MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series I: Wexner Heritage Foundation, 1947-2004. Subseries 1: General Files, 1949-2004. Box Folder 67 1 Summer Institutes [Aspen, Colo.]. Miscellaneous Wexner Heritage Foundation events. 1977, 1985-1990. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org AUG 22 '89 13:37 JCSS VEPSITY TA 972 3 5411404 P.1 I ;- £ v; ~ ~(A.~ -"----- ··--·-·-· n ... f'"d "' /..·..LIJ;. JL. __ _ l"I~ R~ · F .,,.. ~.) "' ..... -~~---·--· ' --.,--- ----- ------- . ,,,.. _ ... ·- ...... ··-..·--- - IA T<... /!))'! /J 5~ . --------,----·· --.. - - .... -- .. - - - - ---.. ·---- .. -· ____ ,_.. --· --------·-· .. .. ·-· --------·--- The Wexner Heritage Foundation 71 ' August 22, 1989 Ms. Amira Margalit Dayan Center Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel l . Please accept my thanks for the wonderful cooperation you gave us in arranging Nathan Laufer's program. It was a great success. 2 . Now I am coming over with a member of my staff, for the purpose of arranging our Summer Institute in July 1990. We will bring about 250 persons. Thank you for the appointments you have made so far. Is the Rabin meeting on September 13 at the Prime Minister' s office in Jerusalem? 3 . Here are some additional requests: a) I need someone from Hebrew University to take me through Mt. Scopus campus and show me classroom v facilities. This would be for July 1990. I will need about 15 rooms. Perhaps you can find out from the Public Relations Department who can take me around. Another possibility is to ask Avraham Harman, the Chancellor, or Simcha Dinitz to make a suggestion. Both men are old friends of mine. Make the appointment any time you can, according to my schedule, which you are controlling. b) I need one day with a guide and car to familiarize myself with all the new things in Jerusalem. Select / any day you wish, and ask Naftalie Lavie to suggest a good person for that day's work. I will pay for it. c) Make an appointment with Vera Golovensky who is the manager of the King David Hotel, where I will be staying, to go through the meeting room facilities with me . / d) Make an appointment with the managers of the Jerusalem Hilton and The Hyatt to do the same thing. / e) I need someone to take me through the Binyanei Ha-Uma in Jerusalem, to show me the small seminar rooms, and medium size lecture hall. The Wexner Heritage Foundation f . Make an appointment with Mr. Carl. Perkal of the Media Group, Ltd., 61/4 Ramban Street, Jerusalem. 02- 632026 or 02- 662021. g . Make an appointment with someone at the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, where I want to learn the v procedures for visit ing Mt. Sinai , and an oasis in Sinai called Kadesh-Barnea . It is near Nitzana, which i s sout hwest of Beersheba. I need information about visas, flights and ground transport. h) Make appointment with Leva Eliav, Rehov Karl Netter #3, / Tel Aviv, 03- 294287 or 293- 333 . I would prefer to meet him in Jerusalem, but Tel Aviv would also be ok, if necessary. i) Make appointment with Minister Meridor. v j) Make appointment with Yechezkel Dror. k) Make appointment with Yaacov Hasdai. ~ Thank you very much, Herbert A. Friedman .Aillira Y~g a. li th 5 Fichma.n St. Ramat Aviv 69 027 ISRAEL Ra.bbi Herbert Friedma.n October 31, 1989 The •exner Heritage Foundation 551 »la.di son Ave . ~ev York, N.Y. 10022 Dear Rabbi Friedman, "!any thanks for your letter of October 25 . I wa.s very sorry to learn ~bout .lr. -exner's deci~ion . In cy humble opinion, his decision, as it will undoubtedly be perceived and interpreted by o~ers, m.a.y have negative implications for the ~ound~tion's educ~tional goals. as for the money . l ill do exactly as you instruct in your letter. If there ia anything you need done over here , please do not hesitate to contact me . I will also be looking fon.r....rd to Na.thr.n •s next bishta.l mut . Best vi.shes, f\ / L- The Wexner Heritage Foundation .: ~ '\i..., onA·.1· ... r.. ~-=- ..•• "' ·~. t ;Fo\\ rcrlo\ i0 ..... :2... October 25 , 1989 Ms . Amira Margalit 5 Fichman Street Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv 69027 Israel Dear Amira: I am sorry to report that Mr. Wexner has - decided not to have a Summer Institute 1990 i n Israel, but instead to have it in the U. S. His decision is based on the following reasons: 1. All our students come t o Israel anyhow on UJA mi ssions or syn(lgogue tours, etc. 2 . It is a waste t o spend so much time on travel for the sake of getting 6 days of study time. 3. There is not ~ proper conference center in Israel, and all the technical arrangements are based on compromise. Nathan and I tried very hard to convince him, but we did not succeed. He said he will be in Israel for 2- 3 days at the end of January 1990, and will look at the classrooms in The Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. If they look O.K., then he will reconsider the possibility for a Sununer Institute in July 1991. This brings us to the question of money you are holding. Please take for yourself 1000 shekels for the month of October, and that finishes your honorarium. Keep the balance (8,000 shekels) in the bank. We will use it to buy plane tickets for speakers we will bring from Israel to U.S. Whenever we decide to bring someone, we will ask you to give the necessary amount to that person. I t is a pleasure working with you, and even though we have an interruption now, I ' m sure we will be working together again - if not on a Summer Institute, then on Nathan's next period of hishtalaut. Best regards, t40~ >I*'+'*** r. · UF -600SF .- t *:ll DATE 10/25 1989 COM DOC DliPA ... !ON DATE TI ME DIAGNOSTIC OK 02 ()0:(10'51 10 25 14:33 0404A0AC2800 I ER 1-!ER ITAGE FOUND. NY- 212 751 3739- •t t+~l!f Wcxncr FAX TRANSMfITAL Hcri1agc Founda1ion Date: October 25, 198 9 Name or Person receiving this fax: Amir a Marg a 1 it Company: Number of pages, including this cover sheet: 2 pages Sent by: Rabbi Herbert Friedman 551 Madison Avenue Additiooal message (if any): - --- - ------- New York City 1002Z telephone: lU/355-6115 fax: ZU/751-3739 . The Wex.ner Heritage Foundation October 25, 1989 Dear Amira: I am mailing a letter today to your home address containing some information which is intended for you privately. I hope you receive ±t without too much delay . NATHAN ' S TRIPLETS WERE BORN OCTOBER 3 TWO GIRLS ONE BOY ALL BABIES WELL MOTHER RECOVERING NICELY FATHER STILL SLIGHTLY MEVULBAL . REGARDS Herb Fried.man TELEPHONE LIST (Office (Home) A.. in... >t" ~t-<oc'I' olwi"tla Margalit 3-545,,, '_,,- 9646 ..1 541-5686 HUC Menachem Leibowitz 2-203-447 203-452 UJA Naftali Lavie 2-248-446 HUC Avram Biran 2-203-333 t)t.~ ~u;w c;~'1 EJ,._ J ..t.... l l 3 ':?- Leva Eliav 3 Karl Netter, TA. 3-294-287 3-293-333 z. O. Toren v r ~~tr:...~~ ~ Walter Eytan 2-631-268 l t' '--' f....< V f;u.Yf 1 S'k.:-.J~ ~ - 8' t(' =1 'l ~.,,.,·.,._ -¥ ~/l•'4- • #AUG 30 '89 '.LZ: 19 JCSS VERSITY TA 972 3 5411404 P.1 30 Augu:st 1989 ,\t.t.l!ution: R.<l.buai rterbert 1''ri&d1111m .Prom; Amira. .i"lt.lrgc:i.li ~h He: Visit to hr~el ~ -15 ~cptc: ::ibor 19$9 . ;{o.,Ad.a.Y 1 1 St: p t.ltlllll1t r 0900 I' !>iwffti ng vit.h D?' . Abrllhwm Di.ran (ttehre"W Un10Q t:~ll ogc, 13 King David ~t.. Ttl. office 02-203)3,. 12:}.? ~ l{itb =-'i:Aie,er Maelte .~llAt (o.t hia otfico {n th• Mini:,try t or ~oreign ~ffaira . T.,,l . 01-)03531, )0)5)3). 1430 v Ra.bbcil $hlolllo jlibkil\ (l::t'ra.h 1-\c:vtt SllCWel Hiib School hui ldina a:t ,. tl1e CacpU$ far end. Tel. of£ioc 02-931961, home 02-931272), 0 V,"j~ r"• '('C ~~ "'~Ssl- ;J- ~J~ - 1\ tlJl\.,6'...,._l, Ct'ti.st 1< ... ~) 'l'uood~y 12 $cptolllber 091<> "'11.. ting vit.h .~. Sei.n. Oohen, Di.1:~0~1>& ot Sales a.t The rlyAtt (&~~he rec&p~ioo). Tel . 02~21333. v :1ee till8 ... 1 U1 Mi· . .h. li• (;~n of UlE> J.l$brew Univera i ty (~ount Soopua Cc.mpus, ~herc!!An Build"ini, 2lld tloo~· . l't!l. 02-882908. t/ '.\{eo ting wi'tl1 Ms . VerA Golov•naky :1.t t he Ki~ Dt.vid Hotel. V°"'Meeti~ wlLh Mr. CR.rl PllT'kA.l (at. th4" King ~vid Lobby, Tel. office 3802:?1, home 02-4125~. New n1.11nL~r11 ! ) _ • L 1630 V"'Cnffee vith MK LoVll. .l!:J. iav At the King Ds,vid (zocciing e.t the Lobby. ,,/ • '-""' (l '-l,\ Td • home 03- 29331 'l, 2942&7} . ~<. ..l-; .-'g u -t~ 5-'-f'· ~ , . ~· V Sutt!< r'\•f'r"•t•to\ ___, ..- .,_"(, l<ednesda.y 1l .SeptAmber ~ 0900 .IM~ et i.n g vi th .Mr. Nattah. Lavi (U'JA of'£.i,.oe, 1 Ion G~b irol S't. 1.st· "~r·::'"~b:J:-t-ta.J iloor. Tel. 02-248446). I ~ ...111. 11 oO' .I MHtl.J1' with ;-tinifitcr Ra.bin (~:t the Itt oftice iu Jnu~ahiu .
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