money to Azerbaijan provided aid to the United States member and missed the vote. fight cancer, increasing awareness to combat directly following the devastating events of 9/ The Water Resources Reform and Develop- AIDS, supporting research for sickle cell ane- 11, assisting the United States on matters of ment Act authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of mia to feeding the hungry. international security. Engineers’ mission, ensuring our nation’s wa- Through programs of service, they encour- Azerbaijan resides in one of the world’s terways have the resources to improve infra- age young men and women to develop high most dangerous neighborhoods, with Russia structure and create jobs while providing flood standards of character and excellence in edu- to the north and Iran to the south; however, protection and environmental restoration. Long cation. They support a myriad of other pro- the U.S. and Azerbaijan have developed a overdue, the conference report to H.R. 3080 grams, including: health and social services steadfast relationship through the opening of will ensure economic growth for years to for women and children and the development Caspian energy sources for development. come. of art, cultural and educational groups. They Making significant contributions to the energy I’m pleased that the conference report in- understand the great price of liberty—the duty security of Europe, Turkey, and Israel, Azer- cludes my language addressing the threat of of each of us to give back freely. They under- baijan has materialized as a fundamental play- Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio stand that by investing their time, energy and er in global energy security. River basins and tributaries. The Fish and talent, they strengthen the very fiber of our Again, it is my pleasure to honor the Repub- Wildlife Service in coordination with the Army Nation. lic of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the 96th Corps of Engineers, the National Park Service, VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:32 May 30, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29MY8.048 E29MYPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 29, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E875 and the Geological Survey will lead a multi- Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in California. Living out the Rotarian motto of agency preventative effort working with state Political Science. ‘‘Service Before Self’’, these men and women and local governments. These federal agen- After completing her studies, Ms. Taylor have marshalled their resources to reward out- cies will provide critical technical assistance, began her career in the political arena working standing students, teachers and administrators coordination, best practices, and support to for California State Assemblymember and in local schools for the past 22 years. slow and eventually eliminate the threat posed California Board of Equalization Member Every month during the school year, the Ro- by Asian carp. Johan Klehs. She later served as the District tarians highlight one K–12 school in the com- I want to thank the coalition of governmental Director for former California State munity.
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