I April15,1976 / 3M * PEACE AND FREEDOM THRUI NONVIOLENT ACTION i fhe Farmworkers Want California's Farm Labor Board Back The Americanization of Cairo V¡olence in the Gay Subculture WRL's Annual Peace Award f;, ;. quite disturbed by Mart¡¡ good I'm Jezer's luck in reading it. Not all ofus that that your idea of an April Fool's Day 'review of the film Seven Bæntþc are interested in political struggles have connEcarcN [IVIN, 4/1/7ó] wg,leftthe Jbke to forset to credit the letter to me.. ' 3/ 4/ 761, which allows writer/director had a "good" education available to us. I¡¡tl¡¡ue [WIN' cccond lotler or just coin"cid ence? Vzway thru reading Lina Wirtmuller the title !'one of the I hope that people will become aware of wrlûert¡ n¡me oft the letter w¡¡ wrltlen by it itsounded familiat' great filmmakers of our tlme",though this use of classism anil try to do some- ¡bout votlnc. Ih¡t CNrv CohofNew Yernon, NJ, rndnot coLT "her woddview is one of relentless thing about it. DeYORE -.LAY -DIÄNA by úrn Uonrn er ono mlght guos. Helo New Yenron, NJ despair. powerful filmmakbr, yes, . (Xovolrndr0hlo ".A lc wh¡t Clrv wroto to u¡¡ We a¡rologlzo. It rr¡3 an oraori not o but geat? Radical folk have long recog- Dear WIN Friends (& influence Your Joke. -WIN nüed that science cannot be neutral; it neichbors), Thanks fo¡ Printing mY eithqr serves the ruling classes or it leftãr in your April lst l-sue' but was (Ictters contlnued on P¡ge 20.) Your teaders serves change. Art is úe same, and I'm who are cotrcerned about Taration is theft. Government, acting in the growing disappointed that Jezer was enough useof torture throughout the name of "The People," has seenlt the world can f 'Swept away" by \{irtmuller's vision to add another country to to take a larse of incomes- their be uncritical of her ambiguity and oortion our 13 list ofoffenders: Uruguay. the most of us üorË for free.one day out of 15 1976 I Volume 12, No. situation hopelessness. Vïhen audiences receive there is not well k-nown, but is everv five. with the eòvernment extremelv serious. such a "stunning" dose ol"nopos- One out of everv5(X) confiscating our payi Yet we, the Counting Down... 4. UFW Works to Revive Farrn ciùzensjabout 5.000 in,all-is ' sibility of change," whobenefits? a people, in ùhose nãme this is done, re- Labor Boa¡d Neil Fullagar political prisoner, and torture is an I haven't seen Sevsn Bea¡des / ceive little or no benefit-in face we . integral þart of the system. (probably wonlÐ but I did see Wirti 6. Cairo Comm un iqu e / Steve often suffer direct harm-from the of a Tñis situation is tlie result of a ou'iet mullei's love & Analchy. It:too was government. Contemplating this move tq¡Brooklyn ha.s been something Pelletiere military take.over that grew out of the visuatly potent; I was strongly affected The States should be given J¡làmmà for ul. Many of thê resources that WIN needs are in Tupamaro problem United 9. Violence in the Cay Subculture of the early'70's. emotionally and also stimulated by its credit for consistency, at least. In the but we realli love living in the country. To try and The combined military-police force and ifrãôitv, Beverly Barr examination of personal vs. political past few decades "our" go-vernment combiñô the advantages of both, one of the f irst options we ex- the special "internal war" laws and solutions and the uncertain value of has consistently supported the wrong 10. Labor's Struggle in Colonial powers that were established was to physica-lly move the fifty acre WIN farrh to New to deal mart¡ndom. But I came away feeling side in every human dghts sttuggle, óiored with the Tupamaros have continued long City! America / R.B,Sheetz overwhelmed, vulnerable, worried, less throwing its lot with the dictators who York past the actual emergency. Having just that the National Aeronautics and Space. 12. EÍchel Receives WRL confident about wotking creatively with encourage American industrial It io happens J ulius extinguished the Tupamaros, the explqitafion instead of with oppressed Administratioh'maiñtains the world's largest f latbed.tractor àt Peace Award Murray military prevaited the contradictions inside me & the / upon the President to peõples. At home people have con- Caoe Kennedv. lt is used to move 30 story-high Apollo rockets Rosenb/ith & Larry Cara extinguish the elected government. world. Psychicaily ripBed-off. I wouldn't argue in favot of simplistíc plots with sistèntly been harassed by the govern- to ihe launch þads. lt is big enough to carry the farm down to Procedures designed to be used ag'ainst crimes, 13. Continental Walk Reorganizes; good gals always winqing at least a ment for victimless cultural and the city five aires at at¡me. We wrote to NASA and inquired terrorists are now used against all political dissent and tryingto protect Enters Arizona moral victory; there is a certain courage citizens. our environment. about rent¡nb it. Here is what they replied: 'Political in confronting and expressing the ex- 14. Sittin' ln / MarkWeber detainees are tried throueh The government is consistent also in "We wouiã be pleased to arrange a rental for our under- justice tremes ofperversion and the military system, in whichihe violence that its failures at the few endeavors in utilized essembted Vehicle Tractor (US NASA #3-66; so far only 15. Changes fill our nightmares and "facts determining guilt or innocence our history. But which it tries to serve its citizens. Its for Apollo launchings and the last one was three years are ascertained prisoner the greater courage, it seems to me, used 17. Reviews through inter- be- remedy for all evils is the same; set up costs the rental rates would be rogation assisted by numerous and in- longs to those who do not lose their åeo), Baseä on operat¡ng one more bureaucracy to come up with a per disassembling the tractor, Drawing bY Peg Averill/ Art ventive methods of torture. Twentv-two faith/hope/love even þ these contexts, lãs.ooo houiwhich i-ncludes Cover: solution that makes the problém worse reassembl¡ng it; a basic 12 person for the People LNS. people are known to have died in tÍre tvho are able to seize dnd transform the and strangle the wotking class in red trañsporiing it to Rifton.and / process. The government, of course, and maintenance costs' errergy ofdestruction. To say "This is tape. operating'1'Pleasã ciew, fuel denies all. the suffering-which must not happen Bureaucrats tend to be very single- contáct us,at vour earl¡est convenience to ârrange the S.TAFF a Utuguay is the focus of a campaign again; these are the villians-and this is minded about their jobs. What is seçn dates of lease.'Be adviied that the tractor's schedule is open against torture. Additional facts about how we can avoid becoming like them." as the answer, will be forced dolvn dur off icially obsolete. " Dwight Ernest I MarY MaYo the onlv until I ulv 1. 1982 when it will become campaign can be obtained from There ate situations when it is throats long after it is proven un- - Mark Morris o Susan Pines Amnesty International USA, 2112 Ãt il',ut ór¡ée we figure it will only cost one hundred million enough of a struggle just to keep'alive wolkable or dangerous. ' Broadway, Room 309, NY, NY, dollars,to inove Murray Rosenblith 10023. one's faculties for observation, Ifyou condone the purposes your WIN! symbolization, expression, and there money is spent and ifyou condone the Unfortunately, it might takeus qu¡te a while to raise that UNINDICTED are works of art which inspire us not by government's''right" to take your much money,. añd we've already agreed to start paying rent in. money without (making you an CO.CONSP¡RATORS their specitic (often depressing) asking Brooktyn on May 1. Of course we cãn't move the farm; think of slavg then continue ' t'lt,í Charlie Finn's attack on Steve Trimm content, but as evidence ofthe in. unpaid ofthe stâte), Jan Barry o Lance Belville.¡ Maris Cakars* paying you the hole it would leave! o ' [WIN,3/18/76] is excessive. Trimm destructible human mind/heart/will. taxes, However, if disagree Súsan Cakars* JerryCoffin* with the government's racisL sexist, But we do need your help to move WIN's operations to LynneShatzkinCoffin' . AnnDavidon . DianaDàVies was basiçally right in his article [WIN, But these usually appear in quite dif- . classist, ãgeist and imperialist policies, Brooklyn without fâlling in'to a hole financially' Even though we Ruth Dear Ralph Dicia* Brian Doherty 3/4/761. During the Vietnam War the ferent circumstances than Wirtmuller's . William Doutharcl* . Kaien Durbin, o Chuck Fager' it is time to stop paying for them. The cãn you spare a few bucks to beautify . radical pacifist movement did let its lush, well-publicized features. I'm can't b;ing the trees, Seth Foldy J¡m Forest LarryCara CO's and résisters down. state can only opþress us if we supply it Wl N's-spirit? Joan Libby Hawk' ¡ Neil Haworth o Ed Hedemann afraid her nihilism is too fashionable to Brooklyn with CraceHedemann e HendrikHertzberg* . MartyJezer* Draft and GI counseling were ne-rrer the resources. bedefendeð on these grounds. Quitä a few of the witt farirlty have stepped forward to help Bécky Johiìson .
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