pss-Header will be provided by the publisher Review copy – not for distribution (pss-logo will be inserted here 1 by the publisher) 2 3 Manuscript preparation guidelines 4 5 6 for authors of physica status solidi 7 8 – Word documents 9 Sabine Bahrs*, 1, Stefan Hildebrandt1, Irina Juschak1, Heike Höpcke1, André Danelius1, 10 1, 2 11 and Martin Stutzmann 12 1 physica status solidi, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Rotherstraße 21, 10245 Berlin, Germany 13 2 14 Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University Munich, Am Coulombwall, 85748 Garching, Germany 15 Received 23 August 2007, revised 19 January 2010, accepted ZZZ 16 Published online ZZZ 17 18 Keywords manuscripts, templates, manuals, journals 19 20 * Corresponding author: e-mail [email protected], Phone: +49 30 470 31 331, Fax: +49 30 470 31 334, 21 Web: www.pss-a.com, www.pss-b.com, www.pss-c.com, www.pss-rapid.com 22 23 24 This manual is part of the template package for authors 25 pre-paring their work for submission to pss in MS-Word 26 format (Office 2003). It provides general information on 27 manuscript properties in the pss journal family and a 28 brief introduction to the technical usage of the package‟s 29 template file. There is a section on style and layout con- 30 ventions, and the manual itself is formatted according to 31 the pss layout as an example. 32 For information on the journals‟ scope, the editorial pol- Selected covers of pss (a), (b), and (c) as an example for 33 icy regarding scientific content and peer review, and the the optional abstract figure (with or without caption). If 34 submission and production process please see the “For there is no figure here, the abstract text should be divided 35 authors” section on the pss journal homepages. into both columns. 36 37 38 39 40 Copyright line will be provided by the publisher 41 42 43 1 General journal production process (see Table 1). pss (a), (b), (c) 1.1 Journal series and templates physica and (RRL) use the same template for all article types. The 44 ® 45 status solidi has four sister series, all of which are dedi- pss templates come in a Microsoft Word Office 2003 46 cated to documenting the progress in solid state physics re- (this) and a LaTeX version (different download). Word 47 search, but differ with regard to their special scope and document is the preferred file-format for submission. 48 Table 1 Overview of the pss journal series with regard to template use, journal production and submission policy. 49 50 Series and scopes Length restriction Call for papers Production Template use 51 pss (a) – applications none, typically Original Papers: regular submissions typesetting strongly recommended 52 and materials science eight to ten pages Feature and Review Articles, Past & Present: 53 pss (b) – basic solid state invited submissions 54 physics 55 pss (c) – current topics varies for specific Contributed and Invited Articles: publication-ready mandatory 56 in solid state physics projects special publication projects (i.e. conferences) 57 pss (RRL) – Rapid three pages Rapid Research Letters: typesetting strongly recommended Research Letters important results of immediate interest Copyright line will be provided by the publisher 2 S. Bahrs et al.: Manuscript preparation guidelines 1 Original Papers in pss (a) and (b) have no length limit. Table 2 Fonts and font size conventions for pss manuscript com- 2 pss (RRL) articles are restricted to a length of three pages, ponents as defined in the template. 3 for details see www.pss-rapid.com. For manuscripts submit- 4 ted to pss (RRL), (a) and (b), we strongly recommend us- pss-styles Font Size 5 ing the template to gain an accurate length estimate and 01_Title Arial/Helvetica 18pt 6 maximum control over the design. However, accepted arti- 02_Author Arial/Helvetica 10pt 7 cles need not have final arrangement and perfect layout, 03_Address Times New Roman 9pt 8 since they undergo full typesetting during production. 04_Received_Date Times New Roman 9pt 9 05_PACS Times New Roman 9pt 10 1.2 pss (c) special information Length limits of 06_Footnote Times New Roman 9pt 11 Contributed or Invited Articles in pss (c) may vary for dif- 07_Email_Address Arial/Helvetica 8pt 12 ferent conferences or special projects. Articles designated 08_Abstract Times New Roman 9pt 13 for pss (c) must be prepared publication-ready in a 09_Body_text Times New Roman 10pt 14 template and according to the journal style, fully format- 10_Free-standing_Heading Arial/Helvetica bold 10pt 15 ted and arranged fit for printing. There will be no author 11_Inline_Heading Arial/Helvetica bold 10pt 12_Equation Times New Roman 10pt 16 proof corrections. Please do not modify any pre-settings in 13_Figure_Caption Times New Roman 9pt 17 the manuscript templates/style file such as font sizes, mar- 14_Table_Title Times New Roman 9pt 18 gins, and other formats, to avoid an incorrect layout of the 15_Table_Body Times New Roman 9pt 19 publication. Manuscripts with wrong template use may 16_Table_Legend Times New Roman 8pt 20 have to be returned to the authors by the Guest Editors or 17_Acknowledgements Times New Roman 9pt 21 the pss Editorial Office. 18_ References Times New Roman 9pt 22 23 1.3 Formal manuscript requirements Manu- in the present study in comparison to information already 24 scripts must be written in correct English (British spelling available in the literature from the authors‟ and other re- 25 preferred, American also possible, please be consistent) searchers work), 26 and submitted as one single MS Word- or pdf-file (includ- – a main part with sections devoted to the theoretical or 27 ing all text and figures etc.). Authors should structure their experimental methods, results and discussion, 28 work in sections with subheadings of their choice. The fol- – conclusions revisiting the main results and derived find- 29 lowing components are essential: ings (keep in mind that the scope of the abstract is different 30 – a title in lower case letters except for the first word and from that of the conclusions), 31 proper nouns, and preferably a suggestion for a short title – optionally acknowledgements, 32 in the header on the second page, – bibliographic references (see Section 3 for details). 33 – the full list of authors (full names preferred, first name Authors may also add supporting information for 34 initials also possible) with their affiliations (institution online publication at Wiley InterScience to an article (ta- 35 from smallest to largest unit, postal address including bles, animations, movies etc.), provided that the manu- 36 country), script remains a self-explanatory unit. Please send this ma- 37 – a footnote indicating the corresponding author includ- terial to the Editorial Office at [email protected], or on a 38 ing a valid e-mail address (telephone, fax, web-site op- CD-ROM if the amount of data is too large to be trans- 39 tional; additional footnotes with other authors‟ contacts ferred by e-mail. 40 possible), 41 – dates of receipt, receipt of the revised version and accep- 2 How to use the Word document template 42 tance will be added by the publisher, as will logos, copy- Open the template file pss_author_style_file.dot and save it 43 right lines, page headers and the coloured abstract back- as file your_manuscript_name .doc (Office 2007 users 44 ground, please also save as .doc, since the online submission sys- 45 – about four keyword suggestions (Articles are classified tem does not accept .docx). Then simply replace the 46 with keywords to enhance discoverability. Keywords dummy-text in the template with your input. Please do not 47 should be comprehensive, reflect the essence and major change the pre-defined margins, font sizes, and other 48 aspects of the work, and be as precise as possible. Avoid dimensions. 49 expressions which are not generally known by the physics 50 community, especially abbreviations.), 2.1 Applying styles The template provides pre- 51 – an abstract which concisely summarizes the reported defined pss styles for specific text components edited by 52 study and results (optional: eye-catching abstract figure the authors of a manuscript (Table 2). Office 2003 lists 53 with or without brief caption in the right column; if there is them in the drop-down menu with the default formats, Of- 54 no abstract figure, the abstract text should be divided into fice 2007 users can find the pss styles by clicking the ar- 55 both columns), row in ‘Menu: Start > Styles’). There are two ways to apply a 56 – an introduction or motivation (please put your results style to an item in the manuscript: 57 into their scientific context, outlining the progress achieved Copyright line will be provided by the publisher pss-Header will be provided by the publisher 3 1 properties need to be ‘text in line’), and add a caption within 2 the remaining other cell. This method has graphics and 3 captions floating in the text together, but may involve 4 some complicated menu-navigation. 5 3. Textbox: Place the cursor at the intended position, 6 open a text-field (‘Menu: Insert > Text-field’), and paste your 7 figure inside. Add a caption within the text-field below the 8 picture. Size and position of the floating element in the 9 body text is then a layout property of the text-field and can 10 be edited in the related context-specific menu. This method 11 usually works well for writing and editing, but may cause 12 conversion difficulties and errors during typesetting. 13 14 3 Layout and style conventions The standard 15 fonts as defined in the template are listed in Table 2. Please 16 use Times New Roman, Times, Arial, Helvetica or Sym- 17 bol ( fonts as much as possible, since other fonts 18 Figure 1 The plot shows the number of articles N published in (e.g., Asian or Russian character fonts) may cause conver- 19 pss versus time t.
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