Challenges in Software Licensing You can do IT. Entrepreneurship in IT and Maths Saarbrücken, 06 June 2018 Sigmar Lampe Counsel IP and Licensing European Patent and Trademark Attorney Technology Transfer Office University of Luxembourg 1 Outline 1. Defining software – what is it? 2. Intellectual property rights (IPR) in software 3. Free and open source software (FOSS) vs. proprietary software 4. Software licence compliance 5. Licensing models 6. Examples 7. Take home messages 2 1. Defining software 3 Computer System HARDWARE SOFTWARE (physical) (logial) 4 ASTP-Proton Annual Conference 2016 25 – 27 May, Copenhagen, Denmark Software:Software: broad broaD meaningmeaning Software: narrow meaning Databases Data Databases Data Graphic Graphic Document Document user user libraries libraries interface interface Computer Software Computer Software … … programs (electronic) programs (electronic) 5 Elements of computer program Functionality Data files Preparatory Computer Design work programs Programming statements Algorithms IPR IN SOFTWARE Programming language 2 ASTP-Proton Annual Conference 2016 25 – 27 May, Copenhagen, Denmark Software: broaD meaning Software:Software: narrow narrow meaningmeaning Databases Data Databases Data Graphic Graphic Document Document user user libraries libraries interface interface Computer Software Computer Software … … programs (electronic) programs (electronic) 6 Elements of computer program Functionality Data files Preparatory Computer Design work programs Programming statements Algorithms IPR IN SOFTWARE Programming language 2 ASTP-Proton Annual Conference 2016 25 – 27 May, Copenhagen, Denmark Software: broaD meaning Software: narrow meaning Databases Data Databases Data Graphic Graphic Document Document user user libraries libraries interface interface Computer Software Computer Software … … programs (electronic) programs (electronic) ElementsElements of of a computerComputer program Program Functionality Data files Preparatory Computer Design work programs Programming statements Algorithms IPR IN SOFTWARE Programming language 7 2 2. Intellectual property rights in software 8 ASTP-Proton Annual Conference 2016 25 – 27 May, Copenhagen, Denmark IPRIPR inin elementselements ofof computer computer programprogram Legal definition of computer program • Usually not defined in legal acts, except: – US copyright law: A “computer program” is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result. (17 U.S. Code § 101 – Definitions) Source: European IPR Helpdesk. Fact Sheet. IPR management in software development. June Source: European IPR Helpdesk. FactSheet. IPR management in software development. June 2013 https://www.iprhelpdesk.eu/Fact-Sheet-IPR-Management-in-Software-Development2013 - http s:/ /www.i prh el pd es k.eu / Fact-Sheet-IPR-Management -in-Software-Development 9 Protected elements of a computer Protected vs non-protected elements program according to legal acts of software in court practice • TRIPS: Copyright Patent Computer programs, whether in source or object code, shall be protected as literary works under the Berne Convention (1971) (TRIPS art 10 (1)) USA/Europe: USA: • Berne Convention: X Preparatory design material X Computer program „as such“ The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production X Expression of programming statements USA/Europe: and/or instructions in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or X Computer program as part of form of its expression, such as books, pamphlets and other writings […] USA/Europe: (medical) devices (computer- (Berne Convention art 2 (1)) £ Ideas and principles which underlie any implemented inventions) element of a program, including those • Directive 2009/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the which underlie its interfaces Council £ Functionality USA/Europe: For the purpose of this Directive, the term ‘computer program’ shall £ Logic, algorithms £ Abstract ideas include programs in any form, including those which are incorporated £ Programming language £ Mathematical formulae into hardware. This term also includes preparatory design work leading £ Format of data files £ Natural phenomena to the development of a computer program provided that the nature of £ Database* £ Business methods the preparatory work is such that a computer program can result from it £ Graphic user interfaces, application Europe: at a later stage (Directive 2009/24/EC recital (7); see also art 1) programming interfaces* £ User manuals, guidelines, other £ Computer program „as such“ documentation* 3 Legal definition: “computer program” Usually not defined in legal acts, except: US copyright law: • A “computer program” is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result. (17 U.S. Code § 101 – Definitions) 10 Protected elements (legal acts) TRIPS, art. 10(1) (1971) Computer programs, whether in source or object code, shall be protected as literary works under the Berne Convention Berne Convention, art. 2(1): The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression, such as books, pamphlets and other writings [...] European “Software” Directive 2009/24/EC, recital (7), art. 1) For the purpose of this Directive, the term ‘computer program’ shall include programs in any form, including those which are incorporated into hardware. This term also includes preparatory design work leading to the development of a computer program 11 Protected vs. non-protected elements COPYRIGHT ≠ PATENT USA and Europe USA + Preparatory design material + Machine-transformation test + Expression of programming statements and/or instructions Europe – Ideas and principles which underlie + Further technical effect any element of a program, including – Computer program „as such“ those which underlie its interfaces – Functionality USA and Europe – Logic, algorithms + Computer program as part of devices – Programming language (computer-implemented inventions) – Format of data files – Abstract ideas – Graphic user interfaces, application – Mathematical formulae programming interfaces* – Natural phenomena – Database* – Business methods – User manuals, guidelines, other documentation* (* own law) 12 Forms of computer program SOURCE CODE OBJECT CODE 13 Modular architecture NEW CODE PRE-EXISTING (UNMODIFIED) CODE MODIFIED PRE-EXISTING CODE 14 Multiple ownership UNIVERSITY OPEN-SOURCE SPIN-OFF COMMUNITY COMPANY 3RD PARTY COMMERCIAL PROVIDER 15 Multiple licences F/OSS LICENCEF/OSS LICENCEF/OSS LICENCE CUSTOMISED PROPRIETARYCUSTOMISED PROPRIETARYLICENCE LICENCE 3RD PARTY RD COMMERCIAL3 PARTY COMMERCIALLICENCE LICENCE 16 Software Function (impact) Data Code Structure Name Graphics Software !17 Software Protection A brief review of IPRs relevant for software: 1. Patents 2. Copyright 3. Trademarks 4. Designs 5. Databases 18 A review of Industrial Property Rights (IPR) Legal right What for? How? Application and Patents New technical inventions examination Original creative or artistic Copyright Exists automatically forms Distinctive identification of Use and/or Trade marks products or services registration Registered External appearance Registration designs Valuable information not Reasonable efforts to Trade secrets known to the public keep secret 19 Patent • negative right = exclusivity • prevent others from • making • using • selling or offering for sale • importing • in countries for which the patent was granted • for a limited time (up to 20 years) 20 Requirements for a patent to be granted The invention must • be absolutely new on a worldwide basis • involve an inventive step (not obvious to skilled person) and • be susceptible to industrial application Sufficiency of disclosure: • the invention must be described in sufficient detail • description must be comprehensible to a “person skilled in the 21 What can’t be protected? PROGRAMS FOR COMPUTERS ! • However, could be patentable, unless it is a computer program “as such” If the program is purely of abstract or intellectual character: • only non-technical aspects à no invention ✘ à no patent ✘ If the program implements a technical solution to a (technical) problem: • “computer-implemented invention” • see: novelty, inventive step à identify technical aspects à examine technical aspects of invention à patentable, if novelty and inventive step confirmed ✔ (❓ ) 22 Computer implemented inventions: Examples • control of machines or industrial processes • control of the internal processes in a computer • helps to use resources in a computer more efficiently, or increases its performance • increases the safety of the computer • makes a computer system easier to use • improves the transmission or storage of data • technical considerations were necessary • provides a device with new functionality computer program: patentable under certain conditions Attention - always required: novelty + inventive step! 23 Copyright Negative right = exclusivity Economic rights for author: • reproducing • modifying (software) • distributing These rights are freely transferable or licensable, per country Moral rights for author (moral interest) • modifying (literary/artistic works) • authorship 24 Copyright and Software Traditional view (1960-1970): source code can be fixed in writing, but object code is virtual (in computer memory) WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) 1996, Articles 4 and
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