U.S. Representatives to call re DREAM Act State Name Phone Number Message Alabama 1st Bradley Byrne (202) 225-4931 Urge 2nd Martha Roby (202) 225-2901 Urge 3rd Mike Rogers (202) 225-3261 Urge 4th Robert Aderholt (202) 225-4876 Urge 5th Mo Brooks (202) 225-4801 Urge 6th Gary Palmer (202) 225-4921 Urge 7th Terri A. Sewell (202) 225-2665 Thanks Alaska At Large Don Young (202) 225-5765 Urge American Samoa Delegate Amata Radewagen (202) 225-8577 Urge Arizona 1st Tom O'Halleran (202) 225-3361 Thanks 2nd Martha McSally (202) 225-2542 Urge 3rd Raul Grijalva (202) 225-2435 Thanks 4th Paul A. Gosar (202) 225-2315 Urge 5th Andy Biggs (202) 225-2635 Urge 6th David Schweikert (202) 225-2190 Urge 7th Ruben Gallego (202) 225-4065 Thanks 8th Trent Franks - Vacancy (202) 225-4576 Urge 9th Kyrsten Sinema (202) 225-9888 Thanks Arkansas 1st Rick Crawford (202) 225-4076 Urge 2nd French Hill (202) 225-2506 Urge 3rd Steve Womack (202) 225-4301 Urge 4th Bruce Westerman (202) 225-3772 Urge California 1st Doug LaMalfa (202) 225-3076 Urge 2nd Jared Huffman (202) 225-5161 Thanks 3rd John Garamendi (202) 225-1880 Thanks 4th Tom McClintock (202) 225-2511 Urge 5th Mike Thompson (202) 225-3311 Thanks 6th Doris O. Matsui (202) 225-7163 Thanks 7th Ami Bera (202) 225-5716 Thanks 8th Paul Cook (202) 225-5861 Urge 9th Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 Thanks 10th Jeff Denham (202) 225-4540 Thanks 11th Mark DeSaulnier (202) 225-2095 Thanks 12th Nancy Pelosi (202) 225-4965 Thanks 13th Barbara Lee (202) 225-2661 Thanks 14th Jackie Speier (202) 225-3531 Thanks 15th Eric Swalwell (202) 225-5065 Thanks 16th Jim Costa (202) 225-3341 Thanks 17th Ro Khanna (202) 225-2631 Thanks 18th Anna G. Eshoo (202) 225-8104 Thanks 19th Zoe Lofgren (202) 225-3072 Thanks 20th Jimmy Panetta (202) 225-2861 Thanks 21st David Valadao (202) 225-4695 Thanks 22nd Devin Nunes (202) 225-2523 Urge 23rd Kevin McCarthy (202) 225-2915 Urge 24th Salud Carbajal (202) 225-3601 Thanks 25th Steve Knight (202) 225-1956 Urge 26th Julia Brownley (202) 225-5811 Thanks 27th Judy Chu (202) 225-5464 Thanks 28th Adam Schiff (202) 225-4176 Thanks 29th Tony Cárdenas (202) 225-6131 Thanks 30th Brad Sherman (202) 225-5911 Thanks 31st Pete Aguilar (202) 225-3201 Thanks 32nd Grace Napolitano (202) 225-5256 Thanks 33rd Ted Lieu (202) 225-3976 Thanks 34th Jimmy Gomez (202) 225-6235 Thanks 35th Norma Torres (202) 225-6161 Thanks 36th Raul Ruiz (202) 225-5330 Thanks 37th Karen Bass (202) 225-7084 Thanks 38th Linda Sánchez (202) 225-6676 Thanks 39th Ed Royce (202) 225-4111 Urge 40th Lucille Roybal-Allard (202) 225-1766 Thanks 41st Mark Takano (202) 225-2305 Thanks 42nd Ken Calvert (202) 225-1986 Urge 43rd Maxine Waters (202) 225-2201 Thanks 44th Nanette Barragán (202) 225-8220 Thanks 45th Mimi Walters (202) 225-5611 Urge 46th Luis J. Correa (202) 225-2965 Thanks 47th Alan Lowenthal (202) 225-7924 Thanks 48th Dana Rohrabacher (202) 225-2415 Urge 49th Darrell Issa (202) 225-3906 Urge 50th Duncan D. Hunter (202) 225-5672 Urge 51st Juan Vargas (202) 225-8045 Thanks 52nd Scott Peters (202) 225-0508 Thanks 53rd Susan Davis (202) 225-2040 Thanks Colorado 1st Diana DeGette (202) 225-4431 Thanks 2nd Jared Polis (202) 225-2161 Thanks 3rd Scott Tipton (202) 225-4761 Urge 4th Ken Buck (202) 225-4676 Urge 5th Doug Lamborn (202) 225-4422 Urge 6th Mike Coffman (202) 225-7882 Thanks 7th Ed Perlmutter (202) 225-2645 Thanks Connecticut 1st John B. Larson (202) 225-2265 Thanks 2nd Joe Courtney (202) 225-2076 Thanks 3rd Rosa L. DeLauro (202) 225-3661 Thanks 4th Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 Thanks 5th Elizabeth Esty (202) 225-4476 Thanks Delaware At Large Lisa Blunt Rochester (202) 225-4165 Thanks District of Columbia Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (202) 225-8050 Thanks Florida 1st Matt Gaetz (202) 225-4136 Urge 2nd Neal Dunn (202) 225-5235 Urge 3rd Ted Yoho (202) 225-5744 Urge 4th John Rutherford (202) 225-2501 Urge 5th Al Lawson Jr. (202) 225-0123 Thanks 6th Ron DeSantis (202) 225-2706 Urge 7th Stephanie Murphy (202) 225-4035 Thanks 8th Bill Posey (202) 225-3671 Urge 9th Darren Soto (202) 225-9889 Thanks 10th Val Demings (202) 225-2176 Thanks 11th Daniel Webster (202) 225-1002 Urge 12th Gus M. Bilirakis (202) 225-5755 Urge 13th Charlie Crist (202) 225-5961 Thanks 14th Kathy Castor (202) 225-3376 Thanks 15th Dennis Ross (202) 225-1252 Urge 16th Vern Buchanan (202) 225-5015 Urge 17th Tom Rooney (202) 225-5792 Urge 18th Brian Mast (202) 225-3026 Urge 19th Francis Rooney (202) 225-2536 Urge 20th Alcee L. Hastings (202) 225-1313 Thanks 21st Lois Frankel (202) 225-9890 Thanks 22nd Ted Deutch (202) 225-3001 Thanks 23rd Debbie Wasserman Schultz (202) 225-7931 Thanks 24th Frederica S. Wilson (202) 225-4506 Thanks 25th Mario Diaz-Balart (202) 225-4211 Urge 26th Carlos Curbelo (202) 225-2778 Urge 27th Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (202) 225-3931 Thanks Georgia 1st Buddy Carter (202) 225-5831 Urge 2nd Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (202) 225-3631 Thanks 3rd A. Drew Ferguson (202) 225-5901 Urge 4th Hank Johnson Jr. (202) 225-1605 Thanks 5th John Lewis (202) 225-3801 Thanks 6th Karen C. Handel (202) 225-4501 Urge 7th Robert Woodall (202) 225-4272 Urge 8th Austin Scott (202) 225-6531 Urge 9th Doug Collins (202) 225-9893 Urge 10th Jody Hice (202) 225-4101 Urge 11th Barry Loudermilk (202) 225-2931 Urge 12th Rick Allen (202) 225-2823 Urge 13th David Scott (202) 225-2939 Thanks 14th Tom Graves (202) 225-5211 Urge Guam Delegate Madeleine Bordallo (202) 225-1188 Thanks Hawaii 1st Colleen Hanabusa (202) 225-2726 Thanks 2nd Tulsi Gabbard (202) 225-4906 Thanks Idaho 1st Raul R. Labrador (202) 225-6611 Urge 2nd Mike Simpson (202) 225-5531 Urge Illinois 1st Bobby L. Rush (202) 225-4372 Thanks 2nd Robin Kelly (202) 225-0773 Thanks 3rd Daniel Lupinski (202) 225-5701 Urge 4th Luis V. Gutierrez (202) 225-8203 Thanks 5th Mike Quigley (202) 225-4061 Thanks 6th Peter J. Roskam (202) 225-4561 Urge 7th Danny K. Davis (202) 225-5006 Thanks 8th Raja Krishnamoorthi (202) 225-3711 Thanks 9th Jan Schakowsky (202) 225-2111 Thanks 10th Bradley Schneider (202) 225-4835 Thanks 11th Bill Foster (202) 225-3515 Thanks 12th Mike Bost (202) 225-5661 Urge 13th Rodney Davis (202) 225-2371 Urge 14th Randy Hultgren (202) 225-2976 Urge 15th John Shimkus (202) 225-5271 Urge 16th Adam Kinzinger (202) 225-3635 Urge 17th Cheri Bustos (202) 225-5905 Thanks 18th Darin LaHood (202) 225-6201 Urge Indiana 1st Peter Visclosky (202) 225-2461 Thanks 2nd Jackie Walorski (202) 225-3915 Urge 3rd Jim Banks (202) 225-4436 Urge 4th Todd Rokita (202) 225-5037 Urge 5th Susan W. Brooks (202) 225-2276 Urge 6th Luke Messer (202) 225-3021 Urge 7th André Carson (202) 225-4011 Thanks 8th Larry Bucshon (202) 225-4636 Urge 9th Trey Hollingsworth (202) 225-5315 Urge Iowa 1st Rod Blum (202) 225-2911 Urge 2nd David Loebsack (202) 225-6576 Thanks 3rd David Young (202) 225-5476 Urge 4th Steve King (202) 225-4426 Urge Kansas 1st Roger Marshall (202) 225-2715 Urge 2nd Lynn Jenkins (202) 225-6601 Urge 3rd Kevin Yoder (202) 225-2865 Urge 4th Ron Estes (202) 225-6216 Urge Kentucky 1st James Comer (202) 225-3115 Urge 2nd S. Brett Guthrie (202) 225-3501 Urge 3rd John A. Yarmuth (202) 225-5401 Thanks 4th Thomas Massie (202) 225-3465 Urge 5th Harold Rogers (202) 225-4601 Urge 6th Andy Barr (202) 225-4706 Urge Louisiana 1st Steve Scalise (202) 225-3015 Urge 2nd Cedric Richmond (202) 225-6636 Thanks 3rd Clay Higgins (202) 225-2031 Urge 4th Mike Johnson (202) 225-2777 Urge 5th Ralph Abraham (202) 225-8490 Urge 6th Garret Graves (202) 225-3901 Urge Maine 1st Chellie Pingree (202) 225-6116 Thanks 2nd Bruce Poliquin (202) 225-6306 Urge Maryland 1st Andy Harris (202) 225-5311 Urge 2nd C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (202) 225-3061 Thanks 3rd John P. Sarbanes (202) 225-4016 Thanks 4th Anthony Brown (202) 225-8699 Thanks 5th Steny H. Hoyer (202) 225-4131 Thanks 6th John Delaney (202) 225-2721 Thanks 7th Elijah Cummings (202) 225-4741 Thanks 8th Jamie Raskin (202) 225-5341 Thanks Massachusetts 1st Richard E. Neal (202) 225-5601 Thanks 2nd James McGovern (202) 225-6101 Thanks 3rd Niki Tsongas (202) 225-3411 Thanks 4th Joseph P. Kennedy III (202) 225-5931 Thanks 5th Katherine Clark (202) 225-2836 Thanks 6th Seth Moulton (202) 225-8020 Thanks 7th Michael E. Capuano (202) 225-5111 Thanks 8th Stephen F. Lynch (202) 225-8273 Thanks 9th William Keating (202) 225-3111 Thanks Michigan 1st Jack Bergman (202) 225-4735 Urge 2nd Bill Huizenga (202) 225-4401 Urge 3rd Justin Amash (202) 225-3831 Urge 4th John Moolenaar (202) 225-3561 Urge 5th Daniel Kildee (202) 225-3611 Thanks 6th Fred Upton (202) 225-3761 Urge 7th Tim Walberg (202) 225-6276 Urge 8th Mike Bishop (202) 225-4872 Urge 9th Sander Levin (202) 225-4961 Thanks 10th Paul Mitchell (202) 225-2106 Urge 11th Dave Trott (202) 225-8171 Urge 12th Debbie Dingell (202) 225-4071 Thanks 13th John Conyers - Vacancy (202) 225-5126 Thanks 14th Brenda Lawrence (202) 225-5802 Thanks Minnesota 1st Timothy J. Walz (202) 225-2472 Thanks 2nd Jason Lewis (202) 225-2271 Urge 3rd Erik Paulsen (202) 225-2871 Urge 4th Betty McCollum (202) 225-6631 Thanks 5th Keith Ellison (202) 225-4755 Thanks 6th Tom Emmer (202) 225-2331 Urge 7th Collin C.
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