A Á Â ˜A Ä ¯A ˘Aa ˙Aa˛ Å ˝Aa ¯ a ¯ ˛ a ˙ a ˙ ´ a ˙ ˆ a ˚ 5 5 ˜5 Æ ´Æ

A Á Â ˜A Ä ¯A ˘Aa ˙Aa˛ Å ˝Aa ¯ a ¯ ˛ a ˙ a ˙ ´ a ˙ ˆ a ˚ 5 5 ˜5 Æ ´Æ

LeXML エンティティ v.1.4 a &asubring; a a with subscript ring Æ ˚ Æ Latin1 Æ A-E ligature à &AEacute; `a Latin1 à awithgrave &aturn; ´ 5 (IPA Ex) ɐ turned a Æ [Latin Ex.B] Ǽ A-E liga- á ture with acute ´a Latin1 á awithacute &aturn acute; 5´ turned a with acute q &AOlig; â &aturn tilde; A-O ligature ˆa Latin1 â a with circum- 5˜ turned a with tilde flex &aturn tilde1; A ã ´5˜ turned a with tilde & acute ˜a Latin1 ã a with tilde æ &scripta; &atilde1; A (IPA Ex) ɑ script a ´˜a a with tilde & acute æ Latin1 æ a-e ligature ä &aeacute; &scripta acute; A´ script a with acute ¨a Latin1 ä awithumlaut æ´ [Latin Ex.B] ǽ a-e liga- ā ture with acute A` &scripta grave; ¯a [Latin Ex.A] ā awith &aegrave; script a with grave macron æ` a-e ligature with grave &scripta circ; Aˆ script a with circumflex ¯´a &amacr1; æ˜ &aetilde; awithmacron&acute a-e ligature with tilde A˘ &scripta breve; ¯`a &amacr2; &aemacr; script a with breve awithmacron&grave æ¯ (Latin Ex.B) ǣ a-e liga- &scripta circsubdot; ture with macron Aˆ ¯a &amacrbreve; script a with circumflex & sub- ˘ awithmacron&breve " &aolig; ˙ script dot ă a-o ligature &scripta tilde; ˘a [Latin Ex.A] ă awith A˜ script a with tilde breve A &scripta macr; &acaron; A¯ script a with macron ˇa [Latin Ex.B] ǎ awith caron Á &scripta macr1; ´ Latin1 Á A¯´ &aodot; A Awithacute script a with macron & acute a˙ (Latin Ex.B) ȧ awith À &scripta tilde1; overdot A` Latin1 À Awithgrave ´A˜ script a with tilde & acute &aogonek;  &scripta macrtilde; a˛ (&apolhook;) Aˆ Latin1  A with circum- ˜A¯ script a with macron & tilde [Latin Ex.A] ą awith flex ogonek (=polish hook) Ä &scripta turn; ¨ 6 (IPA Ex) ɒ å A Latin1 Ä Awithumlaut turned script a ˚a Latin1 å a with ring à ˜ &scripta turn1; &awacute; A Latin1 à A with tilde ˝a 6´ turned script a with acute a with double-acute ¯ Ā &asubbar; A [Latin Ex.A] Ā Awith &scripta turntilde; a 6˜ turned script a with tilde ¯ a with subscript bar macron &asubbarpolhook; ˘ Ă ! &scripta inv; a˛ a with subscript bar & polish A [Latin Ex.A] Ă Awith inverted script a ¯ hook breve &asubdot; &Ahook; b a a with subscript dot A$ [Latin Ex.A] Ą Awith ˙ right-hook &asubdot1; &bacute; ´a a with subscript dot & acute Å b´ bwithacute A˚ Latin1 Å A with ring ˙ &asubdot circ; &bhookt; ˆa á (IPA Ex) ɓ a with subscript dot & circum- &Ainv; bwithhook- p top ˙ flex inverted A -20- LeXML エンティティ v.1.4 &bcross; C ) &dblig; ă (Latin Ex.B) ƀ crossed b d-b ligature &bbar; Ć &dyoghlig; b bwithbar C´ [Latin Ex.A] Ć Cwith à (IPA Ex) ʤ d-yogh liga- &bsubring; acute ture b b with subscript ring &Cgrave; &dzlig; ` dz (IPA Ex) ʣ ˚ &bsubdot; C Cwithgrave d-z ligature b b with subscript dot Ĉ &dzlig1; ˆ dý (IPA Ex) ʥ ˙ &bsubbar; C [Latin Ex.A] Ĉ Cwith d-curly-tail z circumflex ligature b b with subscript bar ¯ Ç &dzlig2; &ssign; C¸ Latin1 Ç C with cedilla ćý d-curly-tail z-curly-tail ligature ž (Cyrillic) Б soft sign &Codot; &hsign; C˙ [Latin Ex.A] Ċ Cwith (Cyrillic) Ъ D ż hard sign overdot Č ˇ &Dacute; B C [Latin Ex.A] Č Cwith ´ caron D Dwithacute &Dgrave; &Bacute; &Cstretch; `  (IPA Ex) ʗ D Dwithgrave B´ Bwithacute stretched C &Cstretch curl; Ď &Bgrave; % ˇ [Latin Ex.A] Ď ` stretched C with curly-tail D Dwith B Bwithgrave caron &Dsubdot; c d D D with subscript dot ˙ ć ´ &dacute; e ´c [Latin Ex.A] ć cwith d dwithacute acute &dhookt; â (IPA Ex) ɗ dwithhook- &erev; ĉ 9 (IPA Ex) ɘ reversed e ˆc [Latin Ex.A] ĉ cwith top circumflex &dcross; é ´e Latin1 é ç ą [Latin Ex.A] đ dwith ewithacute ¸c Latin1 ç c with cedilla cross è `e Latin1 è &codot; &dbar; ewithgrave c˙ [Latin Ex.A] ċ cwith d dwithbar ê overdot ¯ &dmacr; ˆe Latin1 ê e with circum- &cmacr; d dwithmacron flex ¯c cwithmacron &dcurl; &esubdotcirc; &cbreve; ć d with curly-tail ˆe ệ [Latin Ex.Add] e with ˘c cwithbreve &dtail; ˙ subscript dot & circumflex č ã (IPA Ex) ɖ d with right- ë ˇc [Latin Ex.A] č cwith tail ¨e Latin1 ë ewithumlaut caron &dhookt tail; &ecedil; č ¸e (Latin Ex.B) ȩ Á &chookt; d with hooktop & right-tail ewith cwithhooktop ’ &dfhook; cedilla &cbar; dwithfront-hook &etilde; c cwithbar &dsubdot; ˜e ([Latin Ex.Add] ẽ e &ccurl; d d with subscript dot with tilde C (IPA Ex) ɕ &etilde1; c with curly- ˙ &dsubbar; tail ´˜e e with tilde & acute d d with subscript bar ¯ ē &chlig; &dsubring; ¯e [Latin Ex.A] ē ewith d d with subscript ring c-h ligature ˚ macron -21- LeXML エンティティ v.1.4 &emacr1; &Eodot; ĝ ¯´e ewithmacron&acute E˙ [Latin Ex.A] Ė Ewith ˆg [Latin Ex.A] ĝ gwith &emacr2; overdot circumflex ¯`e ewithmacron&grave &Ebreve; &gcedil; ˘ [Latin Ex.A] Ĕ g &emacrtilde; E Ewith ¸ g with cedilla breve ˜¯e e with macron & tilde &gtilde; &emacrcaron; Ě ˜g g with tilde Eˇ [Latin Ex.A] Ě Ewith ˇ¯e ewithmacron&caron caron &godot; &emacrbreve; g˙ [Latin Ex.A] ġ gwith ˘¯e ewithmacron&breve &Ehook; overdot E$ E with right-hook &emacrpolhook; &gmacrbreve; ¯e˛ ewithmacron&polishhook ˘¯g gwithmacron&breve &eodot; @ ğ e˙ [Latin Ex.A] ė ewith ˘g [Latin Ex.A] ğ gwith overdot &schwa; breve &eodot1; @ (IPA Ex) ə schwa &gcaron; §e ewithoverdot&acute &schwa acute; ˇg (Latin Ex.B) ǧ gwith ´@ caron “e &earch; schwa with acute e with arch (round-cap) &schwa grave; g &gsubarch; &ebreve; `@ schwa with grave g with subscript arch ˘e [Latin Ex.A] ĕ ewith &schwa uml; “ breve ¨ @ schwa with umlaut g ě &schwa macr; ˇe [Latin Ex.A] ě ewith ¯@ schwa with macron caron &scriptg; &schwa caron; g (IPA Ex) ɡ &ering; ˇ@ script g ˚e schwa with caron e with ring &schwa hook; &ghookt; ä (IPA Ex) ɠ gwithhook- &ehook; Ä (IPA Ex) ɚ schwa with * top e with right-hook right-hook &eogonek; g &gcross; e˛ (&epolhook;) f crossed g [Latin Ex.A] ę ewith &gbar; ogonek (=polish hook) g gwithbar &facute; &esubdot; ´f fwithacute e [Latin Ex.Add] ẹ e G ˙ with subscript dot f ƒ Latin Ex.B ƒ florin &Gacute; E fi G´ (Latin Ex.B) Ǵ Gwith fı f-i ligature acute ´ É ` &Ggrave; E Latin1 É Ewithacute F G Gwithgrave È Ĝ ` ˆ [Latin Ex.A] Ĝ E Latin1 È Ewithgrave &Facute; G Gwith ´ circumflex Ê F Fwithacute Eˆ Latin1 Ê E with circum- &Fgrave; Ģ G¸ [Latin Ex.A] Ģ Gwith flex F` Fwithgrave cedilla Ë E¨ Latin1 Ë Ewithumlaut &Godot; g G˙ [Latin Ex.A] Ġ Gwith Ē overdot E¯ [Latin Ex.A] Ē Ewith Ğ macron ǵ ˘ ´g (Latin Ex.B) ǵ gwith G [Latin Ex.A] Ğ Gwith &Emacr1; acute breve E¯´ Ewithmacron&acute -22- LeXML エンティティ v.1.4 &Gthook; i &idotlslash; É (IPA Ex) ʛ Gwithhook- /ı undotted i with slash top í &islash1; /´ı ´ı Latin1 í iwithacute undotted i with slash & acute h ì &islashcaron; /ˇı undotted i with slash & caron `ı Latin1 ì iwithgrave ĥ &isubdot; ˆ î i i with subscript dot h [Latin Ex.A] ĥ hwith ˆı Latin1 î i with circum- ˙ circumflex flex i &isubarch; &hhookt; &icirc1; i with subscript arch H (IPA Ex) ɦ ´ hwithhook- ˆi i with circumflex & acute “ top ï I &hcross; ¨ı Latin1 ï iwithumlaut è [Latin Ex.A] ħ hwith cross &iuml1; Í ´¨ı umlaut i with acute ´I Latin1 Í Iwithacute / &hhookt tail; h with hooktop & right-tail ĩ Ì ˜ı [Latin Ex.A] ĩ iwith `I Latin1 Ì Iwithgrave &hsubdot; tilde h h with subscript dot ˆ Î ˙ ´˜ı &itilde1; I Latin1 Î I with circum- h &hsubcaron; i with tilde & acute flex ˇ h with subscript caron ī Ï &hsubbar; ¯ı [Latin Ex.A] ī iwith ¨I Latin1 Ï Iwithumlaut h macron h with subscript bar Ĩ ¯ &imacr1; ˜ &hsubbreve; ¯´ı I [Latin Ex.A] Ĩ Iwith h h with subscript breve iwithmacron&acute tilde &heng; &imacrtilde; Ī 0 ˜¯ı i with macron & tilde ¯ heng I [Latin Ex.A] Ī Iwith &imacrcaron; macron &heng hookt; ˇ¯ı iwithmacron&caron Ê (IPA Ex) ɧ heng with ¯´ &Imacr1; hooktop ¯ı &imacrbreve; I Iwithmacron&acute ˘ iwithmacron&breve &Iodot; &hturn; &ibreve; I˙ [Latin Ex.A] İ Iwith 4 (IPA Ex) ɥ turned h ˘ı [Latin Ex.A] ĭ iwith overdot &hturn subdot; breve ˘ &Ibreve; 4 turned h with subscript dot &icaron; I [Latin Ex.A] Ĭ Iwith ˇı [Latin Ex.B] ǐ iwith breve ˙ caron &hvlig; &Ihook; ß h-v ligature &ihook; I$ I with right-hook i$ i with right-hook &ibar; j H 1 (IPA Ex) ɨ iwithbar &ibarcaron; &Hacute; ˇ1 ĵ i with bar & caron ˆ [Latin Ex.A] ĵ H´ Hwithacute jwith &ibar1; circumflex &Hgrave; ´ı- iwithbar&acute H` Hwithgrave &jcaron; &ibar2; ˇ (Latin Ex.B) ǰ jwith Ĥ `ı- iwithbar&grave caron ˆ [Latin Ex.A] Ĥ H Hwith &idotless; circumflex &jdotless bar; ı [Latin Ex.A] ı undot- é (IPA Ex) ɟ dotless j with H &Hsubdot; ted i bar H with subscript dot &iviby; &jcurl; ˙ ğ viby i J (IPA Ex) ʝ H &Hsubbreve; j with curly- H with subscript breve &islash; tail /i i with slash -23- LeXML エンティティ v.1.4 &jdotless; ˇ ľ &msubdot; undotted j l l with caron m m with subscript dot ˙ ł &lbar; &msubring; J lwithbar m m with subscript ring &ltail; ˚ &mtail; í (IPA Ex) ɭ l with right- M (IPA Ex) ɱ mwithleft- &Jacute; tail J´ Jwithacute tail (at right) &lbelt; &Jgrave; ì (IPA Ex) ɬ lwithbelt 4

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