November 2003 FBYC Web Site: http://www.FBYC.net From the Quarterdeck by Dick Cole, Commodore The Annual Meeting was held on and Myrtle Miller, to Life Member- Friday October 25 and your new ship. Congratulations and thank you officers and Board were elected. Virgil and Myrtle! David Hazlehurst and Jay Buhl will To quote one past Commodore, “the be joined by Lud Kimbrough as year really went by fast.” Being Rear Commodore. Lud is not new to Commodore is a unique experience Club Management. He has held and I have enjoyed every minute. many positions including Secretary, You, the members, David Hazle- Protest, Junior Division Com- hurst, Jay Buhl, Mason Chapman, mander, and House Chairman. Lud Elizabeth Staas and the Board have has also served on several important made being Commodore an enjoy- committees and is an active offshore able experience and one I will never racer. He brings to David’s team a forget. great deal of knowledge and a can- do attitude. David, I know you guys I had several objectives when I be- B. Virgil Miller will do a great job, and I ask the came Commodore, and I am confi- and Myrtle Miller membership to join me in wishing dent that your new Flag and Board Elected to Life Membership you success and good luck. The full will be able to expand and add to the Steve Gillispie list of elected Officers, Board and work that has been done on each. appointed committee chairs are in My first objective was to expand On Saturday, October 25, the Board this log. the Junior Racing Program. We of Trustees presented a unanimous made a good start. We hired older tribute to Virgil and his wife Myrtle It was a pleasure to present to Bev coaches with teaching backgrounds with their election to a life member- Crump and Jim Rogers The Mat- and previous experience working ship. This election was presented thew Fountain Maury Trophy. This with young sailors. With their skills, with the following statement. trophy is awarded for “outstanding and many volunteers, we were able contribution to sailing” and can only to upgrade the training throughout “It was a fortunate day in 1993 when be presented by the Board of Trus- the summer, give more on-the-water Virgil Miller agreed to serve as Co- tees of the Club. Please join me in coaching and in general give our Manager of FBYC. The next year he congratulating Bev Crump and Jim young sailors the guidance they became Manager and immediately Rogers, recipients of the 2003 Mat- need to build confidence. set a higher standard of service as thew Fontaine Maury Bowl for their his trademark. He performed his significant contributions to sailing The second objective was to re- assignments professionally, faith- and FBYC. On October 14, 2003 the establish the Fishing Bay Dock fully and well. Virgil has been a Board of Directors unanimously Committee. This was done. Thanks positive influence on the growth and elected our Club Manager, Virgil to the excellent chairmanship by change of FBYC during this time Noel Clinard, the Committee was and is well respected among our Board Highlights........................... page 2 able to hammer out a waterfront us- membership. Our members and Membership .................................. page 2 age plan and develop a new dock guests have appreciated his charm Annual Awards ............................. page 4 design. This was presented to the and pleasant “can do” attitude. His 2004 Officers & Comm. Chairs ... page 6 Board and a short time later the Stull History Corner .............................. page 7 special magnetism and friendship (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) 1 Board Meeting Highlights status. Because of these near term capi- Membership tal expenditures, the Flag has asked the October 14, 2003 Land Acquisition Committee to only Membership Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by look at the lot immediately adjacent to Applications Under Consideration Commodore Dick Cole. FBYC for purchase and to put the To- bacco Cove portion of the property on Dr. & Mrs. Ronald B. David, 6000 Dick Cole reported on damage at the the back burner for now. The negotia- McClellan Road, Mechanicsville, VA, club from Hurricane Isabel. The Flag tions for this property are continuing. 23111. Ron is a Pediatrician and Child Neurologist. Candace is the Head of officers met five days after the storm to REAR COMMODORE – JAY Northstar Academy, a school for spe- discuss damage and assess the most BUHL immediate repair work. Allan Heyward cial needs children in the far west end is handling discussions with the insur- HOUSE – Lud Kimbrough advised that of Richmond. He sailed on lakes in ance representative relative to dock re- there was no damage to the clubhouses Minnesota as a child and she spent her pair and he indicated that our insurance during the storm. Lud will meet with summers in Annapolis. Both have ex- might cover the repair/replacement of OBX in two weeks to review their re- tensive sailing experience. They are some of the docks to their original sponsibilities and he is also working on also interested in the club’s Junior a maintenance solution for the lower Week for their grandchildren. They screens in the main clubhouse because have a cottage in the White Stone area 2003 they are in constant need of repair. and own a Jeanneau 29. Sponsors: Peter FBYC Officers W. D. Wright, John G. Koedel, III, & DOCKS/GROUNDS – Gil Miles re- Beverley B. Clary, Jr. Commodore ported that the damage to the docks has Dick Cole been assessed and he is waiting on re- Mr. & Mrs. F. Drake Johnstone, 505- pair estimates. Ten to 12 boats were B North Hamilton Street, Richmond, damaged during the storm. The Fishing VA, 23221. Drake is the son of one of Bay dock will be out of service for re- the two founders of J-Boats and is the pairs until further notice. Power has founder of J-World, a sailing school Vice-Commodore been restored to the Jackson Creek with locations around the country. David Hazlehurst docks and water will be provided as Elizabeth is the daughter of William P. soon as possible. Thirty-six people Thurston, a past FBYC member. They showed up post storm to assist in own a J-24 and Drake has been sailing grounds clean up and dock repair. his entire life and has been very suc- cessful in J-24 world championship FINANCE – Strother Scott will hold races. In addition, he has crewed for the first Finance Committee meeting on Rear-Commodore Norwood Davis, Whitey Lipscomb and John M. Buhl October 29. Jim Rogers in FBYC races. Sponsors: LONG RANGE PLANNING – Whitey Lipscomb & Norwood Davis, Waddy Garrett will hold a Long Range Jr. Planning Committee meeting on Octo- Mr. Marcus C. (Trey) Jones, III, 214 ber 21. Waddy moved that the Board Joanna Drive, Elizabeth City, NC, approve a Life Membership for Virgil Treasurer 27909. Trey is in the Coast Guard, sta- and Myrtle Miller (see article else- Mason Chapman tioned in Elizabeth City, NC. He at- where in Log). The Board approved the tended MORC crew training classes motion. and has been racing at FBYC. Trey VICE COMMODORE – DAVID hopes to purchase a sailboat of his own. HAZLEHURST He is the nephew of FBYC member OFFSHORE DIVISION – The Off- Janie French. Sponsors: Lud H. Secretary shore Fall Series will be completed on Kimbrough, III & Janie French. Elizabeth Staas October 19 and the Wolf Trap Race Mr. & Mrs. David L. Monday, 3801 will not be re-scheduled. Randy Alley Old Gun Road West, Midlothian, VA, has been chosen as back-up skipper of 23113. David and Susan completed the 6-member team participating in the classes in coastal cruising and offshore West Marine Caribbean 1500 on their passage and they have five years sailing entry, a Swan 48. Dabney Overton rec- experience on their Beneteau 400. They ommended that Race Committee and Log Streamer also own a 19 ft. Key West bow rider Steve Gillispie Mr. Roberts training be continued next (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) 2 (Membership continued from page 2) JUNIOR DIVISION - The Junior Di- high and, if the weather had cooper- and a small family daysailer. The Mon- vision had a good year and the 420’s ated, I believe boats on the water days’ “second home” is a condo at were a much-appreciated addition to would have increased compared to Jackson Creek Harbour. Of their three the club fleet. Two 420’s participated 2002. I also think we have seen the children, only their daughter, Ellen (age in the Indian Summer Regatta and there bottom of the curve and racing num- 20), is young enough to become a mem- were five visiting Optimists, including bers will increase in 2004. ber with her family. Sponsors: R. Noel two from Maine. Clinard & Geoffrey D. Cahill. Your new Flag and Board have FLEET LT. – All club boats were out many challenges for 2004. We still Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Nottingham, of the water during the storm and sus- have things to learn about the usage 7390 Battery Drive, Gloucester Point, tained no damage. of the new Club House. We must VA, 23162. Blackwell and Alice are continue to upgrade our Junior Rac- former FBYC members who now wish CBYRA DELEGATE – Tom Roberts to re-join. They own and race a Merit expects to have a draft of the 2004 ing Program. And we need to stay 25. In addition, they have crewed on J- schedule at the next Board meeting. focused on how to increase race par- ticipation.
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