AUTOMOTIVE NEWS, MAY 28, 1945 55 . IHK|> C Alts WANTED NEW GRILLES PA MKNOCRB. 194* Furtl l>rluse Front. $11.53 ¦lKff car. Umouatnee. !»*• Pr.. 1 must be clean pn .‘. Ford Standard Center- Har 3.73 CAMLLSC !•.!• Ford Deluxe ( omplete IS 3D CLASSIFIED WANT AD DEPARTMENT 1941 Ford Ikeluxe Fen Set*. Pr *an 1941 4Md» Front. |.e«« Trim P'HE engaged in the industry 11.7.1 JOBS wanted <| ,„a „ Reorhinq an exfonated 50 000 reodrr* all branch?* of automotive from Maine to California low Rate* lt:t» 4>ld« (enter. Pr. m description 19.19 IMd» Pr, P of car word 3 insertion* Ca*h in Count initial* and group* of Fender Set. 3 ”re damage TEN CENTS (10c) PER WORD for one insertion or 25c per for advance 1940 jBF Worth Motors Inc Pontine Front. Pr IH •»«» ”• 19 1911 Hoick p n j *« number* a* one word Ad* may be *igned with your full name and oddr»*** o* regulor rate* but if signed "Boi No , in Front. r . 1940 w. " Itulrk Font. p r . S 30 tore of New* Detroit add one Ooilar ($1) per insertion for thi* address and extra service a* replies ore 4 Automotive 26 Mich 1939 Itulrk Front. Pr. St 7 3 I NM> (Alts P()K I9IS HAI.K forwarded, unopened the same day received Display Ads $7 per inch, per insertion Hulrk Front. Pr. 19 '* 1937 Hulrk Front. Pr. „ „ m.* pack \rd ieo bed in 1938-37 ( hrv mlet DEPT, 26 Pa»». * WANT AD AUTOMOTIVE NEWS PENOBSCOT BUILDING. DETROIT MICH 1931 33 overdrive radio heater 6 wheel.* Chevrolet Pn»». 1 w wOnO miles at (hevrotet Priced Low Celling Wes 1937-39-40 Truck « Cooksey Motors. 1937 Plymouth. Beaumont. Tex 4 omplete h »,. 1930 Dodge Front. Pr. n Jq, • nHOLKSAUMI TRUCKS FOR SALE PARTS WANTED SHOE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE STEEL RUNNING BOARDS Fit. 1937 3S-39 Chevrolet*, ea. 10<» thousand dollar stock of used cars. fto AUTOMOTIVE PARTS BINS Is’’ If’ X too WANTED—MAIN BHAFT ASSEMBLY No x IK*lu%r Mulsh anil %|>t»eArmnrr popular makes. 1940-41-42 1942 ERUEHAUF PLAT. TRAILER. 1941 87" adjustable shelves; parts drawers, etc Driven 354954 with overdrive for 1939-40-41 7 n < rm|r Kruehauf closed highway construction prompt delivery aa. KUht 7 , trailer. 1939 Triangle Texas. Hardwood Rl Hartford celling prices cars In aver- 1939 trallmoblle closed Packard Motors. Dallas. for Sperber Mfg Company NNING BOARD MOULDINGS These closed trailer. Bend circular. 4 Itromr age condition, from Best Trombly. Michigan Painted 1936 to 1942 All pop- trailer U. 8 Truck Sales. 31st 1811 Detroit 11. ( FlnUh—Steel RIOHT DOOR 1941 Oldsmoblle 76 Club IHI * type* Douglass Brooklyn I hnrolri I'ftxvnirr t n models and Immediate Street. N Y Sedan. 1941 Pulck Special Coupe or FOR SALE- Weaver Combination Brake shipment guaranteed Ask for Pa««en*er | I 1941 Pontiac JB Sedan Coupe PETER- and Alignment Tester (Junior Site) Model 194 S Chevrolet Snow. CAPITOL MOTORS 36s .Mam St HARLEY-DAVIDSON, heavy duty three- SON OLDBMOBILE. Jenklntown. Pa WY-25. A two purpose machine com- PEDAL PADS Conn Phone 7-SIII All delivery motor cycle towing at- bining the features of the brake tester 1937-4 S Chevrolet. .. wheel alignment tachments for delivering cars. Summer- PARTS EOR SALE and the wheel indicator Will All Old*. Pontiac. Hulrk. Pr. •- WHOLESALE IS Sag- handle all passenger cars and light \ -.sorted or 30 Pr. and I p OUR BUSINESS—How- field Chevrolet Company, 2712 No. USED AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK PARTS ever due to the increasing difficulty re- Michigan. trucks Price S2OO. Spencer Oarage. Char- of inaw Street. Flint. Southland Iron and Metal Co.. P O. Box leroi Pennsylvania SEALED-BEAM our stock we must limit our Fit, ADAPTER KITS 868. Norfolk 1. Va Ford. 1937-3M-39—Xeph) r« 1038-39 Wlentele to dealers In position to buy any carry large Merrury. ( FOR SALE—We about one hundred NEW DYNAMOMETER Bendlx 1939. omplete 4 make or model In (4 can). latest type com- Headlamp Relay* load lots reconditioned used trucks and trailers FOR SALE—Fifth Wheele for tractors, all conceaied-ln-floor model with Fu«e—Fvtra 73 200 cars sold In March at Region A all sixes, all makes Doors for plete. In original cratea. Cambria Mo- Ford A S-Plere Pulley celling George makes and models Will sell carload 1940-1941 Call or write Row- or single S. Best tors Inc . Johnstown. Pennsylvania lord 60 Pump ley (Automobiles lots units to dealers. Shearer Studebakers U. Tmck Sales. 313 1937-40 Mater hll* .63 since 1916), c/o Cap- Douglass Brooklyn. York Ckrystar-De in Outside ( hrome itol City Chevrolet L T Ollllam 7256 Manchester Street. New NEW Motors 37-41 Soto Rearview Mirror—DX I 63 Pontiac Co., Phone Lansing Ford \ ( Avenue St Louis. Missouri. Phone High- crates 60-24 Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn T Ihrator oil* , 7 \ S. Lansing, complete trunk racks lord A Kingbolt —233 Grand Avenue. land 3400 FOR SALE —Good 27. New York Net*, ('omplete 1.90 and running boards, fenders - trunks, FRAM chrome bumpers grilles shells and com- NEW HEAVY DUTY BEAR ITS 563—563 TRUCK EQUIPMENT FOR SALE chine for sale complete with heavy duty ’36 plete bodies for ’35. and ’37 Packard wheel aligner Mr Van Frailer Spring COMPLETE RADIATORS sixes and 120’s. Blckelhaupt Motor Com- Hrand New 1 Coast Representation BODIES. TRUCK PANEL New 92 Inches field Body A Trailer Co . 1405 College Pre-War Man11 far tore long. 60 Inches high 60 wide pany, lowa Copper t ore*—Tanrs sell Automotive Hardware Inches Clinton. St.. Springfield. Missouri. We Jobbers Only Ford T Stores five available at S9O each. Should Models—l9l7-1927 10 73 Jobbers. Chain Manufacturers retail Rocca back doors, back Lyons or Berger used Pas*., high grade representation by a quick at $225 each. Leo FOR SALE Front and WANTED—Either Chevrolet 1925-33 IS 73 Inc . 4301 Connecticut Avenue Washing- trunk deck, front and rear cushions for auto parts bins. Write or wire George H Ford 60-83 I’assengrr and which knows bow to get the Plymouth Me- Trurk ton V. I) C 1942 fordor town sedan Welsh Motors. Inc., Kansas City 2 Mo 1933 39—Nperlal Prices business will do well to write us Tlymouth (hevrotet*—l933-40 Evoy Motors. Dodge A Deal- HEYER FORD LABORATORY TEST SET Passenger nnd Trurk ftft Monroe Ave , Rochester Bfandard, ( P. CLINK AND ASSOCIATES ers. 7. N Y. equipped with stroboscope, Deluxe. O.F. In the Trade Model HI. Prices Mmlels 2ft Years battery test and radio tube tester on Request—Write or Wire Eranelseo ft We have an excep- $175 116 New Montgomery’ San NEW TRUCK RIMS PARTS FOR SALE Harris Motor Sales tionally well Mt. Vernon. Ohio KS Ollices In Los Angeles. Portland, Seattle $lO 50 each balanced Inventory of OM BCMPER JAC 20x9-10 parts. For Immediate delivery of those ONE HUNTER HARTMAN Model 27R New Improved screw T>|»e -’"x- 6. so each < hard-to-get Items, call, wire or write rotograph. on the car electric wheel bal- **s| Iron Ha«e Will Fit All f ars 20x7 5.2 ft each complete 10 I p Ofgant Chevrolet Company. Harvard ancer. with an assortment of I-Ots J Prices net. FO B Cleveland. Ohio Square. Cambridge. Mass. lead weights. Price $175. Equipment like new Hamilton Bros Ford Dealers, 56 TIRE PI MPS Deluxe ( The U. S. Truck Equipment 4 nmpany Jersey Ave Port Jervis. N Y (instruction. Heavy Base Ca Attrarlvrly B|gne( Used rs 17ft0 E ftftth Ft. Cleveland. Ohio STEEL AUTOMOTIVE Finished Hand Handle LARGE STOCK PARTS BINS Lot, IS Ip |.|s 7’x3'xU dividers and shelves Interchange- For Sale Nett able with all standard makes of bins FMM)R MATS of s3l 95 and up Immediate delivery Send (•enulnr Rubber. Heavy Fell Hark for circular COLOR SUPPLY CO 6116 I nlversal Front BUSES FOR SALE CHEVROLET PARTS Military . NDe Doors, Deck Front and Rear Ave Omaha 4. Neb 43x37x31 3 77 Lids. NenU-rut 40x30x33 j *7 over 100 BUSES—THREE 1942 FORDS. 36-passen- Radiator Grilles, Gears. ACCESSORIES FOE SALE ger Wayne high head room bodies: rebuilt Fenders. C.O.D. nr sight Draft motors; good Depend- Bearings, Heavy-Dutv fibre, nil 1012 models appearance; tires. Axles. Etc. AUTO BEAT COVERS leatherette All Prices F O R. 1 tnrlnnatl able City 8, trim. Coupes $5 95. Sedans $9 93 Im- Motors. 2718 McGee. Kansas We Have Many of Those Hartl- S'; Discount, t berk M Issourl mediate shipment Bay Auto Sales. 374 with Order ? PLYMOUTH* to-Get Items Bay Street Rochester New York. Reference—Dun A Hradstreet. Also, Used Doors, Deck Lids. Etc., ~ r_ Peoples Hank A savings SCHOOL BUSES FOR SALE -1942 Reo MISCELLANEOUS mM ? STI DKBAKKRS passenger. Wayne 4h deluxe body. 7.50x20 for Some Models. Vi’ILL buy tires 48 passenger BUY OR SELL—WiII 1942 Mer- 1941 Chevrolet. Write or wire your needs. cury chassis In good or Auto Purls E\uhanp‘ ? HUDSONS Wayne body. tires. 1941 condition will sell deluxe 7.50x20 194 2 Mercury Fordor sedan body W Rgtcr* 42 passenger. Carpenter body. Prompt shipment of anything W IIIK-20 St. Ford. Wallwork. 319 Fargo. these cars have been used In the 7 in our stock. Fifth Street N.. 50x20 tires 1940. D-3ft International. North Dakota. CINCINNATI 10, OHIO cab business, they have about fto 000 miles 56 passenger. Hicks body. 8.25x20 tires mtfUiem and are In excellent condition Each unit In |>erfect mechanical condi- Queen City Chevrolet Co. Phour Main 2044 NQBmdlate shipment Is now available via tion Interior and exterior of body good Sixth and Sycamore Cincinnati.
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