PERFORMERS AND EVENTS OF THE BALLARAT CIVIC HALL 1956-2002 COMPILED BY JUDITH BUCHANAN FROM CONTRIBUTIONS BY BALLARAT CITIZENS, NEWSPAPER ARTICLES AND ON-LINE RESOURCES PERFORMERS AND EVENTS OF THE BALLARAT CIVIC HALL 1956-2002.. Last Updated 09/12/2014 *This List is incOncLusive and data is being cOnstantLy updated AUSSIE ROCK GROUPS SOLO AND OTHER PERFORMERS The DeLtones The Easybeats Johnny O’keefe MPD Ltd 1965 JOhn Farnham ACDC- Jan 14 1977-Giant DOse Of Rock and Col Joy RoLL Tour KahmAL INXS-March 1984 & 1985 Peter DOyLe Skyhooks-24 Nov 1973 Merv Benton Brian Cadd 1973/74 Mark HoLden The Ted MuLry Gang Jon English Hush JOhn PauL YOung 1976 Or 77? NOrmie Rowe and The PLaybOys Johnny YOung The Seekers Jimmy Barnes – Oct 6 1991 Ray BrOwn and The Whispers BObby and Laurie April 8th 1970 BiLLy ThOrpe and The Aztecs Laurie ALLan-guitar accOmpanies WOrLd Master’s Apprentices ChampiOn bOxer LiOnAL Rose 8th April 1970 Daddy COOL 1971 NOrmie Rowe MondO Rock FOster and ALLen DOug ParkinsOn in FOcus The WiggLes (chiLdren’s entertainers) Little River Band 7th July 1976 SLim Dusty 30th Oct 1971 Little River Band 14th April 1988 JOhn WiLLiamsOn HoOdOO GurOOs Lee Kernaghan 11th Sept 1999 Noiseworks Adam Brand 2002 PsuedO EchO Chubby Checker The ModeLs Barry CrOcker 26th Spt 1972 SpLit Enz 1st Dec 1983 Reg Lindsay 12th Sept 1972 Chantoozies 1988 Combined schools Year OLivia Newton JOhn 1964 12 end of year function Lynne RandeLL Uncanny Xmen Winifred AtweLL 26th Sept 1972 GOannA Bay City RoLLers 1970’s Cold ChiseL 1982 Wendy Matthews 1993 The Divinyls Mental as Anything Men At WOrk AustrALian CrawL 1982 Midnight OiL KiLLing Heidi Sherbert Regurgitator with The Meanies & Fur 19th ApriL 1995 AUSSIE ROCK GROUPS CONTINUED... TRADE SHOWS EXHIBITIONS AND FAIRS The Angels 1990 SiLverchair 17th Dec 1997 SOUND AND LIGHTING EXPO BOdyjar and EskimO JOe 6th Oct 1999 DISABILITY AIDS-TRADE SHOW CAR SHOWS TEDDY BEAR FAIR/EXPO DOLL SHOWS RECORD /FAIR EXPO 3BBB TOY FAIR/ EXPO ANTIQUE FAIR 9-11th March 2002 BALLARAT WOODWORKERS EXPO 11/12 MARCH 1995 THE BALLARAT HOME SHOWS • MODEL RAILWAY EXPO 1957 • MODERN HOMES EXHIBITION 27TH Nov-4TH DEC 1957(HISTORICAL MATERIAL AVAILABLE) • BALLarat Homes ShOw Wed Feb 27th- Sunday March 2nd 1980 A feature AttractiOn Of the BegOnia FestivAL...as per prOgram LOCAL WESTERN DISTRICT PERFORMERS CLASSICAL PERFORMANCES Brendan Britt and Edition Trevor Gleeson and Chiodo DawsOn St Baptist Church 1957 Operetta “In Thea Wilson WALtz Time” Dani Fry Russian Ballet Elsie Morrison Nov 1957~proceeds to South Victorian BALLet cOmpany St and Ballarat Orphange Melbourne Symphony Orchestra The Vibratones 1972 JOe AinsLey’s Orchestra JuLy 1972 (BHSS BALL) Diana Gilbert Sydney Symphony Orchestra November The Mavis’s 1956 Loris and Arthur Mee The Vienna BOys’ ChOir 1960’s Eden Kane Saint Alipius, Ballarat (Catholic School)Boys Blues Incorporated Choir 1960’s Joyce Power Dance Studio Concert BALLarat SymphOny Orchestra 30th July 1972 Pia Format LOwer Civic HalL Mystic Charm St Patrick Boys’ Choir July 1972 Misbehavin Talent Quest 1-The Ram Rods St Pat’s Palais Orchestra 24.08.1956 The Backyard Minstrels Ballarat Scottish Pipe Band 1972 BALLarat ChOrAL SOciety& BALLarat SymphOny Orchestra present: The Messiah Wed 15th December 1965 MSO and Isodore Goodman playing the piano SOLOists in Littolf's Scherzo. Straight 8’s • LOris Sutton Speedsters • Betty Fairbank The Peter Format Band 1989/93 Deb Balls • FeOrge Hegan Alan Godfrey1989 Deb Ball • Robert Lemke Leader Of Orchestra: RonAL Smyth NOTABLE EVENTS, BALLS & CONCERTS AccOmpanist: DOrOthy Keck SOLO Trumpet: NOrman Newey 1956: Events associated with the Olympic rowing competitions held at the Hall NOTABLE EVENTS, BALLS & CONCERTS CONTINUES.... 1956: Real Estate Association of Victoria Ballarat Trotting Club Ball 1977 Conference BALLarat Base Hospital BALLs Police Balls 1957, October: “Drive a Hard Bargain” at Civic Myer RetaiL Store BALL Hall School of Mines Ball Paddle Social Club Ball August 24th 1956 GraduatiOn CeremOnies Wedding receptions Royal South Street Annual Competitions Debutante BALLs 1958-1965 : Mt CLear COLLege 18.06 1993 Parents Without Partners Balls : BegOnia FestivAL 08.03 1989 S.E.C. Ball (annually July 1972 Newspaper (DVD exist fOr these twO bALLs) article) CLarendOn & BALLarat COLLeges Ballarat Council Mayoral Balls 1999 & 2002 (phOtos exist) th Mayoral Ball #1~150th Anniversary of the Annual Scotia Balls (Article for 15 July founding of the city with Neil Steinman 1972) (Mayor) School Concerts BTV (WIN teLevisiOn) BALLs th Oriel Gray Playwright, Oct 1957 first Wyres Birthday Ball 7 Aug 1972 performance of “Drive a Hard Bargain” 60/40 Dances every Saturday Night BLOC June 1958 “Blossom Time” BLOC August 1959 “Llonathe” **1956 OLympic Games COncerts BLOC June 1960-Nov 1961 “The Mikado” ABC Celebrity Concerts Luicello and his Spanish Dance Theatre Batman Car November 1958 Country Women’s Association District Lyle Blackman Memorial Fund Grand Conventions Concert-program arranged by Ballarat Film Nights Choral Society 7/7/65 Harvey MangLes FiLm/mOvie Circus OZ 15/2/1996-19/2/1996 3BA Talent Quest in aid of The Ballarat Bingo in the Lower Hall until closure 2002 Children’s Home...1960’s POLish COmmunity BALLs On New Years Eve in Conference of The Federation of Co operative the 1960’s and 70’s Housing of Victoria~4th Nov 1956 Italian COmmunity BALLs MARS Confectionary Balls Miss Teenage Quest 1966-fundraiser for the Spice GirLs Tribute COncert (1997?) Ballarat Base Hospital St Paul’s Technical School End of Year function Relay of Live Broadcast of “In Melbourne BALLarat End Of Year FunctiOn 1974 Tonight” 24 June 1959 Dutch Dance September 9th 1972 Cabaret BALL in Aid Of PrOvidence ChiLdren’s Laser Kinetic supershow~1st for Home Bacchus March 19th Aug 1972 Victoria**part of the Begonia Festival March 1984 Sebastopol Princess of Ballarat and District Jazz Concert and Dance –Graeme Bell and his Ball July 1961 “All Stars” 7th March 1963 • Presentation of Princess Eureka Jazz Festival Easter 1986 • Frank Lucas’ Orchestra Pro Guns Rally~3rd Feb 1988*Large rally • Ron Rosser’s Orchestra attended by 3000 • Continuous Dancing 8.30pm-2.00am Bi-Centenial Ball by Sovereign Hill and 1 - 15 March 1986, Working model of an Ballarat City Council 1988 international airport on display in Civic Hall with models of aviation and photographic memorabilia Ballarat Youth forum 31st Aug 1999 th Centenary of Federation Ball 12 May 2001 Wrestling (Year?) Speech Night~Ballarat Grammer 2002**last event held at Civic Hall SOUTH ST ANNUAL EISTEDDFORD Spring Festival of Stars...Reg Lindsay, Barry ENTRANTS AUSTRALIA WIDE Crocker & Winifred Atwell Sept 1972 Royal South Street Annual Competitions Oriental Cabaret Ball for Asian Students 1958-1965 th August 19 1972 The Ballarat Base Hospital Social Club Ball - 1956 Annual Eisteddford opened in the Sovereign Hill theme July 1972 new Civic Hall (South Street) st Speedway Club Cabaret Ball 1 July 1972 Secondary Schools’ Festival of Arts 1962 RoyAL SOuth St teLevised fOr the first performances by local secondary school time On BTV6 Eric Gracie -cOmpare choirs July 1972 (Courier Article) 24 hour Carnival Air for Telethon in aid of The Spastic Children’s Society-Ballarat th Branch –Dec 16 1972 Drought Relief For Farmers Fund Raising Event by 8 local secondary schools 1994 BEGONIA FESTIVAL EVENTS AT CIVIC HALL LOCAL PLAYS AND THEATRICAL Official Opening by Premier Henry Bolte PERFORMANCES of the Begonia Festival Schools' st Exhibition 1 March 1957 OrieL Gray PLaywright, Oct 1957 first 1 - 11 March 1957, Ballarat Begonia Festival perfOrmance Of “Drive a Hard Bargain” Schools' Exhibition in Civic Hall BLOC June 1958 “Blossom Time” BLOC August 1959 “LLOnathe” The Jack Davey Shows Feb 28th 1958 BLOC June 1960-NOv 1961 “The MikadO” Crowning of the Queen of Begonias 1958- LuiceLLO and his Spanish Dance Theatre 1995 MeLbOurne Theatre COmpany Choral Festival 4th March 1960 TOur~MACBETH 8TH Sept 1998 -Ballarat Choral Society -Ballarat Civic Male Choir RELIGIOUS -Ballarat Masonic Choir -Dutch Choir Mass conducted at Civic Hall by the visiting -Nazereth House Choir Archbishop of Canterbury 1st May 1985 -YWCA Choir Pastor DOug NichOLLs-ExhibitiOn Of bOOks and Mannequin Parade 7th March 1960 memOrabiLia On the wOrk Of MissiOns (Under the direction of Mrs Paul Simon) thrOugh the BibLe SOciety Of AustrALia Grand Mannequin Parade -Ladies Auxillary (BALLarat) caring fOr AbOriginAL AustrALians – Project 10th March 1966 heLd in the LOwer Civic HalL August 1972 Grand Mannequin Parade 4th March 1965 The Mayoral Combined Church Service Drama Festival 11th March 1960 Lower Civic Sept/Oct 1987 Hall • Enchanted Garden POLITICAL and ROYALTY • Apple Pie Order • Twelve Moons Cold LabOur State ELectiOn Campaign-August 1999 Grand Concert 28th Feb 1963 Prime Minister Malcolm Frazer speaks to a nd Including spectacular Parade and Judging large gathering of Liberal supporters 2 Dec and crowning the Queen of Begonias 1975 AnnuAL COnferring Of DipLOmas fOr SchOOL Of th Junior Concert March 1st 1963 Lower Civic Mines..LOwer Civic HalL 9 August 1968- Hall MalcOLm Fraser FederAL Minister fOr EducatiOn & Science-guest speaker Grand Ladies Card Afternoon 3rd March 1965 -Ladies Auxillary His Royal Highness Prince Charles visit October 28 1974 1958 RoyAL Visit Queen Mother to BOtanic Gardens.....Dignitaries frOm Other municipALities attended Light refreshments at LOwer Civic HalL in her hOnOur Ballarat Begonia Festival events of 1972 COMMUNITY SERVICES: Queen of Begonia Quest Presentation 3rd March 1972~ball attended by the Governor EducatiOnAL fiLm fOr the cOmmunity to warn General Paul Hasluck and his wife Of the dangers Of smOking abt 1960 Begonia Festival Gala Ball- March 4th 1995 Maternal Health immunization Program • Strictly Jazz 20 pce swing band- delivered to infants and young children at vocalist Sue Yardley the Lower Civic Hall 1970’s • Playing for Patsy • Barrry Govan’s Las Vegas Style PubLic meeting by the EnvirOnment Magic PrOtectiOn AuthOrity addressing POLLutiOn prObLems in BALLarat’s waterways.
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