116 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY OF DERBY. Abbott Henry, hair dresser, 2, Sadlergate Allen William, hosier, Regent st. Abbott Miss Mary Ann, 30, Wilmot street Allison Fanny, beerhouse, Wellington st. Abbott Thomas, eating-house, 11, Morledge Allport James, general manager to Midland Abell Thomas, engineer, 54, Brook street railway Co.; h. Littleover Abell Thomas, green grocer, 61, Willow row Allsop Chas., whitesmith, 53, Burton road Abell Wm., iron & brass founder, & engineer, Allsop George, butcher, 20, New Shambles, 53, Brook st.; h. 53, Uttoxeter new road h. Abbey st. Abney Rev. Edw. Henry, BA., rural dean, Allsop Joseph, vict. & joiner, Melanethon’s and vicar of St. Alkmunds, Burton road Head, Park st Abrahart Wm., tailor & draper, 3, London st. Allsop Thomas, beerhouse, 85, Bridge st. Adair Thos., travelling dpr., 8, Osmaston st. Allsop William, vict. and farmer, Sitwell Adams Ann, shopkeeper, 24, Goodwin st Arms, Sacheverel st Adams Henry, editor of the Derby Reporter, Allsop Saml. & Sons, Burton ale stores, 21 72, Wilmot st. London st.; Rd. N. Greaves, agent Adams Jas., manager, Uttoxeter new road Alton George, foreman boiler maker, 3, Lit- Adams Thos., silk throwster; h. Vernon st. church ter. Adams William, clerk, 66, Wilmot st Alton James, vict., Boar’s Head, King st. Adamson Eliz., schoolmistress, 15, Arthur st Alton William, vict., Golden Lion, 17, St. Adcock Ann, shopkeeper, 19, Albion st. Alkmund’s Church yard Adcock George, shoemaker, 37, Canal st Amatt Geo., wrkng. jeweller, 37, Wilmot st. Adlington Wm., draper, 52, Wilmot st. Ambrose German, com. trvlr., 62, Osmaston st Ainsworth Thos., clerk, 64, Regent st. Anderson David, shopkeeper, 4, Ford st. Akerman Alf., solr’s clerk, 15, Uttoxeter old rd. Anderson, John P., bookkeeper, 37, Elms st Akers Wm,, furniture bkr., 13, Osmaston st. Andrew Ratcliffe, iron and brass founder, Albert Club and Reading Room, Albert st., Parliament st. William Giles, secretary Andrew Richard, tobacconist, 113, Friargate Aldred George, clerk, 37, Sacheverel st. Annable Joseph, baker, 28, Leonard st. Aldred Randel, leather cutter, Cheapside Ansell Samuel, scripture reader, 37, South Alexander Isaac J., periodical agent, 37, parade Copeland st. Anthony John, vict., Red Lion, Canal st. Alexander Joseph, tailor, 13, Brook st. Anthony Joseph, vict., Old English Gentle- Alexander Thomas, tailor, 41, Up Brook st. man, Grove st. Allan Joseph, silk mercer; h. Uttoxeter road Antill John, porter, 67, Regent st. Allbutt Eliza, ladies school, 48, Friargate Appleby Capt. Charles Balguy, 59, Friargate Allcock Hannah, shopkeeper, 67, Leonard st. Archer Sarah, butcher, Abbey st. Allcock Mary, dressmkr., High st., London rd Archer Saml., hairdrsr, 19, Nottingham road Allcock Rchd., cattle dlr., 67, Sacheverel st. Archer William, carver, gilder, and picture Alldritt Edmund, board & lodging establish- cleaner, 21, St. Peter’s st. ment, 60, Friargate, and 44, Bridge st. Argill Saml., currier, Bridge st.; h. Parker st. Allen Benjamin, butcher, Traffic st. Arnold Hy. & Son, cheesefactors, Siddals ln. Allen Charles, bird preserver, Ford st. Ascough Wm, beerhouse, Uttoxeter New rd. Allen Frdk. butcher, Old Shambles; h. Bold ln Ashby Thomas, accountant, Forester st. Allen Geo., btchr., Shambles, h. Forester st. Ashby Martha, lodging house, 17, Macklin St. Allen Hugh, hairdresser, Siddals lane Ashford Elizabeth, fruiterer, 39, St. Peter’s st Allen Isaac, shopkeeper, 12, Morledge Ashley Geo., painter & gilder, 22, Wilmot st. Allen Jas., tobacco pipe mkr, 17, Willow row Ashmole Benj., working uphlstr, 3, Amen al Allen John, whitesmith, St. Peter’s church yd Aspdin Robert W., clerk, 26, Morleston st. Allen John, hairdresser, 16, Bold lane Aspinall James, clerk, 82, Park st. Allen John, vict., Bell & Castle, 43, Burton rd Athenæum News room, Victoria st.; J. H. Allen, Jph., prof. of music, 47, Sitwell st Thompson, secretary Allen Jph., baker & grocer, 29, London st Atterbury Job, shoemaker, 6, Arthur st. Allen, Joseph, silk manufacturer, Spa mill; Atterbury Joseph, shopkpr., 30, Arthur st. h. Uttoxeter New road Ault Chas., maltster, 14 & 16, Green lane Allen Thos., boot & shoe mkr., 70, London st Ault Charles, shopkeeper, 38, Brook st. Allen William, solicitor, 2, Rotten row; h Ault Joseph, clothes broker, 25, Bold lane 6, Wilson st Ault Mary, vict., Exeter Arms, 13, Exeter pl Allen William, tailor, Ashbourn road Ault Saml., vict. Brown Bear, 8, Green ln. DERBY DIRECTORY. 117 Ault Sarah Ann, milliner, 11, Traffic st. Bamford Robert, butcher, 24, Market place; Ault Thos. Rolanda, clerk, Ashbourn ioad h. 54, Burton road Ault Wm., vict., Rising Sun, 114, Friargate Bamford Wm., breeches mkr., 2,Wardwick Austin Thos., prov. dlr., 20, St. Peter’s St. Bamford Mr. William, 2, Osmaston road Austin Wm., vict., Chequers, Willow row Bamkin Robt., vict., Royal Oak, Market pl. Avell William, woolstapler, Abbey st. Baucroft Henry, butcher, 4, Burton road Ayres George, agent to Messrs. Bass, Rat- Bancroft Henry, shopkpr., 3, Kedleston st. cliff & Gretton, brewers, Burton-on-Trent, Bancroft Isaac and Son, watchmakers, 40, stores, 2, Albert street; h. 35, Friar-gate Bridge gate Bacon John, tailor, 41, Bridge gate Bancroft John, painter, 10, Carrington st. Bacon Joseph, tailor & draper, 21, Full st. Bancroft Thomas, carver, gilder and picture Baggaley Mrs. Harriet, 56, Sacheverel st. frame manufacturer, 18, Burton road Bagley Geo., chimney sweeper, 12, Castle st. Bancroft Wm., silk mfr, 4, Devonshire st Bagshaw John, wheelwright & blacksmith, Bannister Henry, cooper, 49, Sadler gate. Mansfield road Bannister Susannah, dress mkr., 32, Siddals Bagshaw Wm., vict., Castle, Thorn Tree lane lane Bailey Edward, librarian at the Town and Barber John, solicitor and clerk of the Peace County library, Amen alley of the County, St. Michael’s Church yard Bailey Elizabeth, vict., Eagle and Child, St. Barber John, corn miller and seed crusher Alkmund’s Church yard Canal st. and John St. Bailey George, shoemaker, Litchurch st. Barber Nath., baker & flour dr. 23, Queen st. Bailey John, shoemaker, 9, Grove st. Barber Saml., prov. dlr., 13, St. Peter’s st. Bailey John, butcher, 15, Queen st. Barber, W. T., B.A., mathematical master, Bailey John, tailor, Park st. Grammar school; h. Full st. Bailey Jno., Esq., Temple House, Burton rd. Barclay James, surgeon dentist, 22 Iron gate; Bailey Mr. John, 12, Parker St. h. Duffield road Bailey Mr. Thomas, St. Ann’s terrace Barker Charles, tailor, Exeter st. Bailey William, vict., Castle Fields Inn, Barker Eli, tailor, 78, Regent st. Siddals lane Barker Edward, clock case mfr., King st. Bainbrigge Thomas Parker, post-master, Barker Fanny, straw hat mkr., Wellington st. Normanton road Barker Francis, tailor, 43, John st. Baker Charles, beerhouse, 32, Hope st. Barker George, cabinet mkr., 62, Regent st. Baker Edward Mark, inland revenue officer Barker Henry, cabinet maker, 62, Regent st. 17, Parker st. Barker Miss Henrietta Elizabeth, 8, Vernon st, Baker Frederick, solicitor and notary, Corn Barker James, tailor, 38, Canal st. market; h. Burton road Barker James, beerhouse, Osmaston road Baker John Wright, surgeon, 102, Friargate Barker John, plumber, Nuns st. Baker Joseph, shoemaker, 4, Cheapside Barker John, butcher, 30, London road Baker Joseph, shoemaker, Watson st. Barker, John, house agent, Carrington st. Baker Miss Harriet, North st. Duffield road Barker Mary, dressmaker, 34, Rivett st. Baker Martha, schoolmistress, Siddals lane Barker William, tailor, 12, Macklin st. Baker Thomas & Co., iron merchants, Mans- Barker William, butcher, 8, Bold lane field road; h. 17, Duffield road Barker William, hair dresser, Siddals lane Baker William, silk merchant. Agard st., h. Barlow Daniel Goostry, botanic physician 46, Friargate 18, London st. Baker William, stay maker, 97, Park st Barlow William Henry, civil engineer, The Bakewell Miss Ann, Rose hill Field, Osmaston road Bakewell John and Charles, grocers & tea Barnard Ruth, ladies’ school, 51, Brook st. dealers, Market head Barnes Bryan, druggist, 57, St. Peter’s st. Balderson Jas., shopk., High st., London rd Barnes John, hairdresser, 9, Burton road Baldwin David, baker and grocer, Parker st. Barnes John, vict., Star, Siddals lane Balguy Bryan Thos., solicitor, town clerk, Barnes Josiah, engraver, Abbey st. coroner, and clerk of the Peace for the Barnes Thos. shopkpr. & baker, 61, Park st. Borough, Town Hall, Market place Barnes William, carrier, 36, green lane Ball Benjamin, cab proprietor, Curzon st. Barnett Mrs. Emma, Osmaston road Ball Edward, boot maker, 24, King st. Barnett Joseph, clerk, 29, Henry st. Ball Geo., glass & china dlr., 35, Willow row Barnesby Edw. J., compositor, 50, Wilmot st. Ball John Austin, grocer, 71, John st. Barnesby Geo. Jas., compositor, 68, Abbey Ball Robert, wood turner, 47½, Sadlergate Barnesby Jno. Wm., compostr. 15, Wiimot st. h. Goodwin st. Barraclough Isaac, cutler, 48, Green lane Ball William, shoemaker, 62, Nuns st. Barratt John, marine store dealer, Siddals ln. Ball William, solr’s. clerk, 14, Osmaston st. Barrett Frank W., boot mkr. Wellington st. Ballington Samuel, tailor 44, Traffic st. Barrett Joseph, clerk, 2, Babington lane 118 DERBY DIRECTORY. Barson Thomas, beerhouse, 55, Bag lane Beeson Wm., brazier and tin plate worker, Bartlett William, joiner, London road 17, Iron gate Bartley, Wm., beerhouse, 20, John st. Beeston John, shoemaker, 22, Willow row Barton Andrew, shopkeeper, 23, Albion St. Bellfield John, shoemaker, 7, Traffic st. Barton Arthur, butcher, 41, Sadler gate and Bellamy Jno., cabt. mkr., 61, Sacheveral st. Shambles Bembridge George, tailor, 70, Nuns st. Barton Henry, stone and marble cutter and Bembridge Jas., tailor & dpr., 3, London ter. merchant, Mansfield road Stone and Mar- Bemrose Henry H., bookseller, &c.; h. Ut- ble Works toxeter New road Barton Mrs. Martha, 12, Mansfield road Bemrose Wm. & Sons, booksellers, stationers, Barton Samuel & Son, engineers and ma- lithographic, copper-plate, & genl. printers chinists, Amen alley; h. 9. Parker st. and engravers, Iron gate; (offices, Wel- Barton William, sculptor, Crompton st. lington st) Barton William, gent., 9, Full street Bennett Benj., brazier & tinman, Tenant st. Barton William, butcher, Old shambles, h. Bennett Chas., printers’ joiner, 7, Curzon st.
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