www.selangorkini.my Media_Selangor MediaSelangor tv.selangorkini.my FREE ENGLISH EDITION AUGUST 2016 #SmartSelangor FOR THE RAKYAT BUDGET 2017 FOCUSED ON BENEFICIAL DEVELOPMENT Our strong reserves will be translated into development for the benefit of Selangor citizens Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali Dato' Menteri Besar FULL REPORT PG � Selangor's �� years of Merdeka economy strong and we will be free and growing 10 At the Selangor State Assembly 6&7 FULL FEATURE PG � National 2 SelangorKini August 2016 Petronas profits Pakatan supports drop by ��% KUALA LUMPUR - Petronas’ prof- and external demand that will its for the 2nd quarter of 2016 lead to reduced revenue and #TangkapMO� dropped by 85% in the wake of pressure on the ringgit. low oil prices as the company re- Malaysia has also been rocked corded a net profit of RM1.62 bil- with a financial scandal following SHAH ALAM - The Pakatan Ha- Kuala Lumpur. porters, including the three-day lion in the quarter compared to allegations that billions of ring- rapan Presidential Council has Pakatan Harapan also urged remand of three student activ- RM11.07 billion the year before. git were embezzled from a state- expressed its all citizens who love jus- ists who organised a #Tangkap- Petronas issued a statement owned investment fund founded support for tice and truth to partici- MO1 roadshow. stating company revenues were by Malaysia’s prime minister. the #Tang- pate and support the Nine non-governmental or- at RM48.44 billion, a 21% drop Earlier this month, Malaysia’s kapMO1 programme. ganisations also voiced their compared to the same period in economic growth was at 4% for programme “We are confident support for the programme and 2015. the period of April to June - the organised and believe that the issued a statement urging the Petronas expects to be affect- lowest growth rate since being at by youth youth and students’ police to cooperate with organ- ed by uncertain oil prices for the 1.1% during the global economic and univer- effort will bring about isers to allow the programme to remainder of the year. crisis in 2009. sity students a positive result that be conducted in a peaceful and “Although crude oil prices Last month, Malaysia an- that will take may help solve the safe manner in accordance with have recovered slightly, oversup- nounced an interest rate cut for place on Au- mystery of ‘Malaysian their rights contained in Article ply and a weak market will ensure the first time in seven years. gust 27 in Official 1’,” the council 10 of the Federal Constitution. uncertainty continues,” the state- Oil prices also fell on the stock announced in a me- “We, who are part of the civil ment read. market due to oversupply, drop- dia statement. society, welcome the initiative Malaysia’s economy is the third ping more than 20% and closing The media state- shown by the students who have largest in Southeast Asia, but it is at US$40 a barrel for the first time ment was jointly organised the #TangkapMO1 ral- now faced with falling oil prices since April. made by KEADILAN ly out of concern of the country’s President Datuk Seri Dr future,” the statement said. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, The nine NGOs that issued the DAP Acting National Chair- statement are SUARAM, Bersih man Tan Kok Wai and AMA- 2.0, Centre to Combat Corrup- NAH President Mohamad tion and Cronyism (C4), Pusat Sabu. KOMAS, Lawyers for Liberty, Per- The council also objects to satuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi the intimidation and threats Manusia (HAKAM), Association made by the authorities against of Women Lawyers (AWL), Em- programme organisers and sup- power and IKRAM. Public dissatisfied over PTPTN decision to reduce loans DRB-Hicom may sell SHAH ALAM - The National High- haviour of a minority of borrow- certain economic situation. entire stake in Proton er Education Fund’s (PTPTN) re- ers. She said that it would cause cent decision to reduce student He said the reduction would students from the lower-income KUALA LUMPUR - DRB-HICOM Seri Idris Jala, the CEO of the loans has created dissatisfaction affect students’ dreams of fur- group to give up on their educa- Bhd is reported to be expect- Performance Management and among affected students and thering their studies. tion, adding that PTPTN should ing as many as seven bids for Delivery Unit, which is moni- their families. “It is undeniable that there are also refrain from blaming former Proton Holdings Bhd by August toring Proton’s turnaround. PTPTN Chairman Datuk Sham- former students who deliberately students who failed to repay their and may divest its entire stake The move sends a strong sul Anuar Nasarah made a an- choose not to repay their loans loans within the stipulated pe- in the national car manufac- message that Proton’s disposal nouncement stating that the and there are also those who re- riod. turer. is firmly on course although any fund was unable to provide full pay, but perhaps not according “PTPTN should be reminded Such a move would have decision will have to be pre- loans due to the low loan repay- to the agreed conditions. that not all former students have a positive impact on DRB-Hi- sented by a special task force ment rate among existing PTPTN “That said, this should not be successfully found jobs. Some com’s finances, regardless of headed by Datuk Seri Idris Jala, borrowers. made into an issue that burdens have higher salaries while others the consequent political fall- the CEO of the Performance A survey by SelangorKini new students. The authorities are just barely surviving. out. Management and Delivery found that most Malaysians were should have done something to “PTPTN should perhaps review According to a report by The Unit, tasked with monitoring against the decision. ensure that these students are the payments or the interest be- Edge Malaysia Weekly, DRB- Proton’s turnaround. Jauhariatul Akmal Johar, a not affected by this issue,” he said. cause it seems quite high,” she Hicom has advised key stake- While many may interpret 30-year-old lecturer, said that it Meanwhile, student Ita Liana said. holders of the possibility that Proton’s divestment as an af- was unfair to students who have Talha, 21, was of the opinion that Retiree Rashid Sitra, 66, felt Proton will be wholly disposed front to national honour, for to deal with reduced loans just the loan reduction should not that PTPTN should not risk the fu- of in a process that will only be the company itself, a new because of the irresponsible be- take place during the current un- ture of students needlessly. completed by the first quarter shareholder – one with the He said that parents would of next year. right technological and finan- certainly rely on the loan to bear The article quoted a source cial support, along with disci- the cost of their children’s educa- saying, “They (DRB-Hicom) plined restructuring – could tion and to them, it represented have made it clear that they very well lead it to its eventual the foundation to a good career. are willing to sell up to 100% turnaround. “Perhaps they should consider of Proton. Of course, how much other mechanisms. There might they sell will depend on the not be a ‘best way’ to do things. proposals and prices they re- There must be other alternatives. ceive. The important thing is “Borrowers should realise that that the door is now open.” the loan is a debt that they have Note that any decision will to repay. This will enable others have to be presented to the to enjoy this benefit,” he said. special task force led by Datuk Main SelangorKini August 2016 3 Budget ����: Focused on beneficial development BY AFIX REDZUAN that the aim can be realised the rakyat’s burden. the Silver Jubilee Hall recently. state government has success- with the state’s strong financial “We will translate our strong Also present was Klang Mu- fully presented balanced bud- SHAH ALAM – The 2017 Selan- reserves. reserves into continuous devel- nicipal Council Yang Diper- gets without any additional re- gor Budget will focus on devel- “I have already informed the opment that will bring benefits tua Datuk Mohamad Yasid Bi- visions for three years. opment aspects that will bene- Treasury and the State Eco- to Selangor citizens,” he said din, Selangor State Assembly In addition, the state gov- fit the rakyat and Selangorians nomic Planning Unit (UPEN) during the Selangor Govern- Speaker Hannah Yeoh and Se- ernment also introduced the alike. that in the current economic ment Departments’ Monthly As- langor State Secretary Datuk concept of increasing devel- Dato’ Menteri Besar, Dato’ condition, the state govern- sembly and the Jalur Gemilang Mohd Amin Ahmad Ahya. opment expenditure and low- Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said ment is responsible to reduce Flag Flying Campaign Launch at According to records, the ering administration expendi- ‘Selangorku: Sehati Sejiwa’ Optimistic no - Selangor’s Merdeka Day Theme supplementary budget required SHAH ALAM - The State Government is optimistic that no supplementary bud- get will be required due to its accurate strategic planning and forecasting. Dato’ Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Mo- hamed Azmin Ali said proper planning ensured that state funds are spent wisely without deficit. “We do not want to present the bud- get in October just to get a positive re- ception. However, it is due to our commitment to ensure that we do not present any supplementary budget that led to the actual 2017 budget to be in deficit,” he said during the 2017 Budget Roundtable Discussion with professional figures, in- dustry players and policy makers at the Shah Alam Convention Centre on Au- gust 15.
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