PASIC 2011 November 9-12 Indianapolis. IN Pas President’s Welcome 4 special Thanks 6 Donations to the Logistics Incentives Program 6 Corporate & University sponsors of the Pas 50th anniversary Celebration 8 Individual sponsors of the Pas 50th anniversary Celebration 9 area Map and Restaurant Guide 10 Convention Center Map 12 Exhibitors by Name 14 Exhibit Hall Map 15 Exhibitors by Category 16 Exhibitor Company Descriptions 20 artist sponsors 32 Wednesday, November 9 schedule of Events 40 Thursday, November 10 schedule of Events 42 Friday, November 11 schedule of Events 46 saturday, November 12 schedule of Events 52 artists and Clinicians Bios 56 History of the Percussive arts society 98 Pas 2011 awards 102 PasIC 2011 advertisers 104 PAS President’s Welcome n behalf of the tive of 50 years of percussion music our passion for percussion and music. OPercussive performed by such performers as allen PasIC would not be possible without arts society (Pas), Otte and steve schick. our Pas staff and, in particular, Direc- I am pleased and • The U.s. army Blues Jazz Ensemble tor of Event Production and Marketing honored as Pas Friday Evening Concert featuring an all- Jeff Hartsough. His tireless efforts President to wel- star group of prominent drumset, per- year round provide us with indelible come you back cussion, and vibe artists such as Keith moments in our lives through the con- to Indianapolis, Carlock, Peter Erskine, Emil Richards, vention experience. Indiana for the 36th John Riley, and Ed soph. Additionally, the invaluable and ex- Percussive arts society International • a new exhibit at Rhythm! Discovery traordinary efforts of Executive Direc- Convention (PasIC) and our “biggest Center featuring a special retrospective tor Michael Kenyon, Marketing and celebration to date” commemorating of Pas—the First 50 Years as well as Communications Director Matthew al- our 50th anniversary. Indianapolis the PasIC listening lab available in our tizer, Museum/Curator/Librarian Otice was chosen as the venue for this reading room. sircy, IT and Interactive Media Direc- particular convention in order to • Young artist Competition with the final tor Marianella Moreno, Membership provide all members with a unique round of competition and a showcase services Manager Justin Ramirez, opportunity to visit our home and concert featuring the winner. Programs and Operations Coordina- museum, Rhythm! Discovery Center, • a special PasIC 2011 saturday Eve- tor Heath Towson, Publications Editor during our 50th anniversary celebra- ning Concert/anniversary Party featur- Rick Mattingly, Graphic Designer Hill- tory year. It is indeed a time to cel- ing the great Poncho sanchez and his ary Henry, support services Christina ebrate the past, present, and future. Latin Jazz band. Jordan, Intern Jennifer Ruiffson, and As always, our convention will Pas Exhibit Consultant and associate provide attendees with several days All of these wonderful celebratory Professor/Public scholar of Planning of inspirational clinics, presentations, events would not be possible without Exhibition and Design at Indiana Uni- master classes, and concerts led you, the membership. Thank you so versity/Purdue University Indianapolis by the world’s finest percussionists much to those who contributed to our (IUPUI) Matthew Groshek can be ex- showcasing a diversity of styles and 50th sponsor Campaign. On behalf of perienced at every turn of our conven- programming. Furthermore, high- the Pas Board of Directors, thank you tion. Thank you, thank you, thank you! lights of this year’s convention cel- to the companies and manufacturers Special thanks to Rick Mattingly and ebration include: who are sustaining members. Your sup- Hillary Henry for their work with Per- • The Pas-commissioned premiere port and guidance day after day, year cussive Notes this year as well as the of Joseph schwanter’s “Concerto after year is so appreciated. Thank you PasIC 2011 program. This year’s is- #2 for Percussion section, Timpani to all the exhibitors who will provide us sues of Percussive Notes commemo- and Orchestra” by the Indianapolis once again with another outstanding rating our first 50 years certainly have symphony. PasIC International Drum and Percus- provided us with thought-provoking • The PasIC 2011 Marimba Orchestra sion Expo. I encourage everyone to memories regarding the past and featuring 50 marimbists from all over make several visits to the PasIC 2011 glimpses of insight into the future. the world, with a special composition Expo. While there, thank our sponsors I hope you are ready for a series of written by Gordon stout for the oc- and exhibitors for providing us with the unforgettable moments to experience casion. opportunity to experience the very best and share at PasIC 2011 with your • The PasIC 2011 Mass steel Drum in percussion instruments, music, and percussion family members, old and Band Concert featuring steel pan other products. new. Let the celebration continue! players representing various parts I believe Pas is about sharing and of the country, with special guests community, and PasIC 2011 provides Ricardo Flores, Chris Hanning, and our percussion community the ability to Liam Teague. share and celebrate together our mis- • The PasIC 2011 International sion of promoting the percussive arts Drum and Percussion Expo Opening through education, research, perfor- Lisa Rogers Celebration featuring a mass hand- mance, and appreciation. We have sev- Pas President drumming ensemble. eral other people to thank for allowing • Focus Day, featuring a retrospec- us the opportunity to gather and share 4 percussive arts society board of directors executive committee president Lisa rogers president-elect John r. beck first vice president John Wittmann second vice president John parks iv secretary Julie Hill immediate past president steve Houghton executive director michael Kenyon directors michael balter . Ndugu chancler Julie davila . vic firth Julia Gaines . Neil Grover chris Hanning . fernando Hashimoto bret Kuhn . daniel moore eugene Novotney . Nicholas ormrod emil richards . david samuels ed soph . mark sunkett John tafoya . brian Zator couNciL of past presideNts Gary cook (2007–2008) rich Holly (2005–2006) mark ford (2003–2004) James campbell (2001–2002) robert breithaupt (1999–2000) Genaro Gonzalez (1997–98) Garwood Whaley (1993–96) robert schietroma (1991–92) John beck (1987–90) thomas siwe (1984–86) Larry vanlandingham (1982–1984) deceased James petercsak (1977–81) Gary olmstead (1973–77) sandy feldstein (1968–1972) deceased Gordon peters (1964–67) donald canedy (1961–63) percussive arts society staff executive director michael Kenyon director of event production & marketing Jeff Hartsough marketing and communications director matthew altizer museum curator/Librarian otice sircy it and interactive media director marianella moreno membership services manager Justin ramirez programs and operations coordinator Heath towson publications editor rick mattingly Graphic designer Hillary Henry support services christina Jordan intern Jennifer ruliffson PAS HistoriaN James strain 5 Special Thanks donationS Eugene Novotney Focus Day To The 2011 logiSTicS Jennifer Ruliffson incenTiveS ProgrAm PAS Intern Christopher Smith aLFRED PUBLIsHING COMPaNY, INC. Volunteer Coordination MaRCHING Usa 5 – $50 DOLLaR GIFT CERTIFICaTEs Electronic Practice Pad with Metronome Ryan Lassiter and a 3-in-1 Tuner/Tone Generator/Metro- Logistics Manager avEDIs ZILDJIaN COMPaNY nome 1) 1 pair 18” COs Medium Light Cymbals Josh Fallin (a0759) + 1 pair straps (P0750); 2) 1 18” MassIMO MaLLETs Ty Landrum COs suspended Cymbal (a0419); 3) 1 18” a 2 pairs of Marimba Mallets Custom Crash Cymbal (a20516); 4) 1 20” K Mike Mosteller Ride Cymbal (K0817); 5) 1 pair 14” K Custom MaTT NOLaN CUsTOM Logistics Team Leaders session HiHats (K0993) 8 inch “InfiniTri” hand-hammered Triangle Rob Birenbaum BaCHOvICH MUsIC PUBLICaTIONs LLC MEDIa PREss, INC. Ray Fransen 1) 5 CDs; 2) 5 pieces of published music 1) 10 copies of ‘Colors of Earth and sea’ for Drumset Logistics solo marimba by Kristen shiner McGuire; DREaM CYMBaLs aND GONGs Nathan Shireman 2) 10 copies of ‘10 Hall of Fame snare Drum Cymbal Bag solos’ by Thomas siwe; 3) 10 copies of ‘6 Hughies Audio/Visual snare Drum Duets’ by Jack McKenzie Julia Gaines DRUMZRGURUvEN Gourd Drum PASIC Program PEaRL CORPORaTION Fire Cracker snare Drum. FCP1250 12x5 Terry Walburn DRUM WORKsHOP PERFORMaNCE Wood Drum Finish is #271 Ellen Ousley series 5.5x14 snare David Elliott POWER WRIsT BUILDERs DRUM! MaGaZINE / ENTER MUsIC 1 pair of POWER Wrist Builders PWB4-115 Excel Decorators, Inc. PUBLIsHING, INC. aluminum Practice sticks Greg Durthaler 10 black beanies with embroidered Drum! Logo PRO-MaRK CORPORaTION Piano Solutions 12 TX5aW sticks Jonas Productions DRUMMERs sERvICE Backline Provider Reamer Concert snare Drum sticks REMO, INC. Birchlam 14” Leon Mobley Djembe—adrinka Finish Susan Dickey with djembe bag Rita Milandri EvaNs DRUMHEaDs Nicole Perry 1) 5 Tom Packs; 2) 5 inked Gift Cars sMaRTMUsIC & FINaLE Indianapolis Convention & 1 copy of PrintMusic Notation software Visitors Association FICaLORa MUsIC PRODUCTIONs Copy of “How To Write a Fast and Easy sWaN PERCUssION Donna Hill Drum Chart, Basic Method Book” 1 stringed Corsoba Cajon Indiana Convention Center INNOvaTIvE PERCUssION vIC FIRTH COMPaNY Jayne Boyd 1) Innovative Percussion College Primer 1) vic Firth stick bag filled with an assort- Rebecca Moore-Sowder Pack - consisting of 1 MB1, 2 IP240, 2 ment of sticks, mallets and brushes; 2) one Rs251,
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