Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 14 FRIDAY, 01 JUNE 2012 NO. 14 VRYDAG, 01 JUNIE 2012 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 04 Declaration of a section of the Bloemfontein – 04 Verklaring van ‘n gedeelte van die Bloemfontein – Brandfort Primary Road P55/1 as the Ribblesdale – Brandfort Primêre Pad P55/1 tot die Ribblesdale – Avenham Secondary Road S1626, in the Avenham Sekondêre Pad S1626, A-B, geleë in die Magisterial District of Bloemfontein ………………..……….. 2 Landdrosdistrik Bloemfontein ………….……………………… 2 05 Closing of Secondary Road S1049, A-B Magisterial 05 Sluiting van Sekondere Pad S1049, A-B,Landdros- District of Viljoenskroon ………………………….…………… 3 Distrik Viljoenskroon ……….…………………………………… 3 MISCELLANEOUS ALLERLEI Townships Board Notice ……………………………………….………. 3 Dorperaadskennisgewing ……………………………………….……… 3 Townships Board Notice ……………………………………………….. 4 Dorperaadskennisgewing ………………………………………………. 4 Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. 84 of 1967) ………….. 5 Wet op opheffing van beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967) Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 99 …...……. 6 Advert 100 ……... 45 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 01 JUNE 2012 / 01 JUNIE 2012 2 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES ________ _______ (P35/55/1/2) (P35/55/1/2) [NO. 04 OF 2012] [NO. 04 VAN 2012] Under the powers vested in me – Kragtens die bevoegheid my verleen – A. by section 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1968 (Ordinance 4 of A. by artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie op Paaie, 1968 (Ordonnansie 4 1968), as amended, I hereby declare that the public roads, van 1968), soos gewysig, verklaar ek hiermee dat die openbare described below, will be changed in name and number or closed paaie, hieronder beskryf, vanaf die datum van afkondiging van from the date of publication of this proclamation; and hierdie proklamasie van naam en nommer verander of gesluit sal wees; en B. by the Advertising on Roads and Ribbon Development Act, 1940 B. by die Wet op Adverteer Langs en Toebou van Paaie, 1940 (Wet (Act No. 21 of 1940), as amended, I hereby declare that the No. 21 van 1940), soos gewysig, verklaar ek hiermee dat die pad public road, described in paragraph 1, shall be a building in paragraaf 1 beskryf, vanaf die datum van afkondiging van restriction road from the date of publication of this proclamation: hierdie proklamasie ‘n boubeperkingspad sal wees: 1. DECLARATION OF A SECTION OF THE BLOEMFONTEIN – 1. VERKLARING VAN ‘N GEDEELTE VAN DIE BLOEMFONTEIN BRANDFORT PRIMARY ROAD P55/1 AS THE RIBBLESDALE – BRANDFORT PRIMêRE PAD P55/1 TOT DIE RIBBLESDALE – AVENHAM SECONDARY ROAD S1626, A-B, SITUATED IN – AVENHAM SEKONDêRE PAD S1626, A-B, GELEë IN DIE THE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF BLOEMFONTEIN (LENGTH LANDDROSDISTRIK BLOEMFONTEIN (LENGTE ± 4,5 km): ± 4,5 km): From point A on Plot 2 of Ribblesdale Small Holdings 1506, Vanaf punt A op Hoewe 2 van Ribblesdale Kleinhoewes 1506, where it leaves primary link road A114; thence of Plot 2 of waar dit primêre aansluitingspad A114 verlaat; vandaar oor Ribblesdale Small Holdings 1506, Ribblesdale 1506, Subdivision Hoewe 2 van Ribblesdale Kleinhoewes 1506, Ribblesdale 1506, 1 of Wildealskloof 1205, Bauton 2164, Subdivision 1 of Avenham Onderverdeling 1 van Wildealskloof 1205, Baunton 2164, Onder• 2187, Avenham 2187 and Subdivision 3 of Avenham 2187, to verdeling 1 van Avenham 2187, Avenham 2187 en Onderver• point B on the boundary line between Subdivision 3 of Avenham deling 3 van Avenham 2187, tot by punt B op die grenslyn tussen 2187 and Glen Lyon 13. Onderverdeling 3 van Avenham 2187 en Glen Lyon 13. 2. CLOSING OF A SECTION OF THE BLOEMFONTEIN – 2. SLUITING VAN ‘N GEDEELTE VAN DIE BLOEMFONTEIN – BRANDFORT PRIMARY ROAD P55/1, B-C, SITUATED IN THE BRANDFORT PRIMêRE PAD P55/1, B-C, GELEë IN DIE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF BLOEMFONTEIN (LENGTH ± LANDDROSDISTRIK BLOEMFONTEIN (LENGTE ± 1,5 km): 1,5 km): From point B on the boundary line between Subdivision 3 of Vanaf punt B op die grenslyn tussen Onderverdeling 3 van Avenham 2187 and Glen Lyon 13; thence over Glen Lyon 13, to Avenham 2187 en Glen Lyon 13; vandaar oor Glen Lyon 13, tot point C on Glen Lyon 13, where it joins the N1/15X National by punt C op Glen Lyon 13, waar dit by Nasionale Pad N1/15X Road. aansluit. The roads concerned are shown approximately on plan No. GP-7D in Die betrokke paaie word by benadering aangetoon op plan No. GP-7D the office of the Head: Police, Roads and Transport, Bloemfontein. in die kantoor van die Hoof: Polisie, Paaie en Vervoer, Bloemfontein. Given under my hand at Bloemfontein on 21 May 2012. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op 21 Mei 2012. Signed by: Onderteken deur: MR B.M. KOMPHELA MNR. B.M. KOMPHELA MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: POLICE, ROADS AND TRANSPORT POLISIE, PAAIE EN VERVOER ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 01 JUNE 2012 / 01 JUNIE 2012 3 [NO. 05 OF 2012] [NO. 05 VAN 2012] (P37/3/1376) (P37/3/1376) Under the powers vested in me by section 3 of the Road Ordinance, Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie 1968 (Ordinance 4 of 1968), as amended, I hereby declare that the om Paaie, 1968 (Ordonnansie 4 van 1968), soos gewysig, verklaar ek public road, described below, will be closed from the date of publication hiermee dat die openbare pad, hieronder beskryf, vanaf die datum van of this proclamation: afkondiging van hierdie proklamasie gesluit sal wees: CLOSING OF SECONDARY ROAD S1049, A-B SITUATED IN THE SLUITING VAN SEKONDERE PAD S1049, A-B, GELEË IN DIE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF VILJOENSKROON (LENGTH ± 15,29 LANDDROSDISTRIK VILJOENSKROON (LENGTE 15,29 km) km): From point A on Ratpan 441, where it leaves primary road P15/2; Vanaf punt A op Ratpan 441, waar dit primêre pad P15/2 verlaat; thence over Ratpan 441, Uitval 457, Vlakfontein 15, Uitval 457, vandaar oor Ratpan 441, Uitval 457, Vlakfontein 15, Uitval 457, Smaldeel 173, Subdivision 4 of Biesiefontein 173, Subdivision 3 of Smaldeel 173, Onderverdeling 4 van Biesiefontein 173, Onderverdeling Biesiefontein 173, La Reys Kraal Zuid 175 and Cyfervlei 6, to point B 3 van Biesiefontein 173, La Reys Kraal Zuid 175 en Cyfervlei 6, tot by on the boundary line between the Free State and Gauteng. punt B op die grenslyn tussen die Vrystaat en Gauteng. The road concerned is shown approximately on plan No. 3635 in the Die betrokke pad word by benadering aangetoon op plan No. 3635 in office of the Head: Police, Roads and Transport, Bloemfontein. die kantoor van die Hoof: Polisie, Paaie en Vervoer, Bloemfontein. Given under my hand at Bloemfontein on 21 May 2012. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op 21 Mei 2012. Signed by: Onderteken deur: MR B.M. KOMPHELA MNR. B.M. KOMPHELA MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: POLICE, ROADS AND TRANSPORT POLISIE, PAAIE EN VERVOER ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ TOWNSHIPS BOARD NOTICE DORPERAADSKENNISGEWING ________ ________ It is hereby notified for general information in terms of section 30 read Ingevolge artikel 30 saamgelees met artikel 27 van die Ordonnansie op with section 27 of the Townships Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance No. 9 of Dorpe, 1969 (Ordonnansie No. 9 van 1969), word hiermee vir 1969) that the following applications have been received by the Free algemene inligting bekend gemaak dat die volgende aansoeke deur die State Townships Board and the relevant plans, documents and Vrystaatse Adviseurende Raad vir Grondgebruik ontvang is en die information are available for inspections in the LT Trust Building, 114 betrokke planne, dokumente en inligting ter insae lê in die LT Trust th Maitland Street, Room 406, 4 Floor, Bloemfontein and the offices Gebou, Kamer 406, 4de Vloer, Maitlandstraat 114, Bloemfontein, of the relevant Local Authority. en by die kantore van die betrokke Plaaslike Owerhede. Persons who wish to object to the proposed amendments or who wish Persone wat beswaar wil maak teen die voorgestelde wysigings of wat to be heard or make representations in this regard, are invited to verlang om in verband daarmee gehoor te word of vertoë in verband communicate in writing (accompanied by address and telephone daarmee wil indien, word uitgenooi om met die Sekretaris van die numbers) with the Secretary of the Free State Townships Board, P.O. Vrystaatse Adviseurende Raad vir Grondgebruik, Posbus 211, Box 211, Bloemfontein, 9300, so that objections/representations with Bloemfontein, 9300, skriftelik in verbinding te tree, (vergesel met adres, comprehensive reasons do not reach the above-mentioned office later e-pos adres en telefoonnommers) sodat besware/vertoë met volledige than 16:00 on Friday, 15 June 2012. redes, bogenoemde kantoor bereik nie later nie as 16:00 op Vrydag, 15 Junie 2012. a) BLOEMFONTEIN: PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE a) BLOEMFONTEIN: VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE PLANNING SCHEME A12/1/9/1/2/13 (17/2009) DORPSAANLEGSKEMA A12/1/9/1/2/13 (17/2009) The proposed amendments comprise the following: Die voorgestelde wysigings behels die volgende: Amend Section 29.10 of the Bloemfontein Town Planning Wysig Artikel 29.10 van die Bloemfontein Dorpsaanlegskema Scheme pertaining to “Special Use (vii)” to read as follows: met betrekking tot “Spesiale Gebruik (vii)” om soos volg te lees: PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 01 JUNE 2012 / 01 JUNIE 2012 4 Section 29.10 Artikel 29.10 Special
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