• D d I an.a " " WITN INDIANA - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. SNYPP, Editor William A. Woodruff_ ____ Advertising Manager John F. Hummel _________ Circulation Manager N ational Advertising Representative Don Spencer Co., 271 Madison A ve., New York 16, N . Y . Another fir t for Si nclair! From Sinclair Re earch comes a new The University President s ------------------------ 4 The Athletic Directors --------------------------- 5 super gasoline power-primed with RO CKET FUE L- the same mighty The Head Coaches --- ----------------------------- 6 The Indiana Staff --- -------- ---------------------- 7 fu el used in V-2 rockets! Command rocket power at the touch of The Ohio State Staff ------ - - --------------------- 8 Ohio State's Co-Captains ------ -------------------- 9 your toe . .. super getaway ... hi gh anti-knock ... Power up with AIL About The Hoosiers --------------------------10 The Ohio State-Indiana Series ------------------ 11 Indiana University ------------------------------ 12 POW ER-X and feel the diffe rence! In POW ER- X, you also get A TI­ Indiana Players _______ _____ __________ 14, 18, 26, 32 Ohio State Players _________ _____ 16, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38 STALLING , PR E-IGN ITIO CON TROL and ANTI-RUST PROTECTION. cenes of Indiana University _____________________ 29 Meet The Marching Band _______________________ _3 7 Ohio State Roster ________ _______________________ _39 Indiana Roster __ ______ ___ ___ ____________________ _41 SINCLAIR Today's Cover - -------- ---------------------- ____ _42 POIIIIER•X: The New Super Fuel 3 The University Presidents The Athletic Directors DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS RICHARD C. LARKINS Ohio State University Ohio State University DR. HERMAN B. WELLS W. W. PATTY Indiana University Acting Director Indiana University 4 5 The Head Coaches Hoosier Football Staff W. W. (WOODY) HAYES Ohio State University INDIANA UNIVERSITY COACHING STAFF : (left, to ri ght)- Heod Freshman Coach Howard Brown, Assistant Coach Bob Maddock, Heod Coach Bernie Crimmins, Assistant Coach Chris Dal Sasso, Assistant Coach Bob Fitch , Assistont Cooch Harry "Mickey'' Connolly. Bernard Anthony Crimmins, the Big Ten's yuungest head Harry (Mickey) Connolly, varsity backfield assistant, coach at 33 years of age, began breathing fire and defiance is a Boston College product. He played both quarterback into Indiana University's football in January 1952. when and halfback under Frank Leahy and Denny Myers, having he was named to succeed resigned Clyde B, Smith. been in the Sugar Bowl game of 1940 under the former The curly-haired Irishman from Louisville, Ky., with and the Orange B wl game of 1942 under the latter. Con­ the never-say-die spirit left the security of a position as No. nolly served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific with the I assistant to Notre Dame's Frank Leahy for the demanding Navy for more than two years. Mickey coached at Notre task of reviving Indiana's sagging football fortunes. Dame high school in Westhaven, Conn., in 1948 and at A rich football background, coupled with a rare combina­ Aquinas high chool in Rochester, .Y., from 1949 through tion of dogged determination, boundless energy, a quick 1951. and gifted imagination and a facility of liking and being Chris Dal Sas o, varsity assistant working with the liked by all who meet and know him fits him admirably tackles, is an Indiana University product, having played for the difficult task facing him and his staff. under the late Bo McMillin in 1934, 1935 and 1936. He Few can deny his accomplishments in his first season at went from LU. to South Bend's Central high school staff, Indiana. Despite the two won-seven lost season, the short­ leaving there for four years of Air Force duty in advance handed and undermanned Hoosiers became a colorful, ex­ of the 1942 campaign. Dal Sasso returned to Central in 1946, plosive, hard-hitting and hard-fighting eleven. became the director of athletics as well as assistant football coach in 1947. When the head coach was recalled by the Robert (Bob) Maddock, former Crimmins teammate at Army in 1951, Dal Sasso stepped in as head man and Notre Dame, was first to join the Indiana staff after Bernie watched hi s Central team sail through unbeaten into the became head coach in January of 1952. A native Californian, mythical state championship. He returned to LU. in the BERNARD (BERNIE) CRIMMINS Maddock played professionally with the Chicago Cardinals spring of 1952. in 1942 and 1946, between which he won the Purple Heart Indiana University as a Navy officer. He was line coach at the University of Charles McDaniel, assistant fre hman coach, is an I.U. San Francisco in 1947 and served in the same capacity with product in both football, where he played regularly at tackle the professional Chicago Rockets in 1948. Maddock joined for two seasons, and in wrestling, where he captured Big Don Faurot at the University of Missouri in 1949 and was Ten honors as a collegian and now serves as head coach. at Columbia when Crimmins called him back. An Indiana graduate of the 1938 class, he coached high school Robert Fitch, varsity end tutor, is a 1942 University of football and wrestling at Muncie, Marion and Alexandria Minnesota graduate. He served as wing tutor at the Uni­ before returning to the campus in 1944 to succeed Billy versity of Iowa under both Eddie Anderson and Len Raffen­ Thom as head grappling tutor. sperger, two seasons under each. He made his friendship Owen ( Chili) Cochrane, assistant freshman coach, also with Crimmins on the College All-Star squad of 1942 and helps coach Indiana's golfers. He is a Kansas State College retained it during the war years when he served with the product, having played quarterback there under the late Coast Guard. Fitch was head coach at Augustana College, Bo McMillin, who brought him to Indiana in 1946. Cochrane Sioux Falls, S. D., in 1946 and 1947 before joining Dr. was a member of Indiana's varsity football staff from 1946 Anderson at Iowa. He is the former holder of the world's through 1949. He also served with the Navy during World discus record. War II. 6 7 Buckeye Football Coaches Ohio State's Co-Captains T WO young men who play an important part in Ohio tate's gri diron plan for 1954 are the Buck­ eye ' co-captains elect, Quarterback John Borton and End Dick Brubaker. The two Mr. "B's" are out tanding performers and were the popular choice of their teammates to lead the Buckeyes on the field . Borton, a senior from Alliance, is an honor tudent ~11':1-joring in per. onnel management. A ever ankle 111Jury and a broken nose uffered in the Illinois game last sea on curtailed John' effectiveness, but the 21-year-old pa sing-master i aiming for a repeat of his fine sophomore ea~ n. Borton fired 15 touchdown pa es in l 952 and pas ed for three TD' again t Michigan beside scorin o- another himself ... the Michigan I erformance furnishing John's greate t football thrill. La t ea on' injurie kept Borton out of the Pennsylvania and \Vi sconsin game and limited hi OHIO STATE COACHING STAFF : (front row, left to ri ght)-Doyt Perry, backs; William Hess, tackles; Gene Fekete, backs; back raw - Harry Strobel, guards and cent<>rs; Ernie Godfrey, freshmen;Woody Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; lyal Clark, de­ fensive line. Ohio tatc University's nine-man coaching staff is headed joined the Ohio "tate taff in the pring of 1949. He erved by v..r. W. (Woody) Hayes, who is engaged in his fourth as head fre hman football and basketball coach for two season as head Buckeye mentor. Hayes' Buckeyes have won years after joining the staff. Strobel was defensive line 16, lost nine, and tied two during his three-year reign. coach the pa t three ea on . Hayes played three year as a tackle in college while at­ An all-American end at Ohio State in 1939, Esco Sark­ tending Deni on Unjversity and was an outfielder in ba e­ kinen i. in his ninth eason a varsity end coach. The Fair­ ball before his graduation in I 935. He received his master's port Harbor, 0., native ha become one of the leading scouts degree from Ohio State in educational administration in J 948 in the Big Ten and annuall y draws the tough opponents of after majoring in history and English at Denison. the Buckeyes. Hayes' coaching career began as an as istant at ~lingo Doyt L. Perry, Buckeye backfield coach, compiled a record Junction, 0., in 1936. He moved to ew Philadelphia, 0 .. of 32 victories, nine defeats. and four ties during a ix­ high school in 1937, and became head coach there in 1938. year period at Clearview, 0 .. High School after he introduced JOHN BORTON- Quarterback He en li sted in the Navy in 1940 and served until 1946. football to the school in I 937. Perry. in his fourth season Hayes returned to Denison in J946. His fir t collegiate at Ohio State, joined the Buckeye staff after a fine high action in three other conte t . He sti ll managed to eleven won but one contest, but during the next two seasons. school coaching career. His schoolboy teams won 73, lost complete 45 of 86 pas es. The 1954 season will Denison captured 18 without suffering defeat. In 1949, Hayes 20, and tied six. As a ba ketball coach, Perry aw his cagers mark John's fo~rth _year on t\1e Ohio tate varsity. went to Miami University at Oxford. 0. His Miami teams win 176 and drop but 37. won 14 and lost five during hi two-year tenure. He became ~e was a defensive l111ebacker 111 1951 before stepping Ohio State's coach in 1951.
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