1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATh 3829 By Mr. JACKSON of California: . against Thy lights, that we may live Senate Resolution 46 created the Sen­ H. R. 3167. A blll for the relief of Ikumori longer and better. ate Special Committee To Investigate Sakihara; tu the Committee on the Judiciary. By the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ the National Defense Program.- By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: our Lord. Amen. H. R. 3168. A bill' for t he relief of Antone The purpose of the resolution is to G. Pina; to the Committee on the Judiciary. THE JOURNAL limit the application of certain provi­ sions of existing law to counsel employed By Mr. MUNDT: On request of Mr.. WHITE, and by H. R. 3169. A ,bill for the relief of Simon by the special committee. Mentioned Kirk; to the Committee on the Judiciary. unanimous consent, the reading of the specifically in the resolution are sections By Mr. WINSTEAD: Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code 08 H. R. 3170. A bill for the relief of R. W. April 22, 1947, was dispensed with, and U. S. C. 198 and 203). Section 109 of Wood; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Journal was approved. the Criminal Code forbids officers of the H. R. 3171. A bill for the relief of Miss MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT United States to aid or assist in the Maggie Sue Eakes; to the Committee on the prosecution of claims against the United Judiciary. Messages in writing from the Presi­ dent of the United States submitting States. Section 113 forbids officers and employees of the United States to re­ PETITIONS, ETC. nominations were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ ceive any compensation for services ren­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions dered in connection with any proceed­ taries. ing or other matter in which the United and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE and referred as follows: States is interested before any adminis­ trativE) body. 363. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of Mrs. A message from the House of Repre­ Vida M. Fletcher and 298 citizens of Lamoni, sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its Exemptions similar to the foregoing Iowa, urging adoption of H. R. 142, to take reading clerks, announced that the House have been contained in a number of beer out of Army training camps, and alco­ had passed without amendment the bill · previous statutes and are not unusual hol, prostitution, anq gambling away from <S. 1009) to extend the time within (55 Stat. 861; Public Laws 287 and 456, their vicinity; to the Committee on Armed which the municipality of Fort Lauder­ 78th Cong.) . Services. dale, Broward County, Fla., may con­ The resolution, however, enumerates 364. By Mr. NORBLAD: Petition signed by sections 361, . 365, and 366 of the Re­ Mary E. Forbes and 20 other citizens of the summate the purchase of the Coast State of Oregon, urging enactment of the Guard site <commonly known as the vised Statutes (5 U. S. C. 306, 314, 315). Capper bill, s. 265, to prohibit the transpor­ base 6 property) which is located at The inclusion of these sections in this tation in interstate commerce of advertise­ Fort Lauderdale. type of legislation is novel. Section 361 ments of alcoholic beverages; to the Commit­ ·ENROLLED BILL SIGNED provides that the officers of the Depart­ tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ment of Justice, under the direction of 365. By Mr. YOUNGBLOOD: Petition of The message also announced that the the Attorney General, shall give all opin­ the Common Council of the City of Detroit , Speaker had affixed his signature to the ions and render all services requiring the Mich., recommending that Congress provide following enrolled bills, and they were skill of persons learned in the law neces­ added authorization and appropriations to signed by the President pro tempore. sary to enable the President and the the War Mobilization Act and Reconversion Act; to the Committee on Public Works. H. R. 2102. An act to provide for a 6-month heads of the various departments, and extension and final liquidation of the farm­ 366. By the SPEAKER: Petition of a Negro­ other officers, to discharge their respec­ labor-supply program, and for other pur­ tive duties; and shall, on behalf of the American group, petitioning consideration of poses; and their resolutidn with reference to Labor Sec­ United States, procure the proper evi­ retary Lewis B. Schwellenbach's proposal to H. R. 2404. An act to suspend certain im­ dence for, and conduct, prosecute, or de­ illegalize the Communist Party; to the Com-· port taxes on copper. fend all suits and proceedings in the Su­ mittee·on the Judiciary. APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL BY COMMIT­ preme Court of the United States, and 367. Also, petition of Athens Democratic TEE TO INVESTIGATE THE NATIONAL in the court of claims, in which the Associations, petitioning consideration of DEFENSE PROGRAM- VETO MESSAGE United States, or any officer thereof, is a their resolution with reference to granting (S. DOC. NO. 45) party or may be interested. Section 365 financial aid-to Greece·; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The provides that no compensation shall be . Chair lays before the Senate a letter allowed to any person, other than the from the Secretary of the Senate accom­ United States attorneys and their as­ panying a message from the President ·sistants, for services as an attorney or SENATE of the United States, which will be read. counselor to the United States, except The legislative clerk read as follows: when specially authorized by law, and then only upon the certificate of the At-· WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1947 UNITED STATES SENATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, torney General to the effect that the <Legislative day of Monday, April 21 , April 23, 1947. services were actually rendered, and that 1947) Hon. ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG, they could not be performed by the offi­ President pro tempore, cers of the Department of Justice, or the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, United States Senat e. United States attorneys. Section 366 on the expiration of the recess. DEAlt MR. PRESIDENT: On yesterday, April provides that every counselor or attorney The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, 22, 1947, after the Senate had taken a recess, specially retained, under the authority a message was received by me from the Presi­ D. D., offered the following prayer:· dent of the United States, addressed to the of the Department of Justice, to assist in Our Father, help us to understand that Senate, vetoing Senate Joint Resolution 97, the trial of any case in which the Gov­ limiting the application ,of provisions of ernment is interested, shall receive a when we try to live without Thee, we are commission as a special assistant to the unable to live with ourselves; and when Federal law to counsel employed under Sen­ ate Resolution 46. Attorney General, or to one of the United we say "No" to Thee, we are denying our I am herewith delivering to you the said States attorneys, or as a special attor­ own best interest. Whatever. other re­ message for presentation to the Senate. ney, as the nature of the appointment wards or punishments Thou hast or-· Very respect~ully, may require; and shall take the oath dained, we are finding out that we can­ CARL A. LOEFFLER, required by law to be taken by the United not do wrong and feel right, for there is Secretary. States attorneys, and be subject to all a law within Thy universe that acts The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The liabilities imposed upon them by law. around us and in us. Give to each one Presidential message will be read. The exemptions with respect to sec­ of us, we pray, that intelligent self­ The legislative clerk read as follows: tions 361, 365, and 366 of the Revised interest that shall persuade us to do Thy Statutes do not appear to be necessary will. Teach us that obeying Thee and To the Senate: in order to carry out the intent of the Thy willis a forced option-like eating. I am withholding my approval of the Congress. Of more importance, however, We do not have to eat, but if we do not, resolution <S. J. Res. 97) ''limiting the is the fact that the inclusion of these sec- we cannot live. We are not forced to application of provisions of Federal law . tions in the resolution might be inter­ obey Thee, but if we do not, we ·hurt our­ to counsel employed under Senate Reso- preted as granting authority to the com­ selves. Convict tis of the folly of walking lution 46." · mittee counsel to initiate civil or criminal 3830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 23 proceedings on behalf of the United ter 191, second session, approved May 5, a provision in a resolution applicable only to 1945, both of which are in identical lan­ Senate committee counsel in which it is States. sought to exempt such counsel from the pro­ I am confident that this was not the guage with the measure on which the visions which at least for their principal pur­ intention of the Congress and it is for Senate took action a short time ago, and pose apply to the executive departments only. this reason that I am withholding my which was the subject of the Presiden­ We are confident that the dire consequences approval of the legislation. tial veto, and a copy of Senate Joint Res­ feared in the veto message are without foun­ HARRY S.
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